Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 62 Zhang Wuyue

Pros and cons always go hand in hand. Qi Xuansu has no family. The disadvantage is that he lacks a foundation, no fault tolerance, and no guarantee. The advantage is that the interpersonal relationships are too simple, and it is difficult for others to cause trouble for Qi Xuansu under the banner of Qi Xuansu.

After all, everyone knows that Qi Xuansu was born in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace and is alone in every sense of the word. Even if you say that you are a relative of Qi Xuansu, no one will believe you. As for the Yao family and the Zhang family, they are indeed related to Qi Xuansu, but there is no need for these two families to use Qi Xuansu's name. Their own names are more useful.

Zhang Yuelu was different. The Zhang family was her support and her constraint.

Just recently, Zhang Yuelu just learned something.

As the largest trade transit place in the entire Southeast Asia, Lion City has the largest port, where a large number of cargo ships dock for loading and unloading every day. Naturally, there are various vehicles used to transport goods in the port area. In the past, it used to be whose vehicle was used to transport goods. Recently, the port has issued a rule that no outside vehicles are allowed to enter, and only designated vehicles can be used.

This designated vehicle is provided by an emerging company.

The regulations were directly approved and issued by Xie Jiaofeng.

At that time, Zhang Yuelu was fighting with a group of old Taoist friends. He was exhausted and embarrassed all day long, and he really didn't have the energy to take care of such trivial matters. It wasn't until the Heavenly Master ordered her to close the door and thank guests that she had the energy and time to look back and find out about it.

In essence, this matter is no different from controlling the purchase channels of a vegetable market, but the interests and forces involved behind it are not of the same magnitude at all.

To monopolize a vegetable market, you only need to deal with the grassroots officials and vegetable vendors. And when it comes to monopolizing transport vehicles at a port, the interested parties involved are not just powerless vegetable vendors. Which of those wealthy businessmen has no background and backing? These include "Tianting" and Nanyang United Trading Company, both of which are behemoths. The official level involved is by no means an ordinary clerk, but a deputy palace master. If these people can cooperate, how can their energy background be so small?

As for the benefits, there is no need to mention them. Sea trade is a huge source of money. As long as you get your hands on it, you will get a layer of oil and water, let alone a monopoly.

Zhang Yuelu immediately called Xie Jiaofeng and asked him what was going on and whether he had any interests.

Xie Jiaofeng cried out that he was wronged and argued that he had not received any Ruyi money.

Zhang Yuelu naturally didn't believe it and threatened Xie Jiaofeng to have a branch of Beichen Hall investigate the matter if he didn't tell the truth.

In the end, Xie Jiaofeng hesitated and told the truth. The nominal boss of this company was a Lion City businessman. It was nothing. Xie Jiaofeng didn't even look at him seriously, but the real boss behind the scenes was someone else, named Zhang. , named Zhang Wuyue.

When Zhang Yuelu heard this name, he felt as if someone had slapped him in the face, and he was speechless.

Zhang Yuelu's father and Zhang Yuelu's father are brothers.

One can imagine the close relationship between the two.

Zhang Yuelu is much younger than Zhang Yuelu. In Zhang Yuelu's memory, Zhang Yuelu was a naughty child. After meeting her, he would always greet her with a smile and call her "sister". He would always follow her when he was a child. In the back, the older sister is longer and the younger sister is shorter.

How come you started a company in such a blink of an eye? Is this what you started?

Even though she went home less time later, every time she saw May, she was still the same as before. She still called her sister, was just as close to her, and occasionally teased her about when she would turn Chief Qi into a real brother-in-law.

How could it become like this?

The relationship between Zhang Yuelu and Zhang Wuyue is not a secret, and many people know about it. Zhang Wuyue came forward, and people like Xie Jiaofeng naturally understood it and opened the door for him.

Even if the superiors blame him afterwards, it is just a "nonsense" - nonsense! Zhang Wuyue is fooling around, and you are also fooling around? This will not be the case next time.

Zhang Yuelu felt exhausted both physically and mentally, and weakly waved his hand, asking Xie Jiaofeng to step back.

Ke Qingqing saw something was wrong with Zhang Yuelu, came to Zhang Yuelu's side, and asked softly: "Chief?"

Zhang Yuelu rubbed his face and cheered up: "I'm fine. Help me contact Zhang Wuyue."

Ke Qingqing responded and connected to the "sound transmission array": "I'm Ke Qingqing. Chief Zhang wants to find Zhang guys hurry up."

After a while, Ke Qingqing said to Zhang Yuelu: "Chief, the call is connected."

Zhang Yuelu dragged the "sound transmission array" in front of him: "Tianzhong."

"Tianzhong" is Zhang Wuyue's cousin.

"Sister, are you looking for me?" A young man's voice came from the other side.

Zhang Yuelu said: "I heard that you have been to Nanyang recently, why don't you come to see me?"

Zhang Wuyue was silent for a moment, and then smiled and said: "Sister, you are so busy, I didn't dare to disturb you, so I didn't alert you. Do you want to call an army to investigate?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "I'm not busy now, why don't you come to see me?"

"Tianshi, the old man has just walked away, I can't rush into the mouth of the gun with my back foot." Zhang Wuyue said with a playful smile, "Sister, you have to understand the difficulties of my younger brother. I can't compare with you, you are not afraid of family law. , I’m really scared.”

Ke Qingqing saw Zhang Yuelu's expression getting more and more ugly, but Zhang Yuelu's tone remained calm: "Do you have time now? I'm in a bad mood and want to talk to you."

"Why, you had a quarrel with your brother-in-law? Sister, have you heard the rumors about my brother-in-law? The princess of Tawanting met him in the middle of the night wrapped in a blanket. Are there not many such rumors in recent years? Let me tell you, that's all It's a myth, it can't be taken seriously." Zhang Wuyue said in a relaxed tone, with a hint of ridicule, "It's still a matter of being reprimanded by the Heavenly Master. It's okay, just tell me."

Zhang Yuelu still maintained a calm tone: "I'll wait for you at Tianfu Palace."

Then Zhang Yuelu ended the call.

Ke Qingqing stood next to Zhang Yuelu and looked at her.

Zhang Yuelu leaned back in his chair: "My younger brother has really grown up and learned to use his mind."

Ke Qingqing considered her words carefully and said cautiously: "Everyone will grow up. I'm afraid only Miss Yin will not grow up."

Zhang Yuelu sighed: "So it's not unreasonable for everyone to like Xiao Yin."

About an hour later, a young man came to Tianfu Palace, it was Zhang Wuyue.

Ke Qingqing has been waiting for a long time. To be fair, if she didn't know the inside story, her first impression of this young man was good. He was an optimistic and cheerful big boy, full of energy, very different from Chief Qi. Sometimes, Ke Qingqing feels that Chief Qi's twilight energy is too heavy. Chief Qi has twilight energy, hostility, and vigor, but no vitality.

When Zhang Wuyue saw Ke Qingqing, he felt very familiar: "Hello, sister Ke."

Ke Qingqing wanted to say that he should address his duties at work, but in the end he did not have the confidence to do so, so he reluctantly agreed: "Mr. Zhang, the chief is waiting for you, please come with me."

After that, Ke Qingqing led the way, and Zhang Wuyue walked a few steps quickly and walked side by side with Ke Qingqing: "Sister Ke, please let me know what the hell is my sister looking for with me? This will give me some peace of mind. "

Ke Qingqing said: "Master Zhang, the chief is just in a bad mood and wants to find someone to talk to."

Zhang Wuyue thought for a moment and then asked: "Sister Ke, is my sister just in a bad mood in the past few days? Or has she always been in a bad mood?"

Ke Qingqing half-truthfully said: "To be honest with Mr. Zhang, the Chief has never smiled since the Heavenly Master came. The same goes for Chief Qi. He didn't even know how to comfort the Chief, and he didn't even take the initiative to contact the Chief."

Zhang Wuyue smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, I'm afraid he doesn't have time. The Southern Continent is bigger than Nanyang, so things are naturally complicated. I heard that a new port is being built in the Southern Continent recently, which is a big deal."

Ke Qingqing's heart trembled, and then she smiled and said, "It's indeed a big deal."

Under the guidance of Ke Qingqing, Zhang Wuyue came to Zhang Yuelu's signing room.

Zhang Yuelu was sitting behind the desk, reading the files.

After Zhang Yueyue came in, Zhang Yuelu didn't even raise his head.

Ke Qingqing said softly: "Chief, Mr. Zhang is here."

Zhang Yuelu slowly raised his head and looked at Zhang Wuyue: "Here he comes."

"Sister." Zhang Wuyue was very well-behaved.

Zhang Yuelu put down the file in his hand and motioned to Zhang Wuyue to sit down and talk.

Zhang Wuyue had already faintly noticed something was wrong and sat down slowly.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Tianzhong, since I went to Yujing, we have met less often, and I have paid less attention to you. What have you been busy with recently?"

Zhang Wuyue was shocked in his heart, but he still replied: "Sister, you don't know that I have been dull since I was a child. I can't compare with you. The path of a Taoist priest is dead. I can only use the false name of a Taoist priest to start a business." ”

"Start a business." Zhang Yuelu said expressionlessly, "What kind of business are you doing?"

"It's also about sea trade." Zhang Wuyue began to speak vaguely.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him: "Be more specific."

Zhang Wuyue said bravely: "I just make a living at the port. It's not a big deal. It's far worse than my brother-in-law."

"What are you doing with Qi Tianyuan? He doesn't do business." Zhang Yuelu's tone was slightly cold, "As for big business, what is big business? Nanyang United Trading Company? Let me remind you, Wang Jiaohe's lesson is not far away."

"Of course I don't dare to follow Wang Jiaohe's old path." Zhang Wuyue followed Zhang Yuelu's words and said, "Sometimes I think about how big this business is."

Zhang Yuelu said: "As far as I know, your business is not small. Other people's cars cannot enter the port area and must use your car. Is this true?"

Zhang Wuyue was silent.

Ke Qingqing placed a cup of tea on the small coffee table next to Zhang Wuyue.

Zhang Wuyue reached out to hold the tea cup and said softly: "Thank you, Sister Ke."

Ke Qingqing just smiled and retreated.

Zhang Wuyue picked up the tea cup and took a sip. The hot tea burned his heart and lungs, but he remained calm and said softly: "If my sister and brother-in-law hadn't both been the chief deputy masters of the Borneo Taoist Palace, I might still be here now." I am fooling around in Shangqing Mansion. Of course, there is nothing wrong with staying in my hometown, but Nanyang can be a brighter place for me. "

Zhang Yuelu took a deep breath: "So you asked Xie Jiaofeng to issue that regulation under my banner?"

Zhang Wuyue didn't defend himself this time. He just looked up at Zhang Yuelu and shouted: "Sister!"

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