Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 173: Shelter from wind and rain

After Qi Xuansu knew the ins and outs of the matter, he couldn't help but sneered: "I haven't found them yet, but they came to my door."

Huangfuji said: "It's just that you can't go back to Yujing now, let alone go to Nanyang. Brother Zhang has to survive the moment alone until you return to Yujing, and then you can use your strength from the side."

Qi Xuansu said: "I still believe in Qingxiao."

Huangfu Ji said: "To be honest, I envy you for being able to support each other."

Qi Xuansu laughed it off and said nothing more.

Huangfu Ji said: "I originally wanted to ask you to have a few drinks, but after something like this happened, you probably have no intention of it anymore. I can't force you. Let's just stop here today. By the way, don't forget to send me a gift." A gift for the madam.”

Qi Xuansu agreed.

Because Master Jiang Daren gave Qi Xuansu a new Sumeru object, he transferred some important things to the new Sumeru object, and the original old Sumeru object was left idle and was just used to store these things.

Qiniang will definitely be happy. The so-called cigars originated from the aboriginal empire of the Southern Continent. They were first used to drive away mosquitoes and flies. Huangfuji had people prepare so much tobacco, both finished products and raw materials, all of which were top-notch. Yes, it can meet Qiniang’s various requirements.

Xiao Yin will also be very happy. She likes to eat, drink and have fun most. When it comes to eating, the so-called dragon meat in the sky is the most delicacy in the world. Xiao Yin is one of the most famous people because she ate dragon meat once in Fenglinzhou. Stage, in Xiao Yin's words: I'm so happy to eat dragon meat again.

As for the gift given to Zhang Yuelu, I have to say that Huangfu Ji put his best effort into it, and it turned out to be wine. Although the craftsmanship of "Drunken Life and Dreams" is relatively complex and is claimed to be world-leading, it is not something that cannot be copied. There are imitations here in Xidaomen. Although the taste is a bit worse, mainly because of the age, the price is lower. Only About one-tenth of the original Dao Sect "Drunk Life, Dreams and Death". Zhang Yuelu wouldn't care about this either.

After Qi Xuansu left, he was not in a hurry to see Lu Yujue. What needed to be said had already been said, and it would be useless to say more.

He was going to Paititi Cave to see how Wuniang was doing.

On the other side, Zhang Yuelu walked into the Taoist meeting hall alone with a damp aura. Sun Yongfeng and Ke Qingqing could only wait outside.

Everyone arrived this time - except for Xie Jiaofeng, who was absent.

No matter from which perspective, Master Da Zhen is the number one figure in the Taoist government, so Master Lan sits in the middle position. There is no doubt about the authority of the Grand Immortal in charge. At first, it was because of the absence of Immortal Lan Da that Qi Xuansu was very passive. Later, when Immortal Jiang Da came to temporarily serve as the Grand Immortal in charge, Wang Jiaohe became passive.

With respect to the left, Yao Shu sits first to the left of Master Landa, and Zhang Yuelu sits first to the right of Master Landa, which is opposite Yao Shu.

Xu Jiaorong, as the second deputy palace master, sat next to Yao Shu.

Zhang Yuelu made eye contact with Xu Jiaorong, and then sat in his seat.

"Okay, everyone is here." Master Lan Da said slowly, "Let's start the discussion now."

This meeting was presided over by the real person in charge of Jin Que. It was somewhat similar to the division of labor between the chief and the second seat of Jin Que.

Yao Shu stood up and first informed everyone attending the meeting about Xie Jiaofeng's case. It can be said that the evidence is conclusive. Now Xie Jiaofeng has been detained by fellow Taoists from Beichen Hall and Fengxiantang and is being further interrogated.

The entire venue was silent.

Then Yao Shu changed the subject: "Taomen is not a court, Taoism is a place that emphasizes equality. Everyone understands the truth. I won't say more, but the question is, how are our Taoist priests at all levels doing? It's still not satisfactory. Right? The situation is still quite serious in some places. Recently, I have often heard terms like "parent official" or "master" popping up again. Who do you want to be a parent to? The title of a person in a sect is an extension of the so-called king, father and minister. This is completely contrary to the concept of equality in our Taoist sect. "

"I can't control other places, but in Borneo, Taoist priests are absolutely not allowed to engage in Confucianism. The great masters of the past dynasties claim to be the number one Taoist priest. They are just the number one among many Taoist priests, not thousands. If the Taoist priest and Grand Master are like this, then you, the deputy palace master and assistant manager, dare to claim to be his parents? "

"If this position is not correct, you will inevitably make mistakes, and there is no way not to make mistakes. Domination, corruption and perversion of the law, three wives and four concubines, public use of public tools for private use, these are all things, and we must learn from them!"

At the end of his speech, Yao Shu's tone was quite harsh, and no one answered rashly.

Zhang Yuelu knew in his heart that although this harsh criticism was in general terms, it mainly talked about Xie Jiaofeng's affairs, and she could only be targeted.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yuelu spoke, but he did not answer Yao Shu's words, but went straight to the topic: "Xie Jiaofeng has a problem. As his immediate superior who has the most contact with him, I must be responsible and I must report to the Taoist priest." The government should make a profound review..."

At this moment, Master Lan Da directly interrupted Zhang Yuelu: "Qingxiao, don't be too busy doing self-examination. The incident happened suddenly. After all, the problem has not been fully investigated yet."

Master Landa's tone was not harsh, but even very gentle, implying some understanding and relief.

Yao Shu's rhythm was also interrupted. After all, Master Lan was respected. It was one thing for Master Lan not to come forward, but it was another matter as long as Master Lan came forward.

Master Lan Da looked around and said: "Everyone knows what is happening now. Feng Xiantang attaches great importance to it and requires us to investigate and deal with it seriously. You also know that I have never liked these discussions. I will participate as little as possible. , I won’t participate if I can, so I’ll make a long story short today, with only two points.”

"The first point is that the case related to Xie Jiaofeng must be thoroughly investigated. This is not only an explanation of the issue from above, but also a bottom-up."

"The second point is that it cannot affect the normal work of the Taoist government, especially the economy. Everyone knows that our Nanyang is one of the important money bags of the Taoist sect. If Nanyang's economy is affected, the Taoist sect's economy will also be affected. This is absolutely not allowed to be affected. As I said before, this year is a year of comprehensive adjustments to personnel arrangements. Many people are ready to make further progress. I will not stop it, but if anyone wants to take advantage of it. If you take this opportunity to make some small moves to undermine the overall unity and stability, the Taoist government will not tolerate it and deal with it one by one. "

Having said this, the smile on Master Lan's face has completely disappeared, and his tone has become serious, showing the majesty of Master Pingzhang, making the meeting hall full of tension.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at Yao Shu. The real person in charge was naturally expressionless in mood and anger. Although he couldn't be said to be as serious as a zombie, there was certainly no clues that could be seen from his face.

After Master Landa finished speaking, Yao Shu was the first to agree, without showing the slightest hint of displeasure.

Next comes the normal discussion, mainly about this case. After all, he is a deputy palace lord. Of course, the Taoist government should pay attention to it - if it directly involves the palace lord and chief, like last time, it is not at the Taoist level. It has been discussed seriously, but it must be discussed seriously in Jinque. This is called one-level management.

Zhang Yuelu has a very good memory, and she could do it if she was asked to repeat everything everyone said, but she still wrote something down on paper to show her seriousness and correctness. But it's not as bad as Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin, who drew turtles directly on the notebook.

Master Landa only made one speech at the beginning. First, he interrupted Zhang Yuelu, and second, he gave a warning. Then he said nothing more, and Yao Shu continued to preside over the discussion.

However, Yao Shu was interrupted by Master Landa and could not continue to perform, so the whole meeting seemed a bit dull.

This is also where Yao Shu feels most aggrieved. Why was he decentralized? Could it be that the authority of the real person in charge could not suppress Zhang Yuelu and Xu Jiaorong? It's not because there is a giant Buddha named Master Lan above his head. If he makes the slightest move, he will be pressed down by Master Lan. Well, when Wang Jiaohe was in power, you always overindulged and almost caused disaster. Now that you have learned your lesson, you no longer indulge and use all your energy on me.

This is really a hole dug by the predecessors, and the future generations will suffer.

Zhang Yuelu breathed a sigh of relief. At least Master Landa helped her block the first wave of wind and rain.

It's just that Master Lan Da can only protect her from the wind and rain at the Taoist level. Feng Xiantang and Beichen Hall have to deal with it on their own.

In addition to this opponent on the surface, there is also a secret opponent, which is the "Heavenly Court". There are rumors in the world that Patriarch Jin Gong and the Imperial Master are friends for eight worships. I don't know if it is true or not, but in this matter, Patriarch Jin Gong is certain. I will cooperate with the national teacher.

Taipingdao is taking a two-pronged approach this time.

In addition, although some people are not allies of Taiping Dao, they still see the opportunity, push the boat along, and add fuel to the flames. Not considering the overall situation, but only considering his own interests, he also wanted to take the opportunity to take back power, not like the Sixth Generation Grand Master.

Things are really bad here.

If Zhang Yuelu doesn't handle it well and misses his own future, it will be secondary. I'm afraid even Qi Xuansu will be affected. That would be a waste of Qi Xuansu's hard work in letting her take over.

A discussion with hidden murderous intent comes to an end, and this is just the beginning.

Zhang Yuelu walked out of the door of the assembly hall and stood under the eaves of the double-eaves verandah, looking at the vast rain outside.

The roof of the double-eaves verandah hall was originally only used by the royal family, but the Taoist sect never cared about this, so the meeting hall of the Taoist mansion was almost the same as the Jinluan Hall in the people's mouth.

Zhang Yuelu suddenly thought of Zhang Wuyue. There was something in Yao Shu's words. Was he also alluding to Zhang Wuyue's actions? If Zhang Wuyue had not gone to the Southern Continent, would he have been arrested this time too?

The sound of rain could be heard outside the hall, as if the whole of Nanyang was enveloped in this overwhelming rain.

Ke Qingqing was waiting next to him, an umbrella ready in his hand.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at the umbrella and couldn't help but think about how many winds and rains the Taoist sect had experienced in the past two hundred years. Of course, this heavy rain was nothing in the history of the Taoist sect, but for him, the umbrella alone could protect him. Live?

Zhang Yuelu's mood was as dark and gloomy as the weather.

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