Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 43 Arrogance

In fact, Qi Xuansu was very dissatisfied. He did not expect that Manudancha would be so ignorant.

If you were an ordinary person, he would be the kind of man who doesn't know what's good or bad. If you kindly tell him that his wife plans to make money and run away with the pretty boy, he not only doesn't believe it, but gets angry at you, thinking that you are instigating their relationship.

This kind of person deserves to lose his life and money.

Qi Xuansu expressed his dissatisfaction with the emperor.

Now it is Tawanting who seeks help from Taomen and relies on Taomen's support and support, rather than Daomen looking for Tawanting, so Tawanting can't do anything.

Just when Qi Xuansu was about to walk out of the palace, Huangfu Xi appeared. She was no longer dressed in the fashionable dress last night, but in the dress of a Central Plains princess, elegant and luxurious. She acted as if she didn't know Qi Xuansu at all, as if she was seeing Qi Xuansu for the first time, a little surprised, a little strange, and a little curious.

Qi Xuansu stopped, and the palace steward also chased after him - no matter how dissatisfied he was, Qi Xuansu had to take care of the Taoist gate behind him, and he had no right to be angry.

Huangfu Xi asked curiously: "This is..."

The palace steward hurriedly said: "Princess, this is the Taoist envoy Qi Zhenren."

Then the palace manager introduced Huangfu Xi to Qi Xuansu: "Master Qi, this is..."

Qi Xuansu raised his hand and interrupted: "I heard Master Huangfu mention it, Huangfu Xi, right?"

Huangfu Xi's acting skills were superb, and he showed a flattered expression: "Master Qi actually knows about me?"

Qi Xuansu also acted with her: "Brother Huangfu spoke highly of the princess."

Huangfu Xi was like a little girl chasing after her idol, her eyes sparkling: "Actually, I have heard of Master Qi's name a long time ago. Brother Li Ming said a lot about Master Qi's deeds. Master Qi once participated in the war in Fenglinzhou. , and went to Nanyang alone, and finally put down the rebellion in Nanyang. He was an amazing person. Brother Li Ming also said that Qi Zhenren might become the great leader of the Taoist sect in the future. "

In the eyes of others who didn't know what this scene looked like, they thought Huangfu Xi was an innocent little princess, but who would have thought that this princess was actually a ruthless character who could compete with the queen.

"Miss Huangfu is so praised that I feel embarrassed." Qi Xuansu said this, but in fact he didn't look embarrassed at all.

I have been up there for a long time and have heard such words too many times. How can I be embarrassed? On the contrary, it became more and more pleasant to listen to, and he continued to say that it was not enough, not enough.

After being praised for a long time, you will not be able to hear any disapproving voices, even if those voices are right.

Breeds arrogance.

Even if someone like Mo Qingdi, who writes books, hears too many praises from people who read books, and suddenly sees some criticism, he cannot tolerate it, and his mentality will be unbalanced. He may even think arrogantly that you who read books What do you know about writing a book? I have written so many books, but no one knows how to write books better than me, so I can’t say I have to fight back in a weird way.

This is true for a small writer, let alone those who are truly powerful.

The alienation of people's hearts by power occurs in all aspects and is impossible to guard against.

Qi Xuansu hasn't reached that point yet, but there is no need to pretend in this regard. He is already used to flattery.

Of course, Huangfu Xi didn't meet Qi Xuansu by chance. She came to see Qi Xuansu on purpose. At this time, she pretended to meet her idol, holding her heart with both hands: "Master Qi, do you have time? Could you please condescend to give me some advice on my cultivation?" ?”

The palace steward looked troubled.

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "Okay."

Huangfu Xi said happily: "Thank you Master Qi. It's inconvenient here. Please ask Master Qi to move to my residence."

After that, Huangfu Xi ignored the palace manager and personally led Qi Xuansu out.

The palace steward stared at the two people leaving with his mouth open, stamped his feet, and hurried back to report to the queen.

It would be dangerous if the princess got on the line with Daomen.

Sitting on Huangfu Xi's carriage, Qi Xuansu asked Huangfu Xi with his eyes, "Is it convenient to talk?"

Huangfu Xi put away her little girl attitude just now and said with more respect: "I am surrounded by my confidants, and the carriage has been specially handled. There is no problem."

Qi Xuansu said: "Miss Huangfu, with all due respect, your biological father is far worse than your adopted father."

Huangfu Xi smiled bitterly and said: "If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have gone to see Master Qi in advance last night. It's's true..."

She didn't know how to describe her biological father.

Qi Xuansu said: "Today I wanted to attack Unu Rattu and force her, but my father defended Unu Rattu in every possible way and even wanted to blow my beard and stare at me, which disrupted my plan. I had no choice but to do so. After a detour, regarding the matter of the Heron Society, Unurattu was ordered to give me a clear statement within fifteen days. Once the fifteenth comes, I will dispatch the people from Xidaomen to station in New Paititi. Let’s wait and see. How should Nurathu respond?"

Huangfu Xi clapped his hands: "The real person's plan is very clever. He forces Unuratu to beat herself. If she doesn't obey, the real person can justifiably dispatch people, and Unuratu will also fall into passivity."

Then Huangfu Xi sighed again: "It's just that my father is really hard to explain. But then again, the reason why Xidaomen chose my father to inherit the throne was because of his inaction."

This inaction is obviously not the inaction of the Taoist ancestors, it is inaction in the literal sense, no action.

Qi Xuansu asked a digression: "Since the relationship between the emperor and the queen is so good, why do they still have concubines?"

Huangfu Xi said: "As a child, you should not comment on your father at will. Since Qi Zhenren asked, I have no choice but to answer. Although my father is romantic by nature and not dedicated to affection, he is also passionate when he is passionately in love with every woman. He is so sincere that he can't wait to take out his heart and cut off his flesh to give it to him. In his heart, all the women are his darlings, and he loves them all with the same sincerity."

Qi Xuansu didn't speak for a long time.

A Huon Chavin, determined to destroy Tawanting for a woman, even at the risk of destroying himself.

A Manudancha, as the emperor of Tawanting, obviously has no interest in Tawanting's power and only thinks about the love between men and women.

How can such an insect manage Tawanting well?

However, such opponents are indeed well matched.

Qi Xuansu finally said: "Well, well, it seems that the great burden of Tawanting will fall on your shoulders. You should communicate more with the ministers and work with General Huangfu Zhu of Nanya to ensure that the new Paiti It’s stable.”

Huangfu Xi was waiting for these words. He was sitting on his knees in the carriage, and now he took advantage of the situation and bowed down: "How dare you disobey your orders."

Qi Xuansu said: "I gave Unuratu fifteen days. She will not sit still and wait for death. She will definitely take action. You have to keep an eye on her and pay attention to your own safety."

"Yes, thank you Master Qi for your concern." Huangfu Xi said.

Qi Xuansu left behind an incarnation of the soldiers to perform a complete show with Huangfu Xi, and got off the carriage midway.

Soon, Qi Xuansu returned to the Taoist temple in Beichen Hall.

Qi Xuansu still wants to meet someone.

This person was sent by the main hall of Beichen Hall in Yujing to take over the position of "Old Qian". Although the headquarters of the Gospel Ministry was blown up by Huangfu Ji, the Gospel Ministry also caused great losses to Beichen Hall. The entire Northern Continent's intelligence system was severely damaged, the assistant manager was arrested, and now we have to start from scratch.

Although Qi Xuansu will not be responsible for this matter personally, as a boss, he always has to meet with the new assistant manager candidate. .qgν.

Qi Xuansu has read the file of this person. He is from the Shen family of Taiping Road. His name is Shen Yubing. He is older than Qi Xuansu and similar to Cheng Lixue. Now he is a third-grade Youyi Taoist, and as long as he is not compared with people like Qi Xuansu, he is a handsome Taoist in every sense. After decades, he will know that there is hope for real people.

As soon as Qi Xuansu entered the Taoist temple, Lu Yujue greeted him: "Chief, Xiao Shen has arrived and is waiting for you."

Qi Xuansu nodded slightly and walked directly to the reception room.

When I came to the reception room, I saw a man with an indifferent expression sitting here. This man was extremely handsome, with slightly thin lips and sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. There are cold beauties among women, and men also naturally have this style. They are unmoved by all winds and keep strangers away. Many women like this.

This person is Shen Yubing.

Seeing Qi Xuansu come in, Shen Yubing stood up and said, "Hello, chief."

These three words are very cold and hard, without warmth or emotion.

Qi Xuansu was not used to it, so he just nodded: "No need to be polite."

As for the first impression, Qi Xuansu felt that the new assistant manager was a bit too beautiful. Shouldn't people in this line of work be as ordinary as possible? But since it was chosen by the main hall, Qi Xuansu didn't want to say anything more.

Qi Xuansu first sat opposite Shen Yubing, and then motioned for Shen Yubing to sit down as well.

"I won't say more. Going to the Northern Continent to rebuild the destroyed intelligence system this time will be very risky. You must be mentally prepared." Qi Xuansu said.

Shen Yu had a cold face, glanced at Qi Xuansu, and said with a hint of chill in his voice: "Yes."

Qi Xuansu actually felt a bit of disdain.

Whether it was his arrogance based on his talent or his arrogance in book business, Qi Xuansu was somewhat dissatisfied.

A little writer can't stand the criticism of readers after hearing too many praises. Can Qi Xuansu, a powerful leader, tolerate such insults?

"What's your plan?" Qi Xuansu didn't get angry on the spot like Manu Dancha did, he still looked businesslike.

Shen Yubing took out a plan statement from his sleeve and handed it to Qi Xuansu: "Please read it, Chief."

Qi Xuansu flipped through it. On paper, there wasn't much of a problem. The key was execution.

The most difficult thing about anything is to execute it in place, such as speaking.

If the laws can be implemented 100%, then the world of great harmony will not be far away.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Has the real person in charge of this plan seen it?"

"Master Zhangtang has already seen it, and Master Zhangtang thinks it is very feasible." Shen Yubing said.

Qi Xuansu closed the note in his hand: "Since the master in charge has approved it, I have no reason not to disapprove it. Let's just implement it. If you need anything else, you can go to Lu Fuli."

After that, Qi Xuansu returned the note to Shen Yubing: "I wish you a successful completion of the mission."

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