Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 11 Chiming Palace

Qi Xuansu's marriage was scheduled in Chiming Palace.

This palace has no specific functions. It can be borrowed by various Taoist halls to hold joint meetings or hold some ceremonies. It is very flexible and is under the direct control of Zixiao Palace, so you must apply to Master Jiang Dazhen.

Considering the relationship between Qi Xuansu and Jiang Dazhen, this is certainly not a difficult problem. Master Jiang Da not only agreed, but also sent someone to help.

Chiming Palace is located in Zifu, so this is a natural threshold, which can effectively prevent some people from fishing in troubled waters. Zifu is an important place and is heavily guarded. If you can't even enter Zifu, then you are probably not a guest. It is true that Qi Xuansu will have a few low-level Taoist priests here, such as Liuhu, but usually they will be brought in by others, and the others who are the lowest are fourth-level wine-sacrifice Taoist priests.

Regarding the invited guests, invitations were sent out to all the guests, ranging from the Earth Master and the National Master, to the seven great masters Pingzhang, and down to the thirty-two great masters Shenzhi.

The reason why they are the seven great masters of Pingzhang is because Wuniang is not counted. She now considers herself as a member of Qi Xuansu's family. In the same way, the reason why there are thirty-two Master Shenzhi is that the parties involved such as Master Donghua, Master Cihang, Zhang Jucheng, and Qi Xuansu are excluded. There is no reason to send invitations to themselves. The rest, no matter how close or distant they are, whether they are as close as the Zhang family or as far away as the Li family, all sent invitations.

Further down, there were quite a few ordinary real people and third-grade Youyi Taoist priests who came, probably hundreds of them. Maybe some people can't come, but usually people come to congratulate them on their behalf.

If anyone could enter the Zi Mansion, but did not receive the invitation, and took the initiative to come to watch the ceremony and congratulate them, they would all be greeted with a smile. With so many immortals, pseudo-immortals, and heavenly beings present, Zhou Mengyao didn't have the guts to worry about someone taking the opportunity to cause trouble.

Geographically speaking, Chiming Palace is very close to Ziweitang, so Master Donghua naturally sent people to help.

The meaning is very clear. If the Zhang family helps organize the entire marriage, as if Qi Xuansu is a son-in-law, how can this be allowed? The Zhang family has a long face. Where should I put the face of Master Donghua? Where to put Master Taiwei’s face?

At the very least, the people responsible for welcoming guests are mainly people from Donghua Master.

There are both people from the Pei family and people from the Donghua lineage.

Nowadays, Chiming Palace is full of joyful scenes, decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations.

Master Donghua took some time out of his busy schedule and came to Chiming Palace for an inspection. He was quite satisfied. Then he saw a small figure mixed in among the Taoist priests who were busy coming and going. It didn't look like he was here to help. , seems to be here to cause trouble.

He is not a big man, but his realm is extremely high. He is already in the stage of creation and attracts attention.

Master Donghua knew that this was the third generation of the Emperor Willow Elf. He thought that Emperor Liu was at the end of his power, and that each generation was inferior to the last. He didn't expect that there would be another opportunity, and it would turn around.

Master Donghua ignored her and turned around to leave.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were also very busy at this time. Zhang Yuelu strongly opposed the auspicious dress, and he couldn't really let her get married in a crane cloak. The black and white colors were a bit too plain. But the Taoist sect doesn't like Fengguanxiapei's style, and it doesn't like the color red even more. So after Zhang Jucheng and Tantai Qiong discussed it, they specially made two sets of purple and gold crane cloaks.

Zhang Yuelu also compromised.

The Taoist sect is purple, and purple clouds are regarded as auspicious clouds. The palace of the Emperor of Heaven is called Ziwei Palace, and the palace of Dao Zu is called Zixiao Palace. The first of the nine halls is Ziwei Hall. When Dao Zu comes, there will be thirty thousand purple energy from the east. inside.

Although there is a saying that purple is evil to usurp vermillion, the special status of purple cannot be denied.

Under purple is gold, so the lotus crown of Ping Zhang Da Zhen is purple gold.

In ancient times, there was a saying of "three golds", namely gold, platinum, and purple gold. Platinum is silver and purple gold is copper. However, with the development of smelting technology, the definitions of platinum and purple gold have changed. They no longer refer to silver and copper, but to a type of gold with higher purity. Together with gold, they are called the New Three Golds. The lotus crown of ordinary great masters is the white gold lotus crown.

The crown of the Grand Patriarch's clothing designed by the Grand Patriarch of the Five Dynasties was mainly purple, supplemented by a small amount of gold.

Nowadays, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu have been made a purple and gold crane cloak, which is equivalent to that of a great master. The reason is the same as that ordinary people can wear ninth-grade official uniforms and phoenix crowns when they get married. It is a temporary transgression within the allowable range, which is reasonable and reasonable. Yes, no one will find fault, let alone object.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were trying on crane cloaks separately. Fortunately for Qi Xuansu, the male Taoist priests were not very interested in these things. When Qi Xuansu was almost done, they made an appointment to have a drink.

But it was different over Zhang Yuelu. There was a large group of female Taoist priests surrounding him. There were cousins ​​from the Zhang family, elders like Tantai Qiong, senior sisters from the Cihang lineage, and some friends. Each one had an idea. , each expressed their opinions. Zhang Yuelu felt like she was about to explode, and she wanted to start a crime, but her rationality required her to restrain herself. This was one of the reasons why she strived to keep everything simple.

Actually, Zhang Yuelu also wanted to go for a drink, and Xiao Yin had already gone with him, but she still had to sit here.

At the end, even Master Cihang and Wuniang came to take a look.

As soon as Master Third Shenzhi and Master Qi Da came in, everyone was greeted with gifts. Master Cihang waved his hands and said with a smile: "On a special day, we don't need so many gifts."

Wuniang also said: "We are here on behalf of my husband's family to see how it is going."

Some sensitive people immediately noticed that Qi Dazhen used the word "we". Who else does this "we" include? Does it also include the real person Cihang?

It’s just that it’s hard to ask anyone face to face, so you can only keep your questions deep in your heart.

The female Taoist priest in charge of makeup continued to put makeup on Zhang Yuelu.

On the other side, Qi Xuansu had already gone to the side hall with a group of male Taoist priests. Except for Pei Xiaolou, Ji Jiaozhen, Lin Yuanmiao, Yan Yongzhen, Xu Kou, Chen Jianchou, Lu Yujue, and Mo Qingdi who were relatively close, There is also the "mission" on the Xidaomen side, headed by Huangfu Ji, with Tantai Ying, Hu En'ahan, and Wu Tu among them. Huangfu Ji represents Tantai Daren, Gong Dazhen, and his family's old man Huangfu Daren. , Tantai Ying represents the other real people under the three great real people, Hu En Ahan represents Tawanting, and Utu represents the ancient gods headed by Ixichel.

In addition, there is Zhang Wuyue who has returned from injury.

After all, Ixichel was a quasi-evil immortal, and he really saved Zhang Wuyue. But the price was that Zhang Wuyue changed his path, and from then on it was the inheritance of Wu Zhu. Fortunately, Zhengyi is in charge of ghosts and gods and has enough experience in this area, so it is not a problem.

Zhang Wuyue was supposed to go to Zhang Yuelu's side, but after seeing a room full of female Taoist priests, he consciously came to Qi Xuansu's side.

Xiao Yin also sneaked in and followed suitably.

When he arrived at the place, Pei Xiaolou immediately asked for drinks. Of course, he couldn't drink "Drunk Life and Dreams of Death". If he was really drunk and missed a big event tomorrow, it would be no exaggeration to say that this would be a major accident. After all, half of the Taoist sect's senior officials attended the ceremony, and there were also distinguished guests like Xidaomen, so they couldn't make any mistakes, so it was just ordinary rice wine, just for the sake of it.

Qi Xuansu is of course the protagonist, and he is admired a lot by everyone.

However, Qi Xuansu is a pseudo-immortal in the end, and his ability to drink is just that.

Xiao Yin didn't like to drink these "little bitter water". She took advantage of others to drink and ate so much that half of the food went into her stomach, like a bottomless pit.

The ninth day of the lunar month is auspicious and suitable for offering sacrifices, praying for blessings, and getting married.

In the early morning, a line of white cranes circled and flew into the sky, and the cranes chirped loudly.

Guests have begun to arrive one after another and gather at Chiming Palace. Looking around, there are lotus crowns everywhere and sword belts fluttering. It is usually difficult to see a real person. Today, it is as if there is no money.

There are also white jade lotus crowns and purple gold lotus crowns.

Naturally, the Earth Master and the National Master among the three divisions did not arrive, as did the Fish Tail Crown and the Ruyi Crown, but the Celestial Master wearing the Hibiscus Crown arrived in person.

Four of the eight great masters of Pingzhang have come, needless to say Wu Niang. Master Jiang is the closest and will definitely come, as well as Master Shi Da of Wanxiang Taoist Palace and Master Yan of Posuzhou.

Speaking of Yan Daren, because she has not rejuvenated, she already has the image of a white-haired old woman. Among women, she is considered tall, but not as exaggerated as Lei Xiaohuan. She is upright, graceful, and majestic. It can be seen that she must have been a cold beauty when she was young. , but after getting old, the air-conditioning has turned into an evil spirit. Every move she makes gives people a stereotyped and meticulous attitude. Whether she is walking, standing, sitting, or talking to others, her face is expressionless and intimidating.

Completely different from Cihang Zhenren and Wuniang.

Master Cihang always makes people feel like a spring breeze, and they can't help but feel good about him. Wu Niang is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. This person is cold on the outside and cold on the inside, so it is really difficult to deal with. Being able to invite her here this time is very important to the Zhang family's face.

As for Master Landa, he didn't have any objections to Qi Xuansu, nor was he concerned about the safety of Borneo. He was just too lazy to do anything, so he let Xu Jiaorong represent him.

Several other great masters of Pingzhang also sent symbolic congratulations.

Half of the thirty-six Master Shenzhi came. Everyone who could come came. For example, all the masters from Yujing, except Master Qingwei, basically all arrived, but Master Qingwei also entrusted Li Zhuyu to come to express his congratulations.

Some of those who didn't come were really busy with their affairs and couldn't get away from it. Some were unwilling to come, such as Yao Shu, Li Wuji, Li Changlu and others who did not come. There were also some people who didn't really want to come, but had to come, and finally came, such as Li Ruoshui, who also represented the National Preceptor.

Master Shenzhi, who was not here, also sent someone to congratulate him on his behalf.

It is worth mentioning that the Earth Master sent a representative, Yao Pei. It's hard for people to say whether to give face or not. When talking about giving face, the Earth Master didn't show up, and brothers Yao Yi and Yao Shu didn't come. When talking about not giving face, Yao Pei, the future master of the Yao family, still came in person.

There were two of the three Taoists. Li Changge was far away in the Southern Continent, and it was time to rebuild the Northern Continent's intelligence system. At the critical moment, he really couldn't escape, and Qi Xuansu could only express his understanding. If Li Changge was in the Central Plains, he would most likely come and represent the National Preceptor, just like Yao Pei. Since Li Changge cannot come, Princess Chiying will represent Li Changge.

To Qi Xuansu's surprise, people from the imperial court also came - Yujing is a city of Taoist priests, and except for outliers like Qin Ling Pavilion, people from the royal family have the status of Taoist priests by default.

Jin King Qin Quanyi and Shi Bingyun arrived in Yujing to convey the congratulations of His Majesty the Emperor and the Queen Mother to the two rookies of the Taoist sect.

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