Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 200: Nanyang matters are mine

Qi Xuansu said: "I don't know which senior of the Li family has arrived, I hope to show up to see him."

In fact, Qi Xuansu knew that the person speaking was in the mansion below, but he still spoke politely.

As expected, another figure emerged, dressed as a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, but he did not wear a lotus crown or tie his hair into a bun. His hair was casually let down, and the color of his hair was black and white, which looked quite weird.

Looking at this person's face, he looks a little old, which is the opposite extreme from Qingwei Zhenren. Master Qingwei did not deliberately rejuvenate, but he looked young, and this person did not change his appearance through cultivation, but he looked a generation older than Master Qingwei.

What's more important is that this person's cultivation level is in the real pseudo-immortal stage, which is not inferior to Zhang Jucheng, and is half a step better than Hu En'ahan, Wutu and others.

Qi Xuansu could probably guess this person's identity.

"If I guess correctly, you should be Li Minghuang's adoptive father." Qi Xuansu said.

The person who came was none other than Li Tianqing, who once argued with Zhenren Qingwei and ultimately failed.

Li Tianqing said: "Master Qi also knows about me? I am really flattered."

Having said that, there was no hint of flattery on Li Tianqing's face, but rather a hint of sarcasm.

Qi Xuansu said: "Of course I know. I am also an old subordinate of Master Qingwei. Master Qingwei has mentioned you many times and said that you..."

Qi Xuansu paused deliberately.

Li Tianqing clearly knew that Qi Xuansu did this on purpose, but when it came to the inner demon of Zhenren Qingwei, he still couldn't help but ask: "What did Li Zhiqing say about me?"

Qi Xuansu then said: "Master Qingwei said that your Excellency is nothing."

In an instant, Li Tianqing burst out with

Powerful anger.

The originally calm sea suddenly became rough, and there were even dark clouds gathering in the sky, with black clouds pressing down on the city.

Anyone else, not even Master Donghua, would be able to anger Li Tianqing like this, but Master Qingwei was an exception.

However, Li Tianqing calmed down quickly: "Qi Xuansu, Li Zhiqing would not say such things."

Qi Xuansu smiled lightly and said, "You can also ask Master Qingwei for confirmation. Maybe I remembered it wrong."

Li Tianqing naturally would not humiliate himself by going to Master Qingwei, so he changed the subject: "Qi Xuansu, what if I don't allow you to search?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Then I have no choice but to search by force. In front of the law, even the Li family has no privileges."

Some things can be done but cannot be said.

Whether the Li family has any privileges or not, you just need to understand it in your heart and never say it out loud.

Li Tianqing didn't refute, just sneered.

At this time, the atmosphere in the mansion was particularly solemn. There was a large fine-leaf red sandalwood chair placed at the main seat in the lobby. There was a woman sitting on it. She was not wearing a crane cloak. She was dressed in plain clothes and covered with a snow-white robe embroidered with plum blossoms. , as majestic as a goddess in the sky.

Ordinary women cannot control white clothes. White is considered beautiful in the Central Plains. If you are not a fair-skinned person, you will wear white clothes rashly, but you will be burdened by the white clothes and look black.

The woman's face is as white as snow, and she is not affected by the white clothes at all. Instead, the white clothes make her look like a fairy.

It is Pei Shenfu.

There are two people sitting on the left and right of Pei Shenfu, one old and one young.

Pei Shenfu leaned on the back of his chair and looked up at the beams above his head, as if he wanted to see the people above through the roof.

Li Tianzhen spoke slowly: "I didn't expect Qi Xuansu to arrive so quickly.

Went to Nanyang, made a mistake and miscalculated..."

Pei Shenfu still looked up at the top of his head.

Li Tianzhen was silent for a moment and continued: "Logically speaking, even if Qi Xuansu is dismissed from his post in advance, Li Yongyan can take up the post later. As long as there is no handover, Qi Xuansu cannot leave his post without authorization. But who would have thought that Li Yongyan would wait for a long time? No, they went directly to the Southern Continent. This is obviously to embarrass us and want to see our jokes. "

Pei Shenfu finally lowered his head slowly, pressed his fair palms on the armrest, and looked at Li Tianzhen, "Don't forget that you caused him to be interrogated for a month in Jiangnan Daofu and missed the Fenglinzhou battle. How can Li Yongyan not hate you for letting Qi Xuansu take the lead?"

Li Tianzhen sighed: "That's what Mr. Pei said."

Pei Shenfu held on to the armrest, stood up, and said, "It's meaningless to talk about this now. Li Yongyan and Li Zhiqing have an ambiguous attitude, so we can only rely on ourselves."

Then Pei Shenfu looked at the other person sitting next to him: "Master Youlao."

That man turned out to be a monk.

Previously, the monk closed his eyes tightly and said nothing. Now when he heard Pei Shenfu talking to him, he slowly raised his eyelids, first recited the Buddha's name, and then said: "Since it is entrusted by Master Pei, poor monk A monk should do his best.”

On the other side, Qi Xuansu faced Li Tianqing and said aggressively: "Li Tianqing, are you going to give in or not?"

Li Tianqing said: "Qi Xuansu, you have no position now. Even if you have this search order, you have no search position. How dare you do this?"

Qi Xuansu said frankly: "The affairs of the East China Sea are yours, and the affairs of the South China Sea are mine. What I am doing now, you have to follow."

Li Tianqing's hand

There was no sword in his hand, but he said, "It seems you want to test whether the sword in my hand is sharp."

Qi Xuansu refused to give in: "My sword is not at a disadvantage either."

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were at war with each other.

Conspiracy should be steady and ruthless, and don't go around in circles.

Qi Xuansu wanted to capture Li Tianzhen and Wu Guangbi, but Li Tianqing was ambushing them here. It was as simple as that. The words spoken before were just to find some cover.

No matter how Li Tianqing moved, thirteen long swords appeared out of thin air behind him, lined up one after another, like a peacock spreading its tail.

Qi Xuansu is very familiar with it, it is the "Thirteen Swords of Taiyin".

This was somewhat beyond his expectation. Li Tianqing actually ignored the "Twenty-Eight Sword Techniques of the South Dou" and the "Thirty-Six Sword Techniques of the Beidou" and chose the "Thirteen Swords of the Taiyin".

You must know that the "Thirteen Swords of Taiyin" are the most dangerous, and judging from this posture, it is not an ordinary castrated version, but the most powerful, cruel and dangerous original version.

However, it is true that there is an inheritance of the "Thirteen Taiyin Swords" within the Li family, and it is not limited to Quanzhen Taoism. Li Daoxing, a "Tao" generation, plus Xuansheng and Donghuang, are all good at this set of sword techniques. It is reasonable for Li Tianqing to learn this sword technique.

Qi Xuansu knew very well that the most powerful of the "Thirteen Taiyin Swords" was the "Taiyin Sword Formation", so he naturally refused to give Li Tianqing a chance to form a sword formation and took action first.

Qi Xuansu punched directly, and the void shook.

Faced with this punch, Li Tianqing did not dodge or evade, and used "Ji Tian Yan Luo". His true energy was as powerful as the tide of the East China Sea. Violent ripples were seen between the two of them, and the ground below and the trees on the island were instantly torn apart. Cracked.

Li Tianqing took advantage of the situation to counterattack and used another shot

The unique skill "Great Transformation of Heavenly Demonic Hands".

When it comes to moves, this method may not be extremely sophisticated, but the key point is that this method was born out of the "Thirteen Taiyin Swords". It can capture people's hearts and souls, causing them to get lost in the secret realm of heavenly demons, so that inner demons can arise. driven to distraction.

People who are not strong-willed and have low cultivation level will become possessed by evil spirits without the help of external force such as swords and axes, and their true energy will turn into raging fire and burn them to death.

Even if there is a person with a good level of cultivation who can withstand the demon's attack on the heart and will not go crazy, he will inevitably be distracted by it and unable to pay attention to the changes in the external situation. At this time, if Li Tianqing attacks his vital point, he will also die.

Li Tianqing's palm was slowly pushed forward, giving off an extremely terrifying and fierce aura. Just like the overwhelming power exuded by ancient wild beasts, causing many birds and beasts to run in fear, it can even change everything around it without deliberately restraining its power, such as the birth of Drought Demon, the red land thousands of miles away, or Wuzhi Qi's arrival. There is a flood everywhere.

In an instant, Qi Xuansu lost all six senses, and Li Tianqing was no longer anywhere to be seen, leaving only the Thirteen Swords still in place.

Li Tianqing's method is similar to the invisible figure of the "Heart Scroll". It does not really disappear, but makes the opponent turn a blind eye. The best way to deal with this method is to cover the surrounding area with all your strength, leaving no blind spots.

Qi Xuansu immediately relied on the magic of the "magic sword" to punch out arbitrarily, as if he wanted to sink the island.

This is the power of the pseudo-immortal. If you want to restrain it, you can fight for a long time without damaging a brick. If you let go, you can destroy an area with just a raise of your hands.

Fist intention sweeps across

Like a huge wave, it did not miss any corner.

This time comes and goes, just in a blink of an eye.

Li Tianqing's figure appeared again, but with a few more punch marks on his body.

After all, Li Tianqing still really exists, not really disappearing, but eliminating his own sense of existence and becoming like heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth exist as a matter of course and do not attract special attention. Li Tianqing merged into heaven and earth, which is the mysterious state of "unity of heaven and man". Once this state is broken, he will reveal his physical form.

As soon as Li Tianqing appeared, Qi Xuansu stopped punching. Although his six senses were temporarily disabled, he relied on the "magic knife" sense to get close to Li Tianqing and pointed at Li Tianqing's heart.

However, Li Tianqing was beyond Qi Xuansu's expectation. He took no precautions and allowed Qi Xuansu to attack his vital points.

In fact, Li Tianqing secretly started the "eclipse method".

The "Sun Eclipse Method" and the "Moon Swallowing Method" are equally famous.

"The Great Method of Swallowing the Moon" is a way to reverse the luck of the true energy, making oneself a negative pole, and using the negative pole to attract the positive pole. The "Eclipse Sun Technique" turns the three major Dantians of the body into holes, like the eyes of the sea and the bottomless deep holes, which have the potential to be swallowed by whales.

Just as his mind was flashing with lightning, Qi Xuansu had already pointed at Li Tianqing's chest.

This finger was really powerful and heavy, even though Li Tianqing had a pseudo-immortal body, it was a huge shock all over his body, and a ball of blood exploded in the back of his heart. However, taking this opportunity, Li Tianqing also used the "Eclipse Technique" with all his strength and began to forcibly absorb Qi Xuansu's cultivation.

Qi Xuansu's cultivation was like a river bank bursting, pouring into Li Tianqing's body.

At this time, Qi Xuansu's fingers seemed to be stuck on Li Tianqing's chest. He couldn't take them back even if he wanted to, and he would lose some cultivation.

That's it. Qi Xuansu has five major inheritances combined into one, which is very strong. With the support of He Luo Shen, he can't finish it in a short while.

But when Li Tianqing's "Taiyin Sword Formation" was completed, Qi Xuansu was in danger of his life.

However, Qi Xuansu had experienced hundreds of battles and was very experienced. He immediately took advantage of the situation and used the evil fire of Yi Zangnuo Zun to let Li Tianqing absorb it. Not only did he let him absorb it, but he also stepped up his efforts to activate the evil fire and pour it in vigorously.

However, in a moment, Li Tianqing was riddled with evil fire and almost turned into a burning man. However, this move also consumed Qi Xuansu a lot and he needed to catch his breath.

Li Tianqing didn't panic and retreated.

At some point, another Li Tianqing appeared not far away, wielding Thirteen Swords, and said in a deep voice: "Get up."

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