Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 185 Different paths lead to the same destination

Many people did not expect that the attitudes of Master Cihang and Master Donghua were so firm. They did not even wait for Qi Xuansu to finish reading the manuscript, but directly expressed their opinions and views, that is, they clearly opposed it.

Moreover, there is cooperation between the two people. Master Cihang's words are fierce, while Master Donghua is more comprehensive. Starting from the overall situation, especially this turning point, it directly points out that it is not a great success or an inability to face one's own mistakes. It is obviously for Gag some people's mouths.

This is where Master Qingwei is passive. If Li Changge were in Qi Xuansu's position, then the reporting issues would be secret. Even if Master Donghua and Master Cihang could guess the intention of Taiping Dao, they would not know the details. But it happened that Qi Xuansu was in this position, and the manuscript was in his hands. He met with Cihang and Donghua successively and revealed the details early on.

Of course Master Qingwei knew Qi Xuansu would do this, but he couldn't stop him. Qi Xuansu is a person who has experienced it personally. If Qi Xuansu is not allowed to report, who can be allowed to report? If we really want to change to someone else, then we should be more realistic and give Master Donghua and Master Cihang more things to do.

In any case, Qi Xuansu is also the chief of Shangsantang, and has reached the threshold of knowing the real person. He is not a cat or a dog, and he can't cover his mouth if he wants to. It is already very difficult to make Qi Xuansu revise the manuscript by exerting pressure.

Therefore, Master Qingwei also anticipated this situation and said calmly: "I cannot agree with the word 'criticism' mentioned by Master Cihang. We are not going to shout to kill, we are to solve the problem, no If you don’t identify the problem, how can you start to solve it? To eliminate the problem before it occurs, to treat the disease before it is resolved. To cure the disease and save the patient, we must first identify the disease.”

Master Cihang had no choice but to respond: "It is good to be able to cure people until there is nothing wrong, but I am afraid that if the cure is good, the disease will not be cured and it will not be regarded as merit. We cannot hide diseases and avoid medical treatment, but we should also understand that people will get sick if they eat whole grains. , but you can’t stop eating whole grains just because you are sick. In everything, there are always advantages and disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages are always mixed, so there is a saying of weighing the pros and cons. Regarding the issue of Xidaomen, we must look at it dialectically. In the end, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. , it still does more harm than good.”

Both of them knew it well, but neither of them told the real reason behind it. They just limited themselves to the issue of praise or criticism.

It's just that among the people present, who is not experienced in battles and who does not know it well.

As Qi Xuansu said, this is a test. The resolution of this meeting will not have any real action. It is more about deciding the stance of Daomen. Regarding the stance of Xidaomen on this war, whether it is mostly praise or criticism will determine the next step. wind direction.

If it is successful, then there will undoubtedly be next steps. Take it step by step and figure it out slowly.

Master Cihang also said that Taiping Dao is an attempt to shorten a century-old road to more than ten years. It is also a very long process, not more than ten months, nor more than ten days, nor can it be decided in just one Jinque meeting. of.

The attitude of Master Cihang and Master Donghua is also very clear, that is, to nip it in the bud, not even to have this trend.

The reasons mentioned by Cihang Master are based on the overall situation and the past ten years. When it comes to the Jinque discussion, which is mostly testing, it is a bit fussy. If we really want to make it clear, Taiping Road is also I won’t recognize it. It's like the puppet emperor knows that the powerful officials want to rebel, and the powerful officials also know that the puppet emperor knows that they want to rebel, but neither of them can tell it clearly, and even if they do, they won't admit it.

Qi Xuansu was a little embarrassed. The two real people were arguing with each other. He stood there holding a report, neither advancing nor retreating.

The report was not over yet and he could not return directly to the gallery. But now he obviously didn't have the right to speak. Although he was familiar with these two real people, he was not qualified to interrupt them in this place.

However, Qi Xuansu also saw that there were basically two factions of opinions, whether they agreed or disagreed. Master Donghua was on the opposing side, and there was no movement after his speech. The National Master simply did not speak. The two of them seemed to be the commanders of the two armies, and then each A general was sent to fight in a duel, namely Master Cihang and Master Qingwei. Of course, Master Donghua was definitely not as good as the Imperial Master, so Master Donghua made a speech and set the tone.

As for Qi Xuansu himself, on the surface, he is from the camp of Qingwei Zhenren, but in fact, no one thinks that Qi Xuansu is from Qingwei Zhenren. After all, the future mother-in-law and future master are both opposite. You said Qi Xuansu supports his boss , it's a bit unreasonable and even nonsense - guests will be invited to the apprenticeship ceremony. This news cannot be hidden at all, and many people already know it.

At this moment, Master Jiang Dazhen suddenly said: "You two should stop for a moment."

In terms of ranking, Jiang Dazhen is the fourth, after the three princes, but that is because there are unwritten rules that older people who cannot compete for the position of chief master do not get involved in these three positions, so Jiang Dazhen He could only be ranked fourth, but Master Jiang Dazhen’s seniority and qualifications are here, and his words are quite weighty. To put it bluntly, before Pei Xuanzhi, Li Wugou, and Su Yuanyi entered Jinque, he was already participating in discussions here, and his partner at that time was the current Third Division.

Both Master Cihang and Master Qingwei stopped talking.

Master Jiang Dazhen said slowly: "Neither of you have gone to the Southern Continent. As the saying goes, hearing is false and seeing is true. Instead of listening to you two, we should listen to the parties involved. Xiao Qi."

Qi Xuansu responded: "Great Master."

"This trip to the Southern Continent was supposed to be for me, an old man, to meet fellow Taoists Dan and Gong. But for some reasons, I asked you to go there on my behalf. Now, please tell me about the trip to the Southern Continent. Don’t just read what you have written based on what you have seen, heard and felt. I have listened to a lot of these things over the years, and they are all official clichés. I am tired of hearing them, and my ears are about to get calluses. Just follow them. The only thing I want to say is to seek truth from facts." Master Jiang Dazhen looked at the Imperial Master again, "Brother Li Dao, what do you think?"

The Imperial Master definitely disapproves, but it’s hard to refuse. As Master Donghua said, you must listen to different opinions. The dignified deputy headmaster Da Zhenren has a big picture and a big mind. He cannot easily break his merits and worry about words. That is not in line with his status, so naturally he can only nod.

However, if it is not easy for the Imperial Master to say, someone else will do it. Tang Fengxian said, "Old Jiang, what you said is wrong. A report is a report. You can do whatever you want. How can you say what you want? Without rules, there is nothing. What happened!"

Everyone has their own position. This great master has a hot temper and has always played the role of a "rough man" who speaks unscrupulously. He talks about "what the Lingnan Taoist government does for food" and "kills all". It seemed very serious and meant accountability, which made sense to him. It was just right for him to object at this time.

However, evil people will have their own evil, and to deal with "rough people", we must use "scholars". Shi Hesheng, who has not dealt with Tang Fengxian very well, immediately answered: "My great master Tang, if you let people talk, the sky will not fall. If you don't let people talk, the genius will collapse. Xuan Sheng once said that you should speak freely, speak openly, and don't hide it. The venue is at the conference venue next door. "

Tang Fengxian was speechless for a moment, and it was difficult to answer when it came to Xuansheng.

Master Jiang Da took the opportunity to signal to Qi Xuansu: "Okay, let's talk."

Qi Xuansu looked at the report manuscript in his hand again, put it down, then raised his head and faced everyone: "As Master Donghua said before, and as Master Jiang Dazhen said now, it is difficult for me to read this manuscript word for word. Everyone, listen, let me talk about what I saw, heard, and felt during this trip to the Southern Continent.”

"I must emphasize that Xidaomen does have many shortcomings, but the general direction of Xidaomen is unswerving, which is to further develop itself on the basis of striving for independence. The unavoidable problems that Xidaomen faces today are It’s not about deviations and mistakes in the general direction, but how to achieve this goal, that is, how to develop.”

"How to develop? The Southern Continent is full of mines and various raw materials, but it lacks the ability to transform these raw materials into various products. To move Tawanting, a backward, semi-slavery feudal country, into civilization, we need the foundation and prerequisites Conditions. Xidaomen does have the problem of spreading its stalls too big, but its original intention is to be based on the present and take a long-term view. It is to lay this foundation and create this condition. Only by laying a good foundation can we build tall buildings from the ground."

"And this war in the southern continent also illustrates one thing. Xidaomen and Tawanting are capable of defending their victory."

"In the beginning, the Holy Court had the myth of being invincible. Once it was a large-scale corps battle, it would be devastating. They openly shouted that they did not consider the issue of victory or defeat on the battlefield, but only the cost of the war. The tower at that time Wan Ting’s army could only choose guerrilla methods to resist.”

"Now, under the leadership of Xidaomen, the two sides have been able to launch hundreds of thousands of large corps in frontal combat on the vast plains, and there are back and forth. Of course there are many problems here, and we have to face these problems, but We should also see the significant progress that Xidaomen has made over the years, from sneak attacks on guerrillas to frontal combat with large corps. The effort and painstaking efforts made in this process are huge and shocking. This process is exactly the development of The epitome of the word '.

"I have been in contact with many fellow Taoists from the Xidao Sect, and even fought side by side. My feeling is that there is no difference between us. We are all descendants of the Taoist ancestors. Whether it is the Taoist sect or the Xidao sect, we share the same origin and are dependent on each other for our existence. Each leads a country and takes a different path, but our goal is the same.”

“Hundred rivers flow into the sea, and they reach the same destination by different routes.”

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