Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 227: Follow the clues

Ma Jinguo suddenly raised his head and stared at the account books and Taiping Bank vouchers in Qi Xuansu's hands, as if he was trying to distinguish the true from the false.

Qi Xuansu leaned back on the chair with a relaxed expression, "Why, do you still want to see the specific content? I can't believe it that all these years of thoughts suddenly appeared in front of me?"

Ma Jinguo said nothing.

Qi Xuansu said, "That's fine, I will fulfill your wish."

Then Qi Xuansu handed the certificate to the spiritual officer beside him and asked him to bring it to Ma Jinguo.

These vouchers are different from ordinary official tickets. Official tickets are essentially anonymous time deposit certificates. They can be deposited and withdrawn in lump sums. The maximum denomination is 10,000 Taiping coins. When Qiniang bought a house for Qi Xuansu, she spent 100,000 Taiping coins. Forty-five official tickets worth 10,000 Taiping coins.

The account left by Fang Linhou was frequently debited and could be deposited in small amounts or withdrawn in lump sum. The turnover amount ranged from hundreds of thousands of Taiping money to hundreds of thousands of Taiping money. It is still lying on the account to this day. With hundreds of thousands of peace money, the voucher is very exquisitely made, almost like a talisman. It can prevent counterfeiting, is also difficult to be damaged, is invulnerable to swords, and is invulnerable to water and fire. Not to mention that Ma Jinguo was shackled at this time, even if he was free, he might not be able to destroy this certificate.

The spiritual officer held up the certificate in front of Ma Jinguo's eyes so that he could see it clearly.

The more Ma Jinguo looked, the more cold sweat formed on his forehead.

Qi Xuansu asked, "Do you see clearly?"

"Look, see clearly." Ma Jinguo's speech was a little unclear.

The Lingguan handed the certificate back to Qi Xuansu's hand.

Qi Xuansu said, "Let me ask you, who killed Liu Shiying back then?"

Ma Jinguo was shocked, but still determined not to give up until Changhe, gritted his teeth, "I guess... it was probably Fang Linhou who killed him in order to get away with it. I am not from the Taoist government, so I don't know the details."

Qi Xuansu said, "Okay, you are not from the Taoist government, you are from the imperial court and the deputy general of Jinling. You should be familiar with Qingluan Guard, right?"

Ma Jinguo could not deny it and could only say, "We are both members of the imperial court, so we naturally have some contact with each other."

Qi Xuansu said, "Since you are familiar with Qingluan Guard, you must also be familiar with the 'Inn'."

Ma Jinguo's expression changed.

Qi Xuansu raised his voice and said, "Reply."

Ma Jinguo said bravely, "I have no connection with secret societies."

Qi Xuansu said, "Whether there is an intersection or not, it doesn't matter what you say."

After that, Qi Xuansu asked the Lingguan to take Ma Jinguo to the darkroom nearby. The people in the darkroom could see what was going on in the interrogation room, but the people in the interrogation room did not know what was going on in the darkroom.


There is only one chair in the darkroom.

Two spiritual officers, one on the left and one on the right, put their hands on Ma Jinguo's shoulders and pressed him firmly on the chair, unable to move. At the same time, the formation was activated, and no sound could be heard in the dark room.

Qi Xuansu ordered, "Bring people in."

Soon, another person was escorted in by the spiritual officer.

When Ma Jinguo saw this person, his expression suddenly changed.

Because this person is General Long under his command, and he is also involved in this case. Long Shenjiang was the first to be arrested, but he and Ma Jinguo had been detained separately, so Ma Jinguo did not know about it. It was not until this time that Ma Jinguo knew that Long Shenjiang had also been arrested.

General Long Shen was not shackled, but he had a different style. As soon as he entered the door, he knelt down to Qi Xuansu and kowtowed, "My dear, I wish to meet Master Qi."

Qi Xuansu's face was expressionless and he didn't speak.

Two spiritual officers lifted him up, one on the left and the other on the right, and placed him on the interrogation chair. Then they pressed two iron hands on his shoulders to prevent him from moving.

Only then did Qi Xuansu say, "I don't want you to kneel down and bow down. I just hope you can answer truthfully."

Long Shenjiang looked at Qi Xuansu and said, "The villain must answer truthfully."

Qi Xuansu, however, did not rush to ask questions, but instead chatted as usual, "General Long Shen, are you okay at home?"

Long Shenjiang was startled, and then followed Qi Xuansu's words and replied, "Thanks to Master Lao Qi's concern, everything is fine in this little man's family."

Qi Xuansu opened a file and said, "You are so lucky to have three children."

General Long Shen's expression changed a little, "I don't quite understand, what do Master Qi mean by these words?"

Qi Xuansu said, "Fang Linhou is dead, where is his family? It seems that they have been silent since then. No one pays attention to them, so they are forgotten. They don't know whether they are dead or alive. Do you think the grass on the grave is already three feet tall?" Too high? Or dead without a burial place, not even a grave? "

Long Shenjiang's face was as white as snow.

Qi Xuansu said, "Jiangnan is rich and a troubled place. Two major cases in Jiangnan were left unsolved, and the poison is still unsolved. I believe that General Long Shen is often unable to control himself, but General Long Shen must do it." I want to understand, which one is more important than the wealth of the family and the safety of the family? "

Although General Long Shen is a man in black, he is not very courageous.

He is a typical middle-aged man in Qiniang's words. He is older and younger, and his position is neither high nor low. He can neither be reckless like the upper class, who can forcefully take out the bottom when they are powerful, nor can he be reckless like the lower class, who has nothing to lose. It’s so hard to lose, so it’s inevitable to be timid.

Qi Xuansu continued to focus on his heart, "I have sent people to set up defenses to secretly protect your family. If anyone wants to hold them hostage and force you to submit, they will fall into our hands. So, you don't have to worry about the safety of your family. Before you answer me truthfully, Before asking the question, I hope you can think carefully about whether it is worth hiding it for them. Fang Linhou took all the blame. What is the result? You are just an accessory in this case, and you don't get much money. , Is it worth risking your life for such a small amount of money?”

Long Shenjiang looked at Qi Xuansu and said, "I hope Master Qi can show me a clear path."

"General Longshen." Qi Xuansu's voice was like a long journey, "There is no big deal except death. As long as you save your life, everything else is easy. Sometimes, when we are riding in the same boat and the waves are strong, who will fall into the water first and who will fall into the water later? It’s just that people are always lucky, so just be afraid. If you are already in the water and there are people standing on the boat, they will not help you, but will put all the blame on you. , pushing you into the water to make the boat lighter so they can pass."

How could Long Shen not understand the meaning of Qi Xuansu's words.

Qi Xuansu said, "As long as you explain the matter clearly, that is, if you have performed major meritorious services, I can speak for you and reduce the punishment. As for how I, Mr. Qi, behave, you should have heard about it. How Wang Jiaoying treats me Yes, his son did not disappear out of thin air, and is still studying in Wanxiang Dao Palace. "

Qi Xuansu has always believed that people cannot stand without trust, so he will try his best to fulfill the promises he made, not to be pedantic, but for the sake of long-term credibility. His credibility is excellent, and the weight of his promise at this time is very heavy. If he goes back on his word and doesn't care about his credibility, General Long Shen will not believe him, or at least be doubtful.

General Long Shen had no choice but to believe Qi Xuansu at this time and said, "This villain is willing to tell the truth."

Qi Xuansu signaled to the Taoist priest responsible for recording that he could record it.

Ma Jinguo, who was in the dark room at this time, saw this scene and knew that if General Long Shen was really asked to explain, it might not involve Li Tianlan, but it would definitely involve his immediate boss, so he wanted to create some noise to arouse General Long Shen outside. Note that it was only the two iron hands of the two spiritual officers that pressed firmly on his two shoulders, preventing him from moving at all. Not to mention that there was a soundproof formation here, which made him make a little movement. ,

Nothing could be heard from outside.

General Long Shen outside has already begun to explain.

For things like smuggling, it is impossible for the big shots above to do it themselves. They only act as a big umbrella to cover this business from the sun. There are other people doing the actual work under the umbrella.

General Long Shen is on the actual operation level, so he knows many details even more detailed than Ma Jinguo.

Some people may wonder why they are still deputy positions at the level of Ma Jinguo. Of course, there is a reason why Qi Xuansu has evidence that only involves these people, but there is also another reason. Most people who can go up will cherish feathers and will not be involved in this kind of "business". For people in high positions, no matter how much peace money they save, it is just floating wealth. Power is the foundation.

Qi Xuansu is a good example. Does Qi Xuansu like Taiping money? Of course he likes it, but he's not a saint, so why doesn't he like it? Moreover, he came from a miserable background and was afraid of poverty. It is no exaggeration to say that when he was in the most embarrassment, he would break a peace coin in half and spend it in half, and he would have to worry about a wishful coin.

Now that Qi Xuansu is prosperous, he has not made money, and can be said to be very clean. The reasons are very complicated, including the support of Qiniang and Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu's own conscience, and the reason why Qi Xuansu cherishes feathers for his future future.

What Qi Xuansu can understand, people like Zhang Jucheng and Qi Jiaozheng can also understand. They will not participate in this kind of thing. To make money, it is through reasonable methods such as buying shares in Nanyang United Trading Company, rather than directly smuggling. .

Only those who have reached the end of their road will be so unscrupulous. They can't go any further anyway, so they try to make money in various ways. Because they can't go further, their power is not enough to support them as "reasonable" as Zhang Jucheng and Qi Jiaozheng. "To obtain wealth, you can only settle for the next best thing.

As for Li Tianlan, it is true that he is a member of the Li family, but the Li family also eats separately. Master Qingwei will only leave the family property to Li Zhuyu, but will not give it to Li Tianlan. Most of the family fortune of the Imperial Preceptor will be handed over to Li Changge. People like Li Tianlan have to rely on themselves if they want peace money.

At this point, Zhang Yuelu is an excellent example. She is also a member of the Zhang family, but Zhang Jucheng would not give her money at that time. Before receiving the official recognition of the Tianshi, Zhang Yuelu's life was slightly better than that of Qi Xuansu. Be stronger.

General Long Shen has a very good memory and can tell clearly what time and what he did.

Ma Jinguo closed his eyes in despair.

No one can escape if they are a grasshopper on a rope.

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