Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 14 Fork in the Road

It is difficult to reverse the verdict. The higher the level, the more difficult it is to reverse the verdict.

At the level of the Zhou family, it may need to be promoted by the headmaster level.

However, Li Ping's case is not difficult, because Li Ping is not Li Tianlan, Li Ping himself is not of high grade, and the Taoist priests involved in his case are not of high grade either. There will definitely be resistance, but for Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng, In terms of level, it's nothing.

From another perspective, Qi Xuansu represents the Quanzhen Tao, and Zhang Jucheng represents the Zhengyi Tao. Then the two plan to find a Li family member to facilitate this matter, that is, to represent the Taiping Tao. All three parties agreed, which naturally reduced the resistance to a minimum.

As for how Qi Xuansu wanted to go around in a circle to provide ventilation to the Li family, of course it was not that he went directly to Li Zhuyu or Li Changge. That would not be going around in a circle, but to arouse the suspicion.

Qi Xuansu also has connections in the Li family, and that is Li Qingnu.

Qi Xuansu originally wanted to wait until he went to Qizhou Daofu before contacting Li Qingnu, but now it seems that it will be earlier.

Li Qingnu was originally positioned as a "gift", a gift carefully prepared by the Li family for His Majesty the Emperor.

There is a poem saying that I don't have red sleeves to entertain myself at night, but I am about to let my young slaves feel cold. There are also poems about sleeping with a young slave. ??

A woman named herself after a type of bedding, and the meaning is self-explanatory.

Li Tianyue did treat Li Qingnu as a tool at first - a bedding given to His Majesty the Emperor.

It's just that His Majesty the Emperor didn't ask for it.

Later, Li Qingnu met Qiniang again, which was her luck.

Qiniang is best at playing chess and warming up the cold stove. The person Qiniang devoted the most energy to was naturally Qi Xuansu, who made Qi Xuansu rise from an unknown person to an upstart in the Taoist sect, and was only one step away from being ranked in the Golden Palace. Qiniang’s investment in Li Qingnu was second only to Qi Xuansu’s, which allowed Li Qingnu to get rid of the fate of tools. She has also been prosperous in recent years. Although she is not as dazzling as Qi Xuansu, looking at the entire Taoist sect, there are several Qi Xuansu?

Li Qingnu is now very close to Li Zhuyu and others. There is also a girl named Li Ziqiong in the Li family. The three of them are called the three Li sisters. It is said that the three women are of noble birth and beautiful appearance, and are the female Taoist priests second only to Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei.

Of course, these three people are not of the same generation at all. Li Zhuyu, as the adopted daughter of Master Qingwei, is actually from the Tianzi generation, Li Qingnu is from the Mingzi generation, and Li Ziqiong is from the higher Mingzi generation. The three generations of ancestors and grandchildren are pretty much the same. , just because they are similar in age, they are both eighth-generation disciples, and the Taoist seniority dilutes the family seniority.

In the final analysis, these three sisters are like the Three Friends of Nanyang. They are mainly people of the same species. If we really count them by seniority, Lin Yuanmiao is much higher than Pei Xiaolou and Ji Jiaozhen.

The current Li Qingnu is not a core member of the Li family, but he is not a marginal member either. He can be regarded as a link between the past and the future.

middle-level members who are valuable to cultivate.

It would be difficult for Li Qingnu to overturn Li Ping's case directly. But it was very simple to ask Li Qingnu to pass on a message and blow off the wind.

After Qi Xuansu left Zhang Jucheng's detention room, he used the fish charm to contact Li Qingnu.

"Yu Bo, how are you doing lately?" Qi Xuansu spoke first.

Li Qingnu was a little surprised, but his tone revealed the unique yin and yang of the Li family. He teased, "I didn't expect that the dignified Chief Qi would deign to contact me. When was the last time you contacted me? It's been too long. I can’t remember it anymore. But you are a busy person who cares about all the big things in the world. If you don’t care about Master Qingwei or Master Donghua, how can you tolerate a small person like me?”

This is a mockery of the two things Qi Xuansu has done recently. One is that Master Qingwei appointed Qi Xuansu to go to the New World on behalf of Beichen Hall, and the other is that Qi Xuansu became a disciple of Master Donghua, so he only has eyes for Master Qingwei and Master Donghua. , her old friend had been forgotten, of course she was very dissatisfied.

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly, "I am indeed busy."

"Aren't you busy now? I'm afraid you only think of me when you need me, right? Use people forward, don't use people backward." Li Qingnu said sarcastically.

What else could Qi Xuansu say? He paid great attention to the distance between him and other women. Of course, he rarely contacted Li Qingnu. However, he couldn't argue and could only change the topic, "It's not that serious. What about Chao Qian and Chao Qian?" Finally, I am always facing you, you can also take the initiative to find me, I will never turn you away, didn't you also contact me? How can it be my fault? "

Li Qingnu has been taught how to figure out people's hearts and serve others since she was a child. She knows how to exercise discretion. After expressing her dissatisfaction, she did not push forward. In any case, Qi Xuansu's status is so high that she can't really piss him off. , so he followed Qi Xuansu's words and said, "Okay, I was wrong too. Let's be half and half, even with each other. I wonder what Chief Qi's orders are? I'm all ears."

"I can't talk about orders. I'm mainly asking you to do me a favor." Qi Xuansu did not beat around the bush, "Do you know Li Mingping?"

Li Qingnu was silent for a moment, probably recalling, "I seem to have heard of him, is he the scum who forced his stepmother to rape? Why are you asking about him?"

Qi Xuansu said, "That's him, but he didn't force his stepmother to rape him, but he was framed."

Li Qingnu didn't take it seriously: "What, do you want to reverse his case?"


It is I who want to reverse his verdict, but you who want to reverse his verdict. "Qi Xuansu said.

"We?" Li Qingnu was startled, "Who is this 'you' you are talking about?"

Qi Xuansu said, "Of course it's you, Li Zhuyu behind you, Li Changge behind Li Zhuyu."

Li Qingnu probably understood a little bit.

Qi Xuansu asked again, "Have you recently started taking over the intelligence work of the Li family?"

"Yes." When it came to business, Li Qingnu also corrected his attitude, "There are so many courtyards, which are perfect places to collect intelligence. The Li family is not just keeping an eye on a few people selling jokes. They are more concerned about those who patronize them. The dignitaries of the monastery, especially the Taoist priests, are not allowed to engage in prostitution, but human nature is such that some Taoist priests are frequent visitors to the monastery and often unintentionally reveal some important information when they are having fun. I am now responsible. Something about this.”

Qi Xuansu said, "I hope you can let people in Li Zhuyu's group know something about Li Ping and Li Tianlan without exposing yourself. Li Zhuyu and others have long been dissatisfied with Li Tianlan. Such a blow to Li Tianlan They shouldn’t miss the opportunity.”

Li Qingnu thought about it seriously, "Yes, but we have to do all the tricks. Who will leak the news?"

Qi Xuansu said, "I'll make arrangements."

Li Qingnu agreed.

Who did Qi Xuansu arrange to act in this scene?

He already has a favorite candidate, and that is Xu Kou.

Li Ping once said that Gu Ying had a good friend, Li Minghuang.

Li Minghuang now works in Tiangang Hall, and Xu Kou is also in Tiangang Hall and is considered a colleague. It makes sense that Xu Kou accidentally learned about this.

Xu Kou is from Qizhou, and he returns to Qizhou occasionally. Xu Kou's wife has passed away, and it is reasonable for a single man to visit the courtyard.

This matter has nothing to do with Xu Kou's personal interests, it is purely someone else's business. He spilled the beans while drunk, and was overheard by Li Qingnu's men, who then reported it to Li Qingnu, who then reported it to Li Zhuyu , can also be connected.

This is the whole trick. If the Li family went to investigate afterwards, they would only think that Zhang Jucheng seized this opportunity of internal strife in his family and took advantage of it, rather than falling into a scheme.

The only question is whether Xu Kou is reliable.

He was originally from Taiping Dao, and he seemed unreliable, so it was not easy to leave this kind of thing to him.

But Qi Xuansu thought about it carefully and thought it was okay.

There are three reasons. First, Xu Kou has been promoted by Zhang Yuelu over the years and has become a Taoist priest. Second, the relationship between Xu Kou and Li Tianzhen

No, although it was Li Tianzhen who recommended Xu Kou to enter Tiangang Hall, it was Li Tianzhen who instigated Xu Kou to offend Zhang Yuelu. It was one thing for Zhang Yuelu to be generous and not care, but what if Zhang Yuelu did? Then Xu Kou was cannon fodder, and because of this, Xu Kou left Taiping Dao, and Li Tianzhen belonged to Li Tianlan's faction. Third, Master Qingwei was kind to Xu Kou. Attacking Li Tianlan was not in the overall interests of the Li family, but in the interests of Master Qingwei. Xu Kou would not be in a dilemma because of his past kindness, let alone Resistance.

Based on the above three points, Qi Xuansu decided to let Xu Kou do this.

Just because of Qi Wangui's case, Xu Kou was temporarily assigned to Qi Xuansu's dispatch, which made it even easier.

As the saying goes, use people without suspicion and don't use people with suspicion. Since Qi Xuansu decided to use Xu Kou, he didn't hide much. Except for the subsequent actions, he roughly told Xu Kou the ins and outs of Li Ping's case and asked Xu Kou to deliberately leak the news to the Li family.

Of course, Qi Xuansu did not mention that Li Qingnu was also one of his own. This is also reasonable. Even without Li Qingnu, the news Xu Kou deliberately leaked may have reached Li Zhuyu's ears.

The reason why Qi Xuansu wanted to use Li Qingnu was to ensure that the deliberately leaked news would definitely get into the hands of Li Zhuyu, not just possible, let alone Li Tianzhen's hands, or be suppressed by someone midway.

After Xu Kou heard this, he agreed directly without much hesitation.

He is from Qingluan Guard and has always been known for his cruel methods. He does not have such a high moral code. This kind of thing is commonplace and not surprising. Moreover, this matter is not aimed at Zhenren Qingwei, so he will not be in a dilemma. As for whether Master Qingwei cares about the overall situation of the Li family and whether he is willing to pursue Li Tianlan, that is another matter.

Qi Xuansu gave Xu Kou ten days of leave on the grounds that the Qi Wangui case had been closed. In addition, Zhongzhou was not far from Qizhou, so he could go back to his hometown.

Don't ask why Qi Xuansu, the chief of Beichen Hall, has the power to approve leave for Xu Kou, the assistant manager of Tiangang Hall. Master Cihang, the mother-in-law-to-be, will never

Don't give me any face at all.

In Taoism, everything is not done according to the rules, but the world is wise.

In this way, Qi Xuansu's early layout was initially completed.

As long as it goes smoothly, it will be like putting a noose around Li Tianlan's neck and slowly tightening it.

Struggle is not just about conspiracy, but a combination of strength and softness. When it is time to use conspiracy, of course it must be upright. When it is time to use conspiracy, it cannot be a frontal attack.

This shows the importance of Qi Xuansu's refusal to leave any clues. If Li Tianlan doesn't have so many clues, what will happen no matter how hard Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng plan?

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