Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 25 Confession

Qi Xuansu and Qiniang parted ways. Qi Niang took Xiao Yin to continue traveling to the south of the Yangtze River, while Qi Xuansu took Liuhu back to Jiangnan Daofu.

With Qi Xuansu's current level of cultivation, even if Liu Hu's identity is exposed, Qi Xuansu is confident that he can protect her. His cultivation is comparable to that of a pseudo-immortal.

The two of them were walking on the road to Tianxin Taoist Palace as they were when they went from Longmen Mansion to Bohai Mansion, with Qi Xuansu walking in front and Liu Hu following behind.

Qi Xuansu said: "Taoist's path is said to be orthodox, but in fact the risk is not much less than walking in the world. When you go to Kunlun Mountain, it takes a long time to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top. How about jumping from the top of the mountain? I have jumped before, although it is not Kunlun Mountain. , but a flying boat, but the difference is just the blink of an eye. This is the Taoist priest, not counting his ancestors, but only himself, it took him decades to hold Borneo in his hands. But what about overturning? Just overnight.”

"Once it overturns, not to mention that you can't control what you are holding in your hands, you can't control your own wealth and life. If you want to take this path, I don't object, I even support it, but you must understand one thing , All will be prosperous, and all will be lost. If one day, I fall from the top of Kunlun Mountain, then you will probably fall with me. "

Liu Hu still listened silently and said nothing as before.

Qi Xuansu suddenly asked: "Why don't you use the 'Mother and Son Talisman' I gave you?"

Liu Hu replied softly: "Keep me in mind."

Qi Xuansu smiled: "You don't have to be so frugal in the future."

Liu Hu pursed his lips and did not respond.

Because he had not left Jinling Mansion, he quickly arrived at Tianxin Dao Palace.

The spiritual officials guarding the gate here all recognized Qi Xuansu. Although Qi Xuansu brought an unfamiliar face, no one dared to ask and let him go directly.

Qi Xuansu went to see Zhang Jucheng overnight.

At such a critical moment, Zhang Jucheng would certainly not retreat, let alone sleep. His detention room was still brightly lit. When Qi Xuansu came in, Zhang Jucheng was reading the first draft of the plan to blockade Fenglinzhou drafted by Lei Xiaohuan.

Seeing Qi Xuansu, Zhang Jucheng put down the first draft in his hand and turned his eyes to Liu Hu who was following Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu did not go around in circles and simply explained the matter in general, omitting the background of the Qingping Meeting, and only said that this was the arrangement of Zhenren Donghua.

Because there was a long gap between the time Qi Xuansu fell in Xingxiu Sea and when he participated in the investigation of the second major Jiangnan case. Later, Donghua Zhenren helped Qi Xuansu fill in the gap and announced that Qi Xuansu was sent by Donghua Zhenren to perform the task. This is also the obvious reason why Qi Xuansu transferred from Zhengyi Tiangang Hall to Quanzhen Tao Ziweitang.

Few people know the specific tasks Qi Xuansu performed. Now that Qi Xuansu said it was the arrangement of Donghua Master, it makes sense after comparing the time.

In this way, it was Qi Xuansu who was ordered by Master Donghua to protect Liu Hu, an important witness in the first major Jiangnan case, and it happened to be Master Donghua who promoted the first major Jiangnan case, which is completely correct.

Zhang Jucheng did not think deeply: "Brother Pei Dao has been thinking deeply. With the evidence in the hands of fellow Taoist Xiaoliu, we can break the deadlock."

Then he told his secretary: "Ask Assistant Mu to come."

Mu Fuli was Mu Jin, Zhang Yuelu's former secretary and Qi Xuansu's earliest competitor.

She was sent to Jiangnan Taoist Prefecture by Zhang Yuelu. A few years later, she had been promoted to the assistant manager of the Beichen Hall Branch of Jiangnan Taoist Prefecture.

The Beichen Hall branch is under dual leadership, vertically under the leadership of the Beichen Hall main hall, and horizontally under the leadership of Jiangnan Taoist Prefecture. If there is no conflict, the branch halls will of course listen to what both sides say. For example, when Qi Xuansu asked people to arrest Gu Dalin, the branch halls in various places fully cooperated.

However, it can also be seen from Wu Mairong's case that when it comes to a life-or-death moment and vital interests are involved, the branch assistant manager may not necessarily obey the orders of the main hall.

Theoretically speaking, branch churches in various regions are first and foremost part of the Taoist government and give priority to obeying the orders of the Taoist government. Qi Xuansu's attack on Wu Mairong was not that she did not obey the orders of the main hall, but that she did not ask for instructions and reports from the Taoist government, acted without authorization, and was not in accordance with the procedures.

If the main hall and the Taoist government have different opinions, they can be promoted. That is to say, the main church is personally responsible, and at this time the branch church has to hand over the case to the higher level. However, in this case, instead of the branch hall handling the case under the orders and guidance of the main hall, the main hall handles the case personally. In the end, it is the main hall as the main body of law enforcement that makes the conclusion, not the branch halls. The main hall has its own rights and responsibilities, and the branch halls have no responsibility.

The reason is not complicated. The local government is responsible for the funding of branch churches, not the main church. Of course, branch churches must listen to their parents. There are exceptions. Beichen Hall's overseas branches and some directly affiliated branches are funded by Beichen Hall, so they naturally listen to Beichen Hall.

It just so happened that Qi Xuansu represented Beichen Hall and Zhang Jucheng represented Jiangnan Daofu, both of whom were Mu Jin's bosses.

In addition, Mu Jin was promoted by Zhang Yuelu, who was Zhang Jucheng's niece and Qi Xuansu's quasi-Taoist companion, so Mu Jin could still be trusted.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng did not just wait. Qi Xuansu signaled Liu Hu to hand over the account books to Zhang Jucheng. After all, Zhang Jucheng was the real person in charge of Jiangnan Daofu and knew the relevant people in Jiangnan better. Zhang Jucheng Cheng quickly browsed the roster, and with his photographic memory, he quickly compiled a list.

Then Zhang Jucheng personally drew up a palace master's warrant and stamped it with the palace master's seal.

Soon, the secretary knocked on the door of the contract room, then pushed the door open and came in: "Master, Assistant Mu is here."

After saying that, the secretary opened the door and Mu Jin walked in.

Mu Jin had known for a long time that Qi Xuansu had arrived at Jiangnan Daofu, but this was the first time she saw Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu took the initiative and said, "Mu Fuli, we haven't seen each other for some time."

"Chief Qi." Mu Jin no longer had the hostile attitude of the past and was very respectful.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Have you communicated with Chief Zhang recently?"

Mu Jin replied: "Yes."

Qi Xuansu nodded.

Because there were still business matters, Qi Xuansu did not dwell too much on the past.

Zhang Jucheng handed the warrant and list to Mu Jin: "Arrest the people according to the list. I will ask Assistant Qingyue to assist you, and then escort them all to Putuo Island."

"Yes." Mu Jin accepted the order in a deep voice.

Zhang Jucheng said: "Go."

The turmoil jointly set off by Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng finally started to expand. As Zhang Jucheng ordered arrests again, many people couldn't help but start to wonder, was Gu Ying finally unable to withstand it?

Because it was an overnight operation, when some people were arrested, they didn't hear anything about it beforehand and had no time to take any action. They could only scream that they were wronged.

But it's useless to cry out for injustice. Facing the violence of the Taoist government, these people have no qualifications to resist. The Kunlun Taoist Mansion is carrying out large-scale construction projects every year. If you are caught without mercy, you may not die. There is a high probability that you will be sent to a Taoist temple or work in mining. But if you resist, you will be beaten to death.

In a sense, resistance is the power of top Taoist priests, such as Wang Jiaohe, Sun Heyu, Chen Shuhua, etc. Their resistance also forced Jinque to take it seriously and make detailed and thoughtful arrangements.

It has to be said that power is very important, and state cultivation is also the key.

Qi Xuansu was not idle, he took Liu Hu directly to Putuo Island.

Speaking of which, Qi Xuansu can be regarded as half of Cihang's lineage. It is said that there are no men in Cihang's lineage. This is wrong. There are many sons-in-law in Cihang's lineage, and they are not ordinary people. Going back even further, it even includes Emperor Gaozu of Daxuan, the only Celestial Master with a different surname. Now Qi Xuansu's name is about to be added to this long list of sons-in-law.

Of course, Zhang Yuelu, a disciple of Cihang, is an anomaly. She has only been to Putuo Island a few times. Her biggest label is still the Zhang family, which surpasses the label of Cihang disciples. Even if Zhang Yuelu doesn't go, Qi Xuansu can't steal it by herself. Go, so Qi Xuansu also went to Putuo Island for the first time.

The distance from Tianxin Dao Palace to Putuo Island is not that far. Qi Xuansu originally wanted to fly there directly, but Zhang Jucheng still lent his boat to Qi Xuansu. In his words, the honor of the dignified chief still needs to be maintained. , can't be too casual.

When boarding the boat of the real person in charge, Liu Hu deeply realized the difference between Qi Xuansu and Wei Wugui, and the breath of another world came to his face.

Over the years, Liuhu has taken several flying boats. They were all in very cramped small rooms, like a large beehive. The fees were too expensive for ordinary Taoist priests to afford.

But what about the mansion owner’s boat? All open, spacious and bright, it is a mobile mansion in the sky. Ordinary flying boats only have densely packed small windows, the size of a human face, but the Palace Master's boat has an entire wall opened into windows. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can overlook the rolling sea of ​​clouds and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers below. What is it like?

In the true sense, the mountains and rivers are at my feet, demonstrating the illustrious power of the real person in charge.

If you don't like it, you can also activate the corresponding formation, and the floor-to-ceiling windows will return to their original wall appearance.

The key is that Qi Xuansu did not ask for it, but someone else lent it to him. With two initiatives, you can see what status Qi Xuansu has now.

He is no longer the gangster with a skinny horse and two sharp weapons, one long and one short. It is a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest who holds the power of life and death and is even expected to reach the highest power.

Thinking of this, Liu Hu felt a little complicated and indescribable.

There is no doubt that Qi Xuansu has changed.

It's hard to say now whether he is still the Qi Xuansu in her impression.

Soon, the flying boat landed at the port of Putuo Island.

Cihang's family has been notified by the Taoist government and specially arranged for people to pick up the ship. This honor is not for the chief deputy master of Beichen Hall, but for his own son-in-law.

This is the advantage of having two mothers-in-law, having the support of two more wives. Others have to marry two wives in order to have two in-laws. They also have to pay attention to the balance of a bowl of water, for fear that the two wives will not get along. Qi Xuansu is much simpler, just one wife is enough, and there is no need to carry water deliberately, just enough.

The leader is a beautiful woman who looks to be in her forties, named Xiao Yuehua. She is the junior sister of Master Cihang and Shi Bingyun. She is unmarried and has been staying on Putuo Island to take charge of daily affairs and train new people.

Master Cihang's favorite disciple Xiao Yueru is Xiao Yuehua's cousin.

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