Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 85: Cave Heaven and Divine Kingdom

The lake reflects the shadow of the setting sun, just like the moon in the water. This is the gateway to the cave.

As the sun sets in the west, the shadow reflected is naturally not in the center of the lake.

A normal person would think that the entrance is in the center of the lake. Even if he doesn't know how to crack it, he will still do something in the center of the lake. Although Qi Xuansu cannot crack it violently, it would not be possible if it were replaced by other immortal-level beings. As long as you identify the location of the door and attack with all your strength, it is really possible to break in directly.

So the ancient gods used reverse thinking and chose a location away from the center of the lake. But even so, he couldn't deceive Wu Niang.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but give Wu Niang a thumbs up: "Ginger is still spicy when you are old."

Wu Niang smiled faintly: "If you live too long, you can't make any progress in your cultivation. You have to make some progress in other aspects. From my experience, this lake is the gateway to the cave. It was opened by Emperor Paititi with a magical weapon. , the sun restrictions at the back were added by Itsumna and other ancient gods, these are the big lock and the small lock."

Qi Xuansu nodded: "Let's go to the cave first."

The two of them jumped towards the reflection of the setting sun and disappeared into it instantly.

On the other side of the lake, there is still a lake.

Qi Xuansu and Wu Niang did not sink into the lake, but crossed the surface of the underground lake from top to bottom, crossed the space, and appeared on the surface of another lake from bottom to top.

The two lakes are folded through space and connected together.

At this time, Qi Xuansu and Wu Niang were standing on the lake. The surrounding environment seemed to be a garden, with various exotic flowers and plants, with obvious traces of artificial cultivation and pruning and classification.

Is this also a palace?

"Did the Paititi people build another city and palace here? Or is this another half of the Paititi city?" Qi Xuansu said to himself.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Wu Niang stretched out her hand and said, "Look."

Qi Xuansu looked in the direction of Wuniang's finger and saw a gorgeous palace on the horizon. It was extremely brilliant and covered with golden light. It seemed to be built in the sky, as if it was standing in the clouds. However, at this time, heavy clouds of fire gathered above the palace. , giving the palace and golden light a blood-red color.

"It's Karma Fire." Qi Xuansu said.

This is also one of the very few flames that Wuniang cannot use.

Wu Niang nodded slightly: "The karma caused by the blood sacrifice turned into a cloud of fire, which is enough to engulf the kingdom of God. Once the kingdom of God is lost, the gods will immediately enter the second level of death. There is only one step away from the real death."

Qi Xuansu looked at it for a moment and felt that the palace looked familiar. Then he remembered that this was Kukulkan's palace. He had been invited by Ixichel to observe it in Ixichel's Kingdom of God. Kukulkan's palace is just from a different angle than it is now.

Qi Xuansu said: "This is the temple of Kukulkan. Could it be that Kukulkan connected his divine kingdom with the cave sky?".b.

Wu Niang said: "Let's take a closer look."

Qi Xuansu had no objection and walked with Wu Niang in the direction of Kukulkan Palace.

As the distance gets closer, more things can be seen.

Although the temple of Kukulkan is still shining brightly, there are already varying degrees of dilapidation around the temple. It's like looking at a person from a distance and not noticing anything, but if you look closely at a person, you will see wrinkles, pits, etc. on the skin.

Under normal circumstances, except for a group of gods of death who like to play the emperor of the underworld and make their kingdoms look like the underworld, other kingdoms show their beautiful side in order to attract believers. Even Wu Luo has manifested the spirit of his heyday. Lingshan.

Kukulkan inherited the priesthood of the sun, so naturally, everything wanted to be golden and glorious, but at this time, it was like the tattered gold foil wallpaper could not cover the mottled walls. Even with the golden sunlight shining, the land around the palace still declined. The scene was desolate and gloomy, with withered vegetation, rancid spring water, and even some birds and animals began to mutate, with sores and pus.

Wuniang said: "Buddhism has a saying about the five declines of gods and humans, and they are divided into small and large. The five declines of small gods and humans are: the body's light suddenly disappears, the sound of music can no longer be heard, and the bath water is wet.

The body and eyes are fleeting, and they are reluctant to leave the situation. The five debilities of a deva are: filthy clothes, wilted flowers on the head, sweating under the armpits, stinking body, and displeasure in one's seat. It's very vivid. In your opinion, how far has Kukulkan reached? "

Heaven and man in the context of Buddhism are naturally not the same as heaven and man in the context of Taoism, just as the great shaman in the context of shamanism is not the same as the great shaman in the context of Taoism.

The great witches mentioned by Taoists refer to the eleven witches of Lingshan, while the great witches mentioned by the witch sect refer to other high-level witch sects after the eleven ancestral witches.

Similarly, Taoism’s heavenly beings refer to the stage below immortals and above innate humans, while Buddhist heavenly beings refer to gods and immortals.

The five declines of heaven and man are the various signs before the death of gods, which can also be said to be various symptoms.

Qi Xuansu said: "Although I didn't see Kukulkan, I can tell from the surrounding environment that at least the Little Heavenly Man has the Five Declines."

Wu Niang said: "Although blood sacrifice is good, don't be greedy. Blood sacrifice is essentially drinking poison to quench thirst. Even if Kukulkan is naturally better able to withstand the invasion of karmic fire, there will always be a day when he cannot withstand it. Now it seems that as long as the blood sacrifice cannot Stop, the fall of this sun god is only a matter of time, it may be one hundred years, or it may be two hundred years. However, Kukulkan is also very cunning. He actually connected his kingdom with the cave sky and wanted to share the pressure through the cave sky. ”

Qi Xuansu asked: "What will this place look like if it is allowed to continue to develop?"

Wu Niang asked back: "The sky is dark red, as if burning with fire, and the earth is barren. Don't you think this description sounds familiar?"

Qi Xuansu thought carefully: "The hell described in the holy scriptures?"

Wu Niang was also a person who had been in the West and knew everything: "The apostles of hell are fallen apostles, and hell is a fallen cave, just like rotten fruits. I don't know what method the Holy Court used to make these 'fruits' escape from the human world." This big tree fell to the underworld and became a natural prison. It was called hell and banished the fallen and sinful apostles to hell. "

Qi Xuansu looked around: "Fortunately, the current situation is not serious."

Wuniang said: "Not long after the ancient gods captured Dongtian, the Holy Court launched an invasion of the New Continent. The ancient gods wanted to fight, but later they were defeated, and they had to contact and negotiate with Xidaomen and move to the southern continent. This is not true. In a short period of time, there were also internal struggles, power seizures, etc. among the ancient gods. In addition, Kukulkan wanted to connect the divine kingdom with the cave, which was also a big project and took a lot of time. Lin Lin finally managed to do it. After coming down, it didn’t take long for Kukulkan to actually use Dongtian to share Karmic Fire, so the influence of Karmic Fire on Dongtian is still very weak.”

Qi Xuansu said: "This is because the disease is in the body, but there is still hope."

Wu Niang was a little confused: "But there is one thing I didn't understand. It is said that there is a pyramid in Paititi Cave that can transcend tribulations and ascend. Why didn't Kukulkan use this pyramid? Is it not found? Or is it a rumor?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Perhaps there is no key. If Emperor Paititi's artifact is really similar to the 'Three Treasures Ruyi', then this artifact is not only the key to opening the cave, but also the key to using the pyramid." "

Wu Niang murmured: "If the artifact is not in Kukulkan's hands, then whose hands will it be in? Ixichel? If she has the key, then there is a high probability that she will not involve Daomen. Daomen knows The existence of the pyramid will inevitably lead to the pursuit of artifacts, which is very dangerous for her. Is it not Ixichel, is it still in the hands of the Paititi royal family? It is impossible for the royal family to be the opponent of the ancient god. A three-year-old child cannot keep the gold in his hand when faced with a group of strong men."

Qi Xuansu said: "Perhaps it was hidden by Itsumna, but Kukulkan has never found it. After all, it is a key thing related to the transcendence of the gods. Only Itsumna himself knows about it, and even Ixichel I don’t know where he hid the artifact, but that makes sense.”

Wu Niang nodded slightly: "It is indeed possible. In terms of time, not long after Itsumna obtained the artifact, the Holy Court began to invade. He wanted to lead the gods to deal with the Holy Court apostles and had no time to use it. This is true. . It is said that he died in battle and there was no time to explain his funeral."

Qi Xuansu used to think that Wuniang was reckless, but now she realized that Wuniang was

There are subtleties in the rough, the wind, wind, fire and fire are real, and the experience is also real. At this time, I asked Wu Niang for her opinion: "Wu Niang, what should we do now? Should we continue to explore Kukulkan's palace? Or look for the pyramid?"

Wu Niang thought for a while and said: "The pyramid must not be usable. If it could be used, it would not be until today, let alone our turn. As for Kukulkan, his condition is very strange. There are so many things happening outside. He There was no reaction at all. The royal family that supported him was replaced by you, and he only symbolically descended into an incarnation. This incarnation was completely sane, so I concluded that there was probably something wrong with Kukulkan. At this time, Too busy to take care of yourself.".o

Qi Xuansu agreed with Wu Niang's conclusion: "I think so too. I didn't know how to enter Kukulkan's Kingdom of God at first, but I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to build a bridge to connect the Kingdom of God with the cave. We can just pass through the cave." Go to his kingdom to find out, and you will understand a lot of things. Then I will report to Jin Que and let him decide how to deal with the follow-up matters."

The two reached an agreement and started heading towards Kukulkan's palace.

The palace that seems to be in the sky seems very close, but in fact it is still very far away. It is a bit like Qi Xuansu and Qiniang going to Lingshan. From a distance, they can see the dark mountains and the surrounding floating mountain fragments, but it is really It was indeed a lot of hardships to reach the foot of the mountain. I hope there won't be any obstacles this time.

But having said that, Qi Xuansu had a companion named a certain mother during his two trips to the cave. Last time it was Qiniang and this time it was Wuniang.

If there is a next time, will it be Sanniang?

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