Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 46 Negotiation

After five days of preparation, the spiritual officials had assembled outside the city and could enter the city only after an order was given.

Huangfu Zhu is from Qi Xuansu's side, and he has long stated that he will resolutely support the leadership of Xidaomen, so the Nanya Forbidden Army will not stop him at all, and Xinpa Yititi is basically undefended.

In addition, due to Tantai Ying's application, Tan Xiushan also sent a flying boat. The specifications of this flying boat are much higher than the ordinary battleship "Purple Jiao", but lower than the Daomen's main battleship "Yinglong". This kind of flying boat does not have the comprehensive combat capabilities of "Yinglong". It is mainly used to launch the "Dragon Eye" series and the "Phoenix Eye" series. It is regarded as a large movable turret, named "Ceratopsian Dragon".

The flying boat is hovering outside the city at this time. If there is a slight change, it can bombard the new Paititi and let the chess players have a taste of "Dragon Eye Jia Er".

See if he can still smile slightly, and see if he can still look at the overall situation first.

Three thousand spiritual officials entered the capital, causing a great shock.

Don't think that three thousand people are too few. These are not ordinary three thousand soldiers.

Xidaomen is unable to establish a huge spiritual officer force that covers almost the entire territory of Daomen like Daomen, so the concepts of spiritual officers of Xidaomen and Daomen are also very different.

The Taoist sect divides the spiritual officers into nine grades in order to be suitable for different situations. For example, if the imperial capital is to rectify the atmosphere, is it necessary to dispatch high-grade spiritual officers? Isn't that killing a chicken with a knife? At this time, the role of low-grade spiritual officials becomes apparent. Another example is that during the Fenglinzhou war, the spiritual officer descended from the sky and landed in the enemy city. He was surrounded by enemies on all sides. It couldn't be a low-grade spiritual officer. He had to be a high-grade spiritual officer to stand firm and then attack from both inside and outside.

The number of spiritual officers in Xidaomen is limited, so they must be more valuable than more. Use good steel on the blade to form a flexible and elite team of spiritual officers to deal with various emergencies. Therefore, these spiritual officials are all high-grade spiritual officials, that is, the lowest is fourth-grade spiritual officials.

Such a team of spirit officers can not only attack ordinary enemies several times their own size, but also rely on their numerical advantage to besiege a small number of enemies with higher levels of cultivation.

The key spiritual officers will be equipped with various firearms, and will be accompanied by flying boats every time they are dispatched. The competition is not about magical powers, but systematic combat.

When entering the city, the three thousand spiritual officials all wore black armor and marched in unison, stepping on the ground. The sound of their footsteps seemed to be trampling on everyone's heart.

Even ordinary people knew that something was going on in the city.

To be fair, the overall strength of the Tawanting royal family is higher than that of the Fenglinzhou royal family.

During the Fenglinzhou war, a group of gods and ghosts led by Tianmen and Sanguizi really made Daomen have a lot of trouble, and in the end even the national master ended up personally. The key is that Fenglinzhou is united, and it has almost become a consensus to respect the king and fight against the Tao.

On the other hand, on the Tawanting side, Xidaomen, located at the Tianmen position, not only failed to protect the royal family, but instead fully supported Qi Xuansu. The ancient gods in the position of the third noble son were divided into two factions and were still fighting among themselves. The situation was unclear and there was no end. This became a lonely royal family facing Qi Xuansu.

No matter how strong your strength is, if you can't display it, it's all in vain. Tawanting was three empires that were forcibly stitched together by the Xidao Gate under the pressure of the external Holy Court. Many hidden dangers had long been buried. Xidaomen's attitude is crucial here. In the same way, if Tianmen does not support Zun Wang and fight against the Tao, then the royal family of Fenglinzhou will not be able to make any noise.

Maybe someone asked, why doesn’t Xidaomen dare to fight with Daomen? Fenglinzhou has also done it, is Xidaomen not as good as Fenglinzhou? The main thing is that there is a steam gospel to the north of Xidaomen, which is eagerly watched. Not to mention fighting with Daomen, if Daomen cuts off its assistance, Xidaomen will be stretched thin, and Daomen is not willing to see Steam Gospel dominate the New World, so Xidaomen and Daomen can only compete with each other, but they can't fight each other. This is called brothers staying outside the wall to resist their insults.

Dao Sect has invested so much, not only because of the friendship between Dao friends, but also because of the repayment. Now it is almost time to reap the rewards. Therefore, if Daomen wants to further manage the Southern Continent, Daomen and West Daomen can negotiate a 50-50 split, or a 30-70 split.

This requires a stable environment and a solid foundation. Qi Xuansu is responsible for the former and Huangfuji is responsible for the latter. Therefore, Qi Xuansu is not only the chief of Beichen Hall, but also an envoy with full authority, representing the Taoist sect and possessing great autonomy.

Xidaomen was grateful for Qi Xuansu's righteous speech in Jinque, and was willing to support Qi Xuansu's series of actions. He wanted people to give people, policies and policies, and he did not hesitate to die personally. Without the acquiescence and support of Xidaomen, how could Huen Ahan mobilize the troops in Xinxijing and Cusco?

Therefore, under the influence of various circumstances, Qi Xuansu, the Taoist messenger, was able to turn his hands into clouds and rain.

Qi Xuansu, as the "mastermind behind the scenes", did not show up. However, Huangfu Xi, escorted by Huangfu Zhu and a large number of Shenying Guards, welcomed Xidaomen Lingguan to the capital on behalf of the royal family to quell the chaos and maintain stability.

Huangfu Zhu also organized many ordinary people to come out and eat pots of pulp to welcome Master Wang. It creates a momentum of wholehearted welcome from the public and conveys a realm of vitality and all things competing.

However, all the dignitaries in the city knew that Huangfu Xi and Huangfu Zhu were just shadow puppets in front of the stage, and it was Qi Xuansu who controlled the shadow puppets behind the scenes.

But they couldn't object yet. After all, Huangfu Xi's princess palace was completely killed, and Huangfu Xi almost suffered a disaster. Qi Xuansu gave a fifteen-day deadline. There was indeed significant progress in the case, but it was a negative development. Xidaomen also intervened in advance. It makes sense.

Huangfu Zhu then asked people to post a notice to calm the people, asking the people not to panic. The spiritual officials were here to ensure the stability of Xinpaititi and to catch the herons and demons. However, they still reminded the people to go out as little as possible.

At the same time, Huangfu Zhu also issued a warning that if anyone plots evil at this time, special anti-rebellion methods will be used, and they can be killed on the spot without trial.

Almost at the same time that Lingguan entered Beijing, the palace was also closed, and the Beiya Imperial Army was on full alert.

However, Qi Xuansu did not storm the palace, which was a bit too ugly. Qi Xuansu still wanted to continue to exert pressure.

Under normal circumstances, the key to initiating a palace change is to move quickly, to form an established fact before all parties can react, and then use the facts to force others to agree. At this time, the biggest taboo is to hesitate and not be able to All in one go.

But Qi Xuansu's situation is different. He is not taking a risk, and it cannot even be considered a palace coup. Behind him are Daomen and Xidaomen. He comes with the general trend, more like an army approaching the city, with everything under control. It was so urgent that he could even wait and observe the reactions of all parties.

After all, Qi Xuansu's main target is still the ancient gods. Even if he has bloodbathed the entire royal family, he will not be able to substantially affect the ancient gods. He must continue to investigate.

As expected, Manudancha could not bear the pressure and sent an envoy to invite Qi Xuansu to the palace to discuss matters related to the effective settlement of the Heron Society issue, which was actually a negotiation.

Huangfu Xi was the first to express his objection: "There is a saying in the Central Plains, which is called a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry. Unu Ratu has no way to go now. I am afraid it will be detrimental to Master Qi. Master must not fall into their trap.".z .

She deliberately did not mention her father, Manudancha, to avoid falling into a moral dilemma, and pointed all the fingers at Unuratu.

Hu En Ahan also expressed his support: "I just wanted to say it yesterday. The assassin slaughtered the princess's house from top to bottom. It can be said to be a show of power and intimidation, but it can also be interpreted as a deliberate act of fire. It is quite strange. I'm afraid there is a third one. The three parties are adding fuel to the flames. Even if the emperor does not have this intention, there are probably others who want to take advantage of the situation, so we must be careful. "

Tantai Ying, Lu Yujue and others probably meant the same thing. This palace negotiation was actually a trap. If you really want to talk sincerely, don't talk in the palace, go to the Dao Palace in Xidaomen.

Qi Xuansu's credibility is obvious to all. Even if he is a political opponent of the Taoist sect, as long as he promises to let him go, he will really let him go, and he will not break his trust here. On the other hand, the credibility of the Tawanting royal family is just that, let’s explain the matter of the Princess Mansion clearly first.

Qi Xuansu did not reject everyone's opinions, nor did he fully listen to everyone's opinions. He proposed a compromise plan and chose the location of the negotiation in the Kukulkan Temple in the temple area. Under the witness of Kukulkan, Qi Xuansu and Manudancha talks in person.

The temple area of ​​Xinpaititi is relatively independent. It is neither under the control of the North Yamen Forbidden Military nor the South Yamen Forbidden Military. Each major temple has guards. If we use the analogy of Xijing in the Daqi Dynasty, it is equivalent to the Six Guards of the East Palace. Rate, belongs to autonomy. So it became a relatively neutral area at this time.

Tantai Ying immediately understood Qi Xuansu's intention. Qi Xuansu still considered the overall situation and wanted to connect this series of things to test Kukulkan's reaction to see whether he was loyal or traitorous. So she no longer opposed and supported Qi Xuansu's opinion.

In the end, Qi Xuansu decided to let the envoy go back to reply to Manudancha and go to the Sun Temple to negotiate - to discuss matters related to the effective resolution of the Heron Society issue.

If Manudancha does not agree, it is hard to say what the sound of a "horned dragon" cannon outside the city will bring to Tawanting.

If Dao Sect can't depose Emperor Daxuan, can't it also depose Emperor Tawanting?

This is the last chance given by Qi Xuansu.

After a day of silence, Manudancha agreed to meet Qi Xuansu at the Sun Temple in the temple area, and under the witness of Kukulkan, they jointly resolved the current crisis in New Paititi.

Qi Xuansu also took precautions. His true self had not yet reached the stage of pseudo-immortal, and there was still a possibility of being killed. The lessons learned from the Western Great Qin Kingdom's Caesar must be guarded against.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu did not commit danger himself, but used the "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans" to manifest the incarnation of military relief. This is a real pseudo-immortal stage cultivation.

At that time, Xu Zu was the heaviest and the best at killing. Xu Zu was killed by Xu Zu in one blow when he was in the pseudo-immortal stage. Later, it was Wu Yang who used the elixir of immortality to resurrect Xuan Sheng.

But even Xu Zu couldn't keep Wuniang alive when he used the "Taiyi Technique", which shows the strength of immortals. Wuniang's ability to save lives is at the immortal level. Qi Xuansu also relied on Wuniang to stir up wind and rain in the Northern Continent. At that time, under Xidaomen's nose, there was no need to worry about Wu Niang.

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