Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 176: Moon God’s Ambition

Of course Qi Xuansu didn't know that such a thing was happening outside. After he left Xinxijing, he first went to Cusco and then to Paititi Cave.

This is Qi Xuansu's last duty in the Southern Continent. He has to wait until Wuniang comes out of seclusion, confirm Wuniang's condition and notify Jiang Dazhen, and only after completing this series of things can he complete his duties - -The task of rebuilding the Northern Continent's intelligence system is not a crime of war. It is just because there are internal constraints, and it is hard to blame Qi Xuansu for not working hard.

Shortly after Qi Xuansu entered the Paititi Cave, Ixichel appeared again.

"Master Qi, long time no see." Ixichel said with a smile.

Qi Xuansu was naturally polite: "It's okay, it didn't take long."

"I heard that Master Qi recently went to sea to the Insect Man's Blue Cloud Island and killed an old dragon." Ixichel complimented, "Master Qi is really full of martial virtue."

Qi Xuansu said: "The Moon God has given me a reward, I don't dare to accept it."

The two of them walked side by side between the palaces in Paititi Cave, just like the scene when the two met for the first time. Kukulkan's divine kingdom was still on the horizon, but Kukulkan was no longer there, even the karma. The fire also went out.

Ixichel changed the topic: "Zhenren Qi, I feel the power of another moon god in you. You are the third moon god besides me and Lord Taiyin."

Qi Xuansu was a little surprised by Ixichel's keen perception, but after thinking about it, it was reasonable.

Ixichel and Chakchel reunited, and obtained the power of night from Itsumna. He was already a quasi-one-kalpa immortal, not inferior to the original Kukulkan. In terms of realm and cultivation, Qi Xuansulian she

You can't even touch the corners of his clothes. In addition, Ixichel himself is also the moon god and shares the same ancestry. It's strange that Ixichel can't tell.

However, Qi Xuansu did not want to confess directly, but said: "Why is His Majesty the Moon God jealous? I am not a believer of His Majesty the Moon God. I only have one belief in my heart."

Ixichel laughed and looked beautiful. She was one of the most beautiful women Qi Xuansu had ever seen - there were rules in the Taoist sect, and you couldn't rejuvenate yourself too much, which would be a disadvantage.

When I smile at this moment, the stars and the moon all over the sky will be dimmed.

Qi Xuansu shifted his gaze and did not test himself too much.

Things in the world are like this. You don’t have to be involved in it to know what is right or wrong. Some things are wrong if you know they are wrong, so don’t try them. It's just that some people are too curious and always have to give it a try. They always overestimate their willpower and underestimate the complexity and difficulty of things, and they are ultimately doomed.

After Ixichel laughed, he did not let Qi Xuansu drop the topic just like that, and said: "Jealousy is out of the question, after all, you are not Itsumna. In fact, I am just curious about the aura of this Moon God. It is very different from us moon gods. According to Taoist teachings, the moon is the lunar yin, so it often appears as a woman. However, among the moon gods, this moon god is also the most yin and true. "

Qi Xuansu said: "His Majesty the Moon God once controlled the Insect Man and knew about the Insect Man's Blue Cloud Island, and Wutu should have reported it to His Majesty the Moon God. His Majesty the Moon God asked knowingly."

Ixichel smiled and said: "Utu did tell me about the Yin Moon, but what exactly did Qi Zhenren experience in the Yin Moon?

Well, Utu doesn’t know. "

Qi Xuansu thought about it carefully. Since Ixichel had already seen it, it would be self-defeating to lie and deceive again. It would be better to tell the truth, but he couldn't tell the truth yet, so he had to hold back. Tell no truth and no lies.

So Qi Xuansu said: "There is a Toad Palace on the Yin Moon, which is quite similar to the Guanghan Palace of Taiyin Zhenjun. Once, a Taoist immortal stole the three-foot talisman from the Toad Palace and refined a top-quality elixir. I It is speculated that the "Foundation-Building Pill" that created the Insect Man is just a by-product of the spiritual talisman. However, this Moon God is no longer in the world, and a latecomer entered the Toad Palace and sprinkled the "Foundation-Building Pill" into the world, thus creating the Insect Man. ”

Ixichel thought for a while: "It turns out that there are two so-called insect queens. One is the insect queen who made the 'Foundation Establishment Pill', and the other is the insect queen who used the 'Foundation Establishment Pill' to create the insect people. The moon on Qi Zhenren's body The aura of God should come from the latecomers, right?”

Qi Xuansu said nothing and Quan acquiesced.

Ixichel said: "Master Qi has some concerns. I probably understand. Please rest assured, Master Qi. No third party will know about our conversation today."

Qi Xuansu glanced at Ixichel and asked, "How is Apuche, the God of Death?"

Ixichel said: "Everything is under control, but I still sincerely hope that Master Qi can take over as soon as possible to help me solve this matter completely."

Qi Xuansu was noncommittal.

The conversation between the two was a little vague, but it was actually not complicated. Qi Xuansu had to solve two things, one was the blood sacrifice problem, and the other was the insect problem. These two things can be said to have been solved, or it can be said that the work has not been completed.

Let’s not talk about the insect people. Lanyun Sect no longer exists, but He Luo Shen is still there, and is even deeply bound to Qi Xuansu. Although this result cannot be said to be bad, it does deviate from Qi Xuansu’s original intention.

The same is true for the blood sacrifice. On the surface, Ixichel has clearly abolished the blood sacrifice, but deciding what to do and thoroughly implementing it are two different things. Not to mention the method and intensity of implementation, there is also a resistance problem, and even this The two problems are the same problem, such as over-execution, over-implementation, and so on.

This phenomenon was evident in the process of abolishing blood sacrifice, and internal resistance mainly came from Apuche, the northern god of death.

In the past, the reason why Apuch, the Northern God of Death, was very close to Kukulkan was because the two had the same hobbies and were both supporters of blood sacrifice. Although the Northern God of Death had to agree to abolish blood sacrifice due to pressure from the situation, He was unwilling in his heart, let alone cooperated, and obstructed him in various ways behind the scenes, or incited believers to over-execute, even killing pigs and cows, in order to arouse widespread dissatisfaction, or he continued to carry out blood sacrifices in secret. .

Ixichel was very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Northern God of Death, but out of consideration for the stability of the situation, she did not act rashly. Just as Gong Da Zhenren said to Qi Xuansu, that's almost it.

This "personnel adjustment" in the Southern Continent is a bit too drastic. If the adjustment continues, I am afraid that Steam Gospel will have other ideas.

So Ixichel put the matter on hold for the time being, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Qi Xuansu was keenly aware of this and guessed what Ixichel was thinking - kill Apuche, the Northern God of Death, and then

Supporting Utu, who also has the "bloodline" of the God of Death, to ascend to power. This is a true one of his own, and he can still maintain the balance of power within the palace.

However, Ixchier felt that he was somewhat powerless. Being able to get rid of Kukulkan was the result of the joint efforts of many parties, including Daomen and Xidaomen. This was the reason for such a brilliant victory. Ixchier alone , it is not that easy to do this, so Ixichel said that she hoped Qi Xuansu could help her.

Of course, the current Qi Xuansu is definitely not good. He will leave the Southern Continent soon and wait until Qi Xuansu reaches a higher position in the future.

Ixichel said instead: "Is Zhenren Qi here this time about the altar?"

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "Let me take a look at Wuniang."

Ixichel said: "It will probably take a few days."

Speaking of which, Ixichel and Wu Niang were old acquaintances. When Xidaomen "opened the mountain and established the cabinet" in the southern continent, the two of them happened to be there, and they had intersections at that time.

Qi Xuansu nodded.

For Qi Xuansu, this is of course a big deal. According to what Master Jiang Da said, after Wu Niang becomes an immortal, she will most likely be appointed as the official Pingzhang Da Zhenren based on her qualifications. This is unmatched by Qingqiu Mountain Fox Immortal, Zhou Mengyao and others. After all, Wu Niang was a being who had met Xu Zu and Xuansheng and worked with Tantai Yun. She was the oldest in the Taoist sect. She did not mention credit, just hard work, which was enough. It's not like choosing a great leader, it's not that strict.

As long as Wuniang becomes Pingzhang Da Zhenren, she will then enter Jinque and take up actual duties. This means that Qi Xuansu will have another powerful ally, and it will take a hundred years. Even if Donghua Zhenren,

Qiniang and others are no longer in the world. Even when Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu expired, Wu Niang is still there. This influence is too great.

Qi Xuansu and Yixichel stopped and looked up.

The pyramid altar that had completely disappeared has reappeared, looming.

The forty-nine day deadline is getting closer and closer. Of course, the key to the altar is not in Qi Xuansu's hands, but in the hands of Jiang Da Zhenren. What Qi Xuansu has to do is to wait for the time to activate the "Moon in the Water" and let Jiang Da Zhenren come. In Paititi Cave.

After this period of cooling, the "Moon in the Water" can be started again.

Qi Xuansu waited for three days in Paititi Cave. Ixichel seemed very free and stayed with Qi Xuansu here.

Of course Qi Xuansu would not think that His Majesty the Moon God would have any interest in him. He is not even a pseudo-immortal, but he can already perfectly control all kinds of low-level desires through the body and spirit. Even without the body and spirit, he still has the relatively low-end Zhanchi. Dragon and Capture the White Dragon. Not to mention that this kind of natural god who only has a Shinto golden body naturally does not have such secular desires. It cannot be said that Ixichel fell in love with Qi Xuansu despite his extreme rationality that is not affected by low-level desires.

Qi Xuansu is quite self-aware, but he does not have such personality charm.

But having said that, Qi Xuansu is certainly beautiful when he has power.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Finally, the agreed forty-ninth day arrived, Qi Xuansu turned on the "Moon in the Water", and Master Jiang Daren descended into the Paititi Cave again.

At this time, the pyramid altar was almost completely solidified.

Without saying anything, Master Jiang Da took out the stone slab that was the key to the pyramid altar.

Reopen the Pyramid Altar.

In an instant, the entire pyramid was filled with dazzling light, turning into a veritable pyramid of light.

At the top of the pyramid, there is a "sun" rising slowly, and the clouds in the eastern sky are illuminated by the rising "sun" and become bright red and boiling.

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