Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 200 Making a fuss out of a molehill

The wine fight this time was just an appetizer, and Qi Xuansu's trip to the Taoist Palace did not become smoother.

Qi Xuansu didn't want things to go smoothly either.

The next day, Qi Xuansu and others accompanied the Xidaomen delegation headed by Huangfu Ji to visit Shanggong. This is the place where Taoism trains high-quality Taoist priests and where Qi Xuansu studied.

Regarding how to cultivate high-quality Taoist priests, relevant knowledge and skills are only one aspect. More importantly, it is necessary to cultivate ideals, beliefs, and loyalty to Taoism.

Huangfu was very interested in this and even sat in on a class. To build Xidaomen, we must start from two aspects, one is the material level, and the other is the spiritual level. Both hands must be grasped and both hands must be strong.

During Huangfuji's trip to the Taoist sect, he saw the prosperity of the Taoist sect. The Nanyang that Qi Xuansu had governed was stronger than the Southern Continent, and this was still just a corner of the Taoist sect. This made Huangfu extremely determined to gradually shift the focus of his energy from military to development. He should not start too ambitiously, mainly focusing on two projects, one is the construction of the new port and the other is the construction of the Taoist Palace.

According to the itinerary, we will go to see Xia Gong tomorrow. The cultivation of high-level talents and the cultivation of low-level talents are both talents and cannot be ignored.

At this moment, Ning Yuqing hurried over.

There have been great personnel changes in the Dao Palace. Ning Lingyun has left the Dao Palace and Ning Yuqing has not yet taken over. However, Master Shi Da and Sun Hewu both value Ning Yuqing and will leave many things to Ning Yuqing.

Seeing Ning Yuqing walking in a hurry and looking strange, everyone knew something was wrong and stopped their movements in unison.

Ning Yuqing came to Sun Hewu and whispered a few words.

It is basic etiquette not to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, so Qi Xuansu and Huangfu Ji not only did not eavesdrop, they even intentionally weakened their hearing, just like covering their eyes with their hands.

Then both of them looked at Sun Hewu. If it has something to do with them, then Sun Hewu will naturally tell him. If it has nothing to do with them, then Sun Hewu will be excused.

As a result, Sun Hewu looked at Qi Xuansu and said, "A female teacher has died."

Qi Xuansu's mind was so sharp that he immediately thought of one thing and blurted out: "That female teacher related to Xiao Yin? The female teacher Qing Xiao personally apologized to her?"

Sun Hewu nodded silently.

What dirty tricks has Qi Xuansu not seen in these years? He wasn't too surprised, he just sneered: "This trick got to my head."

Sun Hewu's eyes indicated that Qi Xuansu should stop talking. After all, Huangfu Ji was still here and the family scandal should not be made public.

Qi Xuansu did not refute Sun Hewu's face and said, "Well, I'll excuse you for a moment while I go deal with this matter."

However, Huangfuji stretched out his hand to stop Qi Xuansu: "Tianyuan, and Mr. Sun, Daomen and Xidaomen are in the same spirit. Is there something you have to hide from me? Are you embarrassed?"

These words were extremely abrupt and even inappropriate, but Qi Xuansu glanced at Huangfu Ji, feeling both surprised and grateful. This was Huangfu Ji helping Qi Xuansu. He exerted pressure from the outside. He saw that Qi Xuansu did not want to settle the matter, so he took the initiative to ask about the matter as a guest. It would be difficult for the Taoist palace to reconcile.

In fact, Sun Hewu was also partial to Qi Xuansu. Since Huangfu Ji said so, he got off the donkey and said, "That's it, let's go and see it together."

Which one is Qi Xuansu talking about? It’s still the same moral thing.

Xiao Yin's incident happened because of this female instructor. Zhang Yuelu apologized to this female instructor, and Qi Xuansu came because of Xiao Yin's incident. No matter how you look at it, this female instructor is the key.

Now that this female instructor is dead, she can kill two people and silence her, and she can also put the shit basin on Qi Xuansu's head, killing two birds with one stone.

Qi Xuansu just had a second thought and understood the truth. He did not hide, and proposed to deal with it personally, that is, to confront the tough one head-on.

For Qi Xuansu, this kind of petty quarrel is a trouble, but not a thorn.

After all, when he was in the Borneo Taoist Mansion, Wang Jiaohe had all his secretaries arrested, and Sun Heyu personally arrested Chen Jianqiu. The two factions almost came to war, and that was the pressure on life and death. Now I just put some moral pressure on Qi Xuansu

, to Qi Xuansu, it is nothing at all.

After all, they are people in the ivory tower. They have never grown up in poverty and have no need to fight against their innocence.

Qi Xuansu and others rushed to the female instructor's residence, which had been sealed off. The Taoist Palace also had branch halls such as Fengxian Hall, Beichen Hall, and Tiangang Hall.

After Qi Xuansu arrived, the head of the branch of Beichen Hall immediately came to Qi Xuansu with fear and fear. After all, he was the number two person in the hall and he did not dare to neglect him in the slightest.

Qi Xuansu asked directly: "How do people die?"

The chief replied: "In reply to the chief, it was initially concluded that it was suicide."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Do you know why you committed suicide?"

The principal suddenly looked embarrassed and stopped talking.

Qi Xuansu said: "Did you hear something? Just say whatever you have."

"Yes." The chief glanced at Qi Xuansu secretly and said cautiously, "There are rumors that the deceased heard... that the chief had arrived at the Dao Palace. He was afraid and couldn't bear the pressure, so he committed suicide."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "How long has it been since the person died?"

"Died in the early morning, about four hours ago." The chief replied quickly.

Qi Xuansu sneered: "There are already rumors in such a short time? Isn't it strange?"

The head of Beichen Hall also knew that there was something fishy here, but he didn't know how to answer, so he could only remain silent.

Huangfu had no such worries and said directly: "I think it's very strange."

Qi Xuansu looked at the director of Beichen Hall again: "Have you used methods such as earth energy retrieval and psychic questioning?"

The manager hurriedly said: "We have already conducted a preliminary survey and found no problems through traceback of the earth energy. But the strange thing is that the souls of the deceased disappeared very quickly, and there were not many corpses left."

Huangfu said: "It's clean and tidy, and there are people who know the business."

Qi Xuansu said: "That's what I want. There is no doubt but it is the biggest doubt."

Qi Xuansu turned to Sun Hewu and said, "Mr. Sun, I suspect that this is not an ordinary suicide case. This female instructor did not commit suicide but committed suicide. Maybe she discovered some secret and was silenced, and she was associated with a secret society. related."

Sun Hewu couldn't help but be startled, obviously not following Qi Xuansu's train of thought.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to remind him: "Did Mr. Sun forget about Zhang Guyan? My senior brother Qi Jianyuan died in the Taoist Palace. This all shows that there are people in the Taoist Palace who are colluding with the secret society."

Sun Hewu finally came to his senses: "This was all a few years ago."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand: "It didn't matter a few years ago. These secret societies like to play casual chess and bury secrets, even if they have been hidden for decades. Jin Que advocates the normalization of some secret societies, but the premise is to severely crack down on some An extremely secretive association. Just talking about the case a few years ago is not enough. I think we must conduct an in-depth investigation to thoroughly dig out the evil cults hidden in the Taoist palace to prevent such things from happening again. "

Sun Hewu also understands now.

Some people want to put pressure on Qi Xuansu and warn him. Qi Xuansu immediately flipped the table and wanted to kill people on the line.

"Why is this so?" Sun Hewu said earnestly, "This kind of thing creates too many enemies!"

Qi Xuansu's tone could not be rejected: "Mr. Sun, you have little contact with this kind of thing, and I am more familiar with it. In addition to Zhang Guyan's matter, from the Thirty-Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions to Yishan City, from Kunlun Pass to Cuowenbu, From Jinling Mansion to Five Elements Mountain, from Shenglong Mansion to Lion City, I fought with them to death several times. I almost lost my life at their hands several times. I can recognize the secret association's methods at a glance. This is undoubtedly a crime committed by a secret association."

The "this kind of thing" they mentioned obviously didn't mean the same thing.

Sun Hewu was unable to refute.

Because Qi Xuansu is not bragging, this is indeed Qi Xuansu's resume. Qi Xuansu can rise so quickly, and the secret association must have one-third of the credit. On the other hand, although Sun Hewu is older, he spends most of his time in the Wanxiang Dao Palace. His understanding of secret societies is really not as good as Qi Xuansu's. Even Shi Daren is not as good as Qi Xuansu. After all, Qi Xuansu

He had faced Wu Luo and Lord Siming more than once.

Qi Xuansu continued: "The living souls dissipate very quickly. This is a bit like the method of Lord Siming. The Wanxiang Taoist Palace is not far from Beimang Mountain, and Lord Siming has always coveted the ghost kingdom and the cave. We must be on guard. If necessary, I will ask Beichen Hall to send a flying boat over to temporarily seal off the Dao Palace for investigation."

"Ah?" Sun Hewu couldn't hide the shock on his face, "Tianyuan, what on earth are you going to do?"

Qi Xuansu said sternly: "I am the chief deputy hall master of Beichen Hall. This is my responsibility. I now have reasonable suspicion that some high-level officials in the Tao Palace are colluding with secret societies. I want to launch an investigation. If there are any questions, I am willing to Take full responsibility. Mr. Sun, let’s go to see Master Shi Da now and report this matter. As long as he agrees, I will transfer people from Beichen Hall immediately.”

Then Qi Xuansu said to the head of Beichen Hall: "Strictly seal the scene and don't allow anyone to get close. If anything goes wrong, you are the only one I want to ask questions about."

The head of Beichen Hall did not expect that things would suddenly turn into this direction, and quickly responded: "Please rest assured, chief, I will definitely complete the task."

Do you really think that the title above Qi Xuansu's head is just a decoration and has no effect other than changing the title?

Do you really think that power does not exist?

They talk about Qi Xuansu's high position and power all day long, but why does he have such a high position and power? It seems that some people just don't understand and insist on provoking Qi Xuansu.

Then Qi Xuansu let them see it.

A position of power does not allow Qi Xuansu to talk here or visit there all day long. To put it bluntly, Qi Xuansu doesn't have to do it himself even if he wants to kill someone. Read the book

Just because Qi Xuansu doesn't do some things doesn't mean that Qi Xuansu can't do it.

When he was chief in Borneo, so many people were afraid of him. Is it because they were afraid of the title of chief? It is because he is afraid that he will have real power in his hands.

The top brass of the dignified "Tianting" came to please Chen Jianchou, wasn't it because many problems were just a matter of Qi Xuansu's words? If Qi Xuansu wants to make "Tian Ting" feel uncomfortable, "Tian Ting" will have to endure it and refuse to accept it.

Now that Qi Xuansu has been promoted to the chief position of Beichen Hall, what's more, is the chief position of Shangsan Hall a false position?

Qi Xuansu wanted to show these people what it meant to make a fuss out of a molehill and what it meant to make use of a topic.

Whatever I say is what I say.

I say this is a case of a secret association, then it is a case of a secret association.

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