Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 59 Preparation

However, dual cultivation is not yet possible immediately. Li Changge needs to make some preparations in advance, so for the next period of time, Li Changge will live in the Qingqiu Mountain Cave Heaven and will not return to the Imperial Palace.

This is also the advantage of the chief deputy master of the Imperial Palace. Powers and responsibilities are integrated. Without such great power, there are not so many things to do. Even if he disappears for several months, it will not affect the normal operation of the palace. Even if the Taoist government is not functioning, as the core of the Daxuan court, the court will take care of everything.

If it were replaced by the Borneo Taoist Government, it would definitely not work. Even if Zhang Yuelu stopped carrying out the New Deal, normal trade would still have to be maintained. Fighting against storms, combating piracy, smuggling, slave trade, etc. could not stop. Things were still complicated, and Zhang Yuelu could not completely let it go.

Therefore, Zhang Yuelu must stay in Borneo and cannot return to Dazhen Mansion to practice in seclusion. .bμν.

As for a busy person like Qi Xuansu, his power is almost as great as the sky. Correspondingly, he has no time to spare. Disappearance for a few months, let alone a few months, will have a great impact. Although it is said that without Qi Xuansu, the Southern Continent is still the Southern Continent, but those things that are being advanced are likely to end without any resolution.

Everyone in the Li family successfully sent Li Changge to the Cave Heaven of Qingqiu Mountain to meet the Lord of Qingqiu Mountain. It was as if the handover was completed, and they did not stay for too long. They visited Qingqiu Mountain, drank tea, and then left. They could find the Imperial Master to resume their duties. .

Mrs. Su assigned two maids to Li Changge, both of the fox tribe and twin sisters. When it comes to matters between men and women, the Fox clan is both affectionate and affectionate, and relatively open-minded. Mrs. Su also hinted that Li Changge could do something if he wanted to, but Li Changge declined the kindness. He was not the kind of person to be motivated by sex.

Mrs. Su temporarily left this holy place. She usually lived in Cangwu Hall. Now that she gave Cangwu Hall to Li Changge, she had to find another place. They could not live in the same room, just like a couple.

The two people's double cultivation is just a casual marriage, which cannot be taken seriously. If something really happened, such as true love, or if Li Changge, as a young man, was addicted to the trap of makeup and powder and couldn't extricate himself, the Imperial Master would ask Mrs. Su for an explanation.

After all, one hundred years of life, sixty is the prime of life, seventy is still in the prime of life, and eighty is slightly old, but still an old man, so Li Changge can barely be considered a young man at this age.

When all preparations are completed, Mrs. Su will return to the Holy Land, practice dual cultivation with Li Changge, and help Li Changge accommodate the "Blue Pearl".

After Mrs. Su left, Li Changge stood by the pool, looking at the "green bead" where the brilliance was flowing, and was silent for a long time.

Until two maids came behind Li Changge and said in unison: "Master."

Only then did Li Changge come to his senses, and he actually felt a little unfamiliar with the title "Master". Over the years, his own family has called him "Little Imperial Master", and "Gongzi" is more commonly used to refer to Li Tianzhen. As for outsiders, the Taoist sect himself calls him "Little Imperial Master" by his position, and people outside the Taoist sect also follow suit and call him "Little Imperial Master."

Li Changge turned around and glanced at the two women. I have to admit that no matter how beautiful the country is, they are both top beauties, and they are a pair, which is rare in the world. And the two sisters are also different. One is as cold as ice, and the other is as passionate as fire. They are both ice and fire.

Unfortunately, Li Changge's ambition is not here. Qi Xuansu can avoid flirting with women for the sake of his future, and he is no worse than Qi Xuansu. He can do the same. The key is that both of them are hard-hearted.

Li Changge just nodded slightly in greeting, and then walked towards Qingqiu Palace, followed by two maids.

The Qingqiu Hall enshrines the portraits of the lords of Qingqiu Mountain and guest ministers in the past dynasties.

However, after Li Changge came in, the first thing he saw was the portraits of Taishang Daozu, Xuansheng and Donghuang.

This is the loyalty of Qingqiu Mountain.

According to Li Changge's temperament, he originally planned to just take a look, but he never expected that the Great Saint Ancestor, Holy Ancestor, and Old Ancestor would be enshrined here, so Li Changge had to bow respectfully.

Not to mention Taishang Daozu and Xuansheng, these two are important sources of legal principles claimed by the Li family in various names. Donghuang is the ancestor of the ZTE after Li Zu. After all, Xuansheng had a suppressive attitude towards the Li family back then. Xuansheng was very opposed to hereditary inheritance, so while trusting the Li family, he was also careful to prevent the Li family from becoming so powerful that the Taoist sect would become the Taoist sect of the Li family. Who is supporting the Li family at this time?

What about supporting the Li family? The main one is Donghuang, and now most of the important members of the Li family are descendants of Donghuang. This is the real ancestor.

Li Changge didn't expect that he would pay homage to his ancestors in Qingqiu Mountain. Now that he had made the move, he might as well salute the Lords of Qingqiu Mountain. After all, he wanted to ask for help from Qingqiu Mountain.

This also made Li Changge have to suspect that the foxes in Qingqiu Mountain deliberately designed this. After all, only the Li family would come here. The Zhang family and the Yao family could not come. They deliberately placed the portraits of the Li family's ancestors here. Just want to take a look at the Li family. Aren't your Li family arrogant? Can't you be arrogant anymore?

After Li Changge left Qingqiu Hall, he visited other places again.

Zhenlong Palace is full of dazzling things, but as the future head of the Li family, Li Changge has seen the big world and doesn't think much of it. He will only be able to mobilize more resources in the future, so he just has to look at it.

Xuanhai Palace is a place for receiving guests, nothing unusual.

We have already been to the Falling Flower Platform. The Tribulation Platform is exclusively for the use of the Fox Clan and has basically no use for the Human Clan.

As for the ascension platform, humans can also use it, but it is not necessary. Not to mention that Li Changge still has a long way to go before ascending. Even if he can ascend, he will not ascend. At least he will have to wait until the expiration of a hundred years.

Then there is the star-catching platform, where you can observe the stars at night and watch the situation outside the cave. However, Li Changge is not good at this and did not study too much.

Finally, Li Changge came to Cangwu Hall, which was the residence of guest officials in the past and the current residence of the Fox Clan's mistress.

The space here is very large and is divided into many separate rooms. The one in the middle is Mrs. Su’s residence. Except for the necessary double cultivation, Li Changge didn’t want to sleep on Mrs. Su’s beautiful bed, so he chose the room on the left and the room on the right. It is the residence of two maids - even without Li Changge, they are responsible for taking care of Mrs. Su's daily life.

One of the enthusiastic maids asked: "Master, do you want to change your clothes?"

Li Changge nodded: "Then let's change."

Mrs. Su certainly did not leave Li Changge here to let him stay for a few days to relax. The so-called preparation in advance was not complicated. She first took the bait, that is, took the special elixir prepared by Qingqiu Mountain, then took off her clothes and went to the lotus pond outside. Soak in it to improve your health.

In this way, the effect will be very obvious at the beginning, and then the effect will gradually weaken. When the effect is completely lost, the preparation is complete, and you can start double cultivation with Mrs. Su.

Soon, under the service of two women, Li Changge took off his clothes, took a pill with a faint fragrance, and walked towards the lotus pond.

Someone may ask, isn't it embarrassing?

It's actually not embarrassing. The princes and nobles must be attended by someone whether they are paying homage or taking a bath. They will not be embarrassed at all, because they do not treat people as human beings, but as tools.

The same is true for the sons of aristocratic families. How can they be embarrassed about their utensils?

This is unmatched by Qi Xuansu. He is really embarrassed, so he usually does it himself.

The water in the pool seems very shallow, but in fact it has its own mystery.

Soon, Li Changge sank into the water and disappeared, leaving only a few ripples on the water.

On this side, Li Changge truly enjoys the service of beautiful women, but Qi Xuansu on the other side does not have such treatment, that's all, and there are some more gossips.

Qi Xuansu was wronged. It was okay to eat meat and get beaten. There was nothing to say. But he was a vegetarian every day and still got beaten. There was a man next to him who was full of oil at the mouth, but he refused to get beaten. How can you explain this?

As Huangfu Xi came to power, there have been rumors recently that the reason why Huangfu Xi received the support of Qi Zhenren was because Huangfu Xi dedicated himself to Qi Xuansu.

The reason was that someone had leaked the fact that Huangfu Xi disguised herself as a prostitute and went to see Qi Xuansu.

Then rumors started flying.

In the West, there is a story about Marietta and Caesar.

The story takes place in Misir, the Misir who was stolen from the Sun Priesthood by Kukulkan.

Queen Elizabeth and her brothers competed for power and fought fiercely. Just as the emperor of the Western Qin Dynasty came to

Misir, who mediates the struggle for the throne. After Queen Marie received the news, she sneaked into the emperor's palace by boat at night, wrapped herself in a blanket, and was carried to the emperor's door. She dedicated herself to the emperor and became the emperor's mistress, thus gaining the emperor's support and defeating the enemy. Her own brother became the queen of Misir.

Later, Queen Elizabeth went to the Holy See, which was still the capital of the Qin Dynasty at that time, and was warmly entertained by the emperor. She almost became the queen, but failed because the emperor was assassinated.

However, Queen Elizabeth hooked up with the emperor's successor again. It is said that Queen Elizabeth took a gilded ship with purple sails and silver oars to meet the emperor's successor. Queen Elizabeth dressed up as the goddess of love, lying on her side in a thin gauze curtain. , and successfully conquered this warrior.

I don't know who changed this story and applied it directly to Huangfu Xi. When Huangfu Xi went to see Qi Xuansu, he also wrapped himself in a blanket, completely naked, and presented himself to Qi Xuansu. The moment he lifted the blanket, Qi Xuansu was shocked and fell in love with her, so Huangfu Xi became Qi Xuansu's mistress.

In order to please his mistress, Qi Xuansu did not hesitate to do something similar to the beacon fire play on the princes. After conspiring with Huangfu Xi, he blatantly abolished the emperor and the queen and supported Huangfu Xi to ascend the throne.

Ordinary people are most concerned about such rumors involving matters between men and women, and they believe them deeply.

This rumor made Qi Xuansu quite angry. He was not afraid of Zhang Yuelu's misunderstanding. Zhang Yuelu would not misunderstand. The key is that this rumor may allow some people in the Taoist sect to take the opportunity to make a fuss and affect his future, especially when he is about to be promoted to the master of knowledge. This is absolutely intolerable.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu also realized that Tawanting had not stabilized with the fall of Unuratu, and there was still an undercurrent surging that wanted to dispel the legitimacy and legality of Qi Xuansu's series of actions.

So Qi Xuansu ordered Jueshengtang to secretly investigate the source of these rumors.

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