Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 106 Zhong Boyu

Zhang Wuyue let go of his hand, "How could you admit your mistake? Aren't you Zhong Boyu?"

Zhong Boyu turned away and said, "I don't know you."

"Back then, I was studying at Shangqing Palace and was assigned to go to Wuzhou Taoist Government for an internship. You were a deacon at the time, right? You even took me under your wing for a while. Later, you resigned and wanted to travel around the world. I even saw you off. "Zhang Wuyue said, "Why did you go to the New World?"

Zhong Boyu was called out by Zhang Wuyue and couldn't pretend anymore, "Why are you in the New World too?"

Zhang Wuyue said, "I'm looking for money. Come here and try your luck. If you get rich, you can buy a house in Yujing Taishangfang and get married. I just finished talking about business with someone and was about to go back. I didn't expect to meet him here." you."

Zhong Boyu cleared his throat, "I also came here to seek wealth. They say the New World is full of gold, so I came here to take a look. It's not easy to do business now. I have to drink with others. I met a difficult boss today, so I said we should have a drink." A few drinks, no, I have to drink 'Drunk Life and Dreams of Death', this wine has a strong stamina, and you will drink too much if you are not careful."

Zhang Wuyue pretended to be confused, "This person is not polite, how could he throw you on the roadside?"

Zhong Boyu said, "You can't say that. They originally wanted to arrange a car to take me away. I said I could walk back by myself. I just sobered up. I didn't expect this thing to get drunk in the wind. I was fine just now. But when the night wind blew, I got drunk in a daze. , my brain is not working well, so I didn’t recognize you.”

Zhang Wuyue didn't try to undermine him, "So that's it."

Zhong Boyu asked, "Have you eaten?"

Zhang Wuyue touched his stomach and said, "I drank wine tonight and didn't eat anything."

Zhong Boyu said, "That's right. I just vomited all the food I ate. Let's eat some more together."

Zhang Wuyue glanced at the sky and said, "It's already around this time. The restaurants and restaurants should be closing. Let's do it tomorrow. I'll definitely do it tomorrow."

"It's okay." Zhong Boyu said, "I know a family that makes breakfast. They get up at midnight to prepare. We just happened to go there, so we thought it was breakfast."

Zhang Wuyue had no choice but to agree, "Old Zhong, you are quite familiar with this place."

Zhong Boyu waved his hand, "Normally, mainly because I've been here for a while."

Under the leadership of Zhong Boyu, the two came to a small shop and ordered two bowls of noodles. There was no beef and alpaca meat was used instead. It is full of flavor and chewy, slightly harder than mutton, and textured like beef, without being tangy or greasy.

Zhong Boyu asked again, "Do you have any wine?"

Zhang Wuyue said, "Didn't you just drink 'Drunken Life, Dreams of Death'?"

Zhong Boyu smacked his lips, "It's mainly because I have developed a habit. I have to drink before I can eat."

Zhang Wuyue could only say, "Boss, bring me a pot of wine."

When the wine was delivered, Zhong Boyu had to be humble and said, "Try this."

Zhang Wuyue declined and said, "I usually like

I like to drink red wine and rice wine, but don't like white wine. "

Zhong Boyu said, "Both red wine and rice wine are too soft and not satisfying. The white wine must be strong enough, and this is corn wine. It is not available in the Central Plains. You have never tasted it."

Zhang Wuyue said, "Isn't this just sorghum wine? It doesn't taste good."

"Really?" Zhong Boyu's expression remained unchanged, "There is also corn wine in the Central Plains? I don't remember."

Zhang Wuyue hesitated and said, ""

Zhong Boyu looked at Zhang Wuyue, "Either you remembered it wrong, or I remembered it wrong. One of them must remember it wrong. But I think you must have remembered it wrong."

"Is there...or not?" Zhang Wuyue was not too confident either.

"There is really no such thing." Zhong Boyu said, "Corn and sorghum are different. Corn has wide leaves, while sorghum has narrow leaves. Moreover, sorghum has top ears and red kernels, while corn has long cobs and yellow kernels. The difference is huge."

Zhang Wuyue nodded, "It's all knowledge. But forget it, I've already drank a lot tonight, and I really can't drink anymore."

Zhong Boyu then stopped being modest. He ate a mouthful of wine and a mouthful of noodles. He ate deliciously. He didn't forget to ask Zhang Wuyue, "I have wronged you by eating this meal. Are you used to it?"

Zhang Wuyue mixed the noodles and took a big bite. "There's nothing I can't get used to. I eat quite well."

"That's good, that's good." Zhong Boyu nodded, "For ordinary people, as long as they can endure hardships, there will be endless hardships. But for a family member like you, only if you can endure hardships, you will be able to endure hardships." To be a good person.”

Zhang Wuyue laughed it off.

When it was time to check out, Zhong Boyu rushed to pay, but when he touched his body, he had no money.

Zhang Wuyue was not surprised, "I'll do it."

With that said, Zhang Wuyue took out a peace coin from his sleeve pocket and said, "No need to look for it."

The boss didn't expect to make a huge profit right after he opened the business. He was really lucky, so he naturally thanked him profusely.

Zhong Boyu said earnestly, "We are here to do business, not to enjoy ourselves. We can save money when we can."

Zhang Wuyue said, "It is necessary to be frugal, but when you go out, you have to pay attention to appearance. How much money I actually have, how much money others think I have, and how much money I can mobilize are three different things. If you want to impress others, I think I can’t be too frugal if I have a lot of money.”

Zhong Boyu no longer cares about it, "Now there are only two of you and me here. You use a peace coin to treat me to a bowl of noodles. How much money do you want me to think you have?"

Zhang Wuyue smiled and said, "Of course the more, the better."

Zhong Boyu said, "I remember that your sister is Zhang Yuelu, so Qi Xuansu is your brother-in-law. Everyone knows that Qi Xuansu is a man of the hour. Even if you can raise 10 million peace money, I won't be surprised."

Zhang Wuyue suppressed his smile, "Let's not talk about it anymore. At least you had some realm and cultivation back then. After so many years, not to mention reaching a higher level, at least you won't end up living on the street. Even if you can't live without food, you can rely on your realm and cultivation." "It's not hard to make some money, so why bother asking me for a bowl of noodles?"

Zhong Boyu sighed, "Did you see it?"

Zhang Wuyue reached out and grabbed Zhong Boyu's wrist, "Where is your level of cultivation?"

Zhong Boyu said indifferently, "It was destroyed."

Zhang Wuyue asked, "How was it abolished?"

"This is just a child without a mother. It's a long story." Zhong Boyu had probably looked away. His eyes were not red, nor was he sad. He was very calm.

Zhang Wuyue said softly, "I want to hear it."

Zhong Boyu said calmly, "After I left Wuzhou Taoist Mansion, I traveled around the world and joined the Eight Tribesmen by chance."

"That secret society that split from the Creation Project? I've heard that some secret societies are now being normalized, and the Eight Tribes are also among them, and their identities can be disclosed." Zhang Wuyue heard about it when he was in Nanyang. Among the Eight Tribes, Fan Ji has many business dealings with these people.

Zhong Boyu continued, "Later, I entered Bai Yutang from the Eight Tribesmen, and I was considered to be quite important."

Zhang Wuyue has not been working in Taoism for a long time, and has not entered any special departments. He doesn’t know much about secret societies, so he couldn’t help but ask, “What kind of secret society is this Bai Yutang?”

Zhong Boyu explained, "The members of the Eight Tribes are very complicated. In addition to the Taoist priests who betrayed the Taoism, there are also some Taoist priests who have not betrayed the Taoism and have secretly joined the Eight Tribes as individuals. They have proposed the purpose of helping each other. , Taoist priests who have not betrayed the Taoism will protect the eight tribes and share the achievements of the eight tribes. "

"In fact, in addition to being in contact with Taoist priests in the Taoist sect, the Eight Tribes have also had similar relationships with core members of other secret societies in recent years, including Zhiming Sect, Qingping Society, 'Inn', Qibaofang, and 'Tianting' . Because of the extremely close and complicated interest exchanges between them, although these secret societies also have conflicts with each other, they still form an alliance only related to the eight tribes through the threads of the eight tribes. "

"If I have to make an analogy, it's probably like a partnership doing business. Zhimingjiao, Qingpinghui, 'Inn', Qibaofang, and 'Tianting' contribute money to buy shares. They are considered owners and do not participate in the operation. They are only responsible for investing money and dividends. Babu Zhong is the shopkeeper, mainly responsible for operations and also participating in dividends.

. In order to coordinate the relations between all parties, the Eight Tribes and other secret societies formed a special assembly, which is the "Bai Yutang". The members of Bai Yutang all have dual identities. One is a member of Bai Yutang, and the other is a member of the secret society to which they originally belonged. "

"After Bai Yutang was established for many years, there was a gradual trend of breaking away from several major secret societies and establishing its own business. Several major secret societies also noticed this trend and intervened decisively. After an unknown internal fight, Bai Yutang no longer tried to Standing alone, but still maintaining considerable independence.”

Zhang Wuyue understood, but he didn't care. "This should be considered a good thing. You can go to Bai Yutang, which means you have entered the core level. What happened later?"

Zhong Boyu sighed with emotion, "Every decision made by the big shots will be paid by the little guys. A spitting drop from a big shot can drown an unlucky person. I am the unlucky person. Daomen decided to normalize some secret societies. In fact, except for the Zhiming Sect and the Lingshan Witch Sect, all other secret societies can stand openly under the sun, remove the word "secret", and become normal associations. As for the past, there is no need to pursue it. However, there is a prerequisite. Draw a clear line between Zhiming Cult and Lingshan Witch Cult.”

"I just said that when Bai Yutang was established, there were members of the Zhiming Sect within it, so several other secret societies decided to disband Bai Yutang, execute all members of the Zhiming Sect, and conduct cross-purges on the remaining Bai Yutang members. You kill my people, and I kill yours. For them, just killing a few members in exchange for the trust of the Taoist sect is very cost-effective and very necessary. "

"Today, there is no Bai Yutang anymore. I was also among those who were purged. I escaped with my life and lost all my cultivation. My former boss took pity on me and arranged for me to go to sea, so I came to the Southern Continent. As for doing business, I Yes, just listen.”

Zhang Wuyue was silent for a long time.

These battles in the world are a bit far away for him, like two worlds. In a sense, he is well protected, especially after his sister and brother-in-law rise, he is surrounded by "good people" who are polite and peaceful. harmonious.

But Zhang Wuyue also understands that this is just an illusion. Without these protections, would "good people" still be good people? Don't talk about others, just talk about Qian Xisheng. Is this a good thing? Will you have a younger brother?

Zhang Wuyue asked, "Where do you live?"

"Be content with the situation." Zhong Boyu said, "Some people are obsessed with the house. They feel that there is no roof to cover themselves and no place to stand below, so they can't live. I am different. I can live anywhere. You know the hot water boiler on the street? Let’s take care of the stove, wait until the fire goes out, spread the ashes, and sleep in the stove hole. Bridges, haystacks, and construction sites are all places I frequent.”

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