Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 41 Going to the Banquet

"Chief Qi." Shen Yuqing took the initiative to speak.

Qi Xuansu also came over and said, "Hello, Assistant Shen."

In formal occasions where there are many people, or if the relationship is not that close, it is not appropriate to address the secretary directly, but rather by title.

These secretaries all hold the title of assistant secretary. Master Qingwei is the head master of Beichen Hall, and Shen Yuqing is the assistant secretary of Beichen Hall. At the same time, he also serves as the chief secretary of Beichen Hall and is the boss of other secretaries of Beichen Hall.

The chief secretary and the private secretary of the master are two different positions, and they can also be two people. However, the two people often have power struggles. The chief secretary has a higher position and is the direct superior of the private secretary, but is far away from the master. The personal secretary is close to the power, but his position is lower, and the two sides often have various games.

The reason why these two positions should be separated is mainly due to energy issues. One is responsible for the Taoist Hall, and the other is responsible for the master. Although the two often overlap, they are sometimes separated. It is difficult for one person to take care of both. Incapable of doing anything else.

However, considering that most of the people who have made it this far are heavenly beings, the problem of energy is not a big problem, and there are many people who can hold two jobs.

Because Li Zhuyu often assumes the functions of secretary or chief secretary, Shen Yuqing's position is both the chief secretary and the personal secretary of Qingwei Zhenren. The power of a secretary often depends on the "boss" he follows. Considering that Qingwei Zhenren is still the second-in-command Shenzhi Zhenren, it is no exaggeration to say that Qi Xuansu is the No. 2 figure of Beichen Hall on the surface, and Shen Yuqing is the Beichen Hall in private. Number two.

This is proximity to power.

The only shortcoming is that the rank of this position is not high, and the Five Dynasties Grand Master clearly stipulates that in order to prevent the manipulation of power, no one can serve as a secretary for a long time and needs to be replaced regularly, so Xie Jiaofeng was released, away from power, and had to Please be careful with Qi Xuansu. This is also a pain point for many secretaries. When they were in office, of course they held a high position of power, after all, they were the second in command. But they also have to make good friends. After all, sooner or later, they will have to go out. Away from power, they have no real power. They are just foxes pretending to be powerful. Without the tiger behind them, their influence will plummet.

Today, both Shen Yuqing and Qi Xuansu are a bit polite, but once Shen Yuqing is released and sees Qi Xuansu again, they will no longer be treated like this, and they will have to imitate Xie Jiaofeng's soft body.

It is better to be respectful late than to be respectful early. Kung fu should be used first. Shen Yuqing naturally understood this truth, so he hurriedly returned the greeting to Qi Xuansu, as if he was competing with Qi Xuansu to see who was more polite. ..

Then Shen Yuqing said softly: "Master, please ask Chief Qi to come over."

Qi Xuansu nodded: "Excuse me, Assistant Shen, to lead the way."

Shen Yuqing did not walk onto the huge stone disk driven by the formation, but led Qi Xuansu to a nearby hiking trail.

On the way, Qi Xuansu wanted to find out the attitude of Master Qingwei from Shen Yuqing, so he asked: "Shen Fuli, what do you want from me?"

Shen Yuqing's answer was watertight: "It should be about the Jiangnan Provincial Government's implementation of the Jinque Resolution."

Qi Xuansu couldn't ask any more questions.

Shen Yuqing did not lead Qi Xuansu all the way to the peak. He stopped when he reached about halfway up the mountain. There were waterfalls, bamboo forests, pools, and rivers. The scenery was excellent, but there were Taoist priests guarding it. No one is allowed to enter.

However, with Shen Yuqing's guidance, the journey was naturally smooth, and they went deeper along the river. There was a pavilion half-covered by the bamboo forest, and Master Qingwei was sitting in it.

Shen Yuqing stopped outside the pavilion, and Qi Xuansu walked into the pavilion alone.

Master Qingwei leaned back against the beauty in the pavilion and reached out casually: "Sit down."

Qi Xuansu sat down, but did not lean against the beauty behind him. He stood up straight. This was not a confrontational gesture, but a respectful gesture. No matter what, Master Qingwei is his boss. The so-called neither humble nor arrogant, many people only remember not to be humble, don't behave humble or flattering, but forget not to be arrogant. What is not to be arrogant? To put it simply, we need to be humble, not arrogant, and not confrontational.

Master Qingwei said in a calm tone: "I have already heard about the affairs of Jiangnan Daofu. I want you to come here this time because I want to talk to you about some of my opinions."

Qi Xuansu said: "Please give instructions from Master Qingwei."...

"It's not an instruction, it's just an opinion, and I still have some questions." Master Qingwei's attitude was very subtle.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to answer: "Yes."

Master Qingwei said: "The first thing is about the blockade of Fenglin Continent. You have done a good job in Jiangnan Daofu. You have implemented Jinque's resolution well and helped Jiangnan Daofu complete the initial work of blocking Fenglin zhou. "

Master Qingwei first affirmed Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu knew that there had to be a "but", and the next step was no.

However, to Qi Xuansu's surprise, Master Qingwei affirmed next: "You did a good job in Li Tianlan's case, and you controlled the situation very well. It did not affect the normal work of Jiangnan Daofu, and you controlled the impact within the limit." Within a certain range, it didn’t cause much vibration.”

One affirmation followed another, which reminded Qi Xuansu of a metaphor that was very inappropriate but had many things in common: Xiao Yin must be quiet and there must be a demon. If one day, Xiao Yin becomes quiet, he is either holding back bad things, or he has already Stabbed Louzi.

Will successive affirmations usher in a greater negation?

Qi Xuansu hurriedly said: "The real person is so complimentary..."

"Don't interrupt me." Master Qingwei interrupted Qi Xuansu's interruption, "I have read the relevant files and I have no opinion. I just have a question. I hope you can answer me truthfully."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but look deeply at Master Qingwei: "Excuse me, Master."

Master Qingwei said: "This key witness Liu Hu has never been found in the past. How did you find it?"

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment: "Qiniang found it for me."

Master Qingwei asked again: "How did Qiniang find Liuhu?"

Qi Xuansu said: "If you look at it from my perspective, Qiniang always likes to play chess and light a cold stove. She should have found Liuhu during the first major Jiangnan case. As for how she found it , I was not even qualified to participate in the first major Jiangnan case, so I naturally didn’t know about it, but I guess Qiniang happened to meet him and saved him. "

Master Qingwei asked again: "Why doesn't Qiniang hand the person over to the Taoist sect?"

Qi Xuansu was still responsible and did not ask Master Qingwei to ask Qiniang. Instead, he chose to answer Master Qingwei directly: "It's probably because he can't trust some people within the Taoist sect. Even Qingxiao has been accused several times because of this case. Pay a murderer to assassinate, let alone Liu Hu."

"Who does this certain person refer to specifically?" Master Qingwei looked at Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu said matter-of-factly: "Of course it's Li Tianlan, and Li Tianlan's accomplices."

"As far as I know, Liu Hu passed the exam in Wuxu Palace and registered as a Taoist priest. What do you think?"

"This matter is related to Ziweitang. I no longer work in Ziweitang, so I don't know about it."

Master Qingwei finally asked: "How did you arrange that Liuhu?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Liu Hu is Liu Shiying's daughter. The Taoist sect has not held Liu Shiying accountable, so Liu Hu is considered an orphan of the Taoist priest. She has made great achievements again this time, so I temporarily arranged her to stay with Chief Lei in Jiangnan Taoist Mansion. "

Master Qingwei looked at Qi Xuansu deeply and said nothing.

For a person of Qingwei's status, his speech must be correct and defensible. There are many things he can do but not say. Once he says it, it is politically incorrect. Once it is leaked, it is a matter of right and wrong.

So Master Qingwei has to go around Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu naturally understood, but he was deliberately pretending to be stupid, and he also grasped the line of correctness and said some nonsense that seemed correct.

Having said that, Master Qingwei finally became impatient. He stopped beating around the bush and began to directly attack Qi Xuansu: "What do you think about the Qingping Association?"

Qi Xuansu was really silent this time.

After a while, Qi Xuansu asked: "Is this matter related to Qingpinghui?"

"Isn't Liuhu's adoptive father a member of the Qingping Association? Isn't Liuhu able to escape the pursuit of some people within the Taoist sect thanks to the power of the Qingping Association? Why doesn't it matter?" Who is Master Qingwei? As the master in charge of Beichen Hall, whenever he wants to know something, Beichen Hall, a behemoth like this, can get to the bottom of it in a very short time if the behemoth is operating at full strength. In the past, Master Qingwei didn't know about the existence of this little person Liu Hu, but now that he knows about it in the files, there is no secret at all.

Qi Xuansu felt tremendous pressure.

Master Qingwei then asked: "Is there any problem with Liuhu? How is Ziweitang's background check done?"

Qi Xuansu took a deep breath and replied: "Members of the Qingping Society all have dual identities. Maybe Liu Hu's adoptive father is a member of the Qingping Society, maybe not. Regardless of whether he is, it does not mean that Liu Hu knows the truth, nor does it mean that Liu Hu knows the truth. Hu is a member of the Qingping Society.”

Master Qingwei's words went straight to the point: "Are you vouching for her?"

Qi Xuansu was silent again.

This question is difficult to answer. If he answers yes, and then Master Qingwei immediately throws out some evidence that he does not know, confirming the relationship between Liuhu and Qingpinghui, then he will fall into great passivity, and even Unable to help themselves.

Master Qingwei slightly emphasized his tone: "Reply."

Qi Xuansu could only reply: "These are just some of my opinions."

Master Qingwei said: "Is that just speculation? Is it an analysis of the situation or your feeling mixed with personal emotional factors?"

Qi Xuansu said: "The feeling is not made out of nothing, but also comes from analysis. I think that Liuhu's problem is essentially the same as Li Tianlan's problem. Li Tianlan is not a member of the secret society, but it does not prevent him from having a relationship with Wu Guangbi, the leader of Tianting Avenue. Well, even if Wu Guangbi personally takes action to prevent the Taoist government from handling the case, we can't say that the dignified deputy master of the Daomen is a member of the Tianting. In the same way, maybe Liuhu really got help from the Qingping Association, and we can't say that. Liu Hu is a member of the Qing Ping Society."

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