Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 153: Request from Zixiao Palace

Seriously speaking, Zhou Mengyao and Qiniang are of the same generation. They are considered seventh-generation disciples of the Taoist sect and are one generation younger than Master Jiang Dazhen. That's why Jiang Dazhen would say that he is not as good as Zhou Mengyao at Zhou Mengyao's age. The implication is that now he is stronger than Zhou Mengyao due to his longer training time.

Zhou Mengyao did not refute, obviously agreeing with this statement.

Although he was bullying the younger, Zhou Mengyao also bullied the younger and did not dare to give Qi Xuansu another ten years. There was nothing to say about this.

However, Zhou Mengyao still said "Brother Jiang Dao", obviously putting himself on the same level as Jiang Da Zhenren. It is also not surprising that Xie Jiaofeng and others are all seventh-generation disciples, and Qi Xuansu does not mention them as seniors. Instead, he often trains them like grandchildren. Realm cultivation and power status are the foundation, and everything else is empty. Master Donghua can act like a master, but Pei Xiaolou can't act like a master. It's basically a matter of friendship. Everyone has their own opinion. You call me uncle, and I call you brother.

Master Jiang Dazhen also did not rely on others and called him Taoist friend.

Zhou Mengyao simply said, "Brother Jiang Dao, please tell me what you want."

Master Jiang Dazhen said, "Qi Xuansu is a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest who holds an important position, but you are only a fourth-grade Taoist priest with no position, but a wild Taoist priest. Although you are a senior, the Taoist rules put your position before your seniority." , you are not only guilty of the following, but also suspected of assassination. According to law, you should be severely punished. If so, you will return to Yujing with me and face the wall in Zixiao Palace for ten years to sincerely repent."

Zhou Mengyao continued to sneer.

Master Jiang Da naturally knew that Zhou Mengyao would not give in easily, but he still continued, "Fellow Daoist Zhou, the Zixiao Palace is a treasured place for the Grand Master. It is difficult for an idle person to set foot even half a step. There are restrictions left by the Supreme Taoist Patriarch, so you must not act rashly." , but it is of great benefit to understand the mysteries of heaven and earth and the supreme magic here. It is the residence of immortals for cultivation, and false immortals are not even qualified to enter it. "

"I allow you to live in seclusion in the side hall of Zixiao Palace, where you can experience many wonderful places and scenic spots, which will be of great benefit to your own cultivation. As long as you don't step out of Zixiao Palace, I also promise to open the Taoist treasures of Zixiao Palace to you. With your qualifications and your dedicated mystical cultivation, it is not difficult to comprehend the 'Eternal Life Fundamental Law'. With your age, you might be able to challenge the Immortal of One Tribulation, wouldn't everyone be happy?"

Jiang Dazhen's previous statement about solving the problem through legal means was somewhat mocking, but now his words were very sincere.

Zhou Mengyao knew that this statement was true. As the core of the Kunlun Cave, the Zixiao Palace was so mysterious that it was difficult to describe it in words. It is said that the Zixiao Palace has two levels, one is the Zixiao Palace in the material world, and the other is the Zixiao Palace that can only be entered by wandering in the spirit.

Standing alone in the vast turmoil, only myself is left. Looking around, I can't see anything in the world or the crowd. I can see many strange phenomena such as the separation of the turmoil, the rise of pure air, the descent of turbid air, the clarity of the sky and the brightness of the earth. It is helpful to Explore the laws of heaven's movement.

This fugue is not an ordinary fugue.

In the Earth Immortal inheritance, there has always been a saying of "childhood", which means returning to one's original nature and reaching a state of pure inaction through practice, just like a baby. Therefore, there is also a saying of "cultivating the soul and manifesting the baby".

The path to becoming an immortal is called the golden elixir. The golden elixir is intangible and has no quality. However, if it manifests itself actively, it can give birth to a radiant elixir that can ascend to the position of the middle palace, seek the true nature and refine the soul, which is called " Mingxin." The soul is refined into a pure circle and flies up into the mind, which is called "seeing one's nature".

The two gathered together in the Purple Mansion of the Upper Dantian, and the room was filled with rays of rays of light, making the whole body white. Then it returns to the sea of ​​qi in the abdomen and merges into the life fetus. The lotus platform is stacked up to nourish the fetus of life, and then the fetus transforms into a soul, which is warmed and nourished silently. Until the time when the purple energy is deficient, the baby is nourished and healthy, and slowly comes out of the heavenly gate, whirling back again, somewhere between the tangible and the intangible. This is a quasi-evil immortal.

Only in this state can one enter the depths of Zixiao Palace.

In addition, there are spiritual roots in the Zixiao Palace that bloom once every 3,600 years and bear fruit once every 3,600 years. The fruits they bear will take another 3,600 years to mature, and bear fruit for thirty-six hundred years at a time. It can help immortals survive the second catastrophe. Because the golden elixir avenue is also called the golden liquid rejuvenation elixir, the fruit of this tree is called the grass rejuvenation elixir. In more than three hundred years, the Cao Huan Dan in Zixiao Palace will be mature. This is also the last time to mature before the end of the world. From now on, there will be no immortals and no elixirs.

Although there are so many benefits to entering Zixiao Palace, Zhou Mengyao still doesn't want to enter it. After all, there are too many variables in ten years. By the time she comes out, Qi Xuansu has already become an immortal and has become a climate. It can be said that the overall situation has been decided, and there will be no more changes. Room for flipping.

Zhou Mengyao smiled and said, "Brother Jiang Dao's kindness has been considered in every aspect. I should just obey it."

Jiang Dazhen said, "Just listening to Zhou Daoyou's tone, it seems there is a 'but'."

"That's right." Zhou Mengyao said, "But ten years is too long, and I still have many worldly chores to do, so I can't stay for a long time. I appreciate Brother Dao Jiang's kindness. I hope Brother Dao Jiang can understand."

Jiang Dazhen said, "You have no position and no rank, so what chores can you do? Is it possible?

Engaging in some conspiracy? "

Zhou Mengyao said, "Now the Qingping Society is also within the scope of the normalization of some secret societies. Everything is complicated, so I naturally have to focus on the affairs of the Qingping Society."

Master Jiang Da stopped talking nonsense and directly took out two immortal objects, holding the "Shuntian Sword" in his right hand and the "Three Treasures of Good Luck" in his left hand.

Zhou Mengyao's expression suddenly became solemn.

The Sixth Generation Grand Master is away, and all the Immortals of the Grand Master belong to the Master of the Palace. Master Jiang is so arrogant. This means that it is not within the scope of the Central Plains. Even in Nanyang, Master Jiang directly uses "Su" King", let Zhou Mengyao also experience Chen Shuhua's feelings that day.

Master Jiang Da said in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist Zhou, do you know that once these words come out, it will be difficult to stop fighting today."

Zhou Mengyao had no intention of confronting him head-on, but chose to retreat directly.

Jiang Daren doesn't need fairy objects, she can still deal with it, and even if she loses, it won't be too ugly. But once the immortals are used and they have to fight to the end, they will either be injured or die, so it is better to retreat earlier.

She not only knew the fate of Chen Shuhua, but also knew the fate of Fenglinzhou Jiaolong, who died under the influence of immortal creatures.

How could Master Jiang Da allow her to retreat like this? Wasn't his visit in vain? If it was just to break the siege, Qi Xuansu could just hide in Xinxijing, and there would be no need to go to such trouble. .??.

Even if he could not kill Zhou Mengyao to give the earth master a face, he would still have to severely injure Zhou Mengyao and let her calm down for a period of time.

Otherwise, Qi Xuansu would not be able to progress with peace of mind. The hard work concentrated on Qi Xuansu is no longer Qi Xuansu's alone. Jiang Daren has also taken sides, so naturally he will not remain indifferent.

On the other side, Mr. Lao Yin finally broke through Zhou Mengyao's "five thunders".

Zhou Mengyao is experienced and knows that even if the Heavenly Master comes in person and uses the most authentic "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Zhengfa" and the blessing of the "Yangping Zhidu Gong Seal", he may not be able to kill Mr. Yin with one blow. The survivability of any creature is far better than that of ordinary pseudo-immortals, let alone her. She will definitely not be able to kill Mr. Yin.

Therefore, Zhou Mengyao's thunder method does not hurt people, but traps them, forming a cage and trapping Mr. Yin in it. Due to the difference in realms and cultivations, it took a lot of effort for Mr. Yin to break through the thunder and lightning cage. It was not until this moment that he was able to escape. He did not intend to watch Qi Xuansu passively being beaten.

After Mr. Lao Yin got out of trouble, he immediately came to Qi Xuansu's side and helped Qi Xuansu stabilize his injury.

Qi Xuansu gasped, "Thank you very much, Mr. Yin."

This is not the first time that Qi Xuansu has asked the three great ghosts to take action. The reason why he is so solemn this time is mainly because the opponents are different. Most of his previous enemies were external forces, including Feng Bo, Wu Guangbi, San Guizi, Siming Zhenjun, etc. If you don't violate taboos very much, the Taoist sect will not cause trouble with the three major evil objects.

But it's the same this time. Although Zhou Mengyao also comes from a secret society, she is a member of the Earth Master. In any case, the three major evil objects are also under the control of the Earth Master in name, because they belong to creation, not ghosts and gods. Now that Mr. Yin is helping Qi Xuansu deal with Zhou Mengyao, it is hard to say what will happen afterwards.

Mr. Yin waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, little friend Qi. Although the Earth Master is our immediate superior, if the Earth Master really wants to deal with us, he still needs a reason. Zhou Mengyao's matter must not be brought to the table. The Earth Master will never do this." . As for the methods outside the normal procedures, we three old guys are not vegetarians, especially relying on the geographical advantages of the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven and Emperor Liu. Even if the ancient immortals come, they will fall, and the earth master will never come in person. Guiguo Dongtian is arguing with us, not to mention that it will make the national master laugh, and it is not in line with the earth master's behavior. "

"Furthermore, strictly speaking, it is true that Emperor Liu was left by Yao Zu, but we and 'Di Shitian' were created by Xu Zu. We also have some close ties with the Guan family and the Xu family. In addition, Master Shang Donghua will not remain indifferent, nor is he a soft persimmon who can be manipulated by others.”

Qi Xuansu nodded slightly, feeling relieved.

This is the advantage of the three-legged alliance. Everyone must exercise some restraint and not completely break up, otherwise they will be taken advantage of by the third party.

Mr. Yin said, "Speaking of which, how is that girl Miaomiao doing lately?"

Qi Xuansu heard this and said, "Little Yin. I have to disappoint Mr. Yin. She is happy here now. She doesn't want to go back to the ghost country and cave. If she is beaten to death, she won't go back. But we often scare her with the ghost country and cave. As long as she doesn't obey, Just send her back to the cave of the ghost country, and try her best every time, and she will be obedient every time."

Mr. Yin was not surprised, "After all, children are at heart and like to have fun. The colorful world outside is much better than the boring ghost country and cave. If this is the case, then little friend Laoqi should worry more."

Qi Xuansu said sincerely, "Although I have no blood relationship with Xiao Yin, I treat her as my own daughter."

Mr. Yin smiled slightly, "I have said before that Qi Xiaoyou and Di Liu are closely related."

Qi Xuansu subconsciously glanced at the "Guizang Lantern" and couldn't help but feel moved in his heart.

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