Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 76: Forty-six years of looking at each other

After Qi Xuansu completed the huge Human Relations Project, he began to study the map he got from Wang Jiaohe.

Speaking of which, the map in Qi Xuansu's hand was just a copy, and Wang Jiaohe's original was naturally handed over to Daomen. This map was drawn by Xiao Yinbi against the original and cost two theater tickets.

As for the origin of this map, it has nothing to do with Tawanting, but comes from a member of the Goddess Society.

Although the legend of Paititi has existed since ancient times, it was silent for a long time and was only mentioned again in recent years. This is attributed to the fact that the Holy See discovered a report by Andres, a missionary of the Society of Goddess, in the vast archives of the Holy See. This report was written during the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Wei Dynasty. Andres officially mentioned Paiti Mention the existence.

However, the Goddess Association suspected that the ancestor of the Peroz family had actually betrayed the Goddess Association. He secretly reached some agreements with the last emperor of Paititi that were unknown to outsiders.

At that time, the empire collapsed, and the last emperor hid in Paititi with the empire's artifacts. It is said that the artifacts are related to the ancient god Kukulkan and the ancient god Ixichel. As long as you get them and sacrifice them at the Kukulkan Pyramid in Paititi, you will have the power of the gods and the sun will be destroyed. The whole world will be plunged into darkness.

On the surface, Andres reported to the Holy See, but in fact he only mentioned the existence of Paititi in the report and did not clearly inform the Holy See of Paititi's location. That's why this report was buried in the vast sea of ​​files. In the room.

At this point, Andres is suspected of playing double-dealing with the Holy Court and the Goddess.

As for Andres's intentions, it is now unknown, but Qi Xuansu concluded from this that the Holy Court should not know the specific location of Paititi.

The map in Wang Jiaohe's hand probably came from the Peroz family. After all, as the emperor of Nanyang, it is not difficult for Wang Jiaohe to interact with Westerners and even goddesses. He may have spent a lot of money to buy it, or he may have exchanged it for other valuables, or even obtained it through plunder, but these are all It has nothing to do with Qi Xuansu. Anyway, Qi Xuansu snatched it from Wang Jiaohe.

According to the markings on the map, the entrance to Paititi is not far from Cusco, the old capital of Tawantin. This is reasonable. Cusco, as the old capital of Tawantin, must have a very important status. There are also many opinions on the location selection. It is like the Imperial Palace was built just at the Longyan position of Beilong, not far away from the Five Elements Mountains at Nilin. This is not a coincidence, but an inevitability.

The relationship between Cusco and Paititi may be similar to the relationship between Imperial Capital and Five Elements Mountain.

For this reason, Qi Xuansu went to the site to conduct a survey. The result was a bit disappointing, because it had turned into a vast rainforest, with all kinds of plants covering the ground. It was vast and green, and there was no trace of human construction at all. The entrance to Paititi is hidden in this bottomless rain forest.

According to the map, Paititi is actually divided into two parts, one is the cave and the other is located in the human world, which is the entrance to the cave in a broad sense. It is a city in itself and is also regarded as part of Paititi.

This is somewhat similar to the combination of Yujing and Kunlun Cave. Yujing is the entrance to the Kunlun Cave in a broad sense. In the past, Yujing was also a part of Kunlun Cave.

So the entrance to Paititi is not a cave, but a city.

Now, the city has disappeared and Qi Xuansu needs to find it from the rainforest based on the map.

In fact, this is reasonable. The vegetation in the southern continent is lush and spreads very quickly. A city that has been abandoned for ten or twenty years will be covered by vegetation. It will not take long before it will be completely integrated with the rainforest. From then on, It can't be seen from the outside at all. ..

It can be seen that during those turbulent times, with the collapse of the empire, many cities in the southern continent were abandoned and swallowed up by the rainforest, including the entrance to Paititi in a broad sense.

However, Qi Xuansu did not take action immediately, because Qi Xuansu could not estimate how long this trip to Paititi would take. It was the Lantern Festival, and all aspects of Xidaomen's work were at a temporary semi-stasis. Several The powerful department also focused on maintaining stability. Even if he wanted to mobilize manpower, it was inconvenient, so he had to wait until the Lantern Festival was over before looking for Paititi.

Then Qi Xuansu studied the key obtained from St. York.

This key was obtained by Qi Xuansu from "Baron" Ramon. It does not look like a key in the traditional sense, but is a disk-shaped object that comes from a ruins in the St. York Underground City. According to Ramon's explanation, this disc is the key to a certain door. Judging from the content recorded in the mural, that door should be in Paititi.

This is a ruins related to the sun god and moon god. Ramon believed that it was the ruins of Kukulkan and Ixichel. Later, Qi Xuansu learned more about the inside story of the ancient gods and thought that this should be Itsumna. It's the right thing to do with the remains of Ixichel, and it's not the current Ixichel, but the complete version of Ixichel that combines Chakchel and Ixichel.

As for why their ruins are in the Northern Continent, it is better to explain, because these ancient gods were originally the ancient gods of the Northern Continent Empire Nohpeten, but the ancient gods headed by Itsumna lost. God Zhan was defeated by the apostles of the Holy Court, and then moved to the southern continent. Finally, with the help of Xidaomen, he became the ancient god of Tawanting. Therefore, it is not unusual for the ancient gods to leave relics in their hometown in the Northern Continent, but it is reasonable.

Ramon said at the time that the gate was located in Paititi. This was obviously a conclusion drawn by Ramon through the murals inside the ruins. Qi Xuansu took it for granted that the gate was located inside the Paititi Cave.

Now that I think about it, there is another possibility. This door is the portal into the cave of Paititi, because the city part in the human world is also part of Paititi. The city part in the human world and the part of the cave that is not in the human world add up. It is Paititi in a broad sense, and there is nothing wrong with saying that the gate is located in Paititi.

The only thing I can't figure out now is why the ancient gods of the northern continent built a cave in the southern continent? Did Itsumna and other ancient gods anticipate their own failure, so they had a backup plan in advance? Or is it that the dove occupying the magpie's nest is basically the ancient gods of the north robbing the ancient gods of the south? After all, the ancient gods of the south have all fallen.

Regarding this point, it is not difficult for Qi Xuansu to figure it out. He can just ask Ixichel directly. As a person involved, she must know the inside story. However, Qi Xuansu cannot completely trust Ixichel and is afraid of alerting the enemy. This was not an important matter, so Qi Xuansu did not ask Ixichel in the end.

After Qi Xuansu finished these things, the Lantern Festival also came. The celebration was divided into two parts, the small one, the smaller one was the highest. The location was chosen at Danxiu Mountain, and the participants were mainly powerful figures within Xidaomen.

Qi Xuansu was naturally invited to participate in the Danxiu Mountain celebration, because he represented the Taoist sect and was positioned quite forward, in the same row as the three heads of the Western Taoist sect, Tantai Zhenxiao, Gongfu, and Huangfusong. Huangfuji, as the current No. 4 figure and the future No. 1 figure, is of course also there.

The three families actually take turns to be the head of the family, which is a bit like the Taoist sect's three Taoist sects taking turns taking charge. There is no requirement that the Tantai family must be the head of the Xidao sect, just like the Taoist sect does not stipulate that the chief leader must be surnamed Li. Therefore, Tantai Zhenxiao had nothing to think about Huangfuji's rise to power, and even if he became the leader of the Xidao Sect, he would not be arbitrary by Qiangang, but would still be restrained by the other two families.

As for the leader of Xidao Sect, his official title is Deputy Head Master Dazhen, similar to the leader of Steam Gospel, who is also the Patriarch of the Holy Court. This is of course false. The deputy head master of Xidao Sect, Da Zhenren, cannot be as deeply involved in Taoist affairs as the other three deputy head masters. Just like Emperor Daxuan, a super Taoist priest, cannot compete with the super master, the big head leader. Taoist priests are generalized.

In terms of power, the deputy headmaster of Xidao Sect, Dazhenren, is not as good as the chief headmaster of Daomen. Being the Grand Master of the Taoist Sect is not a false position. How much power you can exert depends entirely on the abilities of the Grand Master. If the Grand Master is strong and has means, then the Deputy Masters, Dazhenren, Jinque, and Jiutang, must be obedient. Xuansheng and the Five Dynasties Grand Master are excellent examples.

Comparing the two, the Grand Master of the Taoist Sect is a bit like an emperor. The power that an adult man can hold as emperor is very different from that of a child as emperor. The quality of the emperor himself is extremely important. The deputy headmaster of Xidaomen, Dazhenren, is a bit like the leader of the alliance. He is the largest in name, but in fact he cannot take over life and death.

For example, if Tantai Zhenxiao wants to replace Gong Fu, then Gong Fu will definitely not do it and cannot be replaced. Huangfu Zhao will not listen to Tantai Zhenxiao. Instead, he will join forces with Gong Fu to deal with Tantai Zhenxiao, which will eventually lead to The split of Xidaomen. But in Dao Sect, the Grand Master can replace the Deputy Master, the Great Master. Xuansheng did it, and the Fifth Generation Grand Master also did it.

Soon, the celebration officially began, starting with fireworks and performances.

There was a boxing show involving a thousand people in the show, which impressed Qi Xuansu deeply. It was a thousand young disciples from Xidaomen, boxing in the square in front of Danxiu Palace. They were uniform and shocking. He didn't know how long they had been rehearsing.

Then there were some women dancing and so on, but Qi Xuansu was not very interested in this.

On the other hand, Xidaomen's new plays always make his eyes light up. Xidaomen just clings to the steam gospel from the north. Any allusions must be rehearsed in the Central Plains way. If there is more fireworks, the sacredness will naturally be lost.

Take the allusion about a virgin giving birth to a child, for example. It inevitably reminds people of the stories of some rich ladies. There are always some unmarried rich ladies who get strange diseases and have to go to a village outside the city to recuperate for a year, and then the disease is cured. .

Everyone is not a fool, and they can probably guess what the "illness" is. I'm afraid it's not a secret conspiracy, but it's just a matter of keeping up with the situation to save face.

Looking at it this way, some Western allusions become intriguing.

There is no doubt that this is part of Xidaomen's propaganda war, and it does bring happiness.

When these are over, it is the time for the heavenly officials to give blessings. The leading figures perform a blessing ceremony and go through the motions.

In the blink of an eye, Jiu Shi's forty-five years are over, and Jiu Shi's forty-sixth year has come.

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