Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 122 The Master-Disciple Game

Wu Tu couldn't help but sigh with emotion after hearing this.

If not for the fact that Master Qi had such cultivation at such a young age, he would have had two masters, both of whom were at the level of immortals. Two immortals taught him one thing. How could this blessing be any less?

Since he is a Taoist immortal, he is also a great master of Pingzhang.

But having said that, after listening to the meaning of Master Qi's words, the first master seemed not satisfied with Master Qi's apprenticeship with Master Donghua, so he gave Master Qi a small lesson.

The twists and turns here are not something outsiders can know.

Qi Xuansu put away the flying knife and asked, "How are things going in the village?"

His attention was completely occupied by Zhou Mengyao's flying knife, and he did not care to watch the situation on Wutu's side.

Wutu hurriedly replied: "Except for one person who escaped, all the insect men were killed. As for those who have not been implanted with insect eggs, I have made appropriate arrangements."

Qi Xuansu nodded, still thinking about Zhou Mengyao's question.

This sword is elusive and subtle to the extreme, but it is not powerful enough. Did Zhou Mengyao intentionally hold back? Or is it that the power of the powerful crossbow cannot penetrate Lu Zhen?

If it is the former, it is a matter of motivation and may be a warning, but this is inconsistent with Zhou Mengyao's past behavior style. Zhou Mengyao is the kind of person who will not easily alert others. If Qiniang hadn't become a mole, Qi Xuansu I still don't know that Zhou Mengyao exists. How could such a person give Qi Xuansu a warning inexplicably? It doesn't make sense.

If it is the latter, it means that Zhou Mengyao is not nearby, which leads to another question. Since Zhou Mengyao is not nearby, how did she lock Qi Xuansu? Could it be that Zhou Mengyao left something similar to a trap near the village? When Qi Xuansu came here and accidentally triggered the trap, Zhou Mengyao would take action from a distance.

But it still doesn't make sense, because when the distance is too far, it is difficult for even the immortals to directly kill the heavenly beings in the creation stage. Only the nightmare method cast by the birth date or blood hair can ignore the distance.

So what is the significance of Zhou Mengyao's action?

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu said to Wu Tu: "Wu Tu, check the surroundings to see if there are any traces of similar formations or traps, especially those related to Taoism."

Wutu was startled and then understood Qi Xuansu's intention. Although he is not a member of the Taoist sect, after reaching the realm of pseudo-immortal, many methods have the same goal in principle. Maybe Wutu will not use the Taoist sect's methods, but it is not difficult to identify the Taoist sect's methods. In other words, if you have never eaten pork, have you never seen a pig running?

The two began to search separately.

It’s still the old way, don’t bother, check carefully inch by inch, don’t miss any place.

It took Wutu about two hours to find traces of a triggered formation about three miles east of where Qi Xuansu was attacked.

This formation was only the size of a wheel and was carved on the back of a big tree. After being triggered, it began to gradually dissipate. If Qi Xuansu and Wu Tu had not found this formation, it would have completely dissipated in a short time without leaving any traces.

Qi Xuansu and Wu Tu studied the remaining formations and were able to determine that the formation itself was not powerful, but mainly served as a warning, covering the entire village and some areas outside the village. Qi Xuansu did not trigger this warning formation. It should have been when Utu was inaugurating the sky and the earth that the divine power of the night triggered the formation.

Then the spiritual thoughts in the formation quickly swept across the entire area. After confirming Qi Xuansu's existence, Zhou Mengyao, who was thousands of miles away, felt it in his heart, and then shot out a knife, hitting Qi Xuansu in the middle.

The timing matched up, and Qi Xuansu was attacked just after Wu Tu left. On the contrary, it gave people the illusion that someone had been lurking nearby, waiting for Wu Tu to leave before taking action immediately. In fact, it was Wu Tu's action that triggered the formation, causing Zhou Mengyao to discover Qi Xuansu's existence.

Qi Xuansu watched the traces of this formation completely dissipate and thought secretly in his heart.

Judging from the handwriting of this formation, there is no doubt that it was left behind by Zhou Mengyao. From this, it can be concluded that Zhou Mengyao has been to this village before, and she thinks Qi Xuansu is likely to come here, but she cannot be sure when Qi Xuansu will come here. She may not have time, or may not have the patience, but she is not waiting here anyway. So this formation was left.

After all, he was Qi Xuansu's former master. He knew Qi Xuansu well and could easily grasp Qi Xuansu's thoughts.

It is also possible that Zhou Mengyao went to all the insect villages and left behind similar formations. As long as Qi Xuansu attacked the insect people, he would always encounter them.

It is not difficult for an immortal to find the insect stronghold by himself. Immortals can do it as long as they are willing to spend time and effort. The key is that other immortals don't do it. If it weren't for Qi Xuansu, Zhou Mengyao wouldn't be willing to do this kind of thing. He is already in a high position and has great power, and he still does it himself. Isn't it a waste of time to hold the power? It's better to leave this kind of trivial matter to

As for why Zhou Mengyao didn't go to Xinxijing or Xinpaititi to find Qi Xuansu, the reason is very simple and easy to be discovered.

Qi Xuansu is not a lone ranger in the world, but one of the successors that Taoism focuses on. It is inevitable that the stars will support him. There are always many people around him, including fake immortals like Wu Tu and Hu En Ahan. These people are not vegetarians. Three pseudo-immortals can resist the immortals. At least two pseudo-immortals will not be able to fight back.

As long as there is some noise, other immortals will take action.

Xin Xijing is the base camp of Xidaomen. Dantai Zhenxiao likes to stay in Danxiu Mountain, and Gong Fu is usually in Xin Xijing. New Paititi is the base camp of the ancient gods. Ixichel is not sleeping like Kukulkan. Maybe he is always keeping an eye on everything in New Paititi. Even if Ixichel cannot come directly, the ancient gods Their electors and incarnations combined cannot be underestimated.

In addition, Qi Xuansu himself cannot be regarded as a child without resistance. Under such conditions, it would be difficult for Zhou Mengyao to do anything with Qi Xuansu.

Going forward, Qi Xuansu did go to the Northern Continent, but at that time Zhou Mengyao had not yet freed up his hands, nor had he had a showdown with Qiniang.

Therefore, it makes sense that Zhou Mengyao could only wait for Qi Xuansu to leave Xinpaititi and Xinxijing before taking any action.

There is only one last question left, what was Zhou Mengyao's purpose in giving him a knife?

Qi Xuansu habitually pinched the center of his eyebrows, which happened to be where the flying knife hit him.

Then Qi Xuansu noticed something was wrong.

It left a small scar here.

There is no problem with scars from wounds, but it is very problematic when it is placed on a martial artist. When Qi Xuansu had his hand cut off and the severed limbs were reattached, no trace was left. Qi Xuansu suffered numerous injuries, and his flesh and blood were restored as before.

This time instead, it left a scar that has yet to disappear.

Qi Xuansu's nails suddenly grew longer and were as sharp as a knife. He slowly cut open the scar, as if he had an extra red vertical eye and looked at it in the mirror.

I saw a vague aura lingering in it, gathering and dispersing indefinitely, and the outline of the talisman could be vaguely seen.

Seeing this scene, Wu Tu also understood what it meant, and his face was solemn: "This seems to be a mark. In this way, Qi Zhenren's... master can lock the specific location of Qi Zhenren."

Locking Qi Xuansu through the formation is only temporary, and this imprint on Qi Xuansu will last forever.

In this way, Zhou Mengyao can grasp the specific whereabouts of Qi Xuansu, and then suddenly jump out at an unexpected time and give Qi Xuansu a big "surprise".

Then it all makes sense.

Zhou Mengyao's sword was not intended to kill, nor to warn, but to target Qi Xuansu. After all, the Southern Continent is so big and Qi Xuansu's whereabouts are elusive. It would be really troublesome to find him.

It's just that Qi Xuansu's reaction was quite quick, and he determined Zhou Mengyao's identity through Xiao Yin, and with a little luck, he was able to see through Zhou Mengyao's intentions.

In the first confrontation between master and disciple, Qi Xuansu did not fall too far behind.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Is there any way to remove it?"

Utu observed it carefully for a moment, then said with a confused look on his face: "Her Majesty the Queen can definitely do it. Otherwise, we should go back and ask Her Majesty the Queen to take action to remove this mark."

From Wu Tu's point of view, the bug problem is just a trivial matter. If he does it well, he will not get any benefits. But if Qi Zhenren has a problem, then his sin will be greater, and he may become a scapegoat. Her Majesty the Queen and Xidaomen had to give Daomen an explanation, and he was the one to give it.

Even though he is considered a big shot in the eyes of others, in the eyes of the Taoist sect, especially in the eyes of the Taoist sect's senior officials, he is just a nobody. After all, Itsumna and Kukulkan were dead, so what was a single elect?

So Wutu kept his attitude very low, hoping that Qi Xuansu would put his own safety first.

That's not what Qi Xuansu was thinking about. Could it be that after being frightened by Zhou Mengyao, he could only shrink into a turtle shell? Will he do anything again in the future?

Could it be that as long as Zhou Mengyao was alive, he would just be a coward?

Then why talk about the great master? Then what's the point of talking about being in charge of the Taoist sect?

The fundamental way to solve this problem is of course for Qi Xuansu to improve his cultivation level. With the pseudo-immortal cultivation level, he will at least have some ability to fight back. After becoming an immortal, Qi Xuansu no longer had to be afraid. He even wished that Zhou Mengyao would come to his door so that he could kill Zhou Mengyao with his own hands.

It's just that Qi Xuansu is still quite far away from the immortal, so he can't keep shrinking like this. He still has to find a way to hurt Zhou Mengyao to make her afraid.

Qi Xuansu pondered for a moment and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just a small matter, there is no need to cause trouble in the city."

Wu Tu was about to speak but stopped.

Of course, Qi Xuansu didn't want to make fun of his own life. If Zhou Mengyao became angry and had murderous intentions, he had to find a way to deal with it.

Qi Xuansu really has a way, and that is the "Moon in the Water" left by Wuniang, and he can ask Master Jiang Da to take action. This incident happened in Paititi Cave, Zhou Mengyao probably didn’t know about it.

If the plan is right, Qi Xuansu uses himself as a chess piece and enters the game personally. Playing chess with the immortal like this, it is not impossible to defeat Tian Banzi.

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