Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 237 The Mystery of the Earth Master (Part 2)

Finding the revelation from True Lord Purple Light requires a lot of divine power, so naturally you have to think about what to ask first.

Qi Xuansu ruled it out himself first.

In terms of age, Li Tianlan is much younger than the third generation of earth masters. Li Tianlan has met the fourth generation of earth masters, which shows that the fourth generation of earth masters and the current generation of earth masters have overlapped for a period of time. That is, within a certain period of time, two people exist in the world at the same time.

Then the possibility of immortal incarnation is very small, but the possibility of reincarnation and seizing one's body still exists, and even the possibility of two people merging into one person also exists.

Take Yao Zu as an example. Before the fusion, Wu Xian was Wu Xian and Yao Xianglian was Yao Xianglian. They were two completely unrelated independent individuals and did not even know each other. After the fusion, they became a new individual. That is the later Yao Zu. Generally speaking, Wu Xian still took the lead, but Wu Xian was still influenced by Yao Xianglian. In the eyes of other great witches who were familiar with Wu Xian, it was a drastic change in temperament. .??.

If the fourth generation Earth Master did not ascend in the end, but instead chose to merge with the Earth Master who was still very young at the time, so that the true form of the fourth generation Earth Master gradually replaced the original form of the current generation Earth Master, this change is It is subtle and invisible to others in a short period of time. It may not be until decades later that they are shocked to realize that the Earth Master has turned into the fourth generation Earth Master. But by that time, most people who have seen the fourth generation Earth Master have already If he's not alive, that barely makes sense.

However, these are just Qi Xuansu's speculations. It is difficult to say what the specific truth is.

If True Monarch Ziguang cannot give a clear answer directly and can only give corresponding clues, then Qi Xuansu must focus on the aspect of fusion, or the aspect of seizing the body, rather than the aspect of immortal incarnation.

Qi Xuansu came to the quiet room, activated the formation to avoid disturbance, and began to try to contact True Lord Ziguang to seek enlightenment.

Unlike the believers of Ziguang Society, who need special rituals or open altars to pray, Qi Xuansu can communicate directly. In a sense, Qi Xuansu's method is a bit like inviting gods to come to the body, and it is not essentially the same as the methods of rural goddesses. The difference is that the witches can only invite some lonely ghosts or demons that have become climatic, while Qi Xuansu invites ancient gods.

Of course, the cost is also different. The gods and goddesses only need to offer some incense, and every household can afford it. After the "immortals" get the incense, they slowly refine it themselves. Qi Xuansu needs to spend a lot of pure divine power. Let’s not talk about the quantity. Refining the incense and wishing power into divine power has to be done through Taoism. True Lord Ziguang doesn’t even have to do the refining himself.

This kind of treatment is like a first-class innocent Taoist priest.

Qi Xuansu sat cross-legged on the cloud couch and manifested the "celestial phenomena", and then took the main form of Ziguang Zhenjun.

When the goddesses invite gods to take over their bodies, the goddesses will lose consciousness, and the invited "immortals" will control their bodies and answer other people's questions. Qi Xuansu's invitation to the gods is normal.

In this situation, Qi Xuansu still dominates. Ziguang Zhenjun's consciousness will be connected with his, and the two will communicate with each other consciously.

Qi Xuansu began to seek the enlightenment of True Lord Ziguang.

For a moment, everything was silent.

Purple light surged into the quiet room, and then "stars" appeared out of thin air. Wherever they went, the light dimmed, even the sound became silent, and the surrounding environment began to transform into a starry sky.

A moment later, Qi Xuansu was already in a starry sky.

Then the "stars" began to move, connecting the dots to form lines, and the lines to form pictures, forming a vague human-shaped outline, huge and magnificent, as if the cardinal dominates the starry sky here.

This scene is exactly the same as the Tathagata Mahavairocana manifesting his body with the help of stars.

Compared with the "hidden clumsiness" and return to nature of the heavenly and earthly immortals, the image of the immortals is indeed more in line with the world's imagination of immortals. As for human immortals and ghost immortals, they are more like wild beasts and old ghosts.

"I have met the true king." Qi Xuansu took the initiative to express his respect. After all, he was asking for help.

The humanoid silhouette made of stars emitted a slightly illusory layer of overlapping sounds, as if every byte carried an echo of "Speak of your request."

At the same time, Qi Xuansu felt that part of his divine power had been deducted.

This is what is unreasonable. Regardless of whether the matter can be completed, the money must be collected first, and even if the matter fails in the end, the money will not be refunded. There is no way, in this regard, Ziguang Zhenjun is almost a monopoly, and he can do whatever he likes. The only one who can compete with True Lord Ziguang is the Celestial Master, but what the Celestial Master wants is not divine power, but maybe something more important, or he simply can't find the temple gate with a pig's head.

Qi Xuansu said directly, "I want to know the true relationship between the fourth generation Earth Master and the current generation Earth Master."

The voice fell silent, and the outline of the human figure made of stars flashed, as if deep in thought.

This means that Ziguang Zhenjun probably knows some inside information, but out of some concerns, she is considering whether to inform Qi Xuansu.

If the fourth generation Earth Master is really a calamity immortal, hiding everything from the outside world and living until now, then the Purple Light True Lord will also be wary of it.

In the end, True Lord Ziguang refused to answer, "I hope you will change the question."

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and then said, "Westerners say that all gifts in fate have already been marked with a price in secret."

Having said this, he stretched out his hand

Pointing to his chest, "I want to know what the price of this gift is, and what will be the consequences if I can't afford it?"

Zhenjun Ziguang was silent for another moment, and then said, "In the Western system, there is a kind of existence called 'Hell Apostles'. They often sign contracts with mortals to realize their wishes or give them powerful powers. However, He will play word games in the contract and finally take away the soul of the mortal."

This is to answer without answering.

Qi Xuansu's heart moved and he further confirmed, "If I can't afford the price of the gift, then I will pay the price of losing myself and becoming a puppet? All my efforts before this will be to make wedding clothes for others?"

This makes sense why Qi Xuansu has such a smooth journey. It is like fattening a pig before killing it. No one would set up a test when feeding the pig. They all want the pig to gain fat as quickly as possible. The better. From this point of view, Qi Xuansu is no different from those businessmen. Looking at the fortune-making experiences of these big businessmen, which one does not stand out? Which one is not smooth sailing? It's just hard to say what the final outcome will be and whether it can achieve positive results.

Ziguang Zhenjun said, "Maybe. The secret has been deceived, and I can't guarantee that what I saw is the truth, so I can't give you an accurate answer. As compensation, you can ask an additional question."

Qi Xuansu said, "To make a digression, Zhenjun doesn't have to answer. Does Zhenjun really don't know the answer? Or is he worried?"

Ziguang Zhenjun said, "Among the past, present, and future, only the past is constant. The present and the future are full of uncertainties. Whether it is divination or deduction, only scales and claws can be seen." , maybe that’s the truth in a narrow sense, but on the whole, it’s misleading.”

"For example, I saw that your Taoist companion betrayed you in the future. Is this the truth? If you zoom out, you will find that the Taoist companion who betrayed you is actually someone else's fake one, and your real Taoist companion is falling into a trap. There is no way to escape from this huge crisis. If you believe that the first scene is the truth, which makes the two of you suspicious and makes her betray you, then you are being misled by the one-sided truth to prevent the prophecy from happening. It is not uncommon for such efforts to ultimately lead to the fulfillment of prophecies.”

"I did see some clips, but I am not sure what those clips mean and whether they will mislead you. Out of a serious and responsible attitude, I cannot give you a very clear and definite answer."

Qi Xuansu understood.

After all, Ziguang Zhenjun is not the supreme will, and cannot claim to be omniscient and omnipotent. She did see some fragments. These fragments cannot solve the puzzle, but will generate various associations.

, aggravating doubts.

In this case, Qi Xuansu could only settle for the next best thing, "Since the past has been determined but the future is uncertain, then please tell me the past of the fourth generation of earth masters."

Ziguang Zhenjun said: "The fourth generation earth master Yao Yueyan is proficient in the divination method taught by ancient witchcraft. The method of divination is nothing more than peeking and deceiving. What I am good at is peeking into the future and the past, and what she knows What she is good at is deceiving the secrets, so many truths have been covered up or modified by her, and I have no way of seeing them.”

Qi Xuansu was disappointed for a while, but he still got some useful information: "Yao Yueyan, this seems to be a female name?"

Ziguang Zhenjun said, "Yes, people in the Taoist sect like to be named after stars. Yao Yueyan is named after Wei Yueyan."

Qi Xuansu was not surprised that Xingxu was named after him. Imperial Master Li Changgeng and Zhang Yuelu both took the name of Xingxu, but their last names happened to match up, and the fourth generation Earth Master did not match up, which seemed a bit weird.

What really surprised Qi Xuansu was that the fourth generation earth master was actually a woman. It seemed that the earth masters of Quanzhen Tao had always been women.

Of course it's not strange for women, but the problem is that it is difficult for women to get to the top positions within the Taoist sect. Most of the time, it is still a man's world.

Ziguang Zhenjun felt Qi Xuansu's surprise, "Is it strange? The ten witches of Lingshan and Wu Yang are all women, none of them are men, so they are also called the Eleven Goddess. The Quanzhen Tao Yao family inherited the inheritance of Wu Xian of the witch religion , so it’s the same, women have always been in charge.”

Qi Xuansu said in surprise, "So, this generation of Earth Master is also..."

"Yes, this Earth Master Yao Ling is also a woman, the only woman among the three masters." Ziguang Zhenjun said.

Qi Xuansu didn't speak for a long time.

He always thought that the Earth Master was a man, a figure like Xu Zu, but it turned out to be a woman, so she and Qiniang were not brothers but sisters.

But if you think about it carefully, there are actually signs of this. Qi Xuansu worked with Yao Shu for more than two years, but he didn't realize that he had any great witchcraft.

In terms of bloodline, Yao Pei, who is one generation younger than Yao Shu, has the bloodline of the great witch. It can be seen that the bloodline of the great witch has been passed down among the women of the Yao family. This corresponds to what Zhenjun Ziguang said about the female head of the family.

As for Qiniang, like Xiao Yin, she was picked up, not her biological child anyway.

Qi Xuansu finally knew the names of the last three masters, Zhang Wushou, Li Changgeng, and Yao Ling. Together with Su Yuanyi, Li Wugu, and Pei Xuanzhi, these six people are the top six members of the Taoist sect.

Finally, True Lord Ziguang condensed the starlight into a scroll, threw it to Qi Xuansu, and then slowly dissipated.

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