Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 235: The Mystery of the Earth Master (Part 1)

Qi Xuansu has never met the Earth Master so far. It is no exaggeration to say that the Earth Master is the most mysterious person among the three masters.

This is not surprising either.

In the previous dynasty, the world was still dominated by Confucianism. Logically speaking, all Jinshi who had participated in the palace examination had met the emperor. However, Emperor Sejong did not go to court for twenty years and was obsessed with mystical cultivation. He did not preside over the palace examination every three years. , Therefore, no Kejia officials after the twenty-first year of the Ming Dynasty had the opportunity to see Tianyan. Except for cabinet officials and veterans, no official, big or small, recognized the emperor.

With Qi Xuansu's current status, he has never seen the Earth Master and only met the National Master a handful of times. He has seen the Heavenly Master more often, and he still got Zhang Yuelu's favor. But when the Heavenly Master avoided seeing him, he also saw him. Less than.

It could be said that the Earth Master deliberately avoided Qi Xuansu, or it could also be said that it was just a coincidence. Therefore, Qi Xuansu had doubts in the past, but did not delve into it too deeply.

But now that Li Tianlan said this, Qi Xuansu's doubts surged up uncontrollably.

The fourth generation Earth Master is very similar to the Earth Master? ??

If Li Tianlan's speculation comes true and the fourth generation Earth Master is the current generation Earth Master, is it possible that the fourth generation Earth Master is already a calamity immortal?

However, Qi Xuansu quickly denied this speculation.

If the Earth Master is a One-Calamity Immortal, wouldn't it be better for the Earth Master to directly become the Sixth Generation Grand Master? There is no need to guard the deputy headmaster Da Zhenren.

In addition, there are two possibilities.

The first possibility is that he was reincarnated as a human, just like Wu Xian was reincarnated as Yao Zu. Although he retained some of his cultivation, he was no longer an immortal. In this way, he could circumvent the restrictions of the heavenly calamity and then make a comeback.

The second possibility is that the immortal will be expelled from the incarnation and enter the world. When the incarnation ascends for the second time and returns to the original form, the immortal can take a further step.

This method has great limitations and has four difficulties.

First, the immortal himself must be persistent in his heart and have enough persistent thoughts to break through the limitations of the two realms. Otherwise, he needs to be at the level of Taishang Taozu. If the immortals have no attachments, they will not be able to return to the human world through their incarnations.

What is the obsession of the fourth generation Earth Master?

The second is that a considerable amount of divine power is needed to open up the two realms and form a temporary passage. However, this passage is very fragile and cannot be passed by the immortal himself.

For Quanzhen Tao, which has a big family and a big business, this is not a problem.

The third is that a container is needed. Generally, a fetus in the belly that has not yet formed a soul will be selected and does not create sinful karma. However, if you want to fit the immortal himself and be able to carry and accommodate the thoughts of the immortal, you need to spend manpower and carefully select it.

Quanzhen Tao masters the engineering of creation, so it is not a problem to directly build a container.

Fourth, after the arrival of the immortals, there will be confusion in the womb, that is, they will not remember the original events at all. If no one clicks,

Changes, or other opportunities, and you can't remember the causes and consequences for the rest of your life. Spending your life in a hazy state is equivalent to walking in this world in vain, so you need someone to guide you.

With the strength of the Yao family, it is not difficult to do it.

If all four problems are solved, the immortal incarnation can walk normally in the human world, or break off the worldly relationship, or cut off the obsession. However, the incarnation of a Celestial Immortal does not have a single bit of realm cultivation and needs to start all over again. But with the enlightenment experience of a Celestial Immortal, the advancement is far better than that of ordinary people.

However, even if one succeeds in cultivation, not everything will be fine. The incarnation of the immortal comes to break the fate of the world. If this incarnation is contaminated by too many causes and effects, it will be unable to return to the original form. Even the cause and effect has affected the deity. After weighing the pros and cons, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. The deity has to cut off this incarnation and make it an independent individual.

From this point of view, the incarnation is the deity of the immortal, but the deity of the immortal is not the incarnation.

After overcoming all difficulties, the incarnation finally ascends for the second time and returns to its original form, and the realm of immortals can be improved to a higher level.

Assuming that it is the second situation, that is, the current generation of Earth Master is the incarnation of the fourth generation of Earth Master after his ascension. There is only one key question here. What is the obsession of the fourth generation of Earth Master?

In terms of realm cultivation, Xuansheng is higher, and Xuansheng has not been seen to cut off his incarnation and re-enter the world. It can be seen that Xuansheng has no attachments.

Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Don’t be a horse or a cow for your children and grandchildren.

Qi Xuansu had also imagined whether he would be the incarnation of Xuansheng, but many experts had verified it for him, and he had nothing to do with Xuansheng.

The incarnation can be seen.

Putting aside the basic qualifications, just talking about the mystery in the womb, even without anyone's guidance, after reaching the pseudo-immortal realm, you can open your mind and remember your past and present lives.

Taking a step back, Qi Xuansu is not a fake fairy, but enlightenment does not mean that he remembers everything overnight, but a step-by-step process. Before he fully awakens and remembers the past, he will successively dream of some scenes from the past. The lower the cultivation level, the vaguer the dream; the higher the cultivation level, the clearer the dream. This kind of dream may last a lifetime.

Qi Xuansu often dreams, but all he dreams about are Lingshan and the Great Witch. If he must be said to be an incarnation, it is also the incarnation of the Great Witch and has nothing to do with Xuan Sheng.

Without a clue for a moment, Qi Xuansu had no choice but to ask, "What did the Imperial Master say?"

Li Tianlan said, "If there is no evidence, the Imperial Master cannot say anything. There are just a few possibilities."

Qi Xuansu fell into deep thought again.

Of course not the appearance

As evidence, it barely makes sense that the descendants are like their ancestors.

As for why the Earth Master maintains the appearance of the fourth generation Earth Master, the reason is not difficult to guess.

Changing your appearance is certainly not difficult, but it has always been true. Changing the appearance will leave traces, and even requires cultivation to maintain it, so it is easy for others to see the flaws.

Even if it is a warrior's human and immortal appearance, it is difficult to say that it does not leave any traces. After all, the physical and spiritual appearance of a martial artist is consistent with the original appearance. The human and immortal appearance can change the external appearance of flesh and blood, but it cannot change the appearance of the body and spirit.

The soul is also the true form. The transformation of the soul can only be regarded as an illusion, and it will still be seen through.

Rejuvenation is another situation. Whether you are a child, an old man, a teenager, or a middle-aged person, you are still your true self, but the time is different.

Taoism has no shortage of experts or immortals. Even the secrets hidden in the gaps in time can be dug out for you, secretly changing your appearance, and then being revealed by others. That is, there is no three hundred taels of silver here, which makes people If you think about it too much, it’s better to just keep it true to yourself.

There is another reason. The earth master becomes an immortal step by step, and has a complete resume and past. He does not appear suddenly. A similar person who appears out of nowhere may exist, but it is absolutely impossible to become the deputy head master of the Taoist sect. Really Is the current censorship just for show? When the Earth Master is at a low level, he cannot change his appearance, and others have seen the Earth Master's original appearance. As for using external objects to cover up the appearance, there is also no three hundred taels of silver in this place.

Some people may want to ask, what is the situation of Yao Zu?

Yao Zu's situation is special. She did not seize the body, but merged. In other words, Wu Xian and Yao Zu merged into one person. It can be said that she is both Wu Xian and Yao Zu, or it can be said that she is neither, but a completely new person. person, so her true identity is permanently changed.

Now it seems that the earth master cannot change his true form, and it is very likely that he really has some connection with the fourth generation earth master.

This can also explain why the Earth Master rarely shows up. Basically, the eighth generation disciples have never seen the Earth Master's true appearance.

After all, Li Tianlan was older. When he was young, the Fifth Generation Master was still alive. At that time, Earth Masters were not qualified and could not meet anyone, so Li Tianlan had met Earth Masters.

And among the people who have seen the true appearance of the Earth Master, almost no one has seen the fourth generation Earth Master, so there is no way to connect the two. On the contrary, it was by chance that Li Tianlan learned about this secret as the elders in his family met the fourth generation of earth masters.

Qi Xuansu asked again, "Logically speaking, the Heavenly Master, the Imperial Master, Jiang Dazhen, Shi Dazhen and others should also have met the fourth generation Earth Master, but why have they never mentioned this matter?"


Li Tianlan said, "That's not the case. It's true that these Pingzhang great masters you said are older than me, but when I was a child, they were just young people with insufficient qualifications and low cultivation. They were still far away from the core of the Taoist sect. It's quite a distance, so it's not easy to meet the powerful and reclusive fourth-generation Earth Master. The eldest grandson of the eldest son of the first family was brought along by his ancestors to visit his friends, and he was fortunate enough to see the true face of the fourth generation earth master. "

Qi Xuansu understood.

The fourth generation Earth Master is also very mysterious. Since Qi Xuansu has never seen the Earth Master so far, it makes sense that the great masters of Pingzhang have not seen the fourth generation of Earth Masters when they were young.

As a result, most of those who have seen the true appearance of the Earth Master have not seen the fourth generation Earth Master. Most of those who have met the fourth generation Earth Master are no longer alive.

It was Li Tianlan's accident that accidentally revealed the secret of the Earth Master.

Another problem is that the fourth generation Earth Master and the current generation Earth Master overlap in time. When the fourth generation Earth Master was alive, the current generation Earth Master was already an adult, which seems to rule out speculation about incarnation and reincarnation.

Qi Xuansu asked, "Who have you told about this matter?"

Li Tianlan said, "I have not had much success in my life. I have been working in the local Taoist government all my life. When I am old, I am only the second deputy palace master. So it was very late when I really met this generation of earth masters. I remember that he was the fifth generation master." When the three deputy head teachers were replaced, I followed the national master to Yujing and met the current earth master and the current heavenly master for the first time. At first, I just thought they looked familiar, as if I had seen them somewhere. I didn't pay too much attention to it. Later, when I was worshiping my ancestors, I remembered the old story of my ancestors taking me to visit friends, and then I was shocked that the current generation of earth masters and the fourth generation of earth masters were so similar. I dare not make too much noise, but I just told the Imperial Master, who told me not to spread the news. As for whether the Imperial Master has told anyone else, I don’t know.”

Qi Xuansu asked, "Didn't the fourth generation Earth Master leave any portraits?"

Li Tianlan

He said, "When I first thought about this, I was afraid that I had made a mistake, so I specially looked for the portrait of the fourth generation Earth Master to compare it, but the official portrait left by the fourth generation Earth Master was different from the fourth generation Earth Master in my memory. It’s not the same at all, the distortion is serious, it must have been modified. I found a few other portraits of the fourth generation Earth Master, but they were all silhouettes or backs.”

Except for a distorted official portrait of the dignified deputy head master, there is no other portrait left. Was this intentional? Or was it destroyed later?

It seems that the water of Quanzhen Dao is much deeper than Qi Xuansu imagined.

Qi Xuansu sighed and didn't ask any more questions.

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