Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 53 Full Moon

Unuratu was silent.

Anyone can see that Unuratu is doomed, and she cannot fail to understand it herself.

At this moment, a breeze that no one noticed blew by, rolling up a fallen leaf and falling on Unuratu's shoulder.

Qi Xuansu suddenly felt an inexplicable palpitation and uneasiness.

Although he couldn't see any specific abnormalities, Qi Xuansu felt that the surrounding environment was undergoing some natural and profound changes.

It's as if the arrival of a powerful being will subtly change the surrounding environment. Everything is a matter of course, and eventually a natural change will occur.

This change is extremely subtle, and even Hu En Ahan may not be able to sense it, but Qi Xuansu still sensed it because he had a similar experience.

However, Qi Xuansu was unable to perceive the specific location of that powerful existence. This showed that the realm of the visitor was far above his own, even above that of Hu En Ahan. This was pure perception. For the application of certain rules, then The realm of the visitor can also be determined. He should be a level 1 immortal in the Taoist system.

Finally, Qi Xuansu's eyes locked on Unurattu in front of him, and he was sure that Unurathu had undergone some subtle changes, just like when True Lord Purple Light entered his body.

Unuratu finally said: "Zhenren Qi, can I talk to you alone?"

Qi Xuansu roughly understood it and looked at Unuratu deeply: "Of course.".qgν.

Unuratu turned around and walked into the bedroom behind him.

Malang'a was a little at a loss, but was pulled by Utu, and then he realized something and followed Utu to the side.

Qi Xuansu also wanted to go to the palace. Hu En'ahan, Tantai Ying, and Huangfu Xi all persuaded Qi Xuansu not to take risks, and the son of a rich man should stay in the hall.

Qi Xuansu only said one sentence: "That's not Unurathu, but the full moon. Killing the Taoist messenger is a serious crime. She won't do anything to me. In a sense, the ancient gods are the sons of the rich." To put it another way, even if Man Yue wants to take action, it doesn't matter whether she can enter the palace or not. "

The others stopped trying to persuade him, but they were still ready to take action if there was even the slightest mistake.

Qi Xuansu walked into Unurathu's palace alone.

It is said to be a bedroom, but it is actually divided into several levels. The inside is the bedroom, and the outside is actually a place similar to a living room.

Unuratu is standing here, or the full moon goddess Ixichel who possesses Unuratu is standing here, with her back to the palace door, waiting for Qi Xuansu.

After Qi Xuansu came in, the entire environment began to change. There was no palace, the surrounding turned into a starry sky, the feet turned into the sea, and at the end of the sea horizon, a huge bright moon quietly peeked out half of its face.

The moon rises over the sea.

This is also the divine domain of the Full Moon Goddess. As long as the Full Moon Goddess is willing, her divine domain can show many changes, even the world of the dead after death. The key lies in the moon.

Naturally, no one outside could spy on the conversation between the two.

Qi Xuansu took the initiative and said, "Goddess of the Full Moon, we meet again."

Ixichel, who had her back to Qi Xuansu, turned around. Although she was not using her true colors, Unuratu was stunningly beautiful. At this time, her brows were slightly furrowed and her teeth were biting her lips, looking slightly sad and slightly. Feeling aggrieved and disappointed, I hesitate to speak. I really feel pity for you.

It's a pity that Qi Xuansu has a heart of stone and has the body and soul of a warrior to suppress and control all instinctive emotions, so he is completely indifferent.

Although the beauty is good, she is like a woman in the mirror and a pink skull.

The double gazes of Ixichel and Unuratu looked at Qi Xuansu, as if they wanted to see into Qi Xuansu's heart.

This is not surprising. It is reasonable for an immortal-level existence to have any magical powers. It is not difficult to gain insight into people's hearts.

But it's still a pity that Qi Xuansu has a heart of stone. No matter how powerful his eyes are, he can't see through what's in the heart of stone.

Ixichel couldn't help but sigh: "Master Qi, although I don't want to admit it, you have disappointed me."

Qi Xuansu said: "Goddess of the Full Moon, I am neither your believer nor your servant. I have no obligation to do anything for you. Everything I do is from the standpoint of the Taoist sect."

Ixichel said: "Of course I don't dare to ask the Taoist envoy to do anything for me. What I'm disappointed about is that the Taoist envoy doesn't believe me and has been deceived."

Qi Xuansu said: "Are you talking about Chakchere sending people to assassinate me in order to muddy the waters?"

"You know?" Ixichel seemed a little surprised, "Since you know, why do you still make mistakes?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Before I answer this question, I would like to ask you to answer a question first, what is going on with the insect people?"

Ixichel seemed to have expected it: "Master Qi, there is no right or wrong with a knife. The key depends on the person who uses the knife. Maybe these insect people are evil, but I will restrain them and use them in the right way." , such as stopping the wave of shadows and interrupting those evil sacrifices."

Qi Xuansu immediately asked: "What about the human-faced fruit tree? Using living people to refine divine power is the right way for the insect people to open a channel to the spiritual world?"

Ixichel was silent for a moment: "The bugs are greedy and need food. This is a last resort. In the Chinese language, it is the lesser of two evils. This is also something that can't be helped. As for the bugs' intention to get through to the spiritual world, Of course, I will not let them achieve their wish. At the last moment of their success, I will personally stop them. Letting their hopes be shattered at the moment of success is also a punishment for them. "

Qi Xuansu was noncommittal: "Then let me ask you again, what's wrong with Unula trying to usurp power? Without your support, she would not dare to seek the position of emperor. This will greatly affect the stability of Tawanting."

Ixichel said: "The royal family is the foundation of Kukulkan. If you want to overthrow Kukulkan's rule, you must shake the royal family as the foundation. Unuratu is the most suitable candidate. Now Qi Zhenren wants to If Unuratu is captured, it will actually help Kukulkan. It will hurt those who are close to him, but his enemies will be happy. I hope Master Qi will think twice."

Qi Xuansu said: "When things have developed to this point, Kukulkan just descended an incarnation according to the original agreement, and did not do anything extraordinary. It cannot be concluded that the wave of shadows is related to Kukulkan. It is you who secretly manipulated it. Insect people, support Unuratu, establish the Heron Society, how can I trust you? To put it bluntly, I have not seen how Kukulkan did evil, but how you, the goddess of the temple, undermined stability, I But you can see it clearly.”

As soon as these words came out, the entire divine realm fell into deathly silence.

Ixichel fell into a longer silence. With her power, even if she could not exert the full strength of the gods in the human world, she could still kill Qi Xuansu with just the power of the incarnation of the gods, but she could not do this because it would lead to the death of Qi Xuansu. Come to Ji

She couldn't bear the serious consequences.

If it's just that I can't afford to offend him, Ixichel doesn't have to be like this. At most, it's just a matter of not offending the river. Why should a dignified god do this? The key is that the internal battle among the ancient gods has reached a critical moment. She seeks help from the Taoist sect behind Qi Xuansu, and Qi Xuansu has been granted great independent power by the Taoist sect and can influence the Taoist sect's attitude, which makes her have to bow her head. .bμν.

Therefore, she not only had to lower her posture, but also patiently answered Qi Xuansu's repeated questions.

From this point of view, this full moon goddess can be regarded as flexible and capable, and she is a powerful person.

Ixichel said slowly: "Blood sacrifice is the sacrifice of a living person. Like burial, it is a bloody and barbaric act, which is inconsistent with the Taoist civilization concept. Kukulkan's blood sacrifice takes out the heart of the sacrifice, along with it. The souls were sacrificed to the gods together, and the bodies of the sacrifices rolled down the steps to the foot of the pyramid. The lower-ranking priests peeled off the skin of the bodies, and the remaining bodies were distributed to the nobles and believers, and the hands and feet were enjoyed by the priests. I already saw it when I first came to New Paititi for an unannounced visit.”

"In the divine kingdom of Kukulkan, the fire cloud accumulated due to the blood sacrifice was also seen by Master Qi with his own eyes. I am not making it up."

"There is also Chakchel, who is a supporter of Kukulkan. She has been disadvantageous to Qi Zhenren several times and intends to use the power of the Taoist sect to attack me. I can't be the secret instigator. Does Qi Zhenzhen suspect that I am using a bitter trick? ?"

These words were very sincere, but it was a pity that Ixichel had to maintain her status as a goddess and could not let the flowers bloom, otherwise the credibility of these words would be even higher.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but agree, but he couldn't just agree: "After all, you two factions are fighting among themselves, and you both want to use the Taoist sect as a means to attack your opponent. This is never allowed."

Ixichel could not understand what Qi Xuansu was thinking, so he could only figure out Qi Xuansu's thoughts like a mortal. Fortunately, except for a very small number of natural gods, most of the gods were transformed from humans into gods, so it was not difficult.

Ixichel said: "I am willing to admit my mistakes and I am willing to make up for my mistakes. I just don't know how to make up for my mistakes. Please make it clear to Master Qi."

Qi Xuansu suddenly asked: "Is there something wrong with Kukulkan? Why doesn't he show up?"

Ixichel asked: "Why did Master Qi say this?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Kukulkan descended into an incarnation, but he only had the power of the past, not the power of the sun. Moreover, Kukulkan's incarnation has no intelligence, which is very unusual."

Ixichel said: "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from Master Qi. In fact, I also really want to know what happened to Kukulkan. Unfortunately, Chakchel has completely blocked the news about Kukulkan. Now it is Chakchel who leads Kukulkan’s subordinates against me.”

Qi Xuansu looked at Ixichel: "Your Highness Man Yue, can I still trust you?"

"Of course, Master Qi." Ixichel showed a sincere and touching smile on Unuratu's face.

Qi Xuansu said: "Well, I hope His Highness Man Yue can inform me about Kukulkan in the near future."

Ixichel said: "This is natural, but I also hope that Qi Zhenren can keep Unuratu's life. After all, for me, this is a very suitable container. If I keep her, I can also be better." Conveniently communicate with Mr. Qi.”

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "Okay."

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