Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 116 Gospel Ministry

On the other side, the train was heading toward Harrisburg.

The first-class carriage is actually a box with beds and you can even sleep on it.

Although Qi Xuansu and Audrey were pretending to be husband and wife, Qi Xuansu didn't intend to do it for real, so he just sat on the bed and flipped a special token with two fingers. It looked like a Tai Chi Pisces picture, but it was not half and half in black and white. , but mainly black, with only two dots white, which also symbolizes that the tone of Beichen Hall will not be so bright, just, moral, or even completely opposite.

Qi Xuansu's token is different from other tokens. It is more gorgeous. There is a lotus-shaped decoration on the edge of the badge, which looks like a rosette.

In a sense, the chief deputy head of Beichen Hall can be regarded as having an inferior position. "Inferior position" depends on who he is compared with. Compared with ordinary high-quality Taoist priests, it is certainly not considered inferior, but it must be compared with Shen Zhi. Compared with real people, the chief deputy head of Beichen Hall is inferior because he cannot participate in Jinque discussions and has no right to vote. In terms of the power in his hands, the chief deputy master of Beichen Hall, who is in charge of Beichen Hall's huge overseas power, is more powerful than many lower-ranked Shenzhi Zhenren, so he is considered to be of inferior position and weight.

This situation is somewhat similar to that of a secretary. If the successive chief deputy hall masters of Beichen Hall want to go further, they must learn to give up this power, first become an ordinary counselor without such great power, and seek greater power in the future. Just like the secretary must stay away from the center of power and work externally in order to achieve greater development.

Fortunately, Qi Xuansu does not have to consider the trade-off between future development and greater power for the time being.

As the most powerful deputy hall master among the three chief deputy hall masters of Shangsan Hall, the chief of Beichen Hall always has many special qualities.

In fact, the official Taoist priests of Beichen Hall will of course call Qi Xuansu the chief deputy hall master - this is the title when working.

But those non-staff members would not call Qi Xuansu chief. Their status is very embarrassing. To put it worse, they are not worthy of being called Taoist priests? This is the prerogative of Taoist priests. Outsiders can only call them Master, Gao Gong and Zhenren, but they feel alienated by calling them Zhenren. After all, they are also members of Beichen Hall, so they invented a special name based on this token - - Rosette.

A pun. It not only refers to this special token that is shaped like a rosette, but also means the first seat and the seat. Moreover, the lotus refers to the lotus crown, which also means the real person.

Its nature is similar to the fact that the Li family does not call them Xuansheng or Taishang Daozu, but prefers to call them Saint Ancestor and Great Saint Ancestor. Use this to show your intimacy and special status.

In addition, this token can not only be used to prove identity, but also

It can be used for communication, but Qi Xuansu has the highest authority. He can take the initiative to contact other token holders. Unless special permission is given, others cannot take the initiative to contact him.

Just half an hour ago, an unknown person sent Qi Xuansu a message with only three short words: traitor.

This secret agent had helped Qi Xuansu forge his identity, so Qi Xuansu allowed this secret agent to contact him directly.

Anzi didn't know that Qi Xuansu was Lotus, he only knew the code name of "Mr. Li", who was a senior member of Beichen Hall.

Then the Anzi lost contact, and Qi Xuansu initially judged that the Anzi was dead.

It was too late to mourn for him, Qi Xuansu had to consider his own situation.

It is very common for traitors to appear. After all, the Holy Court is not a freeloader. Although Steam Gospel has officially canceled the Judicial Department, which was reorganized from the Inquisition, there is no vacuum in power. There will inevitably be other institutions to fill the gap left by the Judicial Department.

In the New World, the function of the Judiciary was replaced by the Evangelical Ministry.

In the Old World, the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples is one of the holy departments of the Holy See. It is the highest missionary institution of the Holy See and is affiliated with the Holy See. It was originally called the Congregation for the Propaganda of the Propaganda, also known as the Missionary Council.

In order to downplay the influence of the Holy See in the Old World, Steam Gospel claimed to have abolished the notorious Inquisition in order to win over people's hearts. But the functions of the referee department are indispensable. So Steam Gospel reorganized the Minmin Gospel Ministry and changed its name to the Gospel Ministry, which essentially still performed the functions of the Judicial Ministry. In addition, the New World Goddess Society, which is nominally loyal to the Pope and has actually split, will assume the responsibility of the Ministry of Evangelization for All Peoples.

In the New World, the words most feared by both dignitaries and priests were "The Gospel Ministry invites you to listen to the gospel of the Supreme Will."

Beichen Hall and the Gospel Ministry are also old rivals, with each other winning and losing.

It is not surprising that Beichen Hall planted and developed secret agents, and the Evangelical Ministry eliminated the traitors and instigated rebellion against the secret agents planted by Beichen Hall.

At this moment, the appearance of a traitor means that Qi Xuansu's whereabouts are likely to be exposed.

For Qi Xuansu, unless Strawney directly rebels, there is no danger yet. But it would be very troublesome. He had used several tricks to deal with fake identities and train and boat tickets. It was easy to find clues and even see through Qi Xuansu's evacuation route.

This is something Qi Xuansu has to consider.

Audrey sat opposite Qi Xuansu, observing Qi Xuansu's expression, and asked cautiously, "What happened?"

Qi Xuansu shook his head, "It's no big deal."

Having said that, Qi Xuansu still issued an order for the relevant personnel to retreat.

This order might expose the information that the Rosette was in the Northern Continent. Qi Xuansu considered that this information might be deliberately released by the Gospel Ministry, with the intention of alerting others, but he had to give this order.

Who in the end rebelled?

Maybe the explosion in the lower city alerted the Gospel Ministry, or maybe Sofia reached some kind of agreement with the Gospel Ministry.

Qi Xuansu thought so.

To be fair, he is really not good at espionage and is almost a layman. Qingwei Zhenren did not use him to spy on intelligence and eliminate traitors. He was mainly used to be a peacemaker who would go to the Southern Continent to mediate and stabilize the situation. He was not used to stir up the spy sea. Unexpectedly, something like this happened, which caught Qi Xuansu off guard a little, and he could only take one step at a time.

Qi Xuansu issued a retreat order to many of Saint York's secret agents. They had their own rules on how to retreat, so Qi Xuansu didn't have to worry about it. .??.

There is no need to touch people like Strawney. Only Qingwei Zhenren, Qi Xuansu and the former chief know about their situation. The relevant chamber of commerce supports Strawney openly, and Leopold and others are also aware of it. , many congressmen are doing similar things, smuggling, commerce, joint trade, all for profit, and the Gospel Ministry is unable to interfere.

Even the deputy hall leader does not know Strauni's true identity, so he has little influence on Strauni. The key is the ordinary dark men.

If there is a rebellion at the middle or high level, then they have a large number of personnel lists, and they are likely to wipe out the bottom secretaries in one fell swoop, and a retreat order is necessary.

Because Qi Xuansu doesn't know who the traitor is yet, and it is impossible to block it in advance, the traitor will also receive the retreat message from Qi Xuansu.

In this case, if the dead man was deliberately released by the Gospel Ministry in order to alert the enemy, then they succeeded.

In an inconspicuous two-story building in Midtown St. York, a slightly excited voice echoed, "Our guess is correct."

"Yes, sir," another calm voice responded.

At this time, in the reception room on the second floor

, a Western-faced man was walking back and forth. He was not wearing formal trousers, but a black priest's uniform similar to a robe. The upper body was not much different from the formal dress, and the hem of the lower body was very long, longer than the coat. At this point, the East and the West are the same. Both Taoist priests and priests prefer cumbersome robes.

The other sitting face is a typical oriental face, with black pupils and black hair.

He held a glass and said unhurriedly, "We deliberately asked the hidden man to send a message to 'Mr. Li' before he died. Soon after, the lotus seat personally issued the order to retreat. This shows two things. Possibly, the first possibility is that Mr. Li is a close subordinate of Lotus, and Mr. Li reported it to Lotus immediately after receiving the news. The second possibility is that Mr. Li is Lotus himself. "

The western face stopped and looked at the eastern face, "Sun, which possibility do you prefer?"

The oriental face put down the glass in his hand, "Mr. Lopez, it's hard to say now. After all, we just caught up with the change of office. The old lotus has been promoted to the real person of Shenzhi. The new lotus has just taken office. Everyone is unfamiliar with this new lotus."

This oriental face is called Sun Zhongnu.

The external aspects of Beichen Hall are mainly divided into four parts: management, intelligence, operations, and creation.

These four departments have very high standards and are equivalent to branches of Daodaofu. Each department is led by an assistant. In addition, there are six branches without Taoist temples, which also have assistant positions.

In other words, there are ten assistants under the chief deputy hall master.

The six branch assistants without the prefix Daofu respectively correspond to six major regions. The western continent has two major regions, east and west, and the west Posuzhou region. The northern continent has two major regions, south and north, and the southern continent. .

Sun Zhongnu is the deputy of the Auxiliary Manager of the Northern Region of the Northern Continent. He is not an official Taoist priest, but was born with a Taoist priest. However, the Auxiliary Manager of the Northern Region of the Northern Continent values ​​him very highly and allows him to be closely involved in various confidential affairs.

Sun Zhongnu's rebellion caused great destruction, and even the Auxiliary Minister of the Northern Region himself fell into the hands of the Evangelical Ministry.

When Sun Zhongnu was assisting the Evangelical Ministry in arresting the secret agent of Beichen Hall, he accidentally discovered a special existence named "Mr. Li". He was very sure that Mr. Li had never existed before, which made Sun Zhongnu was very interested, and after consulting with Dennis Lopez of the Evangelical Ministry, the plan was finalized.

Sun Zhongnu opened the file, "The ticket to the San Antonio Mission, and two false identities, one named Wen

Center Keener, and the other is named Valerie Keener. "


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