Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 203 The World in the Mirror

Whether Pei Shenfu or Yuheng Star Master, they look younger, but in reality they are all over fifty. The higher you go up, the smaller the circle becomes, and there is not a lot you don’t know. Even if you haven’t interacted with them much, at least you have heard about them.

Pei Shenfu recognized the Yuheng Star Master at a glance: "Will Ziguang Society also obey Qi Xuansu's orders?"

Lord Yuheng said: "Zhenren Qi and Zhenren Zhang are one. This is what Zhenren Zhang means."

The Ziguang Society has always been on the side of Zhengdao, but the power of the Ziguang Society has always been in the hands of the Tianshi. The Tianshi chose to skip Zhang Jucheng and directly hand over the power to Zhang Yuelu. Qi Xuansu shared Zhang Yuelu's power. As long as Zhang Yuelu did not object clearly, Ziguang Society would generally follow Qi Xuansu's orders directly.

Of course, Zhang Yuelu will also share Qi Xuansu's power. Especially when Qi Xuansu is temporarily unable to serve as director, Zhang Yuelu can even completely replace Qi Xuansu. This is actually the model of the Grand Master and the Grand Master's wife. Therefore, the two people are actually a whole, and they must have unified thoughts. They cannot do their own thing, let alone engage in internal fighting.

Pei Shenfu snorted and waved his sleeves.

Li Tianzhen drifted back involuntarily, and at the same time, he could see the power of Six Tribulations surging around Pei Shenfu.

Yuheng Star Master is not afraid.

Although the "Six Void Tribulations" are powerful, after all, they are not the "Xiaoyao Six Void Tribulations", let alone the "Six Curses, Xiaoyao Six Void Tribulations", which is still a little less interesting.

Xuansheng integrated the exercises, deleted and modified the castration, and put safety as the first premise. Although it raised the lower limit, it also suppressed the upper limit. It is difficult to have both worlds.

Therefore, Zhang Yuelu, Yao Pei, Li Tianqing and others still have to practice the original method with great hidden dangers in order to reach a limit. Among them, Zhang Yuelu's "Five Thunder Tianxin Zhengfa" has relatively small hidden dangers. At most, it will damage the meridians, heart and lungs. Qi Xuansu gave him the "Elixir of Immortality", which can make up for it. Yao Pei is still suffering from the side effects of "Tai Shang Forgetting Love Sutra". Even if she succeeds in practicing it one day, I am afraid it will become a habit.

"Six Void Tribulations" is just a simplified version of "Xiaoyao Six Void Tribulations", which is easier to practice and less powerful.

On the contrary, "Six Curses and Six Virtual Tribulations" is an enhanced version, and even immortals may not be able to master it. Nowadays, only one Earth Master may be able to cultivate the Dao Sect. Even if he is an Earth Master, it is only a possibility, not a certainty. In other words, if you want to ask who is most likely to achieve this method, it can only be the Earth Master.

Star Master Yuheng immediately launched her own Dao Fruit Realm. She is a disciple of True Monarch Ziguang. According to the classification of Taoism, it is the inheritance of gods.

The divine realm of Star Master Yuheng is not the vast starry sky, but a mirror world like a kaleidoscope.

Up, down, left, right, front, back, no matter which direction, no matter which angle, they are all mirrors. There is no gap between the mirrors. Everything is made of mirrors. Inside and out, layers upon layers, countless mirrors at different distances fill the field of view, and countless rooms and corridors are connected in series, like a honeycomb structure.

The mirrors reflect each other, making the space visually extend infinitely, with no end in sight, like a maze.

Mirrors are the ultimate falsehood.

Pei Shenfu was in the mirror world and saw countless versions of himself from various angles. The reflections of herself in these mirrors were all staring at her.

Gradually, Pei Shenfu in the mirror seemed to come to life. Some were dazed, some looked crazy, some were gloomy, some were ferocious and painful, some had strange expressions, some were empty and weak, and some were hesitant. , some are extremely regretful.

These emotions in turn affected Pei Shenfu's body, causing Pei Shenfu's mind to become confused.

Pei Shenfu quickly cast a "Heart-clearing Curse" to stabilize his mind and began to travel through the mirror world.

The divine realm is different from the formation. The person who controls the formation can hide outside the formation, but the master of the divine realm must sit in the divine realm, just like the gods can only be in their own divine kingdom. In this way, the power of the gods and the divine kingdom can be exerted. to the maximum.

However, as Pei Shenfu went deeper into the world of the mirror, the image of Pei Shenfu reflected in the mirror became younger and younger. She was originally a lady in her forties, and gradually turned into a young woman in her thirties, and then changed again. She became a 20-year-old in her prime, then a young girl in her prime, and finally a little child.

Correspondingly, various memories of Pei Shenfu are also shown in the mirror in the form of flashbacks.

Yao Pei was born, married into the Yao family, brother and sister were at odds, Miss Pei family, younger brother was born, brother and sister were in love, parents loved...

It's just that these memories are somewhat different from the real facts and have some slight distortions.

This made Pei Shenfu's mind waver a little.

As Pei Shenfu's mind wavered, the mirror maze seemed to have gained some kind of power and began to expand further, with Yuheng Star Master hiding deeper.

This is the essence of what is believed to be true. The less you believe it, the more you can uncover the essence. The other way around is to sink into it and find it difficult to extricate yourself.

In fact, this method is very provocative. If you encounter someone who is strong and unyielding in his ambition, or someone who has no desires, no pursuits, no fear, and no fear, it will just cast countless shadows and have no effect at all.

Back then, Star Master Xuanji played a similar game with Zhang Yuelu, and Zhang Yuelu won in the end.

But obviously, Pei Shenfu is not Zhang Yuelu and is not among them. The more selfish a person is, the greater his spiritual weakness will be.

Pei Shenfu also realized this. There was a huge gap between the upper limit and the lower limit of Wu Zhu. If used skillfully and with sufficient divine power, it would be enough to compete with the gods.

Star Master Yuheng was obviously prepared, but she acted hastily. After all, according to the original plan, Li Tianqing and the old Buddhist monk could take down Qi Xuansu without her taking action at all.

In this way, the Yuheng Star Master will naturally have the upper hand, based on his calculations without intention.

At this time, the Yuheng Star Master is hiding in the deepest part of the mirror world. This is a palace made entirely of mirrors. The Yuheng Star Master is sitting high on the throne, with his slender legs crossed, and the light of stars is shining in his purple eyes. , as if hiding a vast starry sky, she held a glass of red wine in her hand, shaking it slightly.

On the hand of Star Master Yuheng holding the cup, the ruby ​​ring shines like a bright red magic eye. If you look closely, you can see that the ring is carved into a snake biting its tail. The snake's body is covered with tiny runes that are difficult to see with the naked eye. These Runes form a snake pattern.

The red light of the ruby ​​ring shone on the wine glass, reflecting thousands of bloody lights, and was refracted by countless mirrors, making the place completely turn blood red.

There is a special mirror in front of the Yuheng Star Master. This is also the only independent mirror in the entire divine domain. It floats in the air and does not come into contact with other mirrors. It does not reflect the face of the Yuheng Star Master, but The specific location of Pei's talisman is displayed.

Star Master Yuheng looked at Pei Talisman in the mirror in silence.

Finally, Pei Shenfu came to the palace where the Yuheng Star Master was. After all, there was no difference in realm between the two, and there was no cat-and-mouse game.

However, Pei Shenfu was not unscathed, and his mind was exhausted, as if he had been dealing with me for a long time and was no longer in peak condition.

After Pei Shenfu saw the Yuheng Star Master, the power of the Six Tribulations that had been brewing for a long time finally came into use.

The six calamities have come together. Yin fire, black ice, sky wind, thunder, netherworld, and red earth manifested themselves on the body of Yuheng Star Master.

Without any doubt, the figure of the Yuheng Star Master directly shattered into pieces and turned into countless mirror fragments.

However, in the floating mirror and in the countless mirrors around it, the figure of Star Master Yuheng appeared again. She still maintained her old appearance, with her legs crossed and holding a wine glass, unscathed.

"As expected of the 'Six Void Tribulations', it is really powerful." Yuheng Star Master pretended to be surprised, and countless Yuheng Star Masters in countless mirrors spoke together, countless voices gathered in one place, like millions of people The sound of the mountain shouting is like countless believers singing psalms of praise to God in unison.

Pei Shenfu frowned.

Only one of them must be true. Which one is the key? Which ones are phantoms? She couldn't tell the difference, at least not in a short time.

Being unable to distinguish means that there is a flaw, which means that there is a possibility of believing it to be true, which gives Yuheng Star Master a starting point.

Sure enough, with this thought in mind, all the Yuheng Star Masters in the mirror stood up together, handed the wine glass to the other hand, and then pointed the tail-biting snake ruby ​​ring on the index finger at the Pei Talisman, and red lines shot out from the ruby. In this way, countless red lines were densely intertwined, and finally converged on Pei Shenfu's body, even penetrating Pei Shenfu's body, and aimed at Pei Shenfu's heart from all angles.

Obviously, this ring is quite impressive. Although it is not a semi-immortal object from the Central Plains, it should be a semi-artifact from the Western world, enough to pose a threat to pseudo-immortals.

There is only one red line here that is real, but I don’t know its specific location or where it will come from.

Protecting the whole body is easy to say. It is also easy to fight a low realm with a high realm. How easy is it to fight with the same realm?

Pei Shenfu gritted his teeth and took out something.

If Qi Xuansu were here, he would be very familiar with the pages of the "Xirui Jing".

At that time, the Earth Master got a whole book, with a total of 397 pages. The Earth Master only gave Qi Xuansu seven pages, and Qi Xuansu used them up before leaving Borneo. The remaining pages were obtained in the southern continent.

As the matron of the Yao family, it is not surprising that Pei Shenfu has a page from the "Xirui Jing".

The mirror world can magnify the weaknesses in other people's hearts. In this case, using the pages of "Xirui Sutra" will definitely cause some irreparable effects, but Pei Shenfu can't care so much.

Pei Shenfu's eyes scanned the characters on the human skin. Although Pei Shenfu did not recognize these strange characters and did not understand what they meant, these characters had the power to transcend cognitive boundaries, just like the Buddhist " It is like "his mind is connected" and directly touches the reader's heart.

In an instant, Pei Shenfu clearly felt a feeling of pride, arrogance, and arrogance beginning to grow rapidly.

Not only was Qi Xuansu not worth mentioning, even Pei Xuanzhi, Su Yuanyi, and Li Wugou were nothing. The Third Division is nothing more than withered bones in a grave, which is not worth mentioning.

The Yao family is in her pocket, and the Pei family is also in her pocket.

She wants Yao Pei to take her surname and change it to Pei Yao. She also wants to integrate the Yao family and the Pei family into one family, overwhelming the Zhang family and the Li family and becoming the largest family in Taoism.

She wants to imitate Empress Mingkong and ascend to the throne of co-lord of the world at the age of sixty.

What follows is the power of illusion.

Pei Shenfu's realm has been rising steadily, breaking through the stage of creation and entering the stage of pseudo-immortal.

At the same time, the Yuheng Star Master also launched an offensive.

"Yesterday, I didn't change it first. Li Tianqing was changed to Wang Tianqing. I found it, but I got distracted during the revision and changed it to Wang Tianxiao. After all, Li Tianqing only appeared in two chapters, and he was very unfamiliar to me. He was far less smooth and smooth than Wang Tianxiao. smoothly."

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