Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 126: Oath System

"I can't afford to be called 'Lotus Seat' by you." Qi Xuansu said coldly, "This is the name of my family. Being called 'Lotus Seat' by you really offends my ears."

One of Sun Zhongnu's prosthetic eyes shone slightly: "Master Qi is here to clean up the family."

Qi Xuansu did not deny: "You can say that, but I am easy to talk to. As a traitor, you will definitely die. As for Mr. Lopez next to you, we can talk about it, such as bringing Tawanting or Xi Give me the list of traitors within the Taoist sect, but I can still be fair and reasonable."

Dennis finally realized what he was saying: "Qi Xuansu! You are insulting my faith."

Qi Xuansu was not disappointed: "It's just that I don't want to talk about it anymore. I don't mind sending you on your way. After all, you have a lot of blood debt on your hands."

Dennis signaled Sun Zhongnu to step back and took a step forward: "Qi Xuansu, I heard that you were born in Tiangang Hall and eventually came to Beichen Hall. Coincidentally, I was also a knight."

Paladins and Templars are not the same thing. Although both require divine power, the difference is similar to that of a witch oracle.

At the time of the Five Elements Mountains incident, there was a wandering Western knight named Renatus who was employed by Emperor Daxuan. Although he needed the divine power given by the emperor, his power still did not come directly from the outside world, but from himself. itself.

Because of the different inheritance systems between the East and the West, Paladins cannot be completely equated with Witches. The way they use divine power has to take a turn, that is, they use divine power to construct oaths and obtain power from the oaths.

In fact, Wu Zhu also has to turn a corner, that is, use divine power to construct the Dharma and obtain power from the Dharma. The large and small realms of Wu Zhu essentially expand and extend around the Dharma.

On the other hand, Spirit Officers and Templars use their divine power directly through the armor on their bodies, without having to turn a corner.

As for obtaining power from oaths, it is actually quite similar to the Buddhist practice of making great wishes. It is somewhat similar to borrowing money, leveraging levers at a relatively small cost to obtain power that does not belong to you in advance.

This is a double-edged sword. Although one can gain power from the oath, failing to abide by the oath will result in losing most of the power, or even suffering backlash.

Therefore, Paladins or Paladins require less divine power than Templars, and with the same divine power, they can exert greater power than Templars.

It's just because the oath has many restrictions and is not as convenient as the Templars.

Just as there are many kinds of shamanic blessings, so are the vows, which can be roughly divided into: honor, revenge, protection, redemption, dedication, conquest, crown, and even some unpopular vows, such as love and so on.

Depending on the oath, there are different restrictions. For example, the oath of the crown tests loyalty, the law is supreme, you must do what you say, be fearless, fulfill your duties, etc. Another example is the oath of honor, which tests the will even more. Walking in front of your will, fighting is just for training, tempering your body and strengthening your soul.

There is also a special oath, the oath of betrayal. They will not be loyal to anyone, only their own strength and survival, and only have faith in themselves. Only those who are desperate enough and have a strong enough heart can embark on this path. Because weak people always want to look outside, looking for others or gods as their spiritual sustenance, it is impossible to only have faith in themselves. In addition, those who betray the oath must also bear the backlash of breaking the oath. ….

The advantage is that there are no restrictions on the oath of betrayal, because the oath has no content and will gain more power than ordinary oaths.

However, the Paladins who take this path will indulge in violence and wealth, and will be expelled by the Holy Court. In the words of the Holy Court, these people have broken their sacred oaths, pursued dark ambitions and served evil forces. The burning light has been extinguished, leaving only darkness. Even the apostles of hell are unwilling to associate with these chaotic people.

Renatus was a paladin who betrayed his oath, so he was exiled by the Holy Court and wandered to the East, and finally chose to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor of the East. Only His Majesty the Emperor can give him wealth, power and everything he wants, and His Majesty the Emperor is also powerful enough to scare him.

From the perspective of the Holy Court, the emperor of the East was naturally regarded as an "evil force". In line with their judgment, he pursued dark ambitions and served the evil force.

In short, paladins and paladins are as complicated as witchcraft. Due to different oaths or rituals, the combat power will fluctuate greatly.

Dennis reached out and pulled off the priest's robe, revealing the silver soft armor under the loose robe, and his whole body was shining.

Now Qi Xuansu is no longer Qi Xuansu of Wuxing Mountain. As his status rises, he also has a little understanding of these Western inheritances. He is a little curious about what kind of oath Dennis will make.

Dennis took out a two-handed sword from his space bag, and his whole body burned with red flames.

The oath of conquest, an oath that allows for unbridled killing, an oath that is always accompanied by war.

It's in line with Dennis's identity and actions.

Dennis held the sword with both hands, without praying or chanting, just striding forward in an ordinary manner.

The two approached quickly.

As he walked, a halo was born under Dennis' feet, emitting pure light, and the center of the circle kept moving with his footsteps.

Although both Buddhism and the Holy Court are called Western religions, and both admire light, the light of the two is not the same. The light of Buddhism is either golden light or seven-colored light, while the light of the Holy Court is pure white light. A vast expanse of white, without any impurities.

The halo constantly emits a purifying aura to the surroundings. This purification is very overbearing, and even vaguely conveys the meaning of "those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish". Everything that is incompatible with it will be removed, and only the remaining Pure light, so this light has extremely powerful offensive power. And things that are compatible with it will be greatly benefited and improved.

Simply put, weaken your opponent and improve yourself.

It is the "sacred aura of purification and protection" that can be used regardless of the oath.

Immediately afterwards, a second halo appeared under Dennis's feet. It was no longer bright, but the color of blood and fire, as if blood flowed into a river due to killing. It was the "war halo" of the oath of conquest.

This aura will further enhance the Paladin's attack ability, or in other words, killing ability. Dennis was very aware of the power of the enemy in front of him, so he did not dare to hold back even a little bit.

Under the blessing of the two haloes, Dennis shouted angrily: "Eternally burning wings, take me away from the sinking of the mortal world."…

A pair of wings burning with blood-red flames stretched out behind Dennis, twenty meters wide.

The red flame wave spread with Dennis as the center, even suppressing the fire caused by the airship explosion.

But when the flames reached three feet in front of Qi Xuansu, they stopped suddenly, as if they had never appeared before.

The next moment, Dennis's wings drove Dennis's body, sweeping red flames towards Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu did not dodge or evade, but just crossed the sword in front of him.

The big sword struck hard on the blade of "Pure Bodhi".

Qi Xuansu didn't retreat, and Dennis didn't retreat either. The two seemed to be at a stalemate.

Evenly matched.

However, from another perspective, Dennis first prepared his momentum in advance, then took the initiative to attack, and even held a big sword in both hands. In the end, he only fought evenly with Qi Xuansu, who was wielding a one-handed sword, and the difference was already made.

Qi Xuansu held the knife in his right hand, pressed the back of the knife with his free left hand, and used force again to push Dennis backwards.

Although Dennis's wings were already trying their best to resist, they were still pushed back to the ground, causing a wave of flames when they landed.

"Is that just that?" Qi Xuansu said calmly, "Otherwise, you two should go together, maybe you can increase your chance of winning."

Dennis said nothing, his face was very solemn.

He realized that there was a huge gap between the two.

Judging from the Holy Court's system, the chief of Beichen Hall is on the road to becoming a god, and he is not just starting out, so he is definitely not something he can compete with.

This time it was Qi Xuansu's turn to attack, and his whole body turned into a golden light, and even faster than shrinking to an inch, he appeared behind Dennis in an instant.

The alchemist's spell "golden light spreads across the earth".

Then Qi Xuansu raised the knife and lowered it, without any fancy, highlighting the simple minimalism.

The light cyan blade fell and cut off one of Dennis' wings.

Dennis, who had just reacted, turned around, changed his hands to one hand, and swept Qi Xuansu with the big sword in his hand.

However, Qi Xuansu swung his sword lightly to block it. The seemingly light "Pure Bodhi" suppressed the seemingly heavy sword, making Dennis unable to turn around.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Xuansu soared to a height of six feet, revealing his true form as a human immortal.

In other words, it is more appropriate to say that the true form of the great witch is more appropriate. After all, there is no more orthodox successor of the great witch than Qi Xuansu, and even Yao Pei is a few points behind.

Along with the true form of the great witch comes unparalleled strength comparable to that of wild beasts.

Qi Xuansu held the back of Dennis's neck with his left hand, and with superior strength, he directly pushed him to the ground, turning him into a dog-gnawing mud posture. At the same time, he broke his wrist with one foot, making it impossible for him to hold the big ball in his hand. sword.

As a result, Qi Xuansu's right hand was free. He inserted the "Pure Bodhi" that did not match his height on the ground beside him, and tore off Dennis's other wing with his bare hands.

Although these wings are not real flesh and blood, it is the martial artist's specialty to attack the virtual with reality.

After doing this, Qi Xuansu straightened up, put his foot on Dennis's back, and looked at Sun Zhongnu: "You just look at it like this?"

Sun Zhongnu could only look up at Qi Xuansu, who had revealed the true form of the great witch: "The moment you appeared, I knew that I was probably unlucky today."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Although it is superfluous, I still want to ask, why did you rebel?"

There was no change in the expression on Sun Zhongnu's burnt face. He was silent for a long time. He probably knew that sophistry was useless, and finally chose to answer truthfully: "How can a man live in heaven and earth and live in depression for a long time?"



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