Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 138: Lun Bo Zhou

"Ceratopsian" broke through the storm, destroyed a group of ghost ships, and continued sailing on the sea.

After the storm, it’s sunny again.

After more than ten days of drifting, Qi Xuansu and others have gradually narrowed the scope of their search and can roughly determine the range where the Yin Moon appears.

Then it became day and night, resting during the day, and waiting for night to fall, walking towards the moon.

Waiting is always long, and boredom will only make it longer.

When you first go out to sea, there is still a lot of freshness, but as time goes by, the endless and same sea water will wipe out all the passion, leaving only endless boredom.

Qi Xuansu usually reads in his room, Hu En'ahan and Utu are also doing their own things, and "Ceratopsian" becomes very silent.

Utu would pray to Ixichel every day and talk to the goddess. Ixichel could probably hear it, but he didn't know if he would respond. As far as Qi Xuansu knows, the gods can set up a clone to specifically handle this kind of believer's wish, make automatic replies, and say some programmed words set in advance.

Hu En Ahan has the habit of writing diaries. In the past, when productivity was underdeveloped, firstly, there were few people who could read and write, and secondly, paper was scarce, so only a very few people could write "notes", and there were very few diaries, and more of them were Travel notes.

It is not until now that productivity has greatly developed that this habit has become widespread.

Hu En Ahan's diary is said to be a diary, but in fact it is not complete. If he had nothing to do today, he would simply not write. Therefore, during the period when he made a mistake and was forced to stay in seclusion, he did not write a word. Stop updating the diary directly. Thanks to Qi Zhenren's advice, he made a comeback

After that, the update frequency suddenly increased again. No matter how busy I was, I would write a few strokes. Even if I didn’t have time today, I would make up for it when I had time.

But Qi Xuansu was very doubtful, who would write down his inner thoughts on paper? Is what is written on paper still true to the heart? Who the serious person keeps a diary? Anyway, Qi Xuansu didn’t write it.

However, you can consider letting Xiao Yin write some. Taking a peek at your child's diary is one of the great joys of being a parent.

No, you have to read it openly, and you have to hold the diary up high, because Xiao Yin is short and can't reach it.

Don’t worry about whether it’s right or not, just ask if it’s interesting. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Being a high-level Taoist sect means saying one thing and doing another. If what you say is the same as what you say, and what you know and what you do are the same, wouldn’t it be useless to be a high-level member of the Taoist sect?

Just as Qi Xuansu was completely immersed in the book, the sun was setting outside. The sky and sea turned orange. The sunset was slowly sinking into the sea, and the clouds and sea water seemed to be burning.

Lao Pang knocked on the door again and said in an excited tone: "Master, here we come! Here we come!"

Qi Xuansu put down the book in his hand, stood up and opened the door: "What's coming?"

"The Immortal Man is here." Old Pang finally calmed down a little.

Qi Xuansu became interested: "Immortal people? Overseas survivors of Taoism?"

"Exactly!" Lao Pang said, "I just don't know if it's a friend or an enemy yet. Please let me know."

Qi Xuansu thought for a while: "Inform Chief Yang Gang to be on level 2 alert. Let's check the situation first."

"Yes." Lao Pang took the order and left.

Qi Xuansu came to the deck outside. At this time, Utu and Hu En'ahan also got the news, and each came out of the cabin and gathered next to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu looked closely,

I saw a whirlpool appearing on the sea in the distance. One after another, the snail boats were slowly rising from the bottom of the sea. Some had already floated to the surface, and some were still rising, resulting in a large number of bubbles.

Qi Xuansu was a little surprised: "Is this the legendary 'Lunbo Boat'?"

It is said that when the ancestral dragon approached Jieshi in the east, some people from Wanqu arrived by snail boat. The boat is shaped like a snail and sinks to the bottom of the sea without being soaked by water. It is called a "low wave boat".

Hu En'ahan was also very surprised: "There is actually a 'Lunbo boat' in the world."

These snail boats, or Lunbo boats, did not move at all after they rose to the surface of the sea.

Probably because the "Chorned Dragon" was too majestic, the strange "Lunbo Zhou" failed to take the lead, and instead seemed to be suppressed by the "Chorned Dragon".

There is even a bit of inequality, because the deck of the "Ceratopsian" is too high, and standing on it is naturally a condescending look down.

Wutu took a step forward and said loudly: "Who is coming?"

A strange man emerged from the largest "Lunbo Boat".

Not drill out, but rise out.

A beam of light shot out from the top of the "Lunbo Boat", and the weirdo was lifted out of the "Lunbo Boat" by the beam of light.

It's strange because this person actually has some kind of fish characteristics. You can see scales on the exposed skin, and his breath is also strange. It doesn't look like a living person, but more like a demon. To put it more bluntly, it is demonic.

But it's still in human form, not the form of a demon that turns into a human after it's accomplished cultivation, that's what its true form is.

From this point of view, these immortals are already half demon and half human.

But Utu was not afraid at all. Under the erosion of the divine power of death, he became even less like a human being.

Jia Liang said: "Tell me your name, origin, and what you are doing."

The condescending and arrogant attitude in his words was undisguised, but in a sense, Utu did have this qualification.

The immortal man asked: "Who are you?"

The accent of the Immortals is a bit strange. It's not like today's Mandarin. It should be the Mandarin they used at that time. After several changes, it finally turned into the weird accent now, but it can still be heard. After all, the accent here in the Southern Continent is He is also full of strange people, and he can speak in orthodox Imperial Mandarin, which can make people look up to him.

Wutu sneered: "If you didn't know our details, would you come to us? Don't pretend to be stupid. But since you asked, I might as well say it again, we are the Taoist sect's plenipotentiary envoy and the chief of Beichen Hall. Zhenren, if you have any questions, just tell me and Zhenzhen will make the decision for you."

Don't look at Utu being evaluated as hopeless by Hu En'ahan. As Ixichel's right-hand man, he is by no means a mediocre person, and he is definitely not just relying on his admiration for the goddess to make the goddess treat him differently. He was capable, and he could see at a glance the purpose of these immortal people, who wanted something from his side, so he put on airs and talked about these immortal people as if they were ordinary people, and Qi Xuansu as if they were parents and officials.

This is to show off one's power first, and then negotiate the price.

The immortal man was silent for a moment and said: "My surname is Sun, my name is Sun Jiatu, and my ancestor's name is Shang Ling Xia Xiu."

Qi Xuansu thought to himself after hearing this: "He is indeed a descendant of Sun Lingxiu, and he is indeed an immortal person."

After Sun Jiatu introduced himself to his family, he continued: "I'm here

I want to ask Master Qi to help us, the Immortals, out of the same family. "

Qi Xuansu stepped forward and leaned on the railing to look at the Sun family picture below: "The Immortal Man comes from the Five Pecks of Rice Tao, which is also the Tianshi Tao. Patriarch Lu Xiujing reformed the Tianshi Tao and divided it into north and south. It was all later. As for the unification of Taoism, it was even later. It happened later, did you know?"

Sun Jiatu replied: "Yes, we will also recruit some new members, most of whom are seafarers who fell into the water. From this, we will know about the changes in the land. I know that Xuansheng unified the Taoist sect to replace the Confucian sect and became the common master of the world. I also know that the four generations of masters He taught the great masters of the Five Dynasties how to open up Southeast Asia.”

Qi Xuansu nodded: "It is now the turn of the sixth generation of Grand Master and the seventh generation of Grand Master. It has been decades since the fourth generation of Grand Master and the fifth generation of Grand Master passed away. Nowadays, the territory of Dao Sect is more than ten thousand miles. There are more than tens of thousands of disciples? You are a remnant of the Taoist sect, and I am a disciple of the Taoist sect. If you are really in trouble, for the sake of the Supreme Taoist ancestor, I will help you to maintain my friendship with the sect."

Sun Jiatu said quickly: "Thank you Master Qi."

Qi Xuansu raised his hand: "Don't rush to thank me first. Since we are from the same sect, we naturally have to help each other, don't you think so?"

Qi Xuansu deliberately emphasized the word "each other" and looked at the Sun family picture below.

Although Sun Jiatu is an overseas survivor, as the leader of the Immortals, he is still discerning and immediately heard the hidden meaning of Qi Xuansu's words: "If Master Qi encounters any difficulties, we should do our best."

Qi Xuansu said: "Very good, do you know Lanyun Sect?"

Sun Jiatu hesitated for a moment, then said: "I know, the distance between this place and Lanyun Sect is no longer

Far. "

Qi Xuansu looked at him: "Lanyun Sect's insect people do many illegal things. I went to sea this time to destroy the insect people. The army will arrive soon. Since you are a disciple of the Taoist sect, are you willing to lead the way?"

Sun Jiatu said: "Dare you disobey me? I just asked the real person to give you a clear warning, but I am powerless at this time..."

Qi Xuansu knew that these immortals would not let go of the hawk before they saw the rabbit, so he waved his hand: "Okay, come up and talk about your difficulties."

"Yes." Sun Jiatu responded, leaving the "Lunbo Boat" and flying towards the deck of the "Chorned Dragon".

Hu En'ahan whispered: "Real person, it's better to be careful. These people may also be the bait and trap of the female gentleman."

The female gentleman is talking about Zhou Mengyao, because like Qiniang, she is not a high-ranking Taoist priest, nor does she have a position, and it is difficult to call her by her first name. You can't call her Master Zhou, who is a dignified immortal, so I use it for convenience. The title of female gentleman.

Sir is a relatively neutral title, meaning elder, venerable, and teacher. As long as anyone is capable, he can be called "Sir" respectfully, regardless of gender or origin.

However, with the rise of Western learning later, I don’t know how it was translated. The Westerners’ respectful title for men was translated into sir. This misinterpreted the original meaning of sir and made many female Taoists unhappy. They always shouted: You can’t use “Mr.” Addressing women is a huge insult to women. It is an old disease and reflects the superiority of men and the inferiority of women.

In fact, in the classical context, most men are not qualified to be called "Mr."

Nowadays, Western learning has actually downgraded “Sir” and made it vulgar.

So I really wronged "Sir". It can only be said that it is the fault of Western learning and the fault of translation.

In any case, considering Zhou Mengyao's status and achievements, it would not be wrong to call her Mr. Zhou.

Qi Xuansu nodded slightly, indicating that he knew what was going on.

Hu En'ahan said no more.

Qi Xuansu invited people to his room: "Let's talk here."

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