Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 133 Evil Nature

Qi Xuansu laughed it off.

In fact, Qi Xuansu and Li Changge accelerated greatly in advance, seriously disrupting the rhythm.

This is like playing Xuansheng card. I originally wanted to be a big player in a leisurely manner, but someone started to put pressure on me like crazy. Others had to bite the bullet and follow in order to avoid being eliminated early, and the pace suddenly became faster.

If there were not two variables, Qi Xuansu and Li Changge, then Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei should still be practicing in the local Taoist government, instead of hurriedly taking them to the third hall, but it would not work otherwise, because it is not done in this way. , which is basically equivalent to giving up in advance.

This is also one of the reasons why Donghua Zhenren decided to replace Yao Pei with Qi Xuansu. Although the Yao family was dissatisfied, they did not oppose it. The situation was stronger than the person. If he didn't do this, he would not be able to deal with Li Changge.

After Li Changge got the "Blue Bird Bead", he was already a pseudo-immortal. Qi Xuansu could barely keep up, let alone Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei. If it weren't for Qi Xuansu, the Li family would really have succeeded.

Perhaps Donghuang already had this plan when he asked Yao Zu for the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" through Mrs. Xuansheng. By using human power to create the second Tantai Yun, the Immortal, who was less than forty years old, was twenty years ahead. In the past twenty years, if any major event happened, such as sending a plenipotentiary envoy abroad, it would definitely be Li Changge and not someone else. How much merit and prestige would it have to accumulate? Far ahead!

Even if Qi Xuansu came out of nowhere, he could not completely suppress Li Changge. Now Li Changge still has hope of making a comeback, but it can only be said that he is at a disadvantage for the time being, and it cannot be said to be a failure. There is still a long road ahead for the two of them. The key is who can have the last laugh.

While the three of them were chatting, the sailors probably searched the ship and found no traces of bodies or people. It was unknown whether they had abandoned the ship before it sank or if they had completely disappeared. Preliminary judgment shows that this is not a Western ship, but a ship from the East, and it is very old, at least before the Jin Dynasty.

This is strange. Although Wang Dayuan had discovered Luo Suozhou during the Jin Dynasty and Jinzhang years, he certainly did not discover the Southern Continent. This place is far away from Luo Suo Continent. On the contrary, it is closer to the Southern Continent. There should be no Central Plains ships.

Even Western ships were a long time coming.

Wutu asked, "Could it be the ship of the insect people or the immortals?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Qi Xuansu said, "Is there anything similar to a logbook?"

The sailor who came up shook his head and said, "I never found it."

However, the sailors still brought back some things, which were searched from the ship. There were several large closed boxes and some wooden barrels with unknown contents.

Qi Xuansu scanned it with his spiritual mind and found that he couldn't see through it.

This reminded him of the "Xuanxuan Jar" from many years ago.

"Open it?" Yang Shaozhen looked at Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu nodded.

Wu Tudao took the initiative and said, "I'll do it."

The people around him immediately formed a circle.

Utu picked a wooden bucket like a watermelon, shooting and listening. It could be seen that Utu had experience in low-income life before hugging Ixichel's thigh, and his skills were very skillful.

Hu En'ahan also came from a lower-class background and couldn't stand it anymore. "Old Wu, it's almost done. Where are you picking the watermelon? Hurry up. If it doesn't work, I'll do it instead."

Utu placed the barrel horizontally and split the barrel in half. A smelly black liquid quickly flowed out, and the liquid spread everywhere as if it was conscious.

Hu En Ahan had been prepared, and the warrior's blood energy was like a raging fire, instantly evaporating all the black water, leaving not even a trace of smoke left.

"Sure enough, there is something fishy." Wutu said, "Are you still open?"

"Open!" Hu En'ahan said, "Let me do it."

This time Hu En Ahan directly chose a box and opened it without any nonsense.

After the box was opened, there was a mouth bigger than Xiao Yin, full of dense teeth, and a long tongue like a giant python. He actually swallowed Hu En'ahan in one gulp and closed it again, as if nothing had happened.

After a while, the box began to tremble, and the closed lid was stretched.

Open it, and then a thick arm directly breaks through the wall of the box from the inside. It is Hu En'ahan's arm.

Immediately afterwards, Hu En'ahan broke open the box, lifted off the lid, and kicked the box to pieces.

Fortunately, it was a pseudo-immortal martial artist. If it had been someone else, if he had been swallowed in one gulp, not even a bit of scum would have been left.

Others looked at it with fear.

"Is there anyone else driving?" Hu En'ahan asked again.

Everyone shook their heads.

However, Qi Xuansu, as a veteran player of "Xuanxuan Jar", knows very well the principle of making a cushion first, that is, the more failures in the front, the greater the probability of success in the future. Now Hu En'ahan and Wutu have already acted as cushions, so he said, "I'll do it." Bar."

Everyone was curious again and looked at it one after another.

Qi Xuansu picked a wooden barrel, wiped off the strange talismans on it, opened the lid, and just took a look inside, his face darkened.

It was densely packed with bugs, both dead and alive, which was disgusting.

This wooden barrel is a chrysalis.

After the barrel was opened, the insects seemed to emerge from dormancy

When he woke up, he started scrambling to crawl out. Without Qi Xuansu's orders, Wutu had already ignited a flame and burned the barrel and the insects.

"Is it still necessary to open them? These are all traps. Just destroy them all." Someone suggested.

Qi Xuansu was noncommittal.

Yang Shaozhen suggested, "I'll choose one."

Qi Xuansu said, "Okay."

Yang Shaozhen selected a box, broke the lock, and opened the lid. There was a burst of exclamation from all around.

I saw that the box was full of gold and silver, which blinded people.

Qi Xuansu didn't show it on his face, but he sighed secretly in his heart. He was still anxious and should have been reassured.

Hu En'ahan and Utu were tempted again. They didn't care about the gold and silver, but they enjoyed this unknown fun. Otherwise, the "Xuanxuan Jar" was very popular for a while. This thing pointed directly at human nature.

Not only the two of them, but other sailors were also a little ready to make a move. Although there are a lot of risks here, there are really good things.

Hoon Ahan also picked a box.

Wu Tu said from the side, "Old Hu, don't be swallowed again."

Hu En'ahan snorted coldly and punched him directly.

This punch is light but heavy.

When it fell, there was only a rustling sound, like the sound of eating mulberry leaves. The entire outer shell of the box turned into powder and flew away in the wind, revealing the contents inside.

This is a crystal with a human head sealed inside.

The man's eyes were wide open and he could not close his eyes.

Judging from his face, there is no doubt that he is from the Central Plains.

Hu En'ahan held it in his hand and looked at it from side to side, "This sea is really evil, there is everything."

Qi Xuansu asked Wu Tu, "What do you think?"

Utu took the human head sealed in the crystal from Huen Ahan. "This crystal should not be as simple as antisepsis. It also has the effect of restraining the soul. I can try it. But even with the blessing of this special crystal, After so many years, the souls inside must have become decayed, just like the corpses and artifacts in the ancient tombs. In other words, they only have one chance."

Qi Xuansu said, "There's no need to worry, just keep opening the boxes, one by one, so as not to cause any trouble."

Hu En Ahan maintained his identity and gave the opportunity to others.

The old boat master Lao Pang also opened a wooden barrel, but there was nothing in it. However, after opening the barrel, a weird laughter sounded inexplicably on the ship, which was so disturbing that he couldn't get rid of it.

That laughter is so crazy, no matter what

No matter how the sailor covered his ears, it didn't work. His mind was filled with all kinds of chaotic thoughts, which even turned from virtual reality to reality, resulting in a real sense of expansion. His temples were pounding, as if his head was about to explode. Some people with low cultivation levels, It already has the meaning of madness.

It was Hu En'ahan who roared angrily and broke the weird laughter with a warrior's bloody roar.

There is no other way. If it were an ordinary heavenly being going to sea, it would be really shocking.

It was shocking, but Qi Xuansu brought two pseudo-immortals with him, almost crushing them, and basically no threat to them.

No one dared to move forward. Although there are some good things, but not much, more of them are these ghost things, which make people scared.

"I'll do it," Qi Xuansu said.

It's almost done, and it's time to take action.

Qi Xuansu picked a box this time. After opening it, it was filled with books of all kinds.

"You're really lucky, these seem to be Taoist scriptures," Wu Tu said.

Qi Xuansu took out a book from it, flipped through it, and his face became solemn, "This is something from Beitian Master Dao."

At the time of Sun Lingxiu's uprising, the Tianshi Sect underwent a major change.

The basic characteristics of the old system of Tianshijiao are the establishment of governance and the establishment of posts, Taoist officials offering wine to lead households and converting the people, and the implementation of a unified rule of government and education. This is where today's wine-offering Taoist priests come from.

In order to realize the subordinate relationship between Taoist officials offering wine sacrifices and Taoist people, Tianshi Tao formulated systems such as three meeting days, house records, and payment of orders. It is stipulated that on the day of the Three Meetings, Taoist residents must go to the headquarters of the division to participate in religious activities, register and check the residence and life records, listen to the Taoist officials announcing the ban on science, and test the merits and demerits of the school.

After the Tianshi Dao moved north, there was a serious situation of organizational chaos and the collapse of legal regulations. At that time, many Taoist people did not go to Shizhi to participate in the revolution on the day of the Three Meetings, did not register their household registration, and did not pay the rent, rice and life letter. Some Taoist officials arrogantly set up positions and do not choose their own people. They only have many urns, only a lot of people to be governed, and only a large number of people to be governed. They compete to be the first to win, and they are even more superior to each other. They are upside down and messy with each other to create conflicts. , Wear the regalia of hypocrisy. He has no discipline, disobeys the teachings, violates the discipline and violates the prohibitions, and despises the Taoism and despises the law. Indulging in greed, indulge in food and drink, betraying the orthodox teachings of the alliance and the solemn covenant, and following the laws of deviant shamans.

The decay of the wine-sacrifice system led to the rise of the system of conferring talismans, which is the Taoist system that has been passed down to this day. High-quality Taoist priests awarded different talismans to each other, but at that time, Taoist people also had to confer talismans.

This makes Tianshi Dao divided into North and South Tianshi Dao. In the south, the Zhang family is the main group, and they have returned to the Zhengyi family. The north is dominated by people with different surnames and belongs to Taiping Road. This also laid the foundation for the later confrontation between Zhengyiyi and Taipingdao from the north to the south.

Sun Lingxiu belongs to Beitian Master Tao, so he, the founder of Tianshi Tao, is also called the founder of Taiping Tao.

Since these books belong to Beitian Master Dao, they are most likely to be written by immortals.

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