Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 144 Warrior vs. Warrior

In fact, after Qi Xuansu saw the future through the "Gui Zang Lantern", his first reaction was very violent. Since you want to sneak attack on me, it's better for me to strike first.

Qi Xuansu has a somewhat smooth face, but he is actually very violent in his heart. However, his experiences over the years have greatly changed him. When doing things for others, the first thing he must learn is "controlling anger". To put it bluntly, it means controlling emotions. This allows him to suppress his anger and act rationally most of the time.

It was the same at this time. Qi Xuansu finally suppressed the violent thought and did not take the initiative, but instead tried to persuade him earnestly.

Of course, Qi Xuansu could strike first. Hu En'ahan, who was debating whether to stop Qi Xuansu, never expected that Qi Xuansu would rise up and revolt, and might even die in Qi Xuansu's hands.

But in this case, although Qi Xuansu was happy, the mess could not be dealt with.

Whether Qi Xuansu killed Huen Ahan or seriously injured Huen Ahan, there must be an explanation afterwards. It cannot be that Qi Xuansu attacked people for no reason. In that case, Huen Ahan must be labeled as a traitor and accomplice. After all, Hu En Ahan obviously knew the information, but did not report the knowledge, but instead obstructed and protected him, which does not mean he was wronged.

But the two top generals in Cusco all became traitors, which would inevitably lead to a large-scale mutiny among the Cusco defenders. This is because the Southern Continent is not as good as the Central Plains. From top to bottom, personal dependence is very important. The master of the Taoist sect committed a crime and was dismissed by Jin Que, and he was immediately left alone. But it is hard to say that here in the Southern Continent.

Once such a situation was created, Qi Xuansu succeeded in preventing Xidaomen from expanding the situation, but it also ruined the overall situation, which was tantamount to choking and giving up eating.

Just like high temperature can kill viruses, theoretically speaking, when the temperature of the human body reaches a certain level, the "toxins" in the body will be eliminated, but the human body will also be steamed and boiled.

This is obviously not a situation that Master Qingwei wants to see, let alone a situation that Dao Sect wants to see.

For the sake of the overall interests of the Taoist sect, Qi Xuansu finally decided to appease Huen Ahan and did not expect him to kill his relatives out of righteousness. However, after capturing Huen Chawen, he would have to step in to stabilize the situation and stabilize the defenders of Cusco.

On the other side, Huangfuji and Hu Enchawen had already unleashed their true fire, each showing their true bodies as immortals.

Huangfuji is an orthodox human immortal true form, based on the great witch true form, and is six feet tall.

Hu Enchawen's true form of human immortality is different. He is also six feet tall. Except for the clothes on his lower body, which are still intact, the clothes on other parts have been completely torn. The skin around him has no fresh breath at all, as if it is covered with a layer of gray-white stone skin.

How terrifying Hu En Chawen's strength is can be seen from the blood energy surrounding him.

Normally, Hu En Chawen, who is a pseudo-immortal warrior, has always kept his aura under control, but now Hu En Chawen no longer deliberately restrains his aura, and the blood and energy around his body is freely distributed. To the ghosts and ghosts, he is like a dazzling sun, and he will die if he sees it. , if Hu En Chawen shouted loudly, it would be like a huge spring thunder earthquake, enough to make the Yin Shen of the alchemist leave his body directly shake out.

The power displayed by Hu En Chawen was completely based on his body and blood. In a sense, he was still in human form, but he was no less powerful than the ancient giant beasts.

Huangfuji can also do this, but he is no longer in peak condition at this time. Both in terms of blood and physical strength, he is weaker than Hu Enchawen. In terms of momentum confrontation, he is suppressed at a disadvantage.

The next moment, Hu En Chawen's figure had disappeared, and then appeared more than ten feet in front of Huangfu Ji. He clenched his fist with five fingers and hit Huangfu Ji in the face.

Hu En Chawen's speed was beyond Huangfu Ji's expectation and truly incredible. In this flash of lightning, Huangfu Ji could no longer dodge and could only point at Hu En Chawen's throat.

The reason why you use your fingers instead of your fists is because your fingers are longer than your fists and give you a slight advantage.

This finger moves very quickly and has a slight advantage. If Hu Enchawen does not duck and dodge, he will be penetrated through the throat immediately. Hu En Chawen had to change his tactics midway and grasped Huangfu Ji's wrist at the critical moment. Although Huangfu Ji's fingertips had already touched Hu En Chawen's throat, it only produced a scarlet blood spot.

Among the many opponents Huangfuji encountered, Hu Enchawen was not the strongest, far inferior to Joseph. But in today's situation, if he was not careful in dealing with it, his life would be in danger immediately.

Hu En Chawen shouted loudly, and the warrior's blood roar made Huangfu Ji dizzy for a moment. Then Hu En Chawen swept his arms and hit Huangfu Ji's crossed arms in front of him, forcing Huangfu Ji to retreat.

Huangfuji's feet sank into the ground, plowing out two ravines, and he barely stopped his retreat. His hands trembled slightly, and the veins on his arms popped out, which was very scary.

Countless light spots all over Hu En Chawen's body lit up one after another, all over his body, and each acupuncture point was shining brightly.

There are more than 1,200 acupoints in the human body, of which 365 are major acupoints, corresponding to the number of celestial bodies, like lakes, and the three major Dantians are three vast oceans, with twelve main meridians and eight extraordinary meridians. The meridians and other meridians are connected to form a large network, and the true energy flows through it, just like a river flowing, endlessly.

A Qi practitioner focuses on the upper, middle and lower Dantian, while a martial artist concentrates wholeheartedly on the acupuncture points in the body that are as dense as stars, transporting Qi and blood, washing and condensing the discovered acupoints, corresponding to the stars in the sky, and the gods can be seen. The gods of incense and fire are not the gods of the body. This is "seeing the gods and not breaking down". As the name suggests, as long as the spirit of birth is condensed, the acupoints here will be as solid as diamonds. If someone can condense all the more than 1,200 acupoints on the body to condense the spirit of birth, he will be a human immortal.

Now Hu Enchawen's number of condensed acupoints has exceeded one thousand, which means that he only needs the last one hundred orifices before he can become a human immortal, not inferior to Huangfu Ji who is in perfect condition.

Huangfuji also showed his body and soul.

Huon Chavin inhales and then exhales.

There seemed to be a strong wind blowing between heaven and earth, and the billowing blood energy contained in it was comparable to the wind in the sky, and it was the nemesis of all sneaky evil spirits.

If the person fighting Hu Enchawen at this time is an alchemist, even if he is in the same realm as Huangfuji, he will be affected. However, Huangfuji is not an alchemist, but a martial artist. He has the same condensed body and no matter how strong his blood is, he will only feel a slight burning sensation on his face. .

After the two of them accumulated their strength, Hu Enchawen moved.

In Huangfuji's sight, Hu Enchawen just leaned forward slightly, as if ready to run wildly, but in fact it was just an afterimage. The real Hu Enchawen was already rushing towards Huangfuji, and Huangfuji could only rely on his martial arts skills. Intuition, not eyes, determines Huon Chavin's forward trajectory.

There was nothing flashy about Hu En Chawen's punch. It relied on unimaginable physical strength. The almost devastating punch was not slowed down until three feet in front of Huangfu Ji. At this moment, Huangfu Ji also punched. , the fist intention was condensed to the extreme, from virtual to solid, and Hu En Chawen's majestic fist intention offset each other, and then the two flesh and blood fists collided with each other.

At this moment, half of the palace trembled, huge ripples spread, and all the buildings and creatures in the path were turned into powder, and the ground under the two people's feet turned into something similar to the texture of glass. It was actually because The energy and blood of the two pseudo-immortal warriors had exceeded the burning temperature of the fire, and even the stone bricks paving the floor could not withstand it.

In the head-on confrontation, Huangfuji suffered a big loss. Hu Enchawen's punch contained hidden power, which directly injured Huangfuji's internal organs. If Huangfuji didn't "see God, he is not evil", he would definitely He would have been seriously injured by Hu Enchawen within a few punches, but with the "Seeing God Indestructible", as long as the body and mind are intact, this injury is nothing, and he can recover quickly.

Hu Enchawen naturally realized this. To target a martial artist, you must first target the body and spirit. The body and spirit should be from yang to strong, and it is best to use softness to overcome hardness.

Hu Enchawen took a deep breath and gathered strength again. Huangfu turned from defense to offense and punched Hu Enchawen.

Hu Enchawen stretched out his palm and touched Huangfuji's fist.

After the pseudo-immortal martial artist stimulates the flow of qi and blood throughout the body, he not only activates many acupoints and body spirits in the body, but also makes the skin, flesh, and bones stronger than diamond.

The two of them fought like two big bells colliding and then separated.

Hu Enchawen used Xidaomen's "Two Tribulations Palm", a unique skill passed down from the Golden Horde.

I saw Hu Enchawen's right palm bringing up the sound of wind and thunder like a tsunami and landslide, heading straight towards Huangfuji. It seemed like a simple and direct palm, but it contained spiral power, forming a vortex around the fist. If the cultivation level was lower, , it will be forcibly pulled over. At first glance, it looks like it is taking the initiative to move towards the fist.

At the same time, Hu Enchawen struck out with his left palm again. Compared with the extremely strong right palm, this palm was extremely soft and seemed to have no weight at all. It was as soft as a woman's slender hand, which seemed to be quite common. Mianzhang Kungfu. It's just that when you reach the realm of the pseudo-immortal martial artist, your control of strength has reached a superb level. It can not only be strong, powerful, and yang, but also soft, small, and yin. The wonderful use of it lies in one mind. One palm can transform decay into magic, which cannot be underestimated. If it were hit by this palm, all the bones in the body would be shattered, the flesh and blood would turn into thick water, and only a piece of human skin would be left.

Two palms, one yin and one yang, are activated at the same time, and the left and right are combined. Although the posture is weird, the martial artist is ever-changing, but he can do what ordinary people cannot.

Countless "thunders" suddenly sounded from all the joints in Huangfu Ji's body, like drums in the army, resounding throughout the world. Then he also punched out, and his slightly bent arms instantly straightened. From his chest, abdomen, shoulders, , elbows, wrists, and fists, a series of explosion-like sounds were heard one after another. The punches broke through the air, and thousands of thunder sounds overlapped in one place, just like a single sound.

Although Huangfuji blocked Hu Enchawen's Zhiyang palm, he was slapped on the arm by Zhiyin's palm. The acupoints of the entire arm were shaken, and his body and spirit suddenly extinguished, like candles in the wind, extinguished one after another.

The two of them were separated as soon as they touched each other. Huangfuji's whole arm was shaking violently. It was already useless. In a short period of time, he was no longer able to punch.

Two fists cannot defeat four hands, and one punch cannot defeat two hands.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu finally arrived.

"I found that after using my mouth to write too much, I no longer know how to write with my hands. Writing is really difficult."

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