Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 196 Teachers

Zhang Jucheng agreed to the matter, and Qi Xuansu no longer cared. As a real person, how to defeat political opponents is the most basic basic skill. How can I use a junior like Qi Xuansu to teach me.

Qi Xuansu handed over a knife. Whether it stabbed, chopped or chopped depended on Zhang Jucheng, the man holding the knife.

Some people may say that Qi Xuansu has no evidence to prove that Li Tianlan did this.

This kind of thing is not a lawsuit, nor should we look at it in a problem-solving way.

Struggle does not require evidence.

Qi Xuansu only needs to be sure that he is inseparable from Taiping Road. Zhang Yuelu has gone all the way to Kunlun Taoist Mansion. The real person in charge of Kunlun Taoist Mansion is Li Wuji, who is the most suspicious. On the side of Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoism, we cannot say that there is no suspicion, it must be very small. The key is that the motive is not big.

Qi Xuansu didn't have to find the exact evidence, he just needed to make a rough judgment. If the judgment is wrong, it means that Qi Xuansu made a mistake and fell into someone else's scheme. He can't blame others.

Now Qi Xuansu believes that some people from Taiping Dao are behind the scenes. Even if it has nothing to do with Li Tianlan, as long as the general direction is correct and it is indeed related to Taiping Dao, Qi Xuansu can kill a second deputy palace master of Taiping Dao, which can be regarded as a powerful counterattack.

This is a principle Qi Niang taught Qi Xuansu. Don't think about solving problems.

Since it is a title, there must be a framework.

Power struggle is not about someone giving you a question. You just have to answer the question within the framework. It is about the boss assigning tasks to subordinates. There is no such tenderness in power struggle. Many times, we have to get rid of the constraints of this framework to look at the problem. .

Of course, if you do this kind of thing too much, you will get tired easily, and you will be exhausted both physically and mentally. That’s why so many people want to escape from Vanity Fair and retreat to the mountains and forests all day long, but they can’t let go of the pleasure of power. Most of those who really escape are also frustrated.

Qi Xuansu is in his prime, his energy is at its peak, and at the same time the fire of ambition is burning brightly. He is full of ambition, and naturally he will not be tired or bored.

Qi Xuansu set three goals for himself, the first step is to seize power, the second step is to establish unparalleled achievements, and the third step is to go down in history.

Even if I have lost a lot, I am satisfied that my name can hang among the bamboos and silks.

This is what a man should do.

Next, Qi Xuansu and Huangfu Ji will go to the Wanxiang Dao Palace.

Previously, Qi Xuansu thought that Taiping Dao was secretly causing trouble in this matter. Later, Qi Xuansu studied it carefully and found that the matter was not that simple.

Generally speaking, the Wanxiang Taoist Palace is located in the hinterland of the Quanzhen Taoist territory. Most of the students in the Taoist Palace have entered Quanzhen Taoism, so they are greatly influenced by Quanzhen Taoism. Followed by the great leader lineage and Zhengyiyi, Taiping Taoism is very It's hard to reach here, the Li family's presence within the Wanxiang Taoist Palace is quite weak.

Is it just a coincidence that Xiao Yin was excluded?

Qi Xuansu still didn't agree, so he took the opportunity of the ceremony to meet with Ning Yuqing to discuss issues related to the Wanxiang Dao Palace.

Ning Yuqing revealed some inside information to Qi Xuansu. That's the valve problem.

When it comes to clans, many people's first reaction is the Zhang family and the Li family. In fact, there is also a clan problem within the Wanxiang Dao Palace. However, this clan is not tied by blood, but by the relationship between master and apprentice.

In addition to the issue of interests, the dispute between Zhang and Li was more about the line of governance. There were also line disputes within these Taoist and imperial clans. It was not an issue of the line of governance, but an issue of academic lines.

For example, you think steam is better, and I think talismans are better. In the beginning, it was still an academic debate. You wrote an article to prove it, and I wrote an article to refute it. You and I went back and forth. Once the dispute breaks out, they start to form gangs and engage in personal attacks, which are no less bad than a power struggle.

The teachings in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace are divided into five levels: special Jinzi teachings, Jinzi teachings, Yinqing teachings, orthodox teachings, and auxiliary teachings. They cannot completely correspond to the model of Taoist priests in charge and deacons, but mainly correspond to the grades of Taoist priests. Generally speaking, Taoist priests of the third grade Youyi correspond to the Tejin Jinzi teaching, Taoist priests of the fourth grade Jijiu correspond to the Jinzi teaching, Taoist priests of the fifth grade correspond to the Yinqing teaching, Taoist priests of the sixth grade correspond to the orthodox teaching, and Taoist priests of the seventh grade correspond to the auxiliary teaching.

Special gold and purple

The status and treatment of teachers are the same as those of ordinary deputy hall master, deputy palace master, and assistant manager.

These people can also mobilize considerable resources, including large amounts of peace money, for various academic research, creation research, etc.

With money, power and status, these teachers form a circle of their own.

The importance of his factionalism is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Ning Yuqing gave Qi Xuansu an example. A special professor in Zijin passed away for some reason. The funeral has not been completed here, but the library related to this special professor in Zijin has been redistributed, and many books have been directly listed. Enter the *** and destroy it.

When I went back and inquired, it turned out that the late Professor Tejin Zijin was the archrival, and another Professor Tejin Zijin wanted to leave the library. When people leave, the tea is cool, and the disciples, disciples, and grandchildren can't stop it, that's it.

The collection of books, notes, materials, and drafts in this library were the lifelong efforts of the late Te Jin Zijin, and their lifeblood was destroyed in one day. The various achievements that the late special scholar had made when he entered Zijin were almost wiped out.

There is no way to control this kind of thing. Scholars want to find faults with others, and yes, they can find a hundred faults and say it is ***. Of course, they have a reason. If they really want to argue, unless the dead can be resurrected.

The high-ranking Jinque people actually don't care much about these trivial matters. They think it is just a small fight. Moreover, for scholars, stealing is not considered stealing, robbing is not considered robbing. If you talk about confusing right and wrong, it will not be good. If a person can't offend them, he might write all kinds of unofficial history to smear himself. In addition, the Taoist sect has always treated these scholars preferentially. As long as they don't touch the authority, everything else can be tolerated, so just let them be.

So this small circle has its own set of rules.

Otherwise, whoever survives to the end is Taishan Beidou.

Outsiders always think that these academic scholars are very noble and untainted. In fact, it is just that. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are people and sophistication.

The resources and Taiping money allocated to Wanxiang Taoist Palace by Jinque are numerous. If you share more, I will share less. Who has more and who has less must be clarified, and naturally he will break his head.

Many people also use this point to attack Taoism, saying that Westerners do not fight among themselves.

Ning Yuqing's evaluation was that she still saw less of it. She didn't even go to the Luen Royal Society, but she always felt that the moon outside was round. In fact, human nature is here, and this is normal. East and West, under the same sun, who is a saint compared to whom?

In this regard, the Royal Society of Loon was not too generous. The two presidents fought among themselves. First, they kept a low profile. After taking office, they immediately disbanded the laboratory, banned the library, and destroyed all the written records and portraits of the previous president. Just like this person There has never been a general. Later, he and others competed for the invention rights of academic achievements, setting off a large-scale war of words that lasted for a hundred years.

We can only talk about each other.

As for why Qi Xuansu didn't know this, he was born in a lower palace and was exposed to both orthodox and auxiliary teachings. How could he know about these upper-level struggles.

When Qi Xuansu came to the fore, he took another route, working outside and outside, and not mixing in this small circle. Qi Xuansu occasionally returned to the Shang Palace to study, and came into contact with several high-level teachers. He was polite and polite in front of others. Qing Gao, Qi Xuansu thought that the senior officials of the Dao Palace were all in a peaceful mood.

As a result, Qi Xuansu now knew that there were endless disputes in the Taoist Palace, and that Master Shi Da spent a lot of his energy on the reconciliation of yin and yang.

It may be a coincidence that Xiao Yin was ostracized by the children. But the public outcry afterwards was because someone did it deliberately.

The problem arises with the forces within these Taoist palaces.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to convert a deputy position into a regular position. For example, Yao Shu, it is impossible for him to change from the chief deputy hall leader to the real person in charge. He can only go to Borneo to become the real person in charge, go around in a circle, and then become a full-time official.

However, Wanxiang Taoist Palace is an exception. If you enter Zijin to teach, you can be promoted to a second-level assistant, or even become a real person in charge of the palace. It is very common in the history of Wanxiang Taoist Palace.

This is not surprising. The key to discussions in Jinque is small discussions. Looking at the whole Jinque, it is still necessary to put a few vases for show. For example, such a knowledgeable scholar, such as a more modern

Expressive female Taoist priests, and so on.

It is worth mentioning that today's Wanxiang Taoist Palace does not have a master of the palm palace, only the master of the palm palace.

According to the rules, the two can exist at the same time. The real person in charge of the palace is similar to the prince. He assists the real person in charge of the palace, is familiar with the affairs, prepares to take over, or temporarily takes charge of the palace affairs. When the time is right, he will be promoted to the real person in charge of the palace. Under special circumstances, the real master in charge of the palace can also take another position, and another real master in charge of the palace can be airborne.

If the Grand Master of the Palace Master is in his prime, there will be no real Master of the Palace Master for the time being. When the Grand Master of the Palace Master is about to retire, the position of Master of the Palace Master will be established.

Judging from the current situation, Sun Hewu is the most qualified to become the real person in charge of the palace, but he is too old and unsuitable.

So there were rumors that Jinque planned to parachute a real person from the palm palace over.

The most suitable candidate is Qi Xuansu.

Everyone can see that Qi Xuansu has made great progress all the way to the position of chief of Shangsantang. As long as nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely become the true master of Shenzhi.

Although there is some talk that Qi Xuansu will become the real person in charge of the palace, considering his age and qualifications, the real person in charge of the palace is more suitable. It just so happens that Master Shi Da is old, so it is reasonable to set up a master in charge of the palace. For Qi Xuansu, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. The advancement is naturally to compete for those special positions, and the retreat is the position of the master in charge of the palace.

Moreover, Qi Xuansu's resume is pragmatic enough. He has worked at the grassroots level, fought on the battlefield, fought with tigers, and worked in the economy. On the contrary, he is a bit lacking in practicality. He has basically never been exposed to positions such as education, teaching, and exegesis. Wanxiang Taoist Palace The position of master in charge of the palace is just for Qi Xuansu to fill in, so that he can develop in an all-round way. Master Shi Da made that friend of the Taoist Palace look like he was paving the way for Qi Xuansu in advance.

So many people have struggled for half their lives to become assistant counselors, eagerly looking forward to the position of the real person in charge of the palace. After struggling for so many years, they finally had hope, but Qi Xuansu parachuted in and took him away.

Who can be willing?

It just so happens that Qi Xuansu has sent his daughter here. If I don't give you a stumbling block, do you really think we are easy to bully?

That is to say, Zhang Yuelu decisively gave in and left when she saw that the situation was not good. If she dared not to give in and continued to support her, we would make a fuss known to the world and criticize her with words and pens. Let you know how powerful a pen can be in confusing right and wrong, and taste the torrent of public opinion.

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