Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 194: Mutual Confession

Except for Master Lan Da who was not present at the welcome party at Sheji Palace, other high-level officials of the Taoist government were present. Including the real person in charge, Yao Shu, the chief Zhang Yuelu, and the second chief Xu Jiaorong.

This is the norm. The reason why Master Landa came out to welcome Qi Xuansu in person last time was because Qi Xuansu had a mission for Jinque and needed Master Landa's cooperation. There is nothing special about Chen Jianchou this time, so Master Lan Da will not come forward. Even if Chen Jianchou is his disciple, he will not come forward.

According to the appointment procedure, after the appointment order is issued, the first step is to talk to Ziweitang, and the second step is for the relevant person in charge of Ziweitang to take the personnel to the place of employment to announce the appointment. According to the status, responsibilities and mission of the incumbent, the specifications of Ziweitang are also different.

The last time Qi Xuansu took office as the second seat of the Taoist government, he went with a mission, which was somewhat like an imperial envoy, so the standards were very high. Chen Shuhua greeted him, Yao Shu personally sent Qi Xuansu to his post, and Master Lan Da came out to welcome him.

If it is the first level of the Grand Master, he will be personally accompanied by the Master of Ziweitang.

Just like a reincarnation, Yao Shu, who had sent Qi Xuansu to his post, now became the master of Sheji Palace, and Qi Xuansu played the role of Yao Shu, sending Chen Jianchou to his post.

In the year when Qi Xuansu took office, Chen Jianchou probably would not have thought that one day he would become the deputy head of the Taoist Palace and the representative of the entire Chen family.

After arriving at the Sheji Palace, you can see Yao Shu, Zhang Yuelu, and Xu Jiaorong greeting them in front of the door in the shape of "pin".

Chen Jianchou still didn't understand that this was not only giving him face, but also giving Qi Xuansu face.

When he went to take office this time, if he was only accompanied by the deputy head of Ziwei Hall, or simply by the assistant of Ziwei Hall, and was greeted at Guijian Lake, it would be unlikely that it was Pei Xiaolou, and it was probably just a person. He is an ordinary deputy palace master. After all, Pei Xiaolou is about to be promoted to the second position, so he cannot be regarded as an ordinary deputy palace master. After arriving at the Sheji Palace, it was impossible for all the three Taoist giants to greet them at the door. At most, Xu Jiaorong alone would greet them.

Because of Qi Xuansu's arrival, the entire standard has improved a lot.

Although Qi Xuansu is not yet the real person in charge of Shen Zhi, various standards of treatment have been upgraded to the level of Zhen Zhi, which is higher than that of Yao Shu, who was not the real person in charge at the beginning. Now looking at the entire Taoist government, only Landa Zhenren and Yao Shu are The rank is higher than him, not to mention that he also represents Ziweitang, which has bonuses.

It can be seen from this that Qi Xuansu has great expectations for Chen Jianqiu, hoping that Chen Jianchou can help him defend Nanyang.

Because it was the appointment of an ordinary deputy palace master, the ceremony was relatively simple. The main thing was for everyone to meet and get familiar with each other.

If someone else comes over, there may be a process in which the deputy hall leader representing Ziwei Hall will introduce the future colleagues to eliminate the strangeness and embarrassment between them.

But Chen Jianchou is different. He is already very familiar with the people here. After all, he has been a secretary in the Borneo Taoist House for a long time. Needless to say, Zhang Yuelu and Xu Jiaorong, even Yao Shu, have known each other for a long time. Chen Jianqiu's.

As for Pei Xiaolou, Ji Jiaozhen and others, they are even more acquaintances. The other deputy palace masters rarely have to deal with Qi Xuansu. As long as they deal with Qi Xuansu, they must know Chen Jianchou as his secretary.

When Chen Jianchou returned to Borneo Taoist Mansion, it was like going home.

Qi Xuansu looked around and spoke on behalf of Ziweitang: "Everyone here is an old acquaintance. Everyone knows me and also knows Yu Zheng. I don't think there is any need for further introduction, right?"

Many people below laughed and said: "No need."

Qi Xuansu said: "Then I will directly announce the relevant appointments."

After Qi Xuansu read out Chen Jianchou's official appointment in accordance with the procedure, Chen Jianchou briefly said a few words, which was regarded as a declaration of office.

Then comes the dinner party.

For Taoist people, the meaning of eating itself has become very weak, and the banquet itself has become a kind of ritual etiquette.

This dinner was a two-in-one banquet. In addition to people from the Taoist government, there were also some local "sages", including Chen family members such as Chen Shuwen and Chen Jianqiu, and businessmen such as Qi Muyu and Huan Ji. It was very lively.

Chen Jianchou should be the protagonist of this banquet, so Qi Xuansu did not overshadow the guests. He only toasted a few glasses of wine, exchanged brief greetings with Yao Shu and others, and then left with Zhang Yuelu.

This disappointed many people who wanted to say a few words to the old chief. After all, the old chief executive is about to take off, and everyone wants to take advantage of it.

Qi Xuansu's residence was arranged in the Wooden Palace, which was also the designated "guest room" of Sheji Palace. When Jiang Daren came to Sheji Palace, he lived here.

The vegetation here is sparse, and there are many kinds of exotic flowers and plants. It is an excellent place to go.

As the two walked side by side on the wooden palace path, Zhang Yuelu joked: "It rained heavily the past few days. As soon as you come, the weather will clear up."

"Am I that powerful?" Qi Xuansu asked, "Are you feeling better too?"

Zhang Yuelu didn't speak harshly, and admitted frankly: "This can be regarded as a kind of meeting an old friend in a foreign country."

Qi Xuansu did not directly talk about the situation in Nanyang, but took out a jug of wine and brought it to Zhang Yuelu: "Master likes calligraphy and painting, Qiniang likes tobacco, and you like wine. Didn't you say at the beginning: 'I can't cook, drink. , don’t you want to taste it?”

Zhang Yuelu looked around and saw that there was no one else here, so he stopped pretending to be the chief deputy palace master, took the wine bottle, opened the clay seal, and took a sip. Quite a bit of the heroic spirit of a Jianghu person.

Qi Xuansu asked: "How does it taste?"

Zhang Yuelu thought about it carefully: "It tastes a lot like 'Drunk Life, Dreams of Death', but it lacks a little old flavor, like new wine. The 'Drunk Life, Dreams of Death' just brewed by Dao Sect is generally not circulated in the market. This is not the original version of 'Drunk Life, Dreams of Death', right? ?”

Qi Xuansu said: "You really have some skills. This is indeed not the original version of 'Drunken Life, Dreams of Death', but a copy of Xidaomen. I brought a lot, enough for you to drink for a year."

Zhang Yuelu clicked his tongue and said, "Did you prepare it specially for me?"

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "No, Huangfu Ji prepared it."

Zhang Yuelu said nothing, just looked at Qi Xuansu. She didn't insist that Qi Xuansu give her a gift, but she felt that Qi Xuansu did it deliberately and there should be a follow-up. The reason for this is very simple. When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Just like Xiao Yin quietly, there must be a demon. If you are too quiet or too obedient, you will definitely become a big monster by holding it back.

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "This is what I prepared."

As he spoke, he took out the "Immortality Pill" obtained from the Immortal Man.

Zhang Yuelu is also a person who knows the goods. He took the jade box and did not open it in a hurry. He first read the words on the jade box and knew the origin of the elixir. He was surprised and said: "It turned out to be the 'immortality elixir' refined by Sun Lingxiu himself. The magic talisman of the Toad Palace and the Dao Gui of the Sea Eye are truly amazing things. How did you get them?"

Qi Xuansu briefly recounted his experience of getting the "Eternal Life Pill": "It's also an unexpected surprise. For me, it doesn't do much. I mainly rely on the 'Xuan Jade'. It should be of great benefit to you."

Zhang Yuelu did not hide his happiness.

A simple truth is that if she gives something to Qi Xuansu, she would definitely like to see Qi Xuansu give positive feedback. What she wants to see is that Qi Xuansu likes the gift, not that Qi Xuansu doesn't care or is picky. Four.

What's more, the "Eternal Life Pill" is indeed very useful to her.

It's just that Zhang Yuelu couldn't say such disgusting words as "You're so kind" after all, so he could only keep everything silent.

Qi Xuansu paraphrased the words of Gong Da Zhenren and said: "Li Yongyan doesn't respect martial ethics and forces us to follow him in raising Gu. Every point we can catch up is worth it."

Zhang Yuelu sighed: "You can always think of me, but I can't do anything to help you."

"What are you talking about?" Qi Xuansu asked, "Why didn't you help me..."

Zhang Yuelu interrupted him: "You handed over Borneo to me, but it ended up like this, and you have to come over to clean up the mess in person. Will you be disappointed?"

Qi Xuansu took a step forward, from walking side by side to walking in front of Zhang Yuelu, then turned around, forced Zhang Yuelu to stop, and now stood opposite Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu looked at Zhang Yuelu and said sternly: "Qing Xiao, this is not like you. In my impression, Qing Xiao always gets braver with every setback and never worries about gains and losses."

Zhang Yuelu smiled bitterly: "If I get the thing done, I will be infamy. Even if it is in Nanyang, there is a saying. I am afraid that the thing will not be done, or even... Oh, I won't go into it."

Qi Xuansu reached out and held her shoulders: "Do you still need me to repeat those principles to you? The road to success is always difficult and tortuous. Don't be discouraged. We still have a long time. This failure is for Success next time.”

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "It's not that I'm discouraged. I just feel that I have taken it for granted and overestimated myself. I have been reflecting on myself during this period. In the past, I shouted about changing the Taoism all day long. Wasn't it too ambitious? Should I calm down and do what I can first, so I finally decided to visit the Southeast Asian countries, but the Xie Jiaofeng incident happened again."

Qi Xuansu said: "The disease has been suffering for a long time, and it is difficult to cure it with medicine and stone. If you want to return to your innate nature, even the Great Luo Immortal can't do it, let alone you? Whoever it is would have the same result."

“Those who have always succeeded in reform must first attack externally, firstly to divert internal conflicts, secondly to accumulate prestige, thirdly to complete centralization of power, and finally, with the power of victory, they can carry out internal reforms in one go.”

"Of course, this is a dangerous move. If it is defeated externally, firstly, internal conflicts will explode directly, secondly, its prestige will be completely lost, and thirdly, its direct lineage will suffer heavy losses and threaten its own power foundation. Without mentioning reform, it will be difficult to preserve itself."

"But reform is a major event that shakes the foundation. It is not an exaggeration to say that it shakes the earth. How can it be without the slightest risk?"

"This is my philosophy. If you blindly seek within, there is little hope of success. Even if you succeed for a while, it will be a temporary solution, but it is difficult to cure the root cause, and you will not be able to escape the death of the people and the government. It is better to go on a dangerous journey, first accumulate strength, then look outside, and finally look inward. Seek to use great force to cure the root cause and complete the unfinished work of Xuan Sheng and the great masters of the Five Dynasties, so that the sun and moon can regain their brightness, and the country can be restored to peace after danger, thus changing the Taoism."

Zhang Yuelu remained silent for a long time.

"Chapter 2, don't wait any longer."

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