Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 104 Business Matters

To be fair, one thing that is better about the Zhang family than the Li family is that their tutors are better. Although the Li family's expansion method can attract talents, it is also destined to be a mixed bag. The Zhang family is conservative. Although it is lifeless, has a shortage of talents, and lacks vitality, it is better managed.

There is some truth to the saying that only three generations can learn how to dress and eat.

The first generation is prosperous, busy with their careers, and neglects to discipline the next generation. Naturally, there is no mention of tutoring. It takes generations to establish rules and implement them. As a long-established family that has existed for thousands of years, the Zhang family has perfected its family rules. Although there is no explicit order prohibiting the children of the Zhang family from going to the palace, it is definitely not allowed to play such a big game.

Of course, things like family rules are closely related to family status. The higher the family status, the higher the degree of freedom.

Zhang Wuyue was thinking about how to deal with it when two women sat down beside him, one on the left and one on the right.

Zhang Wuyue couldn't help but take a look, and he said that the two women's looks were quite good, with a score of six and a half out of ten. Although there is a joke, 90% of women think that their appearance is average to above average, but in reality, beauty is still a scarce resource. There are not so many good-looking people. It is not easy to see those with a score of 6 or above. As for an 8 score , nine points, you may not see it a few times in your life.

Of these two women, one is an aborigine from the Southern Continent with an exotic look, while the other has a Central Plains appearance and an authentic taste of her hometown.

It can be seen that he took it seriously.

Among the many brothels, the brothel is the most high-end one. It occupies an extremely large area and is almost the same as the mansions of officials and wealthy merchants. It has a unique cave inside, with a deep, quiet and elegant courtyard. It is divided into countless small single-family courtyards. In addition to the prostitutes and women, there are countless musicians, tailors, craftsmen, and servants, so that people can have everything they need without leaving the house.

Therefore, of the women who came here, only six were responsible for the main business, just two for each of them. The remaining women were really here to sing, and these belonged to the Qinghuan people.

He Shaoyang walked to the window and opened a sliver. The lights in the courtyard came in. He said loudly, "Let's start, work harder than usual!"

Suddenly there was a crisp sandalwood sound outside the window, then the small drum beat, and then a melodious flute sound came.

This is a musician raised in the courtyard.

Then came a Kun Ling authentic Wu opera from the window: "The orioles are singing in the dream, the years are full of chaos, people are standing in small courtyards and deep courtyards..."

Zhang Wuyue was a little surprised, "Is this the aria from "A Dream in the Garden"?"

Kun Opera is not uncommon in the Central Plains, but it is a bit rare in the Southern Continent, and not everyone can hear it.

He Shaoyang smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang has a good ear. This is the authentic Kunqu opera from Gusu Prefecture in Jiangzhou. The boss here specially went to Kunshan County to hire a top master and spent nearly 200,000 Taiping on everything."

Qian was trained little by little. Looking at the whole of Xingang, he can only sing here. "

Zhang Wuyue said, "It's amazing. It's not easy to hear such authentic Kunqu opera in a foreign country."

He Shaoyang said, "I have said before that if you want to invite Mr. Zhang to listen to music, you must listen to music. This is called appreciating both refined and popular tastes."

Zhang Wuyue smiled and said nothing.

Qian Xisheng took advantage of the situation and said, "I wonder if Master Qi likes it? If Master Qi likes it, and I happen to have some friendship with the boss here, then the whole team will be sent to Master Qi's house and let Master Qi listen slowly, which can be regarded as a bit of respect." ”

Zhang Wuyue waved his hand and said, "No, my sister is very strict and doesn't like this."

Qian Xisheng suddenly said, "I forgot about Master Zhang. Blame me, blame me. I almost made a big mistake. I will punish myself with a drink."

It seems that Xidaomen also knows Zhang Yuelu's illustrious name, and he has truly become the legendary Zhang Yuelu.

This is the magic power of Zhang Yuelu. If you say that Master Qi is afraid of women, no one will believe it. But if you say that this woman is Zhang Yuelu, it becomes reasonable and reasonable. No one will not believe it or even doubt it. However, Zhang Yuelu never made trouble with Qi Xuansu, which can be said to be a very stereotype.

Sometimes, Ku Yi Ku Zhang Yue Lu can save a lot of trouble.

Zhang Yuelu didn't care, her reputation was already like this. She had done something in Nanyang, which further deepened this stereotype and it can be said that it was deeply rooted in people's hearts. As the saying goes, if you have too many lice, don't itch, if you have too many debts, don't worry, just let it go.

As he was talking, Kun Ling outside was already getting into a better state. "The fine silk blew into the courtyard, swaying like spring threads. I stopped for a long time to arrange the flowers, but I didn't pick up the water chestnuts and steal half of my face..."

The singing also muffled the sounds of people talking in the room.

Zhang Yueyue grew up under Zhang Yuelu's watch, and Zhang Yuelu still had very strict requirements for him. Although he accidentally went astray not long ago, for a son of aristocratic family, this kind of operation is so common that it is nothing. Judging from the moral standards of aristocratic families, Zhang Wuyue has not yet reached the level of a playboy. At this time, his thoughts are not on the woman beside him, but more on business.

Coincidentally, Qian Xisheng was also not focused on listening to music or women. He approached Zhang Wuyue and kept toasting to Zhang Wuyue, saying polite words and being close to him.

Qian Xisheng was a subordinate of Huangfuji. In his opinion, it was well known that Huangfu and Qi Zhenren had a good relationship. So as a subordinate, it was reasonable and reasonable for him to get close to Qi Zhenren's brother-in-law. There was nothing to say.

of course not

Just getting close, why didn't he get close to the people in Beichen Hall? Because the people in Beichen Hall don't care about trade. The construction of a new port requires the injection of external funds. Although with Qi Xuansu's matchmaking, Daomen and Xidaomen reached an intention to cooperate, and Tianjitang also sent people to Xingang, it was still not enough for Huangfuji, and trade should not only be public, but also private, so he gave it to the subordinates People are assigned tasks, and how much investment must be attracted. Those who complete the tasks will be rewarded, and those who fail to complete the tasks will be punished.

Qian Xisheng was worried about this matter a lot, and Zhang Wuyue came to his door, so he had to seize the opportunity. Apart from anything else, Nanyang Lion City is an important economic and trade center of the Taoist sect. The chief deputy governor of the Borneo Taoist House, Zhuang Zhenren, is Mr. Zhang’s sister. According to the rules of the Taoist sect, the chief deputy head of the Taoist house is responsible for the economy, and Zhang Yuelu is from Nanyang. God of Wealth - This is why Qian Xisheng did not dare to offend Zhang Yuelu, so as soon as he heard that Zhang Yuelu was strict, he immediately changed his tune.

As for the fact that Zhang Wuyue had just offended his sister in Lion City, Qian Xisheng naturally didn't know about it. After all, family scandals should not be publicized, and they were thousands of miles away, so the news was not that well-informed.

Qian Xisheng and He Shaoyang have been acquaintances for decades. Since they were young, they later followed Huangfu Ji together, and their relationship has reached a new level, which is extraordinary.

Qian Xisheng is now a capable general who is in charge of his own affairs, and He Shaoyang is Huangfuji's secretary, close to the center of power. Huangfu Ji specifically told He Shaoyang to take care of Zhang Wuyue. When Zhang Wuyue first arrived in Xingang, He Shaoyang personally led Zhang Wuyue around, and the two became familiar with each other and had a good relationship. Qian Xisheng asked He Shaoyang for help many times, and then He Shaoyang came forward to help matchmaking, and this meeting happened.

The few women who are responsible for accompanying drinks can establish themselves in the court. They have been hanging out in the romantic field for a long time. They are in contact with dignitaries on weekdays. They have seen the world. They naturally know what to do when and what not to say nonsense. , this is what He Shaoyang emphasized about knowing the rules.

At this time, Zhang Wuyue and Qian Xisheng wanted to talk, so the women had the good sense not to disturb the two of them, but just quietly poured wine with them.

After Zhang Wuyue heard Qian Xisheng's conditions, he didn't speak for a long time.

He is thinking about the situation in Nanyang. He has some friendship with Fan Ji, and Chen Shuwen can also talk to him. If he can bring these two families in, then things will be easier to handle. But it would be best to recruit a few more people from Jinling Mansion and Wuyang Mansion. Many Zhang family members are working in these two places and can speak for themselves. By the way, there is also the Nanyang General Account, which is also a big business and an acquaintance.

Wuyang Mansion is where the Lingnan Taoist Mansion is located. According to legend, in ancient times, five immortals rode five-colored sheep and carried six-tasseled rice grains to this place, so it was named Wuyang.


r\u003eWuyang Mansion, Jinling Mansion, Lion City, Bohai Mansion, and Langya Mansion are all relatively well-known economic and trade towns in Dao Sect. The purpose of building a new port in Xidaomen is to match these places.

With Zhang Yuelu being confirmed as the leader of the "Yue" generation, and with Qi Xuansu as a good brother-in-law, Zhang Yuelu has also followed suit. He does not look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face, and he still has some face in the family. And it’s a good thing to make money together. It’s legal and compliant. Who can’t get along with money?

The more people you have, the more money you have, and the more money you have, the more say you have, and you can strive for better conditions.

This is the advantage of starting a business in a family. Various connections pave the way, so you can borrow other people's chickens and lay your own eggs. If you were a kid from a poor family, you wouldn't be able to get the first pot of gold without using some unconventional means or doing some unexplained dirty work. Without the first pot of gold, you wouldn't even be qualified to enter the venue. No matter how big the world is, His ability is also in vain.

This means that someone above is more important than personal ability.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu has always said that Qiniang has no kindness to him in raising him. Even if the kindness of saving his life is equal, then there is still the kindness of knowing and encountering, and the kindness of rebuilding. She has worked so hard to pave the way and build bridges for him. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is his biological mother. .

Although Qi Xuansu has reached this point, Qiniang can no longer protect him from the wind and rain, and as he goes up, he can't pave the way or build a bridge. Qi Xuansu's backer has essentially become Donghua Zhenren, but Qi Xuansu We cannot forget our roots, and we cannot forget the past once we become developed.

Qian Xisheng took the opportunity to observe Zhang Wuyue's demeanor. He thought to himself that he had some ability to judge people. In his opinion, Zhang Wuyue was really thinking about this condition seriously, instead of pretending or deliberately trying to titillate, which meant that he had something to gain. talk.

After Zhang Wuyue finished thinking, he made an "eight" gesture to Qian Xisheng.

Qian Xisheng's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

Zhang Wuyue alone wouldn't be able to raise so much money even if he were killed, but with Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu behind him, others would be willing to sell themselves a favor, and if the East and West families were added together, they would really be able to earn so much.

After all, investing in Xingang is for business, and a considerable part of the funds will come from local government funds. This is different from Jinque. The national treasury and the local vassal treasury are two different things. Qi Xuansu's matchmaking part belongs to the national treasury. It's the big head, but Zhang Wuyue is planning some projects in various local governments, which is a small fight.

The key is not to be afraid of others checking. Like the port business Zhang Wuyue did before, it is very problematic to put it online. Xingang wouldn't say anything.

Qi Xuansu brought Zhang Wuyue here, firstly to give him a living, and secondly to expand his own foundation. Jiang Dazhen said it well, without your own direct lineage, others will not take you seriously.

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