Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 216 Yan Yongzhen

Qi Xuansu tried his best to be gentle and said: "Guizhen, you will inevitably come here in the future, treat this place as your home."

Yan Yongzhen was not a stupid person, and his heart immediately moved.

Qi Xuansu's words have two meanings. The first meaning is naturally the matter of the best man. On the day of the wedding, Yan Yongzhen will follow Qi Xuansu here and there. Another meaning is that secretary, Qi Xuansu’s secretary Chen Jianchou has been transferred to the deputy palace master of the Borneo Taoist House. Qi Xuansu still lacks a secretary. If Yan Yongzhen takes over Chen Jianchou’s position, he will naturally have to go to Qi Xuansu’s house in the future. Yes, it's okay for Qi Xuansu to say so.

The position of secretary is very important, especially a secretary who is at the level of a real person. The so-called little real person is not a wasted reputation.

Therefore, you should not be careless when choosing a secretary. It is no exaggeration to say that some real people choose secretaries more carefully than they choose apprentices. If they are not satisfied with the use, they will keep changing, or even several. There is also a degree of running-in.

If Qi Zhenren really has a second meaning, then this is undoubtedly a joke.

Thinking of this, Yan Yongzhen lost the calmness he had before coming and became a little more cautious. He just put half of his butt on the chair.

Qi Xuansu continued: "I heard that your literary talent is very good, and you worked in Qingping Bookstore for a period of time. I have an old classmate in Qingping Bookstore named Mo Qingdi. Do you recognize him?"

Yan Yongzhen replied: "I've heard of it, but I've never seen it."

Qi Xuansu nodded: "I might as well tell you clearly that I still need a secretary here, and Uncle Zhang intends to recommend you, but here, writing work is relatively secondary. I have always opposed reading manuscripts.

So I don’t really need anyone to write manuscripts for me. I mainly need to handle some chores, including interpersonal relationships and communication. If you were asked to be my secretary, would you feel that you were overqualified? "

Yan Yongzhen didn't hesitate at all and said immediately: "Please rest assured, Master Qi. Although I have never been a secretary, it may take a familiar process, but I will definitely work hard to do a good job."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand and said: "I believe in your sincerity and attitude, but I think it is better to say some things up front. My last secretary had a similar experience to me. They were both from lower classes and relied on their foster mothers. The nepotism we have is just a lucky one. It is not good to compare with people like you who come from aristocratic families. Because we have struggled in the mud, we are more able to let go of our arrogance. If you come from a rich family and are asked to serve others, you may Somewhat psychologically unpleasant.”

Yan Yongzhen said: "I can't guarantee that I don't have any problems, but I will try my best to adjust and overcome them. Compared to fighting on the battlefield, this is nothing."

Yan Yongzhen did not expect that Qi Xuansu did not shy away from relying on nepotism to get to the position, and directly told him frankly. This also made him think more highly of Qi Xuansu. If Qi Xuansu was secretive and tried to deny this past, he would not dare to say anything on his face, but he would definitely disagree in his heart.

In fact, Qi Xuansu has never shied away from it, and even talks about it all the time. This is the more he lacks something, the more he emphasizes it - he does not lack low-level experience, but what he lacks is family.

Qi Xuansu was also very satisfied with Yan Yongzhen's attitude. Compared to Yan Mingchen, Yan Yongzhen obviously has a different temperament. The name is correct. At least he is more sincere and more in line with Qi.

Xuan Su's appetite.

This is not an isolated case either.

In terms of threats, Li Changge poses a greater threat to Qi Xuansu. However, Qi Xuansu does not hate Li Changge. He just regards him as an opponent and fights when it is time to fight. This is dictated by the camp. He has no objection to Li Changge himself. If there were not these power disputes, he would Maybe the two of them can laugh away their grudges.

On the contrary, Li Tianzhen no longer threatened Qi Xuansu, but Qi Xuansu just disliked him and was very disgusted.

Qi Xuansu originally planned to use Cheng Lixue as his secretary, but now it seems that Yan Yongzhen is more suitable. Regardless of their respective qualities, Yan Yongzhen not only has Zhang Jucheng's face, but also involves Yan Dazhen behind the scenes.

If he doesn't use Yan Yongzhen, then Zhang Jucheng may think too much, and he won't be able to alleviate the conflict between him and Yan Dazhen well.

How did Qi Xuansu get Master Landa to his side? Although he has the affection to help Master Landa clean up the mess, the main reason is Xu Jiaorong's relationship. Master Landa doesn't like to accept apprentices, and some of his apprentices have died. Now only Xu Jiaorong is left, and this is the successor to the mantle. .

Qi Xuansu bound Xu Jiaorong by promoting Xu Jiaorong's adopted son Chen Jianchou. The disciples and disciples are all tied to Qi Xuansu's ship. In addition, Qi Xuansu does have this potential. If Master Landa doesn't support Qi Xuansu, who else can he support?

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't have Qi Xuansu's potential. Even if he had a relationship, Landa Zhenren would not be able to support him.

Now Qi Xuansu is trying to clear up the relationship with the same principle. By binding Yan Yongzhen, he can pull Yan Daren to his side. Even if he cannot pull him over, he must abide by his neutrality.

Qi Xuansu no longer

They continued to talk about the secretary, but instead talked about some family issues.

Yan Yongzhen is not married yet, but has already made an appointment to marry a young lady from the Zhang family, named Zhang Zhiyue.

From this point of view, Yan Yongzhen is still Zhang Yuelu's brother-in-law and Zhang Wuyue's brother-in-law. Qi Xuansu and Yan Yongzhen have become brothers-in-law, and they are both sons-in-law of the Zhang family. With this relationship, it becomes easier to talk.

It's no wonder that Zhang Jucheng recommended Yan Yongzhen to Qi Xuansu, because they were all relatives.

This is how the circle of the aristocratic family came about, and Qi Xuansu is now slowly integrating into this circle.

As for Cheng Lixue, Qi Xuansu has another appointment. According to Huangfuji's analysis, he is likely to serve as the real person in charge of the palace in the future, so there must be someone of his own in the Wanxiang Dao Palace. He does not intend to keep Lu Yujue in the Wanxiang Dao Palace for a long time. That would be too much for Qucai. Well, a senior assistant manager who can act independently in the Southern Continent should be placed in a local government to make full use of his talents. But Wanxiang Taoist Palace has to keep people, and now it seems that Cheng Lixue is more suitable.

By the way, when Qi Xuansu went to Jiangnan Daofu this time, he naturally met Liu Hu. Liu Hu is now following Mu Jin. He is a subordinate in name but a bit like an apprentice in nature, and Mu Jin is following Lei Xiaohuan.

Lei Xiaohuan is Zhang Jucheng's subordinate.

Lei Xiaohuan is Qi Xuansu's old boss, Zhang Jucheng is Zhang Yuelu's uncle, and Mu Jin is Zhang Yuelu's former secretary. These relationships are closely intertwined, and a network belonging to Qi Xuansu also spreads out.

This big internet is full of people who are our own people in every sense of the word.

Qi Xuansu also agreed with Zhang Yuelu that after Ke Qingqing was released, Liu Hu would be Zhang Yuelu's secretary.

It's like Qi Xuansu

Relatives on the other side work as secretaries for Zhang Yuelu, and relatives on Zhang Yuelu's side work as secretaries for Qi Xuansu. While deepening the relationship between the two families, they also know the basics and are more reliable.

Some people may say that this is nepotism.

I don’t deny it, but sometimes, the power game can only be played like this.

Not talking about Qi Xuansu, if we look at the founding heroes of the past dynasties, most of them came from the same place, and most of them were related to each other. The relationship between fellow villagers, classmates and in-laws is very obvious.

Xuan Sheng was not exempt from vulgarity, but he considered nepotism. However, Xuan Sheng discovered that at the most critical moment, it was his own family who really had the same heart as him.

When Xuansheng personally conquered Buddhism, it was Donghuang who went to Confucianism to ask for reinforcements, both soft and hard. After Xuansheng retreated, it was Donghuang who supported Yujing affairs and stabilized the situation.

On the other hand, there are some people who do one thing in front of others and another behind their backs, and are two-faced. Here I want to name the Zhang family and the Yao family.

Therefore, after Xuansheng came out of seclusion, he no longer blindly suppressed the Li family, but relied heavily on the Li family.

Furthermore, as long as you use someone, you can kiss them even if you don't want to kiss them. This is called the kindness of knowing someone.

How could Qi Xuansu, an orphan, have so many relatives? It has not been developed bit by bit.

On the other side, Qi Xuansu from Nanyang was talking to Pei Shenfu.

It can also be said to be a farewell.

Patriarch Jin Gong and Yao Shu have fulfilled their commitments, and now it is Qi Xuansu's turn to fulfill their commitments.

Pei Shenfu was the first to be released.

The main principle is the principle of proximity. Yao Shu is close at hand and is an acquaintance. Naturally, those who are near the water and the towers will get the moon first.

Qi Xuansu's conversation was not to show off, but to test the relationship between Pei Shenfu and her husband Yao Yi, deliberately pointing out that Yao Yi was unwilling to come to Nanyang in person for Pei Shenfu.

A trip to the facts.

On the surface, Pei Shenfu was not surprised and was very indifferent, but it could be seen that she was not completely indifferent.

Pei Shenfu is very powerful, like Tantai Qiong, but Yao Yi is not Zhang Kuqi.

It can be seen from the name that the name "Yao Yi" was changed later. It originally belonged to Yao Yi's father and has the same pronunciation but different characters. This is also a strange thing. From Qiniang's generation, the Yao family began to use names in this format, which seems to have some meaning. Yao Yi is second only to the Earth Master in the Yao family, and he is also the chief assistant manager of Taiping Bank. He has great power no matter how you look at it. It is not easy for Pei Shenfu to play tricks on him.

All in all, happy families are equally happy, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes. A wrong marriage will inevitably create an unhappy family.

Yao Yi and Pei Shenfu are not a harmonious couple, respecting each other as guests, but how can they get along like guests? Are you tired?

It is precisely because of the disharmony in the family that neither her husband nor his brother can rely on him. Instead, Pei Shenfu is very obsessed with power, and both the Yao and Pei families are in their hands.

Regarding this point, Qi Xuansu sometimes wondered if Pei Xiaolou had picked them up. Donghua Zhenren and Pei Shenfu were both very charming people, so why did they become like this when they arrived at Pei Xiaolou, with a sly look on their face.

Apart from his appearance and ability, Pei Xiaolou obviously doesn't have the ambitions of his elder brother and sister. Donghua Zhenren aspires to be the headmaster, and Pei Shenfu wants to be the master of the Yao and Pei families, so Pei Xiaolou is happy to goof around and follow the others. A few goofy guys have the same bad taste. I would like to name Lin Yuanmiao, Ji Jiaozhen and Qi Xiaoyin here.

It can be said that they are not like brothers and sisters at all.

Pei Xiaoyun in the back is not very capable, but his appearance is obviously in the same vein as Donghua Zhenren and Pei Shenfu, which is somewhat related.

Is this what Westerners call a mutation?

Qi Xuansu put aside these messy thoughts, stood up and said: "Sister Pei, Master Yao is waiting for you."

Pei Shenfu snorted coldly and walked out.

Yao Shu stood outside and when he saw Pei Shenfu coming out, he raised a smile that he didn't know was true or false: "Sister-in-law."

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