Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 181: Monolithic

In the end, Yao Shu decided to compromise after being restrained enough, seeing clearly the direction of the situation, and showing the composure that a real person in charge should have.

With just a letter, asking the dignified master to give in would appear to be too weak and unhelpful.

But if it is the master in charge who personally comes forward, and there is another master in charge who assists, it would be just right to give in and compromise at this time, without losing face. This is called a person who knows the current affairs and is a hero.

Yao Shu compromised, and Zhang Yuelu's vision came true.

In the entire Borneo Taoist House, from the head master Lan Da Zhenren to the head master Yao Shu, to the chief deputy head Zhang Yuelu, and finally to the second deputy head Xu Jiaorong, the opinions of the four senior officials were unified.

Naturally, it is impossible for the palace master to have different opinions on the following discussions. Even the team of spiritual officials, the assistants of each branch, as well as the principals and deacons will also look at the direction of the wind and unanimously express their firm support for Fulan Dazhen's decision and the palace master. The decisions made during the discussion must be highly consistent in thought and action with the Taoist government with Zhenren Landa as the core.

This is monolithic.

Master Lan Da once again convened a Taoist meeting and invited relevant Taoist friends from Fengxian Hall and Beichen Hall to attend.

Yao Shu was still presiding over the discussion. This time, Yao Shu's tone changed and was completely different from before: "It is not easy for Borneo to have such a good situation today. It is inseparable from the efforts of everyone in the Taoist government. Everyone has put in their hard work. The hard work of the Taoist officials and the ordinary members of the Taoist government are all part of this effort. We cannot but cherish the great situation we have now."

Then Yao Shu said again: "In the process of trying to build a good situation, there are always some Taoist friends who cannot withstand the temptation and fall. Regarding this, do the senior Taoist officials have any responsibility? I think they have a responsibility, and the responsibility is not Xiao. We need to be clear-headed and make three points clear. The first point is to correct our attitude, the second point is to sum up our experience, and the third point is to restore the impact. There is nothing to say about this. "

Yao Shu waved his hand: "As the real person in charge of the government, I am in charge of personnel power. I also want to summarize and reflect. Now I want to make a self-examination first. If something goes wrong with Xie Jiaofeng, does it have anything to do with me? Of course it does. It has something to do with him. Xie Jiaofeng is my subordinate. He has done a good job and lived up to the expectations of the Taoist sect and the Taoist government. He has contributed to our Borneo Taoist government, which means that we have used the right people, dedicated ourselves, and done our best. Fulfill your due responsibilities.”

"But on the other hand, if Xie Jiaofeng didn't do his job well and something went wrong, and I just neglected to observe, I can't escape the blame. I have to make a deep self-examination to Jinque."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yuelu also began to speak and reflect: "I have also been reflecting during this period, what is going on? Why didn't I see the problem with Xie Jiaofeng? Not only did I hire the wrong person, but I also failed to observe. Look. When Xie Jiaofeng was capable and obedient, and used it smoothly, he could not see other problems. He took it for granted, and finally had such a result, which failed the Taoist school's expectations and embarrassed the Taoist house. I want to do it to the Taoist house. A profound review.”

Master Lan Da finally spoke: "The Taoist sect began to explore Southeast Asia during the period of the third generation of masters, and it has been more than a hundred years now. The situation is relatively complicated. To sum it up in eight words: great achievements, many problems. Outstanding problems It is not the interference of external forces. Whether it is the Westerners, the Nanyang United Fighting for the Salvation Society in the past, or the secret association rebellions, they have all been suppressed and repelled by us. The key lies in some of our own internal problems, or simply put, personnel matters. question."

"This is not a problem of a certain real person in charge, but a deep-rooted and stubborn disease. It is the final result of a series of problems. For example, Wang Jiaohe, Sun Heyu, and Chen Shuhua are the epitome of this problem. Even the Taoist government The high-level officials are corrupt, which shows how serious this problem is. It is difficult to completely solve this problem, and it will not be achieved overnight. In this long process, we must treat both the root cause and the symptoms. Corruption phenomenon.”

"Fellow Taoists, our minds must be clear-headed. At any time and under any circumstances, we must unswervingly safeguard the interests of the Taoist sect. If we let it go unchecked, we will lose the hearts of the people. Those who win the hearts of the people win the world. We can To win the world, you can also lose the world, so we must be vigilant and deal with all kinds of chaos severely. "

Having said this, Master Landa paused and suddenly changed the topic: "However, everything cannot be absolute, and we cannot be full of problems and unable to see achievements. There are indeed many problems in Borneo, such as Wang Sun Chen Yu's poison has not been cleared, this It's an objective fact, but the achievements are not small. The various tasks assigned by Jinque last year and the year before were not trivial, but we successfully completed them, and we still overfulfilled the financial and taxation aspects of Nanyang United Trading Company. The work of clearing out the remaining poison is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the situation is finally stable! "

"As for the internal affairs of the Taoist government, it is generally good. It is just that some individuals have problems. We cannot generalize and damage the image of the Taoist government by magnifying individual cases. We should remain vigilant about this and avoid replacing the whole with individuals. , deducing individual cases into general and unobjective judgments. Generally speaking, Jinque is basically satisfied with the Taoist government. This is a basic judgment, and the three deputy masters also agree with this judgment. "

As the second deputy palace master, Xu Jiaorong immediately spoke in support of Master Landa: "What the master master said is absolutely correct. The situation in Borneo is here. As long as there are no ulterior motives and as long as the problem can be viewed dialectically, we will not make any decisions." Other judgments.”

Lan Da Zhenren pointed out: "Even if some people have ulterior motives, there is no need to be afraid. Justice is in the hearts of the people. Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, and Huanghuang's historical records will give a fair evaluation."

"Recently, I heard that the construction of the new port in the Southern Continent is in full swing, and the first phase of the project has been completed. Huangfu Zhenren once said: There can be no mistakes. If there are mistakes, they must be corrected and dealt with. We must face up to these mistakes and shortcomings. We must face up to these mistakes and shortcomings. We have this fearless spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice, being allowed to make mistakes, and having the courage to bear them. I think these words also apply to us and should be encouraged together.”

Zhang Yuelu said: "Master Lan Da's words are very profound. When a case as big as Xie Jiaofeng's comes out, as the chief deputy palace master, my mistakes are not small and my responsibility is not small. I need to acknowledge the accounts that should be acknowledged and check the inspections that should be made."

"That's right." Master Landa said, "You can't have emotions. Don't think you have no problems, just be confident and act on your own initiative. This is an irresponsible attitude."

The people in Beichen Hall and Fengxian Hall became more and more uncomfortable with what they heard. Why did the trend change? Previously, Yao Shu was forcing Zhang Yuelu to take responsibility, but in a blink of an eye, Yao Shu took the initiative to criticize. The words of Master Landa seemed to be harsh, but in fact they were not. Whether it hurts or not depends on your achievements, and you don't think you have any problems. Isn't this just picking out Zhang Yuelu in disguise? It's clear that he will be punished with three drinks!

It was not the first day for these people to be Taoist priests. They immediately wanted to understand that maybe Yao Shu and Zhang Yuelu had reached a certain balance point and reached some kind of compromise in the past few days.

As a result, the situation they least wanted to see happened. The Taoist government is completely monolithic. The key point is that the Taoist government will not stop you from investigating Xie Jiaofeng's case. You can investigate as you like, but it is limited to Xie Jiaofeng's case. If you want to expand, sorry, this is not allowed.

Don't underestimate the strength of a Taoist government. From the beginning to the end, no one was able to use all the power of the Taoist government. Qi Xuansu and Wang Jiaohe were fighting within the Taoist government. Some people supported Qi Xuansu and some supported Wang Jiaohe. , and some people just stood by and watched.

Now that the whole Taoist government is monolithic, it cannot be done by just a few imperial envoys. Unless Jinque is determined to transfer the top officials and parachute a real person in charge or a real person in charge of the government, otherwise it will be impossible for a needle to penetrate and water to pour out. Advance, making it difficult for you to move forward.

Local opposition to the central government has existed since ancient times. If you are not careful, you will soon have a situation where there are many vassal towns. Now there are some signs of three roads. For example, the Qizhou Daofu has been expanding again and again, and it has suddenly transformed from a coastal Daofu into a behemoth with an inland sea.

However, people from Beichen Hall and Fengxian Hall only attended the proceedings and could only observe, not qualified to speak. Even if he could speak, he wouldn't be able to say anything when faced with Master Pingzhang and Master Shenzhi - even if the Imperial Envoy was one level older, he still couldn't keep up with Master Pingzhang.

The person taking the lead this time was the deputy head of Fengxian Hall. After the discussion, he immediately reported the situation, but not to Master Qingwei. Although Master Qingwei did know about the matter, he was not responsible for it. The first is to maintain one's identity, and the second is to maintain a tacit understanding with Master Donghua. If you don't move, I won't move either. So from beginning to end, Master Donghua said nothing and did nothing.

The real man behind the scenes is Li Tianzhen. Even though Li Tianzhen is just a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest, the dignified deputy hall master has to listen to him, and even the promotion of the dignified master is affected by him.

Others couldn't help but marvel when they found out: "Isn't this too childish? Li Tianzhen actually has such strength? Is this true?"

That's just the way it is.

Even Taoist people would sigh: "Can the game of power really be played like this? Is Li Tianzhen playing it alone? Or is everyone playing it like this?"

After Li Tianzhen learned about the situation here, he immediately ordered the people around him: "Ask me, what is going on over there in the Southern Continent?"

The people over there replied to Li Tianzhen: "We were blocked in Xingang by Huangfu Ji. Although Zhang Wuyue is still in our hands, it is very difficult to take Zhang Wuyue out of Xingang. Zhang Wuyue is still a tough guy. If he refused to cooperate, we were afraid of accidentally beating him to death, so we were in a stalemate."

Li Tianzhen also knew that there was no need to rush. If he really beat Zhang Wuyue to death, he would really break the rules and the consequences would be very serious.

There is only one way now.

Li Tianzhen ordered again: "Help me contact Chief Wu of the Heavenly Court."

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