Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 145: Dragon Slaying (Part 2)

Hu En'ahan raised his arms, without any fancy, and forced the great elder and the female elder back with pure strength, and then attacked the weakest elder of the Immortal Man.

The elder of the Immortal Man actually did not dodge, and faced Hu En Ahan face to face again.

This time, Hu En'ahan only felt that there was great power coming from the palm of the Immortal Elder. It was far more powerful than when the seven of them were fighting individually just now. It was more powerful than the great elder, and it seemed like seven people working together.

Hu En'a Khan's palm failed, but he did not give in. He first retracted his palm, then naturally stretched his fingers upwards, palm outward, and then pushed out flatly. It may seem like an understatement, but it can break rivers and create mountains.

Before the palm could reach him, a huge ravine had already opened in the sea, twenty feet wide and nearly a hundred feet long. It could be said that the sea was divided with one palm.

It is "Shi Wuwei Seal".

This is not surprising. The first one to start a war with the Buddhist sects in the Western Regions was the Xidaomen who had retreated from the Central Plains. At that time, the Lord Buddha had not yet come to the world. The four branches of the Buddhist sects in the Western Regions could not compete with each other. Instead, they were defeated by Tantaiyun. The Taoist sect thus plundered many Buddhist secrets and passed them down.

The elder of the Immortal Man was horrified. He felt that Hu En'ahan's palm force was coming like a surging tide. Even though he was assisted by seven people through the formation, his body could not support it. The bones of his arms were not able to hold up under this huge force. It shattered, the dragon scales exploded, all the internal organs were injured, and blood flowed from the seven orifices.

After Hu En'ahan injured the elder of the Immortal Man, the operation of the entire formation suddenly stagnated. He took this opportunity to rush in front of the female elder and clapped his hands.

Hu En'ahan's level of cultivation is so great that even if Huangfu Ji is here or the high priest of the Sun Temple is resurrected, he still doesn't dare to let Huen'ahan just do this.

How could the female elder resist if he was hit directly on her body?

Seeing the palm coming like a mountain, the female elder did not dare to resist, so she could only retreat.

Her retreat made the already stagnant formation even more scattered and had even greater flaws.

Hu En'ahan didn't allow the elders of the Immortals to make up for their shortcomings, and immediately rushed towards the great elder of Tianquan Star.

The Great Elder did not dodge or evade, and guarded the door tightly, intending to temporarily hold off Hu En'ahan with his own power, so that others could have time to reorganize their formation.

The two of them fought each other for an instant, but Hu En'ahan still used the "Shi Wuwei Seal" and slapped him in the chest. The Great Elder is worthy of being the person with the highest cultivation level among the immortal elders. Taking advantage of the formation, he stretched out his left palm to deflect the incoming force, but his body remained steady and motionless.

Hu En'ahan then fired two more palms in a row, for a total of three palms. Each palm was as fierce as the other. It was similar to the three palms of the previous great elder, but each palm was transformed by the great elder's luck.

For the fourth palm, Hu En'ahan used both strength and strength, both strength and softness. The two faced each other again. The elder did not bleed from his orifices, but a cloud of blood mist exploded all over his body. The energy and blood in his body was actually suppressed by this palm. It reversed the flow and finally spurted out from the pores, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Fortunately, at this time, Tianshu Star, Yuheng Star, and Yaoguang Star launched attacks at the same time, attacking from a flank, so that Hu En'ahan would not take advantage of the victory to pursue and take the life of the great elder. But in the end, one star position was missing, which revealed its flaws.

For a moment, all I could see was Hu En A Khan rushing left and right, his figure was so fast, it seemed like there were more than a dozen Hu En A Khan running back and forth, while the elders of the Immortals could only keep changing formations with Hu En A Khan, but... There are differences in the realms of cultivation among the immortal elders.

Farewell, when the Great Elder was not injured, he could still keep up with Hu En A Khan. At this time, he was injured by Hu En A Khan, and the others were even more difficult to support. The formation became more broken and scattered, and it was no longer as sophisticated as before.

Originally, the seven people formed an encirclement and took the initiative. At this time, the host and the guest were reversed. Instead, the seven people followed Hu En'a Khan, and it became a situation where Hu En'a Khan controlled the slaves as the master.

Hu En Ahan tried to show his face in front of Qi Xuansu several times, but almost exposed his buttocks. This time, he paid more attention and finally succeeded.

Hu En'ahan shouted: "The Taoist army has arrived, how dare you go against the general trend and not know how to advance or retreat?"

After the words fell, Hu En'ahan's movements suddenly stopped, but the remaining power did not diminish. Several elders of the Immortals were unable to maintain their posture, and the formation was in chaos in an instant. As a result, the "Seven Luminous Star Array" was completely defeated.

Just when Hu En'ahan wanted to claim credit from Zhenren Qi, another figure carrying a billowing waterspout came to kill him.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were fighting together again in the turbulent waves. Their attacks were like tsunamis and landslides, the sound of roaring through the air, and the sound of metal and stone clashing could be heard endlessly. The violent energy of the two opposing forces instantly exploded into countless huge waves that were like city walls. A large amount of sea water was directly evaporated by the fiery energy and blood, forming an increasingly larger cloud, as if the sky was lowering and touching the sea surface.

"Are there any masters?" Qi Xuansu, who was watching the battle from a distance, was a little surprised. "The Immortal Man's background is a bit too deep."

Wutu had always controlled the tide of shadows remotely and had not been on the front line in person. At this time, he was standing next to Qi Xuansu, maintaining spells to facilitate Qi Xuansu's observation of the battle, and said: "This is no longer an immortal person, but a complete dragon person. ”

Fighting with Hoon Ahan

The figure has nothing in common with a human except that it has four limbs and walks upright. The entire head has completely turned into a dragon head, and the dragon horns, dragon beards, dragon scales, dragon claws, and dragon tail are all missing. Wilder than all the human beings and immortals.

This dragon man was much larger than the ordinary immortal man, forcing Hu En'ahan to unfold his human immortal body, and he was evenly matched in size.

Sun Jiatu was also beside Qi Xuansu, and he recognized the figure at a glance, with a complicated expression: "If I read it correctly, that should be my grandfather. The pendant hanging around his neck was given to him by his grandmother, and he never left it. body."

Qi Xuansu looked over after hearing this, and sure enough there was a jade pendant on the dragon's neck. Because after the dragon transformed, the neck became much thicker, so the tether of the pendant was filled up, making the pendant stick to the scales on the neck. If you are not careful, You wouldn't recognize it if you looked at it.

Qi Xuansu suddenly said: "They are the first batch of high-level immortals to drink dragon blood."

Sun Jiatu couldn't hide his pain, but nodded and said: "Yes, the tribe said he was dead, but I didn't expect he was still alive and turned into this."

Qi Xuansu said: "From this point of view, using the dragon's bones to build a 'Yinglong' is its best way of atonement and its only destination."

Sun Jiatu's grandfather had the cultivation level of the creation stage during his lifetime, and was completely assimilated and transformed by the dragon's blood. Now he is comparable to a pseudo-immortal, and can be regarded as the "god's choice" of this old dragon. Unfortunately, he has lost his complete sanity and only has instinct. .

Under the full strength of Hu En'ahan, the dragon people gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Hoon Ahan kept punching.

Circle after circle of huge ripples visible to the naked eye spread.

Majestic and majestic.

Hu En'ahan came to the dragon man with an irresistible attitude, raised his arm and punched out.

A clear fist mark suddenly appeared on the dragon man's chest, and his figure hovered. Then Hu En'ahan slapped the dragon man on the head with his palm in a "immortal caressing my head" gesture.

The dragon man suddenly fell into the sea water, causing a huge wave.

That's not all, Hu En'ahan pressed down with his palm again, smoothing the sea surface that was still rough just now into a flat mirror.

The dragon man who had just surfaced was pushed back to the bottom of the lake.

Hu En'a Khan was unyielding and opened all the acupoints in his body without reservation. His brilliance shone like a living god descended from heaven. There is a golden god in each acupoint. Hu En'ahan punches out, and all the gods and bodies punch together. The punch is so powerful that it can destroy everything. The power contained in it is so powerful that it can even break mountains and rocks. Pass.

The force of the fist enveloped the sea, and the intention of the fist shot straight into the sky.

The timing of this punch was perfect, just as the dragon man rushed out of the sea, he was hit head-on again. The dragon scales all over his body were shattered, blood flowed across his body, and he fell into the sea again.

Blood dyed the sea red.

At this moment, a dragon roar resounded throughout the world.

This time the real owner finally wakes up and is finally about to appear.

The next moment, the sea surface below Hu En'a Khan suddenly collapsed, forming an abyss. The water on both sides rushed down like a waterfall, and then a huge head slowly poked out from it. Two golden eyes were as big as the mouth of a well, and they were the same as Hu En's. En'ahan looked at each other horizontally, his two dragon whiskers swaying slightly, and his mouth was exuding steam.

In other words, it is bathed in drizzle all the time.

The height of the mountain prevents the wind from coming,

The depth of the ocean allows rain and snow to linger.

High mountains can block the cold current from the grasslands, and the climate near the sea has always been humid. If the mountains and the sea are regarded as a person, then when they do not deliberately restrain their aura, their mere existence will affect everything around them.

When God Lu Wu appears in his true form, the huge amount of energy and blood heat generated unintentionally during his breathing can burn out all ghosts and ghosts. If God Lu Wu stays in one place for too long, the vegetation there will absorb Lu Wu. The escaping blood of the god produces some kind of mutation and forms a strange beast.

It is said that dragons can call the wind and rain, and this statement is true. Wherever it passes, heavy rain falls, and it can even move against the weather.

Hu En'ahan did not panic, but carefully observed the behemoth in front of him.

A snake turns into a dragon after five hundred years, a dragon turns into a dragon after a thousand years, a dragon turns into a horned dragon after a thousand years, and a dragon turns into a dragon after a thousand years.

Yinglong's full name is the Dragon of Yingshi and the Dragon of Yingde. Its name is Ji, also known as Gengchen, which means yellow dragon and flying dragon. It is a winged true dragon in ancient mythology, comparable to the Three Tribulations Immortal.

The horned dragon is the oldest among dragons, with bigger horns and more forks. It is not inferior to God Lu Wu and is comparable to the Immortal of Two Tribulations.

There is not much difference between a real dragon and a horned dragon. The dragon's horns are slightly smaller, equivalent to a calamity immortal.

There are many differences between dragons and real dragons.

First of all, the dragon horns are different. The dragon's horns are straight and short, without branches; the real dragon has two horns, each with branches.

Secondly, the tail is different. The dragon's tail is bare, similar to a snake's tail; the true dragon's tail not only has scales, but also a tail fin.

Then the claws are different. The dragon has only two claws and only four toes on each claw.

; A true dragon has four claws, each with five toes.

What Hu En Ahan saw in front of him was a dragon, not a dragon.

But even so, it should not be underestimated. The dragon is comparable to the Immortal Immortal.

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