Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 158 The North-South War (10)

As a veteran general, Robert is not a gambler. He will not wait until the entire front line collapses before ordering a retreat. Instead, he will choose to retreat when the first signs of the situation appear. That is, he chooses to retreat when he has the ability to retreat. This way, he can still survive. Being able to escape intact without being stuck in a quagmire and unable to escape, or even the whole army being annihilated.

The Holy Court's army exited Monclova, which had been turned into ruins, like an ebbing tide.

Gippetto was at the end and had a head-on fight with the mysterious chosen one of the ancient gods. His scissors shattered the hood of the black cloak, revealing a head with only some shriveled skin left, with sunken eye sockets and burning inside. It glowed with blue flames, like a skeleton.

Gippetto's scissors tore the skull's mouth open, tearing it from the left ear to the right ear.

This ancient god's chosen one was not an easy person. He cut off half of Geppetto's neck with the huge scythe in his hand, causing Geppetto to have a crooked head. His head could only rest on his shoulders. Half of his neck was cut off. Rotating gears were exposed, and bursts of electric sparks exploded from time to time.

Huangfu felt a little regretful. He could have pursued it, but the primary problem now was to suppress "Rahu" and re-strengthen the control of "Rahu" to prevent it from losing control. He could only watch the "Steam Archon" withdraw from the battlefield.

On the other side, the battle in San Antonio has officially begun.

The two immortals finally could no longer compete with each other for strategic determination, and both came to the scene in person. Joseph sat in the San Antonio Mission City, and Gongfu sat outside the city, facing each other from a distance.

However, at the beginning of the critical battle, the two immortals did not take action directly. They had to choose a suitable moment. In the beginning, it was still a conventional war. Whichever side fails to hold on first, and whichever side's immortals take action to save the situation first, will be easily controlled by the opponent if they strike later, and if they strike first, they will be controlled by others. For the two brothers, the impact is still great.

Xidaomen still lined up artillery groups to cover them with artillery fire first.

The Holy Court was not polite either. The land reinforcements were too late to provide support, but the air reinforcements could still arrive quickly. This time it is no longer an ordinary combat airship. It has abandoned machinery and steam. It is a completely arcane product. Its appearance resembles a nautilus that has been enlarged countless times, which is not the style of the Holy Court.

This "Nautilus" is the top battleship used by Steam Gospel to compete with Daomen's "Yinglong". It looks like a living creature, and even has tentacles that are thousands of meters long.

Along with the "Nautilus" came many flying dragon knights, hovering around the "Nautilus" to escort them. They rode Western double-winged flying dragons, roaring across the sky. The flying dragons breathed flames, and the knights held long-lasting weapons. The terrifying dragon gun that is tens of meters long can still be used even if it is riding on the back of a dragon.

Xidaomen did not dispatch Daomen's "Yinglong", but instead dispatched the "Sun Boat".

It was as if the long dark night had finally ushered in the dawn, and the dazzling light came like a flood, illuminating the entire world and making all darkness disappear.

A second sun seemed to appear in the sky, and it seemed to be a supreme eye, overlooking the world.

There are many sun gods in the world, such as the True King of the Sun, Great Sun Tathagata, Himihuzun, Kukulkan, etc. Some of them have fallen or left the world, and there are still Himihuzun and Kukulkan.

The sun gods can snatch, share, and inherit priesthoods from each other. The concept of priesthood is relatively general and usually manifests itself as some kind of magical power. For example, Himi Huzun surrendered to Buddhism and claimed to be the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata. He shared some of the responsibilities of the Great Sun Tathagata and was able to use the supernatural powers of the Great Sun Tathagata.

In the past, there was a place called Misir farther west in West Posu Island. There used to be a declining pantheon. Its main god was also the Sun God. He would enter the state of death every night. He would first enter from the Valley of the Dead by night boat. In Hades, pass the twelve checkpoints on the River Styx, then defeat the Chaos Serpent Ampep under the protection of the gods, and finally transfer to a sun boat at the end of the River Styx to rise from the mother river of Misir.

The sun god has perished, leaving only a few relics bathed in the light of the Supreme Will. Kukulkan, who has not yet died, stole the priesthood of the sun god and also obtained the magical powers of the night boat and the sun boat. After cooperating with Xidaomen, the two parties jointly built this "solar boat" for use against The "Nautilus" of the Steam Gospel.

In fact, the Central Plains was also facing this kind of crisis. Even because the emperor and the emperor were one in the Central Plains, there were not many serious gods at all. However, at that time, the Confucian sect, as the lord of the Central Plains, ushered in its last saint-the Saint of Xinxue. , Taishang Daozu also left the God Lu Wu in Kunlun to guard the "Capital under the Emperor". Both of them are equivalent to the Two Tribulation Immortals, so that the gods of the outside world dare not enter the Central Plains rashly.

However, it is an indisputable fact that its peripheral Western Regions, Nanyang, and Fenglin Continent have all been lost one after another.

During the reign of Emperor Shizong of the Great Wei Dynasty, the saint Xin Xue passed away, but it was still during the reign of Emperor Shizong of the Great Wei Dynasty that Xuan Sheng was born several decades apart.

With the death of the sage of Xinxue, Confucianism ushered in a comprehensive decline. Xuansheng was born in the reign of Shizong and grew up in the reign of Mu Zong. He finally integrated the Taoist sects in the reign of Shenzong, supported Daxuan to replace the Great Wei, defeated the Confucian sect, and opened up the great empire.

The mighty Taoist era.

Just after Xuansheng became the first Grand Master and built the Taoist auxiliary capital of Wanshou Chongyang Palace, God Lu Wu completed his mission, released the false immortals in Kunlun Cave, officially handed over Yujing and Kunlun Cave to Xuansheng, and ascended to death. .

In fact, at the last moment before the long night of the end of the Dharma, representatives of the three religions came to the world. The representative of the Confucian school was the saint of mind, the representative of the Taoist school was Xuansheng, and the representative of the Buddhist school was the slightly later Lord Buddha.

In the end, Xuansheng led Daomen to have the last laugh.

The Taoist sect defeated the Buddhist sect again, regained the Western Regions, Nanyang, Fenglinzhou and other places, and became the co-owner of the Eastern world. ??

Xidaomen also moved to the Western Continent at this time, and followed the wave of discovery of the New World to settle down in the New World.

The next thing is the respective histories of Daomen and Xidaomen.

After Xuansheng, the Taoist Sect had five more great masters in charge of the Taoist Sect. The Taoist Sect reached its peak in the hands of the five generations of great masters, and was at its peak. It is precisely because the five generations of Grand Masters had so much merit, so much prestige, and so powerful methods that they suppressed the Three Paths and became the most powerful Grand Master after Xuansheng.

Xidaomen struggled to survive in the New World and was no match for the Holy Court. Finally, they contacted the Daomen and received assistance from the Daomen. After hundreds of years of struggle, they took advantage of the Steam Gospel and the internal strife of the Holy Court to unite all forces and led the aborigines to successfully establish Tawan. Ting.

Along with the "Sun Boat" appeared golden eagle warriors with eagle heads and bodies, golden wings on their backs, bathed in golden light. Although the eagle warriors did not have flying dragons, they were more numerous than the flying dragon knights, holding bows and arrows.

These people are also special believers of the ancient gods. According to the agreement between Xidaomen and the ancient gods, Xidaomen helped the ancient gods stabilize their faith. The ancient gods also have to help Xidaomen fight against the steam gospel. There are people who can help, and the strength can help.

This time the army went out to fight, whether it was attacking or defending the city, you could see the shadows of the ancient gods. This is also the special strength of Xidaomen, but compared with the Lingguan troops unifiedly established by Daomen, there is a slight gap between local armed forces and the regular army.

These eagle warriors opened their bows and nocked arrows, and fired a volley. There was no rain of arrows, but countless dazzling golden lights, like a mighty rain of light.

The true fire of the sun is burning in these golden radiances, and the temperature can be obviously increased, even causing the space to distort.

The flying dragon knights wore bright red armor with thorns and barbs, which was obviously different from the traditional Templar knights. They faced the fierce light and rain without fear, and withstood the rain of arrows and launched a charge.

Although the land

The battle turned into an air battle, but the basic idea remained the same.

"Nautilus" and "Sun Boat" still stayed in place and kept firing. The former fired sour slime, and every time it fired it was like an acid rain falling, while the latter fired flames and rained down small meteors and fire.

Ground troops are also at war.

Except for some special units, such as black armor heavy cavalry, it is rare to see the scene of face-to-face fighting. At a glance, apart from the gunfire smoke and flying dust, there are trenches.

The thundering artillery group seemed to have never stopped, and the entire suburb had been reduced to ruins.

Gong Fu did not think about completely occupying San Antonio. His goal was simple. To carry out a key attack on the San Antonio Mission in a short period of time, systematically destroy the logistics system and military facilities of the Holy Court Army, and then declare victory and withdraw from the North. Mainland, return to the southern continent and regain Del Rio.

At this time, the Holy Court army had to withdraw due to poor logistics, so both sides returned to the original border.

The purpose of this war is to concentrate superior forces within a limited time, break through one by one, achieve quick victory, and destroy the enemy quickly.

In this way, Xidaomen has proved to Daomen that it is not just beaten, but has the ability to fight back and destroy the San Antonio Mission without exaggerating the situation. Xidaomen and Steam Gospel are considered a draw, and there is nothing anyone can do. Who, instead, will usher in a period of peace.

This is the military serving politics.

It is also in line with Qi Xuansu's interests.

Qi Xuansu was ordered to stabilize the situation. If he could achieve this goal, he would be considered a victory in the initial stage and could return to Yujing for a staged debriefing before entering the second stage.

In fact, Qi Xuansu has already begun to consider returning to Yujing to report on his work.

Ever since Qi Xuansu learned that Xiao Yin had been aggrieved, he thought of preparing a gift for Xiao Yin, preferably a specialty of the southern continent that Xiao Yin had never seen before.

Of course, we can't forget the child's mother. It wouldn't be nice if the child's mother was jealous. If you push her like this again, you, my mother, must not forget that this is a jealous person, so it’s fine if you are not prepared. If you treat her differently, you will never be able to take off the big hat of marrying a daughter-in-law and forgetting her mother.

One sheep is being driven and two sheep are being herded. Do the two mothers-in-law also need to express their gratitude? The mother-in-law said it, but where is the father-in-law?

Qi Xuansu only felt a headache, and began to think to save trouble, or simply let Chen Jianchou prepare the order in Yujing, and he could just take it when he went back.


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