Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 49 Double Battle

Not many people noticed the strange phenomena here in the Princess Mansion, firstly because this divine realm dominated by death and fear is relatively hidden, and secondly because most people's attention was attracted by the battle in the temple area.

At this time, the sky above the temple area seemed to be ignited. Quetzalcoatl no longer wrapped around the pyramid, but flew into the sky. His huge body slowly swam, casting a shadow that covered half of the temple area.

Although this is not Kukulkan's true form, even if it is the incarnation of a god, its divine power cannot be underestimated.

However, Wuniang was not someone to be trifled with. The fire clouds in the sky condensed again, and what fell was no longer fire rain, but large clouds of sky fire. Although the overall body shape of Quetzalcoatl is slender and long, its wings are wide and easier to hit. Wu Niang focused on the wings to burn. She wanted to see if Quetzalcoatl without wings was still a feather. Snake god.

Quetzalcoatl did not sit still and waited for death. Its wings vibrated and shot out countless violent winds, strangled Wu Niang.

Before seizing the priesthood of the Sun God, Kukulkan's main priesthood was that of the Wind God. At this time, harnessing the power of the wind was equally astonishingly powerful.

Qi Xuansu allowed Wu Niang to take control of his body, and he just watched with cold eyes. After all, the battle was still fierce on his side, and he could not do two things at once, fighting on both sides at the same time.

However, Qi Xuansu did not ignore this aspect completely. He was curious, why did the incarnation of Quetzalcoatl descended by Kukulkan not use the priesthood of the sun? Instead, he returned to his duties as the God of Wind. Although the wind is still fierce, it is still not as strong as the sun. After all, this is the Temple of the Sun. The paintings on the ground and hanging on the walls are all about the sun, not Quetzalcoatl.

In addition, Qi Xuansu also discovered a problem, that is, this incarnation of Quetzalcoatl did not have much sanity.

All living gods will face a problem. There are too many people praying, let alone responding. Listening to these voices all day long is very annoying. Therefore, most of the gods will set up a clone-like existence, which has no emotions or reason, and only automatically responds to believers in a predetermined way to deal with these matters specifically.

For example, Ziguang Zhenjun, Qi Xuansu must not be the only one to seek enlightenment from her. She is too lazy to deal with them one by one, so she sets up clones in the Kingdom of God. She herself only receives important big customers like Qi Xuansu, and ordinary small customers are handled by clones. .

Therefore, some gods have already entered the deep sleep of their first death and are still able to respond to believers because the Kingdom of God is still there and the clones it set up are still there.

At this time, Quetzalcoatl felt to Qi Xuansu like this kind of clone. He didn't have much reason and emotion. He was just set up with fixed rules of action and responded to various situations very mechanically.

It was as if after Kukulkan swore an oath, he specially set up a clone to protect Tawanting's royal family, and then he left it alone. Once something goes wrong, the clone will immediately come to the world, regardless of the opponent's background, whether he is a member of the Xidao Sect or the Taoist Sect, he has fulfilled his duty anyway. Regardless of the final result, just ask if you have kept your oath.

At this moment, Quetzalcoatl opened his mouth and spit out a thick wind pillar, which traveled across the sky and headed straight towards Wu Niang.

Wu Niang transformed into a human form, holding a precious fan, and waved it with all her strength.

Although this fan is called the "Seven Birds and Five Fires Fan", the fan is originally related to wind, or it can be said to fan the flames.

Wu Niang relied on the power of the fairy body to deflect the wind pillar, and finally landed on Ixichel's temple, directly destroying half of the pyramid.

After all, Wu Niang was born from the body of a fairy. If she can control herself, she will definitely be able to exert her full power. There is no saying that fake immortals cannot exert their full power.

As the master of the temple, Ixchelon made no move or directly manifested into the human world to intervene in this battle. He obviously did not want to get involved.

Wuniang's figure grew taller, and the "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans", which were originally the size of ordinary feather fans, continued to grow in size. In the blink of an eye, they were taller than a person. Like a flag, they needed to be waved with both hands.

Wu Niang held the treasure fan with both hands and waved it wildly.

The whole sky seemed to be on fire, and the sky fire was like rain, with no end, and the flames were also colorful, each with its own mystery, making it extremely difficult to guard against.

Quetzalcoatl also gradually shrank its body, coiling into a snake formation in the air, but its wings were still spread out. In the blazing sky fire, it continued to stir up strong winds, merged with the flames, and turned into fire tornadoes.

Fortunately, the battle between the two sides was located in the temple area. There were basically no civilians here, only many temples. Otherwise, there would have been heavy casualties.

Then Quetzalcoatl shot up like a snake and went straight to Wu Niang who was fanning the sky fire. The snake's mouth opened wide, as if it wanted to swallow Wu Niang in one bite.

In the blink of an eye, Quetzalcoatl's huge body had already entered the sky filled with fire clouds condensed by Wuniang. Wherever it passed, the fire clouds dispersed.

Wu Niang would not sit still and wait for death. She would allow Quetzalcoatl to swallow her in one gulp. She would transform into seven different divine birds and scatter in all directions, making it difficult for people to tell which one was her true body.

On the other side, the moment Qi Xuansu stabbed the assassin with the "Dao Zi Sword", the assassin also unfolded his Dharma form. It was huge, but still looked like a rotting corpse. Qi Xuansu almost thought he saw Master Wan.

The original sword that penetrated the heart became insignificant.

The assassin reached out and copied it.

Around the place where Qi Xuansu stood, five pillars of different lengths suddenly rose up, which were exactly five fingers.

A huge rotten hand came out of the ground, held Qi Xuansu in the palm, and then closed his five fingers to hold Qi Xuansu tightly.

Qi Xuansu naturally refused to let him get his wish, so he used the "Long Ground Golden Light" inherited by the alchemist to turn into a golden light and slipped through his fingers, barely escaping the grasp.

The assassin took advantage of the situation and clenched his fist, like a small mountain peak, with a whistling sound breaking through the air, and smashed it down towards Qi Xuansu. Before the fist landed on Qi Xuansu, the corpse energy alone suppressed Qi Xuansu to a certain extent, no less than Master Wan's punch.

This punch can be said to be devastating.

Qi Xuansu still didn't take a hard hit. He dodged again with "Ground Golden Light" and punched the ground, causing countless ravines to open on the ground.

The assassin's second punch came in an instant. Qi Xuansu did not dodge this time and concentrated the "Daozi Sword" again.

A sword versus a punch.

The former is as small as a mustard seed, while the latter is as huge as a mountain.

But with just one break, the Dharma image suddenly fell back. Not only was the fist pierced, but countless cracks spread, and the entire arm even tended to collapse.

The assassin did not hesitate to use his divine power, and immediately regrouped his arms and punched again.

In the middle of the fist, the Divine Realm took advantage of the geographical advantage, ripples formed, and a portal appeared out of thin air, and the fist sank directly into it.

At the same time, an identical portal appeared out of thin air above Qi Xuansu's head, and the assassin's fist passed through the portal and fell from the sky.

Qi Xuansu used "Shadow on the Ground", and his body became invisible, as if it was just an image. This punch could not affect him at all.

The fist landed with a bang, and a huge wave of air exploded.

"Qingyun" appeared in Qi Xuansu's hand. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it flew towards the assassin like a horizontal thunder.

"Qingyun" hit the assassin's face right in the middle, and then left with one blow.

The huge dharma image immediately stretched out a finger to point at Qi Xuansu, but as soon as it reached the halfway point, it suddenly froze, and a strange multicolored aura appeared inside the dharma image, which spread rapidly, making it impossible to point the finger out.

Immediately afterwards, the dharma image began to break apart, revealing the assassin's true form. However, those colorful auras still remained on his body, wandering around. This assassin in the pseudo-immortal stage could not help but tremble, stagger back, and even the divine realm became unstable.

Qi Xuansu's level of cultivation is not as good as that of his opponent, and he lacks immortal objects and weapon incarnations. It is really difficult to defeat his opponent, so he can only use some external means.

Back in Lingshan Cave, Qiniang took away the "Bone Mirror" and gave Qi Xuansu two things, namely the Buddha's relic and "Shebi Corpse Poison".

Whether it is "Daozi Sword" or other means, they are all blinding methods. The real killing move is the final "Qingyun" sword.

Without the combination of two swords, it would be difficult for Qi Xuansu to hurt his opponent with his swordsmanship. However, he tempered the "Shebi Corpse Poison" on "Qingyun". After all, "Qingyun" is considered a fairy and is not afraid of "Shebi Corpse Poison". The corrosion cannot be quenched by Wu Niang or "Gui Zang Lamp". Qi Xuansu really can't figure out how to use the latter two to contact the opponent, and Wu Niang is not happy either.

In fact, Qi Xuansu had done this a long time ago, not to target this assassin, but mainly to prepare for emergencies, so Qi Xuansu had not used "Qingyun" for a long time.

Different from the shadow form presented by the imitation "Shebi Corpse Poison", the real "Shebi Corpse Poison" presents colorful colors. Even if an immortal is poisoned by this poison, it is still very dangerous. This has to mention Wu Yang. At that time, the six enlightened witches turned against each other and the other five great witches gave Wu Yang this poison, which made Wu Yang, the one-time immortal, a great master. Damage, almost death.

Even if the great witch is like this, let alone the fake immortal, although he will not be killed on the spot, his time is limited, and in the process, his cultivation will be greatly restricted.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Qi Xuansu immediately punched you again, shaking the void.

At the same time, in the sky above the temple area, Quetzalcoatl failed, and the seven flame birds reunited and transformed into Wu Niang using Qi Xuansu's appearance.

Wu Niang was about to summon the flame again when her heart suddenly stung a little, and then the tip of the sword penetrated Wu Niang's chest, and flames flew everywhere.

This sword really came and went without a trace. It was struck at the critical moment when Wu Niang reappeared. Even Wu Niang could not escape.

Wu Niang and Qi Xuansu who were watching looked down at the sword tip exposed at the chest.

The man who successfully plotted against Wu Niang didn't stop at all, drew his sword and retreated.

Qi Xuansu, who shared his senses with Wuniang, had already recognized this person as Long Yaizhen.

After Long Yaizhen pulled away, he frowned and stared at the wounds on Wu Niang's body, seemingly puzzled.

There was no bleeding from the wound, and only flames that were almost condensed into substance leaked out. There were no internal organs inside the wound, only five flames of different colors flowing endlessly.

Long Yaizhen thought to himself that he had learned from the experience of the last failed assassination, and he never expected that this would be the case: "Is this... the incarnation of a god?"

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