Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 101 Oracle

It is also quite ironic that Chakchel died under "Chakchel's Lock Wheel".

This dagger used to be called "Ixichel's Lock Wheel". Later, Ixichel became two people, so the name was changed. However, Ixichel does not intend to change his name back. Keeping this name is also a warning.

As for whether it will affect the third level of death of the gods, and whether Chakchel cannot be forgotten by everyone because of the name of this dagger, it is not important to Ixichel. The end of the world is coming. Now that he is dead, there is basically no chance of resurrection.

The priesthood of the Goddess of the Stars and Moon originally belonged to Ixichel. Now that Ixichel has been lost and recovered, she can master it immediately. At this moment, she is the complete moon goddess again.

As for the priesthood of the night, it is similar to the moon and stars, there is no conflict, and it is not difficult to master the night. If Xidaomen handed over the Sun Priesthood to Ixichel, then Ixichel would have to pay a considerable price to accommodate the Sun Priesthood.

After dealing with Chakchel and integrating the priesthood of the Moon God, Ixichel stretched out his hand again, and a huge chair appeared on the golden platform. There were two more small chairs on the left and right sides below the golden platform. Small seats.

There are five positions in total, which are very similar to the seats where Kukulkan gathered when he was angry at the ministers.

In fact, this is what Kukulkan left behind, but Ixichel moved it to the palace. .??.

Of course, from now on this place will no longer be a palace, but the place where the divine court conducts business.

So Ixichel waved her hand again, and a full moon rose behind the golden platform, symbolizing her identity as the Queen of the Moon.

The originally dark space was illuminated by the bright moon, covered with a layer of misty moonlight, and stars emerged, as if they were in the starry sky.

Ixichel ascended the golden platform, but he did not sit on the throne of the main god. Instead, he stood next to the throne of the main god like the Taoist priest on duty, holding one hand on the back of the chair, and issued his second oracle. "In the name of the Lord God, I summon the gods."

The first oracle was, of course, to pronounce the sentence and kill Chakchere.

Qi Xuansu and Master Tantai stood nearby, just as spectators and witnesses, and did not overwhelm the guests.

Apuch, the god of death, and Chayak, the rain god, are already here, but Hurakan, the god of war, and Henokla, the goddess of the south, are not here.

The two gods present saluted Ixichel, congratulated her on becoming the Queen of the Moon, and then took their seats - there were symbols of each god on the back of the chair.

As Ixichel issued the oracle, the two ancient gods have been notified and will arrive here soon.

Qi Xuansu quietly watched what Ixichel did.

Qi Xuansu has been in contact with many women, and some of them have been blown away very badly.

A female emperor, a goddess, if you really have to compete with each other, that's all. If one does not consider the level of cultivation, just in terms of courage, courage and mental means, the woman who really made Qi Xuansu feel the pressure was Ixichel - Zhou Mengyao had only heard of her name but not met her in person.

This woman, or goddess, made Qi Xuansu feel deflated. Even though Qi Xuansu had done so much and won Unuratu, it seemed that he had the upper hand, but the final result was still as Ixichel hoped. Qi Xuansu has certainly made great contributions to the direction of development. Shenzhi Zhenzhen has stabilized his position and his influence will reach a higher level. But Qi Xuansu still felt unhappy about making wedding clothes for others.

After all, this old guy who has lived for so many years can be soft or hard, can kill decisively, but also tolerate and accept coercion. Compared with her, Zhang Yuelu is still a bit inferior in skills.

Soon, the southern goddess Nohrak, wearing a crown and a beaded skirt, came here first.

Although Nohrak did not participate in the killing of Kukulkan, she has been paying attention to the situation here, and she is not unfamiliar with this palace of the God King. Kukulkan usually receives guests in the square outside, she As soon as I entered the Kingdom of God, I discovered that it was different from before. It was not just as simple as the karma disappearing.

A bright moon was hanging high in the sky, stars were shining over the moon, and the sun had disappeared without a trace.

The moon has replaced the sun, and now is the age of the moon.

Nohrak was actually worried about being captured as soon as she entered the door. She couldn't just yell and throw herself at Tantai Zhenxiao.

Fortunately, nothing happened. The people from Daomen and Xidaomen just watched from a distance, and Ixichel did not make any move.

In any case, one Kukulkan and one Chakchel are dead, and every ancient god left is precious.

When Nohrak met Ixichel's eyes, he felt that Ixichel was completely different. She had become the goddess queen she once was, even more majestic.

Nohrak's worried heart was relieved, knowing that the overall situation was decided, he immediately saluted Ixichel who was standing on the golden platform, "Nohrak, the goddess of the south, has met Her Majesty, the Queen of the Moon, the Lord God."

The Southern Goddess knew that she did not follow Ixichel in the crusade against Kukulkan and her position was not firm, so her attitude at this time was very respectful.

Ixichel accepted it calmly without being arrogant, and also returned the greeting: "Your Highness Nohrak, please sit down."

Shortly after Nohrak, the goddess of the south, took her seat, the last of the gods arrived.

He was dressed very similar to It Sumner, except

The details of the pattern are different, which is probably the difference between the emperor and the general. It is Uracan, the god of war.

Ixichel took the initiative and said, "Your Highness Ulakan, you are the only one left."

The God of War Urakan is a relatively powerful god among the gods. This power is not reflected in his cultivation, but in his combat power. To put it bluntly, he is more capable of fighting. Although he cannot fight across borders, he has a great chance of winning with the same cultivation. In the past, Kukulkan relied on his higher cultivation to suppress him.

Urakan is not only a god of war, but also a warrior. He does not think much of Ishicher. How can someone who relies on conspiracy and trickery be king? Strength is the reason for being king.

However, Urakan saw that the other three ancient gods had already taken their seats, and there were people from the Dao Sect and the Western Dao Sect watching. He also understood that the general trend was gone and he could not go against the trend. He reluctantly said, "God of War Urakan meets the Lord God."

He did not call the Queen of the Moon or Her Majesty, but only acknowledged Ishicher's status as the Lord God.

Ishichel could tolerate Qi Xuansu's various face-slapping behaviors, so naturally he would not care about Urakan's slight neglect. He nodded slightly, "Very good, please sit down, Your Highness Urakan."

Urakan sat in the last seat.

This was also Ishichel's deliberate arrangement. The death god Apuche and the rain god Chayak, who followed her to participate in the "palace coup", sat on the left, and the southern goddess Nohrak and the war god Urakan, who did not participate in the "palace coup", sat on the other side, just forming two camps. As the main god, Ishichel can mediate in the middle to maintain balance and prevent the rain god and the death god from taking credit and being arrogant, so as to seize power.

Ishichel announced his third oracle, "I declare that the Moon God Court is officially established."

The gods had no objection, and the Dao Sect and the West Dao Sect certainly would not have any objection.

This scene looks a bit shabby, with only five people, but considering that these five people are all gods, then this God Court is still quite worthy of the name. Even if it can't beat the Holy Court, at least it is very bluffing.

Ishichel then announced the fourth oracle, "All Chakchel temples will be changed to Ishichel temples, and Kukulkan temples will be changed according to the situation, such as temples related to death, changed to the temple of the god of death A. Puche, and temples related to storms, changed to the temple of the rain god Chayak." This is a reward for the two followers. Both gods expressed their support and gratitude. No merit does not receive rewards. Nohrak and Urakan did not participate in it, so naturally there is nothing to say. Ishichel paused, "Since there is no sun god, the remaining sun temples will be changed to the Taoist temples of Xidaomen." This is to show goodwill to Xidaomen. There is no two suns in the sky, and there is no two masters in a country. In the Eastern context, the sun is often linked to the monarch. The actual ruler of the southern continent should be Xidaomen. Changing the sun temple to a Taoist temple does contain the meaning of "there is only one sun in our hearts." This was not the interest of the four ancient gods, but the interest of Ishichel. Since Ishichel was willing to sacrifice her flesh, of course no one would come out to offend the West Dao Sect.

As for the believers of the sun, even the two sun gods were dead, so the believers were not a concern at all.

Ishichel was very sensible. She was not greedy and wanted all the benefits. The result was likely to be nothing. Although she gave up the incense and vows of the sun, she got the believers of Chakchel and could also develop additional believers of the night. Moreover, it was not polite not to return the favor. The West Dao Sect would definitely continue to favor her in the distribution of divine power in the future. It was not much of a loss. The key was to bring the relationship closer.

Ishichel announced the fifth oracle, "The gods should eliminate the rebellious remnants, the believers of the sun, the believers of the feathered serpent, the believers of Chakchel and the voters who refused to surrender, and the royal family should also change the belief in the sun."

This was also a matter of course. The four gods were mentally prepared and all agreed.

Qi Xuansu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Ishichel wanted to support Wunuratu to seize power and to establish the full moon belief. It turned out that he was waiting here. If Qi Xuansu had not intervened, then Wunuratu would have successfully ascended to the throne, replaced Emperor Paititi as the empress, and then converted to the moon, which would have been a natural outcome.

From this, it can be seen that Ishichel had thought of everything and made corresponding arrangements. His plan was profound.

Finally, Ishichel announced the sixth oracle, which was also the last oracle of the day. "In response to the call for civilization from the Dao Sect and the Western Dao Sect, I declare that from today on, all acts of blood sacrifice of living people will be abolished. If anyone violates the rules in secret, he will be severely punished once he is found."

This time, the four ancient gods did not agree immediately, but looked at each other.

Apche, the god of death who liked blood sacrifice the most, had changed his face.

Ishichel glanced at the gods with a dignified look.

Finally, the southern goddess Nohrak was the first to respond, "I agree."

She originally belonged to the faction that advocated the abolition of blood sacrifice, so she didn't feel any pressure, but she didn't expect Ishichel to be so determined and abolish blood sacrifice completely just after taking office, so she couldn't help but feel a little doubtful.

However, when she saw the expressions of Qi Xuansu and Tan Tai Zhenxiao, she understood that this was also the wish of the Taoist and Western Taoist sects, so she immediately agreed.

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