Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 163 Ancient God Secret

Ixichel said that she was revealing some secrets to win the trust of Qi Xuansu and the Daomen behind Qi Xuansu. In fact, she explained a question in advance, why she did not go to Xidaomen but to Daomen.

Of course, it can be said that it is because the Daomen is more powerful than the Xidaomen, but the fundamental reason is that Kukulkan has already reached a deal with the Xidaomen first, and Ixichel, as the wife of the former Sun God Itsumna, is secretly Against the current sun god Kukulkan.

Qi Xuansu understood the meaning and asked directly, "Why didn't the Moon God directly oppose it in the first place? Instead, he surrendered to the new Sun God?"

Ixichel smiled bitterly, "Because Chakchel chose to support Kukulkan."

Qi Xuansu was really confused this time, "As far as I know, Ixichel is the goddess of the full moon, Chakchel is the goddess of the stars and moon, Ixichel is a wonderful girl, and Chakchel is the head goddess. The 'tiger-clawed old woman' has a twisted snake on her skirt, a crossbones pattern on her skirt, and her hands and feet are like the claws of a beast. But in fact, Ixichel and Chakchel are the same person, two sides of the same body, and they stand together now. The one in front of me is Ixichel, so who is Chakchel?”

Ixichel smiled bitterly again, "In the past, it was true. Ixichel and Chakchel were two sides of the same coin. But in the God War, I also suffered heavy losses. Although I survived by luck, I split into two. Independent individuals, one is me, the full moon goddess Ixichel, and the other is the star and moon goddess Chakchel.”

Qi Xuansu nodded to express his understanding.

At that time, Xuansheng was also beaten by Old Man Long with "Su Wang" and split into several independent individuals. He was furious for the three corpse gods. At that time, the entire Taoist sect was dispatched to help Xuansheng find his clone, and he was finally rescued. This is the benefit of power. Having so many subordinates is not just a living thing.

Obviously, Ixichel did not have such conditions and could only be divided into two people in the end.

Ixichel continued, "This has greatly weakened my divine power, and I am unable to prevent Kukulkan from stealing the godhead of my husband Itsumna. Moreover, this split has also caused me to lose the complete name of the moon god, Chakche." Your betrayal will be regarded as the approval of the late king’s wife, and she will become the new queen, so my objection will become meaningless.”

Qi Xuansu also understood. Ixichel is the widow of the late king, and Chakchel is also the widow of the late king. One supports and the other opposes each other, which is equivalent to canceling each other out. This allows Kukulkan to successfully steal the godhead and ascend to the throne. Then Kukulkan reached cooperation with Xidaomen, and stabilized his rule through external force in a posture similar to that of an emperor.

Xidaomen promised to help the ancient gods maintain their faith, but most of this faith was eaten by Kukulkan. He even had the energy to devour the priesthoods of other sun gods and strengthen his own divine power. The other ancient gods could only eat some scraps, becoming weaker and weaker, and unable to compete with Kukulkan.

If things go on like this, for sure

It will cause dissatisfaction with other ancient gods. A single ancient god is definitely not Kukulkan's opponent, but if they all unite, they can still defeat Kukulkan. In order to maintain his rule, Kukulkan must hold on to Xidaomen's thigh even did not hesitate to perform blood sacrifices to enhance his divine power.

Xidaomen certainly knows this, but this is exactly the original intention of Xidaomen, to divide the ancient gods, so that both factions seek Xidaomen. Xidaomen is balanced in the middle, making it easier to control the situation and manipulate Kukulkan. This book It's the so-called emperor's mind.

Without this means, how could Xidaomen dare to integrate Tawanting.

Ixichel looks like a girl, but it does not mean that she is really an innocent girl. She knows very well that Xidaomen cannot count on it. The other ancient gods are just tools used by Xidaomen to manipulate Kukulkan. As long as Kukulkan Being honest and obedient, it is impossible for Xidaomen to do anything to Kukulkan for other ancient gods.

So she simply bypassed Xidaomen and went directly to Daomen, the backstage of Xidaomen.

Dad’s dad is called Grandpa.

It was inevitable for Ixichel to find Qi Xuansu, not accidental.

After Qi Xuansu thought about this clearly, he asked, "Is the Moon God just seeking transcendence? Doesn't he want to regain his late husband's inheritance?"

Ixichel hesitated to speak.

Qi Xuansu's heart moved and he had a guess.

Could it be that the sincerity given by Ixichel is to help the Taoist sect control the Paititi divine system?

This proposal must be to Li Changge's liking.

It's a pity that it's not Li Changge who came here.

However, Qi Xuansu had no intention of refusing and said noncommittally, "I can't promise the Moon God anything about this matter, but I will report to Master Qingwei and Jinque when I return to Yujing to report on my work."

Of course Ixichel understood this. She originally thought that the Taoist sect would send a great master Pingzhang. As a great master of Pingzhang, of course he could give her a clear answer, but she didn't expect that the Taoist sect would send Qi Xuansu. Ixichel had no other choice but to go to Qi Xuansu.

At this time, Qi Xuansu asked a question, "The Moon God openly invited me to come here. Aren't you afraid of being known by the Sun God?"

The sun god naturally refers to Kukulkan. Regardless of what Ixichel said, he, the sun god, is recognized by the Xidao sect. As a member of the Taoist sect, Qi Xuansu cannot show too many positions until the situation becomes clear, so As usual, he is called the Sun God.

Ixichel said, "Qi Zhenren

When I came to New Paititi, I must have witnessed the blood sacrifice of Kukulkan. Every time Kukulkan enjoys a blood sacrifice, he will enter a short sleep to digest his food. During this period, he will not pay attention to New Paititi and cannot detect my movements. "

Qi Xuansu said, "That's it."

Ixichel extended an invitation, "If Master Qi doesn't mind, you can follow me to my kingdom of God so that you can see the kingdom of the Sun God up close."

In the past, the sun god Itsumna was Ixichel's husband, so the two kingdoms were so close that they were almost integrated into one. With the fall of Itesumna and the rise of Kukulkan, the two divine kingdoms were naturally separated, but Chakchel became the new queen. Ishchel and Chakchel were originally one, so Still considered a "neighbor".

This reminded Qi Xuansu of Yan Feiqing's past experience. When Yan Feiqing persuaded Taiyin Lord, one of the seven ancient immortals, to surrender, he was also invited by Taiyin Lord to go to Guanghan Palace to see Wu Luo's Kingdom of God up close. How similar this is to his situation today!

Is he going to follow Yan Feiqing's old path again?

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

As Master Yan Da said, there are no irresolvable grudges or irreconcilable conflicts between us, and we can still talk about it.

Qi Xuansu happily agreed, "It's my wish, but I dare not ask for my ear."

Ixichel waved his hand, and a ray of moonlight enveloped Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu also revealed the true king of Taiyin in the celestial phenomena, which is also the power of the moon god, making it easier to enter the moon god's kingdom.

The divine kingdom of Ixichel is always in the middle of the night, very quiet, but not dark. A full moon hangs high above the night. Because it is the goddess of the full moon and not the goddess of the stars and the moon, the moon stars are sparse and the ground is full of trees. of moonflower and evening dew.

There are tassel-like vines hanging in the rainforest. It is not hot and humid, and there are no flying insects. Instead, there are fireflies flying in the sky.

Ixichel walked on the grass with bare feet, and flowers bloomed wherever he passed.

Soon, Ixichel came to the quiet lakeside.

Ixichel kept walking on the lake, leaving ripples and even moonflowers blooming on the lake.

Qi Xuansu appeared on the lakeside, shrouded in a layer of moonlight. He was in perfect harmony with this divine kingdom and had no conflict at all.

Ixichel pointed towards the bright moon in the sky, and saw a "sun" appearing on the night sky not far from the moon, illuminating the night and even overshadowing the moon's brilliance.

If you look closely, you will see that it is not a real sun, but the light is too bright, like the sun.

\u003cb\u003c p\u003er\u003eIts true appearance is a golden pyramid, with the temple of the Sun God at the top, bathed in immeasurable light, like the sun in the sky, demonstrating the majesty of the God King.

As the main god, the sun god is almost the inevitable choice for most pantheons, such as Fenglinzhou, Misil, etc., including the Buddhist Great Sun Tathagata, and even in the ancient times of the Central Plains, Donghuang Taiyi was the sun god.

Just because all things are inseparable from the brilliance of the sun.

Therefore, there are many sun gods, and they are all different. Their light is mostly golden or white.

However, Qi Xuansu was keenly aware that the rays of the sun in Kukulkan were mixed with a bit of blood, just like the setting sun at dusk.

Ixichel glanced at Qi Xuansu's eyes and helped Qi Xuansu see through the illusion.

I saw countless fire clouds piled up behind the "sun", like burning fire, connecting into an endless sea of ​​​​fire.

This was the first time Qi Xuansu had seen such a scene, but it was not the first time he knew about it. Master Yan Dazhen introduced such a scene in detail in the Record of His Experience in the Western Regions. Taoism uniformly adopted the name of Buddhism - karma fire.

According to Master Yan Da, the ancient witch gods were born in the wilderness, and they were the most able to withstand the consequences of blood sacrifices, so Wu Luo did not die.

Just because Wu Luo can do it, doesn't mean that others can do it as well.

Blood sacrifice is essentially drinking poison to quench thirst.

However, the power of decay is also power and should not be underestimated.

This also reminded Qi Xuansu of the decaying dragon energy in Nanyang.

Dragon Qi is closely related to the number of people's Qi. If the fate of the country is shaky, the Dragon Qi will decay and decay, like poison. In terms of Yin damage and viciousness, even methods such as "Xiaoyao Six Void Tribulations" or "Evil Fire" cannot compare.

Xuan Sheng was defeated by Old Man Long for the first time because of this decayed dragon energy. This kind of dragon energy is the most sinister thing in the world. Only the immortal golden body of a calamity immortal can barely resist it. The immortal's methods are indeed mysterious.

, but it can only be suppressed and relieved, but cannot be completely resolved.

The karmic fire produced by the blood sacrifice is similar to the decayed dragon energy.

Qi Xuansu carefully observed the fire cloud.

The fire of karma in it is burning, full of the meaning of decay and decay.

In other words, it means depravity.

Each era has its own trend. In the ancient times, blood sacrifices were allowed because the world was not that real yet and tended to be chaotic. It was as if the laws were not yet complete and there were a lot of loopholes to exploit. As the world becomes more and more real, the laws and regulations become more and more complete, and the loopholes become fewer and fewer, blood sacrifices become unacceptable, and the backlash becomes unbearable.


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