Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 65: Head of the Family

Zhang Yuelu said goodbye and ended the call.

Qi Xuansu sighed.

What is the head of the family? Everyone in the family is counting on him, this is the value of being the head of the family.

Qi Xuansu contacted Chen Jianchou again: "Yuzheng, find Zhang Wuyue immediately and ask him to contact me using your 'Yun Zhongxin'. You hurry up, I'll wait."

As the chief secretary of Beichen Hall, it is not difficult for Chen Jianqiu to use the power of Beichen Hall, and he can also use the power of Borneo Taoist Government through Ke Qingqing. It is not difficult to find someone.

After receiving Qi Xuansu's order, Chen Jianchou immediately contacted several people to determine the specific location of Zhang Wuyue and found that he was still in Lion City. Then Chen Jianchou immediately boarded the flying boat to Borneo.

A few hours later, Chen Jianchou found Zhang Wuyue in a restaurant.

At this time, Zhang Wuyue was surrounded by several followers to help him. After all, he was the son of the Zhang family and Zhang Yuelu's younger brother. Although there were many children in the Zhang family, only this one was so close to him. He could not look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face. Zhang Yueyue is nothing, but Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu are both big shots, so naturally some people will come forward and support them.

Moreover, Zhang Wuyue's port business cannot be done by one person. It will definitely require a large number of manpower, and many people are counting on Zhang Wuyue for food. As he came and went, there were more people around him.

Chen Jianchou is also an old man from Nanyang. As soon as he appeared, he was recognized: "Are you Master Chen?"

Secretary Chen cannot be called Secretary Chen. Generally, those with lower status than Qi Xuansu are called Secretary Chen within the Taoist sect, while those outside the Taoist sect use the honorific title according to rank. When Qi Xuansu reaches another level, Chen Jianchou will become Chen Gaogong.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room stood up in fear.

Chen Jianchou said: "I am Chen Jianchou. If I have anything to do, I want to see Young Master Zhang."

Zhang Wuyue naturally knew about Chen Jianchou, but he never expected that his brother-in-law's men would come to his door as soon as he had a bad temper with his sister. He didn't know what to do.

In fact, this is a common problem among many people. They dare to get angry with their parents because they know that their parents will not do anything to them, but they dare not get angry with their boss because their boss really dares to do anything to them.

Or he dares to play tricks with his mother, because the mother is soft-hearted and most likely does not dare to do this with the father, because the father is really good at beating his children.

Zhang Yuelu has a similar mentality. After all, they have been siblings for many years. Zhang Yuelu has watched him grow up. No matter how angry he is, he will not do anything to him. This brother-in-law is different. He doesn't even sell his mother-in-law's face, let alone his brother-in-law.

As for the methods of this brother-in-law, Wang Jiaohe and Li Tianlan have learned lessons from their past mistakes.

Zhang Wuyue stood up slowly: "Brother Chen Dao, what do you want from me?"

Chen Jianchou looked around at the others: "I want to talk to Mr. Zhang alone."

Zhang Wuyue said: "You all get out."

Everyone left in an instant.

When only two people were left, Chen Jianchou took out his "Yun Zhongxin", connected to Qi Xuansu, and handed it to Zhang Wuyue: "Mr. Zhang, the chief wants to speak to you."

Zhang Wuyue only felt that the "Yun Zhongxin" in his hand was a little heavier, and took a deep breath: "Brother-in-law."

Qi Xuansu's voice came: "Tianzhong, how are you doing lately?"

Zhang Wuyue said: "Everything is fine."

Qi Xuansu said: "But how did I hear that you would deny your sister?"

Zhang Wuyue was immediately speechless.

However, Qi Xuansu did not continue to pursue the matter, and just gave a slight knock: "Your sister is very sad. If this is the case, don't say it again in the future."

Zhang Wuyue was no longer so excited at this time, and he had some regrets after so many years of relationships. Now that Qi Xuansu had given him the steps, he naturally agreed: "Yes."

Qi Xuansu continued: "When you have time, go and admit your mistake to your sister."

After all, Zhang Wuyue is a young man, young, energetic and rebellious. Even if he is afraid of Qi Xuansu, he can ignore the rebellious spirit at this moment.

So Zhang Wuyue didn't reply.

Qi Xuansu also came from a young age. He didn't understand the young man's temperament and was not angry. He just said: "Why, you are not convinced?"

Zhang Wuyue said: "Brother-in-law, I shouldn't have said those hurtful words. I was wrong. But in this matter, I think I was right. It's just that my sister is too rigid. This is what everyone has done for so many years. , why can’t I?”

Qi Xuansu said: "Does the 'everyone' you talk about include me and your sister?"

Zhang Wuyue's tone suddenly weakened: "Of course not included."

Qi Xuansu said: "Since it is not included, then I can also ask you, your sister and I have not done this for so many years, why can you do this?"

Zhang Wuyue said: "Because you have never been short of money. My sister has the support of the Heavenly Master. Brother-in-law, you have the support of the Yao family. Your adoptive mother bought you Princess Xuanzhen's mansion, which is worth more than one million Taiping money. Of course you can stand on dry shore without doing this."

Qi Xuansu was still not angry and said: "Okay, let me ask you again. No one's money comes from the strong wind. These people you mentioned, whether it is Tianshi or the Yao family, why should they give us money? Could it be? Because you have a good heart?”

Zhang Wuyue said: "Because you have good qualifications and a promising future, their financial investment today is for greater political returns tomorrow. This is a very cost-effective deal, just like the Lu family's investment in Zulong back then. How much profit will there be in farming?" ? Ten times. How much does it cost to be the leader of a country? If you two become great masters, the rewards cannot be measured by money."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but laugh: "You boy can see clearly and understand this truth."

Zhang Wuyue was a little confused. At first, he thought that this brother-in-law was here to punish his sister and to vent his anger on his sister. But later he discovered that it didn't seem that simple, so what on earth was the brother-in-law going to do? Given his status as brother-in-law, if he really wanted to teach him a lesson, it would only be a matter of one sentence. There was no need to go around in such a big circle.

Qi Xuansu said: "Let me ask you, can you get a position with good qualifications?"

Zhang Wuyue replied: "No, it depends on the background."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Your sister has good qualifications, is a banished immortal, and has the support of the Heavenly Master and Zhengyi, will she definitely be able to become the Grand Master?"

Zhang Wuyue replied: "No, because she has competitors, and her competitors are equally qualified and have the same background."

Qi Xuansu said: "In this case, everyone is similar in every aspect, so what will you get in the end?"

Zhang Wuyue had a clear understanding: "Is it... ability and luck?"

Qi Xuansu said: "You can't force luck, what you can fight for is ability. You say your qualifications are not good, it's innate, if you can't force it, I won't say anything. Then is your ability good? Is it not good too? Do you think you have the ability? A waste?"

This is the method of provoking generals, and young people still just do it.

Zhang Wuyue said immediately: "Of course I am not a waste."

"This is like a human saying." Qi Xuansu said, "If you admit that you are a waste, then I will not talk nonsense to you and let you fend for yourself. As for your sister, I will also advise her to just pretend that there is no such thing. You are such a disloyal brother. But since you are still angry, I, as a brother-in-law, cannot ignore you and give you a chance."

Hearing this, Zhang Wuyue couldn't help but perked up: "Brother-in-law, what chance do you have?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Your sister won't let you do anything special. I can't go against your sister. I won't give you conveniences beyond the rules. But you should know about the construction of a new port in the southern continent."

Zhang Wuyue's eyes lit up: "Of course I know that once the new port is completed, it will be the largest port in the entire southern continent."

Qi Xuansu said: "Zhenren Huangfu is responsible for the affairs of Xingang. I have a good relationship with Zhenren Huangfu. I can say hello to Zhenren Huangfu and ask you to come to Xingang and find some work under Zhenren Huangfu. I can tell you clearly. , I will not let Master Huangfu open the back door for you, nor will I give you special care. However, there are unlimited business opportunities here in the Southern Continent. Apart from Tianji Hall and Shibo Hall, there are almost no competitors. It is an unexploited gold mine everywhere. Gold, how much gold you can take depends on your own ability.”

Zhang Wuyue only felt that there was no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there was a bright future in another village, so he hurriedly said: "Thank you, brother-in-law."

Qi Xuansu said: "Don't thank me quickly, let's put the ugly words first. I'll give you the opportunity. If you still can't behave like a human being, then you don't have the ability. Just go home and wait to die. Don't talk about me. Your sister won’t take care of you.”

"This is natural. If I waste the opportunity given by my brother-in-law, I will die of shame without him scolding me." Zhang Wuyue still doesn't understand why doing business under the banner of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu is just a small business. Xiao Nao, as long as he seizes this opportunity given by Qi Xuansu, it is really possible to do something big, and even develop into a behemoth like Nanyang United Trading Company.

By then, he will also be a person, and it will be interesting to see which woman still looks down on him.

Qi Xuansu said: "First go and apologize to your sister, and then buy a boat ticket to the Southern Continent. Remember to tell Chen Jianchou the name of the boat, and I will arrange for someone to pick you up."

Zhang Wuyue happily agreed without any reluctance.

Qi Xuansu ended the call.

Zhang Wuyu returned "Yun Zhongxin" to Chen Jianqiu, feeling a little embarrassed.

Chen Jianqiu said: "Mr. Zhang, if you have no objection, can I help you contact Secretary Ke?"

Zhang Wuyue nodded and said, "Thank you, Brother Chen Dao." M..

Chen Jianchou contacted Ke Qingqing directly.

"Fellow Daoist Ke, I am Chen Jianchou, and I am with Tianzhong now."

"Tianzhong just spoke to Chief Qi, and now he wants to see Chief Zhang. Can you make arrangements?"

"We're in the Lion City."

"Okay, please wait a moment, Chief Zhang, we'll be there right away."

Chen Jianqiu ended the call and looked at Zhang Wuyue: "Chief Zhang is waiting for us."

A few days later, Qi Xuansu received a letter from Zhang Yuelu through the "Xunfu Array".

"Tianyuan, I've thought about it carefully. I can't blame others for this matter. I am also responsible. If I could be more tactful, maybe there wouldn't be these troubles. Sometimes, my temper is too hasty and I can't control it. Emotionally, although you are angry, you can suppress it most of the time. I want to learn from you on this."

"Also, the relationship between the two of us, trusting each other is a long-term process. There are some things that I shouldn't hide from you, and I shouldn't just think about taking them on myself. This will increase the distance and suspicion between the two of us. I should keep it with you. You communicate more, as you said, the two of us support each other and move forward, so I will reflect on myself deeply in the future."

"Finally, Tianyuan, thank you."

Draw a simple smiley face at the end.

Qi Xuansu collected this letter into Xumiwu.

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