Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 4 The Haze of Immortality

Qi Xuansu directly infused the totem with the magical power of "Xuanyu".

This time it mainly affected Wu Fan's totem and Wu Ji's totem, causing both to reach the seventh scale at the same time.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu's Qi Refiner inheritance broke through the immeasurable stage and entered the creation stage.

As a result, a series of chain reactions were also produced. Qi Xuansu met the conditions that in addition to the natal inheritance of Sanren, there were three inheritances that were all in the creation stage, namely: the martial arts inheritance, the witchcraft inheritance, and the Qi Refiner inheritance, which promoted the development of Qi Xuansu. The inheritance of the banished immortal has entered the stage of creation, which is the realm of killing three corpses.

After reaching this level, Qi Xuansu can behead one incarnation of three corpses, two incarnations of three corpses in the pseudo-immortal stage, and three incarnations of three corpses in the immortal stage. As for the One-Calamity Immortal, he can even make the three corpse incarnations separate from himself and become independent individuals. This is the prototype of the immortal incarnation.

The four major inheritances, namely martial arts inheritance, shamanistic inheritance, qi refiner inheritance, and banished immortal inheritance, in turn promoted Qi Xuansu's natal inheritance, Sanren, and brought him to the pseudo-immortal stage.

To Qi Xuansu's expectation, the improvement brought about this time was not only in terms of cultivation, but also in a large amount of knowledge.

This knowledge is mainly aimed at the four stages of pseudo-immortal, immortal, quasi-one-kalpa immortal, and one-kalpa immortal. Qi Xuansu has never heard of many of the sayings, and they were poured directly into Qi Xuansu's mind.

There is no doubt that Yao Zu must have left behind this knowledge, which has always been stored in the "Heart of the Immortality Stone". In the past, Qi Xuansu was not strong enough and there was no need to know this. Now Qi Xuansu has entered the pseudo-immortal stage and finally entered the stage, meeting the minimum requirements. , so he instilled these secrets unknown to ordinary people into Qi Xuansu.

The creation stage of the Qi Refiner's inheritance corresponds to the Hedao realm. The biggest feature of this realm is the unity of heaven and man, mobilizing the power of heaven and earth for one's own use.

Each of the major lineages of Taoism has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The damage that Qi Masters who can summon the power of heaven and earth can do is terrifying, even the most powerful among all the major inheritances. However, there is also a huge disadvantage. The unity of man and nature takes time and requires momentum. For example, when a Qi practitioner is fighting with a martial artist, it is difficult to use methods that require energy accumulation.

What the martial arts inheritance emphasizes is that the mind can move as it pleases, and even act first, anticipate the enemy's opportunities, and attack the enemy unexpectedly. It will not give the Qi practitioner a chance to unite with nature and man. If the Qi Refiner was really given this opportunity, even after gathering his strength, the martial artist's body would not be able to withstand the Qi Refiner's full blow.

This method of integrating nature and man will be further strengthened after becoming an Earth Immortal, becoming the "Five Innate Masters", reaching the ultimate in both offense and defense. It's just that each Earth Immortal can only get one of the "Five Innate Masters", not all of them, so there are still weaknesses.

Therefore, the Earth Immortal is only the second in the lineage of the Five Immortals.

The number one ranking is of course the Celestial Immortal. As the superior inheritance of the Earth Immortal, the Celestial Immortal also has an "innate" method, but it is not in the ranks of the "Fifth Supreme Being", it should be said to be the "Sixth Supreme Being".

The so-called Five Tais: Too Yi means that Qi has not yet been seen; Tai Chu means the beginning of Qi; Tai Shi means the immediacy of form; Tai Su means the beginning of quality, with Qi, shape and matter present but not separated; Tai Chi means the beginning of Qi. , the gas shape and matter are present and separated.

This is a clear process of the evolution of the world. The so-called "Sixth Tai" must be before Taiyi, that is, during the Hunlun period.

Not only Taoism proposed this concept, but Confucianism also proposed this concept. "Taixu" represents the dissipation state of "Qi". This is the original original state. "Qi" is the combination of "Taixu" and all things. say.

The magical power derived from the "Sixth Tai" is the "Tai Xu Illusion".

This is of course not comparable to the alchemist's spell "Tai Xu Illusion", but an earth-shattering magical power.

At that time, Nanhua Daojun enveloped the entire Yujing with the "Taixu Illusion", making Yujing completely disappear. After everyone climbed to the Yuxu Peak, they could only see the white snow and not the real Kunlun. Even the immortals could see through it. No.

The interior of "Taixu Illusion" is also full of mysteries, which not only confuses the concept of space, but even time is blurred. Some people broke into "Taixu Illusion" and fell into it, unable to find the entrance to Yujing. Unable to find the way back, he could only wander in the "Taixu Illusion" day after day, and finally got completely lost in it and became a part of the "Taixu Illusion".

In addition, there is the word "phantom" in the name of "Taixu Illusion", which also has frequent illusions, and they directly attack the weaknesses and flaws deep in the heart, making it difficult for people to guard against. Many great masters with good cultivation have fallen into this trap. in these illusions.

Even if Taoist Master Nanhua ascends and dies, leaving only the "Taixu Illusion Realm" running on its own, it has blocked countless Taoists for thousands of years, and only immortals can barely pass through.

It wasn't until the Kunlun Cave Heaven fell to the ground that the Taoist Gate closed the "Tai Xuan Fantasy Realm" that enveloped Yujing. In other words, the "Taixu Illusion" still exists and has not disappeared. It is already a semi-independent small world. The next step is to build a cave world that operates on its own and circulates endlessly. Compared with the need to constantly consume divine power and The Kingdom of God, which would collapse without the replenishment of divine power, would win by an unknown amount.

When Qi Xuansu went to Yujing for the first time, what he remembered most was the moat of Yujing. Part of the river had broken away from the mountain and was hanging in the air. It was like a rainbow in the Milky Way. It hung without falling and flowed endlessly. It was just such a scene. , is enough to make people who come to Yujing for the first time think that they have arrived in fairyland.

The name of this river is "Taixu River", which is the concrete trace of "Taixu Illusion" in the human world.

This shows how powerful the "Taixu Illusion" is, but it is really difficult for immortals to obtain such innate magical powers, because "Taixu" is complete chaos, the beginning and end of everything, and "nothing" , so the "Taixu Illusion Realm" does not matter which level it is, there is only one level, and the threshold is the highest. Only the quasi-one-kalpa immortal can barely touch the threshold, and only the one-kalpa immortal can use it freely.

In other words, earthly immortals can get the "Fifth Innate Supreme Being" when they reach the immortal stage, while heavenly immortals have to reach the level of a quasi-one-kalpa immortal, or even a first-kalpa immortal, to get the "sixth supreme concubine".

This is actually reasonable, because the Heavenly Immortal was originally upgraded from the Earthly Immortal.

If you proceed step by step, you will first become an immortal through the inheritance of the Earth Immortal, and obtain one of the "Five Innate Immortals", and then continue to practice, and the inheritance will change from an Earth Immortal to a Heavenly Immortal. ”, it is not abrupt, it can even be said to be a matter of course.

But the problem is that Xuansheng has integrated a set of Taoist methods that directly point to the heavenly immortals, so that the heavenly immortals no longer need to upgrade from the earthly immortals, and can directly become heavenly immortals. This leads to the inheritance of the heavenly immortals having nothing in the immortal stage, and neither the earthly immortals nor the immortals. The "Fifth Innate Supreme Being", and the "Sixth Supreme Being" due to lack of cultivation, make this title of number one in the inheritance somewhat unworthy of the name.

In this way, it is not as good as the "Five Innate Masters" of the Earth Immortal.

Only then did Qi Xuansu find out that there was actually a saying about the "Sixth Supreme Being". It turned out that the heavenly immortals were so powerful that they overpowered the earthly immortals.

The day after tomorrow when the Immortal was banished was known as the road of death, I am afraid that the day will not be able to see the "Taixu Illusion Realm". On the contrary, if Zhang Yuelu and others can survive the catastrophe, they will really be able to obtain this magical power.

But then again, as the person who refined the "Heart of the Immortal Stone", Yao Zu couldn't possibly not know the upper limit of the "Heart of the Immortal Stone".

In this case, why did she deliberately leave the secret about "Taixu Illusion"? You can't be a "greedy" person who can't eat it. Although it is in line with Yao Zu's style of doing things, Qi Xuansu always feels that there is another way.

Could it be said that the "Heart of Immortality Stone" also has a way to break through? For example, the second-generation elixir of immortality, and the Shamanistic Witch King also relied on the "immortality stone" to survive the catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but feel a move in his heart.

The Witch King of Shamanism did use the "Eternal Life Stone" to survive the catastrophe, but it was not used by Qi Xuansu. The Witch King himself was an immortal. After refining the "Eternal Life Stone", he did not use the "Eternal Life Stone" to improve his cultivation, because Wu Xian and others had learned from the past, so he directly used the "Eternal Life Stone" as a magic weapon, thus blocking the natural disaster.

If Qi Xuansu also has a second "Eternal Life Stone" after becoming an immortal, can he become a one-time immortal?

There is of course a problem here. "Heart of Immortality Stone" is not equal to "Eternal Life Stone" and cannot be generalized. There is even a big difference between "Eternal Life Stone" and "Eternal Life Stone".

However, based on the fact that three pseudo-immortals are equivalent to one immortal, and three immortals are equivalent to one one-kalpa immortal, we can draw a conclusion: maybe three "Hearts of Immortality Stone" can break through the restrictions of the road of death.

A person with one "Heart of Immortality Stone" can only be as good as an immortal, but what if a person has three "Hearts of Immortality Stone"? That's the power of the three immortals, doesn't it break through the restrictions of the dead end road?

More importantly, Yao Zu gathered the power of the Taoists and indeed refined three "Hearts of Immortality Stone", one of which belonged to the Li family, one to the Yao family, and one to the Huashengtang.

Compared with the trivial matter of being able to see but not eat, it is more in line with Yao to have three handsome Taoists with different "hearts of immortality" fight each other in order to compete for the only qualification to become a calamity immortal, or even instigate chaos in the Taoist sect. Zu’s bad character.

The number of three "Hearts of Immortality Stone" exactly corresponds to three. Just imagine, if the Zhang family had not caused trouble with the descendants of immortals, would the "Heart of Immortality Stone" from Huasheng Hall have been delivered through some way? In the hands of the Zhang family?

The three major families of Zhang, Li, and Yao happened to represent Zhengyi Dao, Taiping Dao, and Quanzhen Dao.

If everything goes according to Yao Zu's plan, in today's world where the three realms are split, each of these three families will have a "Heart of Immortality Stone", and each will launch a successor with advanced cultivation and no distinction between them, instead of Li Changge standing out. The key is that the final winner will not only become the Grand Master of the Taoist Sect, but also become a One-Calamity Immortal and dominate the world for two hundred years and for eternity.

In this case, no one can retreat, no one dares to retreat, it is really a fight to the death.

The division of the three realms is inevitable, and the war between the three realms is also inevitable.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

Yao Zu really dared to do this?

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