Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 152 The North-South War (4)

Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji finally decided to trap Du Juanzhi by notifying him to participate in the meeting.

At first, Du Juanzhi didn't suspect anything. When she arrived at the meeting place, she found Huangfu Ji sitting here. She felt that something was not right, but she didn't think much about it.

When several elites from the Juesheng Church walked in, Du Juanzhi finally realized something was wrong and was about to turn around and go out, but was blocked by the people from the Juesheng Church. These elite members of the Juesheng Church were all heavenly beings, relying on their numerical advantage to surround Du Juanzhi.

Du Juanzhi was a little panicked and said loudly, "I'm here to attend a meeting. What do you want to do?"

A deputy head of the Juesheng Church came to Du Juanzhi and read to her the decision on the arrest and review.

But before he could finish reading, Du Juanzhi suddenly roared, broke through the crowd and rushed towards Huangfuji.

After all, Huangfuji was injured. What if he was injured by Du Juanzhi? However, Huangfuji himself didn't care and just watched Du Juanzhi's crazy behavior with cold eyes.

At the critical moment, Qi Xuansu came out from nowhere and held Du Juanzhi down.

Next came the search and interrogation. Jueshengtang searched Du Juanzhi's residence and personal belongings, and found various evidences of collaborating with the enemy, including not limited to secret code books, a large number of gold pounds of unknown origin, and items used to contact the Holy Court. special tokens, etc.

This completely confirmed Du Juanzhi's identity as a spy, and there was no possibility of him being wrongly accused.

Huangfuji interrogated him personally, and Du Juanzhi confessed to his crime.

She admitted that she had defected to the Holy Court. Her situation was not exactly the same as that of Hu Enchawen. At first, it was just for money. As a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest from Xidaomen, her life is indeed not that poor. However, she has a special status and often goes to some high-end places. Whenever she sees some women who are less powerful than herself, or even want to curry favor with her, she spends money like water, and She was limited by her status and what moral precepts she had to abide by, so she could only live a tight life, which resulted in a huge mental imbalance. She began to constantly think about where to make money and how to live a life of financial freedom.

So she began to use her position to gain gray benefits and squander it to satisfy her vanity.

However, due to lack of experience, this matter was quickly exposed. Her illegal gains were confiscated, and because of this matter, she missed the opportunity to be promoted to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. This made Du Juanzhi very dissatisfied with Xidaomen, and his mentality became even more unbalanced. He often said complaining words and had a weird attitude.

As the saying goes, flies don't bite, these complaints didn't help her get promoted to a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, but they attracted the attention of the Gospel Ministry.

So after repeated temptations and contacts, Du Juanzhi finally met secretly with people from the Holy Evangelical Ministry in Brownsville on the north-south border.

The people from the Gospel Ministry were very generous. They gave Du Juanzhi 20,000 gold pounds as a meeting gift when they first met. Those were gold pounds, not peace money. Although Du Juanzhi has a high status, he does not have so much money.

That's not all, the Gospel Ministry also promised that Du Juanzhi would receive additional bonuses for every piece of information he provided. This made Du Juanzhi very moved, and he finally agreed to cooperate with the Gospel Ministry and became a spy placed by the Gospel Ministry inside Xidaomen, codenamed "Cuckoo Bird".

Hearing this, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but want to laugh, because he suddenly realized that the nickname of the Gospel Ministry was so easy to come up with, except that he had to use his real name.

Du Juanzhi continued to explain that in addition to providing information to the Holy Court, she also followed the Holy Court's instructions to find other suitable candidates. Later, she met Hu Enchawen by chance. The two of them were both dissatisfied with the "above", so they naturally resonated with each other and soon became "confidants". After several trials, Du Juanzhi determined Hu Enchawen's intentions, so he helped Hu Enchawen connect and introduced him to Milton in the Gospel Ministry.

In the end, Hu Enchawen was also dragged into the water, codenamed "Ape God". Milton was very excited about such a major development and set up a special working group, codenamed "Miss Monroe", mainly responsible for Du Juanzhi and Hu Enchawen.

After having the "Ape God", because the "Ape God" has a higher status, often participates in the high-level discussions of Xidaomen and Tawanting, and has access to a lot of confidential information, the intelligence is more valuable, so the "Cuckoo Bird" entered In the dormant state, most of the information should come from the "ape god". It wasn't until the "Ape God" was caught that the "Cuckoo" had to go back to his old business. Unexpectedly, just after getting the first piece of information, Huangfu Ji successfully "fished" and was accidentally caught.

According to her own words, during this process, she also had regrets and thought about quitting, but it was easy to get off the pirate ship. Her handle was in the hands of the Gospel Ministry, so how could she quit? ? Although the Gospel Ministry had promised her that as long as she could develop higher-level spies, it would help her leave the Southern Continent, but the Gospel Ministry ultimately failed to fulfill its promise.

To sum up, Du Juanzhi failed to establish correct values, lost faith, made one mistake after another, and his vanity killed people.

In addition, Du Juanzhi also honestly explained the tasks assigned to him by the Gospel Ministry. In addition to continuing various military

In addition to intelligence, we also need to find opportunities to find out where the main forces of Xidaomen and Tawanting are, and to understand the true strategic intentions of Xidaomen and Tawanting.

In the end, Du Juanzhi cried bitterly and said that he was wrong and he should not regret it.

Huangfuji said a heart-breaking remark, "Do you regret your mistake at the beginning? Or do you regret being caught by us?"

Without waiting for Du Juanzhi's reply, Huangfuji said directly, "You should have died for committing such a serious crime, but if you can sincerely repent and cooperate honestly with Jueshengtang, you can be spared your life."

Du Juanzhi didn't think twice and agreed directly, "I will cooperate with the Taoist clan honestly."

Huangfu Ji said, "Remember, if you dare to play any tricks, I will definitely make your life worse than death. I will do what I say."

After all, Xidaomen is in a place of long-term war, and it is still relatively rough and not as rigorous as Daomen. If it were a Taoist sect, they might do this, but they would never say this.

As a member of the Xidao Sect, Du Juanzhi naturally knew Huangfu Ji's character. Even though he and Qi Xuansu talked very easily, they were just like a Taoist brother. That's because Qi Xuansu was not inferior to him in terms of status and abilities. This is a bit of sympathy. The key is that the two of them have no direct conflict of personal interests, so everything is fine.

But those who are not as good as Qi Xuansu, especially those from Xidaomen, know that Huangfu is very powerful, so they have no choice but to be afraid.

Huangfu Ji issued the first task, "Didn't the Gospel Ministry ask you to figure out our strategic intentions? You should contact the Gospel Ministry now and tell them that a Zanhua person next to Gong Da Zhenren has a very centrifugal tendency and has been successfully won over. Let the Gospel Ministry approve the money.”

At the same time, Qi Xuansu placed Du Juanzhi's special token of contact with the Gospel Ministry in front of her.

At this time, there were only three people in the room: Qi Xuansu, Huangfu Ji, and Du Juanzhi. In addition to the interrogation tables and chairs, there was also a huge map hanging on the wall behind Huangfu Ji.

Du Juanzhi glanced at the two of them carefully, took the token and started to operate it.

In the San Antonio Mission, the temporary headquarters of the Evangelical Ministry, the Archbishop of the Evangelical Ministry who was responsible for liaison with the "Cuckoo Bird" excitedly reported to his boss Milton, "The 'Cuckoo Bird' has received news that she has developed a subordinate directly under the palace minister. I like the painting, but the price is very high, 10,000 gold pounds.”

Milton couldn't help but smile when he heard this, "'Cuckoo Bird' is indeed our trump card. We just got the information about the Tawanting Armory, and now we have made new achievements. Now we can

The loopholes of the ‘Ape God’ have been filled. You write her back immediately to express your agreement. It’s only ten thousand gold pounds, which can save us hundreds of thousands of gold pounds on the frontal battlefield. It is better to use the North-South Friendly Chamber of Commerce to remit money to her. In addition to this 10,000 gold pounds, she will be given another 3,000 gold pounds as a personal reward. It also allows her to act quickly and figure out the true strategic intentions of Xidaomen and Tawanting as soon as possible. "

The archbishop took the order and left.

Soon, Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji received a reply from the Gospel Ministry.

Du Juanzhi looked at Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji.

Qi Xuansu said, "From now on, you will be the rebellious Zan Hua, while Brother Huangfu and I will play the role of Gong Fu. You have to think carefully about how to reliably deliver the news to the Gospel Ministry so as not to make the Gospel Ministry suspicious." Remember, you are just a commentator, not Master Gongfu. You cannot know everything that Master Gongfu is thinking. You only know part of the facts. You can make some 'guesses' of your own and don't tell the whole story."

As for why Qi Xuansu and Huangfu Ji were asked to play the role of Gong Da Zhenren together, the reason is also very simple. Even if it is false information, it must be true, so as to win people's trust. If the level is low, the gospel ministry will become suspicious. One person is short-term, two people are long-term. And even on paper, Huangfu Ji's personal style is too obvious and needs Qi Xuansu to neutralize it.

Qi Xuansu and Huangfu Ji looked at the huge map hanging on the wall, which marked the situation of both sides in two different colors.

Huangfuji said, "If you want to perform well, you have to fit into the role. From now on, you and I are the real Gong Da, commanding thousands of troops."

Qi Xuansu said, "Since it's acting, not only do we have to fit into the characters, but we also have to have real objects to match the performance. It's just the two of us writing and drawing on the map. It's hard to completely convince the Holy Court. After all, the Gospel Ministry is not a fool and won't We believe whatever we say, and after they get specific information, they will send people to investigate and corroborate it with the actual situation.”

Huangfu Ji thought for a while, nodded and said, "What Brother Qi Dao said is absolutely true. We cannot perform a one-man show, we must have real troops. The main elite cannot be mobilized, but I can mobilize the corresponding reserve second-line troops. It may not be possible to fight, pretending This appearance is enough. Let them perform corresponding actions according to our arrangements and perform fake performances to confuse the audience. In this way, our scene will be more realistic. "

Qi Xuansu pointed to the map and said, "First mobilize 30,000 people and ask them to set off from Monterey, move northwest, and cross the Rio Grande.

River tributaries, approaching Del Rio, assuming a posture to attack Del Rio and cut off the retreat of the Holy Court army. "


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