Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 214 Proud Man

From Master Qingwei, Master Cihang, Master Tang, to the Imperial Master himself, they were all friendly on the surface. The Imperial Master seemed to have the possibility of making a comeback, which made Li Minghuang unable to express his pain.

In fact, Li Minghuang was abandoned and became an abandoned son.

Taiping Dao is not afraid of anything. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Your reputation is so bad and you can't be a great leader. How can you not bully young people into poverty?

Even if he has great luck and can come back from the ashes, Dingtian will still be a great master of Pingzhang. We still have to rely on Taiping Road.

You said you were going to join Zhengyi Yiyi. By then, Zhang Jucheng would be the one in charge. Can he tolerate you?

You said you were going to defect to Quanzhen Taoism, but even if you were tricked by Qi Xuansu, Qi Xuansu would not tolerate you.

In the end, there was only Taiping Road.

When Li Minghuang betrayed Zheng Yiyi and went to Taiping Road, he had already blocked his way out.

In this case, what is there to fear about Taiping Road? ??

If you are treated as an outcast, you must be treated as an outcast.

If you can survive by struggling, then pretend it doesn't happen. This is also a necessary quality in the field of power.

Being beaten by Qi Xuansu, Li Minghuang didn't think it was anything, it was no big deal, but if his future was ruined, it was nothing. It made Li Minghuang's heart bleed.

Li Minghuang also saw Qi Xuansu's methods. Although he didn't kill anyone, he was heart-wrenching.

I really want to step him into the mud.

Qi Xuansu is really the evil star of Taiping Road. Counting him and Li Tianlan, many people have fallen into his hands.

No, Qi Xuansu is an evil star, a Taoist evil star. Didn’t Wang Jiaohe and Sun Heyu of Quanzhen Taoism also fall because of Qi Xuansu? Who hasn't suffered from this kid?

Wherever Qi Xuansu went, Taoist priests fell everywhere.

Quanzhen Taoist Zhou Mengyao and Pei Shenfu also have great opinions on Qi Xuansu!

These two are not ordinary people. Zhou Mengyao is a real immortal. Pei Shenfu is the sister of Donghua Zhenren, Yao Yi's wife, and Yao Pei's mother. She is very powerful.

As for how Li Minghuang knew about Zhou Mengyao's existence, Li Tianqing actually told him, and he only recently knew about Zhou Mengyao's existence. He vaguely knew that Zhou Mengyao and Qi Xuansu had a feud, but it was not clear what the feud was.

Thinking of this, Li Minghuang couldn't help but think.

Now that he's come this far, what else does he have to worry about? At the very least, Qi Xuansu must pay the price. There is nothing to say!

Anyway, he is already like this, and has been reduced to serving as the chief of the Female Taoist Joint Mutual Aid Association. Where else can he be demoted? Is it Requiem? In the words of the Daxuan court

, assigned to accompany the capital to guard the imperial mausoleum. In Western terms, he was the chairman of the War Cemetery Committee.

Isn’t it just keeping company with the dead?

If necessary, let him supervise the construction of Wannian Jisi, and he agreed.

It will be all right.

It is true that the internal minister of the Daxuan court said to think of danger, retreat, and change, but he also said that he would risk his life and survive.

Qi Xuansu forced him to move his troops in danger.

But having said that, Li Minghuang still had no idea how to get in touch with people like Zhou Mengyao and Pei Shenfu. Li Tianqing, his adoptive father, could not be contacted either, which made Li Minghuang very irritable.

Especially when he "happened" to meet Li Zhuyu, he was scolded by this thief woman and congratulated him on his promotion, and finally got his wish and became the chief.

It can be regarded as taking the "excellent" tradition of the Li family to its extreme.

Li Minghuang was filled with hatred and secretly vowed that one day he would make Li Zhuyu surrender to him and kneel under him to beg for mercy.

But now, he can only endure it. After all, behind Li Zhuyu is Master Qingwei. If he dares to do something to Li Zhuyu, Master Qingwei will really make him beyond redemption.

So Li Minghuang said calmly, "Actually, the mutual aid association is not bad, and this arrangement is good. There are so many female Taoist friends, maybe we can find a Taoist partner."

Li Zhuyu half-smiled, "Okay, okay! Jinque knows how to use people!"

Li Minghuang finally couldn't help but replied, "Dan Jin, you have to work harder. Now Zhang Qingxiao and Yao Suyi are both honorary assistants of the mutual aid association. You have to join in quickly and not fall behind others."

Li Zhuyu smiled and said, "I don't have to worry about it, Chief Li."

She also deliberately emphasized the word "chief", stabbing Li Minghuang's heart again.

As for why Li Minghuang couldn't find Li Tianqing, it was naturally because Li Taiqing was trapped in Nanyang, and the Pei magic talisman that Li Minghuang wanted to contact was still in Qi Xuansu's hands.

Qi Xuansu's principle is to put money first and then goods.

You fulfill your promise first, and then I will release him. Anyway, I have a family and a job and can’t run away, so why are you afraid that I won’t vote?

The Li family and the Yao family really had nothing to fear, so they didn't care and fulfilled their promise first.

So Li Minghuang was "promoted" to chief.

"Tianting" moved very quickly.

Since the secret society was normalized, "Heavenly Court" established a company, called the South Borneo Company, because "Heavenly Court"

The main business is at sea, and the land in the north is less involved.

South Borneo Company announced that Wu Guangbi would resign from all positions, and Liu Gui became the majority shareholder, chief of the board of directors, and general assistant general manager of the company's general meeting of shareholders, integrating the three major powers into one person. After Liu Gui took office, he injected capital into Nanyang United Trading Company at a discount, with a total amount of three million Taiyuan.

Of course, external claims are normal business dealings without any other factors.

At the same time, South Borneo Company has signed a series of cooperation agreements with Nanyang United Trading Company and Fenglinzhou Trading Company to achieve all-round win-win cooperation.

During this process, Liu Gui also did not forget to comprehensively sort out and reshuffle the company, setting off a personnel storm within the South Borneo Company. Many people were kicked out, and some simply disappeared without knowing where they were sunk to the bottom of the sea.

After all, the team members of this company are all members of the "Heavenly Court", and the habits of the world cannot be changed for a while.

Liu Gui also knew that Wu Guangbi's reporting incident some time ago had caused a lot of resentment in the Taoist government. Some people fell down, but others were just punished with demerits and still had power in their hands. If they didn't remedy it in time, they would have a lot of shoes to fill in the future. .

As the saying goes, there is more than enough success and failure.

If you ask these people to do something, you may not be able to get it done, and they have little subjective initiative. But if you let them do bad things, they will most likely succeed, and once they use their subjective initiative to do bad things, the destructive power will be quite astonishing.

So while Liu Gui drew a clear line with Wu Guangbi, saying that those bad things in the past were all done by Wu Guangbi and had nothing to do with them, and Wu Guangbi had already been dealt with, this was their attitude, and at the same time, they used various means and channels to bridge the gap. Cracks on both sides. ??

Liu Gui took over some cooperative businesses that were beneficial to the government's performance at a loss.

The Taoist government recognized Liu Gui's actions and reciprocated the favor, giving Liu Gui a similar background as a third-grade Taoist priest.

In this way, Liu Gui has three identities. Officially, he is a respected Taoist priest, but in fact he is a powerful Southeast Asian businessman, and secretly he is a feared giant. With his feet in both black and white, he is a big shot in the eyes of many people.

Although Patriarch Jin Gong is the highest decision-maker and actual controller of the "Heavenly Court" and the South Borneo Company, Patriarch Jin Gong will always be promoted, and Liu Gui has great hopes of taking over.

As for the dark history of "Heavenly Court", in a word, it is not advisable to go into too much detail. To unite, the main thing is to look forward.

You can also talk about "Heavenly Court", and you can also love Taoism.

This also made many people realize that

Qi Xuansu's influence and control over Nanyang has further deepened. Although he no longer serves in Nanyang, many things are inseparable from him. He can still control the situation in Nanyang. After all, even "Tianting" "They all bowed their heads, leaving only Nanyang Buddhism and some secret societies.

On the other side, the personnel turmoil at Taiping Bank Nanyang Headquarters was finally over. After more than ten days of interviews, Assistant Hu proved his innocence and returned to his original position. With the return of Hu Fuli, some projects and policies that were originally suspended have been re-launched, and there are even new preferential policies, opening the door to convenience.

In this way, the situation is not a small good, but a great good, a great good.

During the board meeting, Chen Shuwen, the chief, couldn't help but sigh, "As soon as the old chief takes action, he will know whether there is a problem or not. The storm sweeping Nanyang has been calmed down."

In fact, Qi Xuansu didn't care much about these things anymore. After he met with Patriarch Jin Gong and Yao Shu respectively, the dust had settled and there would be no more changes.

Now Qi Xuansu is more concerned about Zhang Yuelu.

Can Zhang Yuelu enter the pseudo-immortal stage in one step? Qi Xuansu is not optimistic about the possibility of catching up with Yao Pei's creation stage.

This is already not easy. After all, people like Zhang Yuelu are congenital immortals. They take one step at a time and walk more solidly. Unlike Qi Xuansu and Li Changge, who were relegated to immortals the day after tomorrow, they all flew directly as if they were tied to rockets.

When Qi Xuansu returns this time, he must quickly integrate the second piece of "Xuan Jade" given by Master Donghua to strive to enter the pseudo-immortal stage as soon as possible.

The next stage will be relatively long. The two pieces of "Xuan Jade" given by the Yao family will not solve the problem. Qi Xuansu will have to spend time looking for more "Xuan Jade".

It just so happened that he was appointed as the Master of the Wanxiang Dao Palace, and there was such a thing as the Master of the Master.

Retreating is also good, the key depends on the location.

Then there is the issue of Zhang Yuelu's position. Li Minghuang has already gone to the Female Taoist Priests United Mutual Aid Association. Zhang Yuelu has no competitors, and Master Cihang strongly recommends him.

Just wait for Zhang Yuelu to come out of seclusion, advance to the stage of creation, and add the last fire, then he will be completely settled.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so fast. But now and then, in the peaceful period, it is indeed necessary to slowly get through the qualifications, but the key is that it is not peaceful now, the three disputes have intensified, the tacit understanding and consensus have sharply reduced, leading to further divisions, no one dares to say what will happen in the future, unhappy No more.

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