Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 16 Revisiting the old place

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu changed into casual clothes and walked leisurely to Taiqing City without calling for a taxi.

The entire Jade Capital has a very cold temperament. It is not only immovable by all winds, but also kept away from people thousands of miles away. However, Taiqing Square is the only exception. Various shops gather here, with the largest flow of people and the most pyrotechnic atmosphere.

When you come to Taiqing Square, the first thing you see is a majestic statue of Taishang Taozu, which is ten feet high and has a three-story Xumizuo. Shangqing Street and Yuqing Street intersect here, and the statue of Taishang Daozu is located at the intersection of the two. It is the center of Taiqing Square and the center of Yujing.

It is said that at the earliest time, someone proposed to erect a statue of Xuansheng here, but it was rejected by Xuansheng and was changed to Taishang Daozu.

Around the statue of Taishang Daozu, there are twenty-four sky lanterns hanging with tassels in the outer circle and twelve in the inner circle, for a total of thirty-six. Each sky lantern is the size of a water tank, surrounding the statue of Taishang Daozu. It rotates slowly in a strange trajectory, illuminating the entire Taiqing Square at night.

Although Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are very famous, not many people know them at the level of ordinary Taoist priests. After all, Taoist sects will not print their portraits in newspapers and spread them to the world. Most people still only hear about them. I don’t know the person by name. I know there are such two people, and I also know their deeds, but I don’t know what these two people look like.

Therefore, when Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu entered Taiqing City, they did not cause any shock. In fact, not only the two of them, but also other real people often went there incognito.

Since we were revisiting our old place, the first stop was naturally the weapons shop where we first met back then.

Regardless of the turbulent experiences that Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu have experienced in the past few years, especially Qi Xuansu, who has traveled almost half of the world, but for the Taoist priests in Yujing City, it is actually only a few years, and the wind and rain outside cannot hit Yu. Jing, it’s still the same here.

The two of them entered the shop, and the shopkeeper actually remembered them.

This also surprised Qi Xuansu: "After so many years, I didn't expect the shopkeeper to still remember us."

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "You two have extraordinary bearings. You look like a dragon or a phoenix among people at first glance, so you will naturally remember them."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand and said, "I don't dare to take it seriously."

The shopkeeper took a look at the clothes on the two of them - these were prepared by the Zhang family, and both the materials and craftsmanship were extraordinary.

It can be seen that the two of them are no longer what they used to be, and they probably look down on the weapons of his small shop.

Qi Xuansu did not hide it: "To be honest, the two of us met for the first time in your store. We finally became a Taoist couple yesterday, so we revisited our old place today."

The shopkeeper was startled, then clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations."

Qi Xuansu returned the gift with his hands raised: "Thank you very much."

The shopkeeper asked tentatively: "I haven't asked the names of these two fellow Taoists yet."

Qi Xuansu said: "My surname is Wei, Wei Wugui. Her surname is Tantai, Tantaichu."

"It turns out to be Taoist friends Wei and Tantai." The shopkeeper sighed, "Yesterday was really a good day. I heard that Qi Zhenren and Zhang Zhenren also got married yesterday. It was said that there was such a big ceremony that half of the big shots in Jinque went there. ”

Qi Xuansu remained calm and smiled as usual: "We have also heard that this day was specially chosen to enjoy the joy of these two real people."

Zhang Yuelu remained silent, carefully selected a gun, and asked: "How much peace money?"

The shopkeeper took a look and said with a smile: "Four hundred and eighty peace coins, I'll give you two a discount, four hundred and six, you can consider it as my congratulatory gift."

Zhang Yuelu paid the money happily without rejecting the offer: "Thank you, shopkeeper, for your kindness."

Qi Xuansu said a few more polite words to the shopkeeper before going out.

Zhang Yuelu gently stroked the gun, then handed it to Qi Xuansu: "This is for you."

Qi Xuansu took the gun and said, "This is good. Although it won't be used, it can be placed in my study."

Then, Qi Xuansu raised his eyes and looked around: "Since you gave me a gift, I have to return the gift."

There was a jade jewelry store not far away. Qi Xuansu pulled Zhang Yuelu directly towards the jade jewelry store.

Zhang Yuelu let Qi Xuansu pull him, expressing doubt: "Do you have money? I won't lend it to you. That would be using my money to give me gifts."

Qi Xuansu was full of confidence: "Don't worry, I just borrowed a thousand Taiping money from Xiao Yin. This girl has a lot of savings. She also asked Qiniang to open an account for her at Taiping Bank."

Zhang Yuelu didn't believe it even more: "Can Xiao Yin be so kind?"

Qi Xuansu explained: "There is interest."

While talking, the two of them had already entered the jade jewelry store.

The store is not small and there are many people.

There are all kinds of sentient beings inside.

There are young Taoist priests and their wives coming here to buy jade, and most of them are men and women who are preparing to get married or are already married.

The male Taoist priests and female Taoist priests here also compete with each other in acting.

Needless to say, the female Taoist priests tried their best to make the male Taoist priests bleed more.

The male Taoist priests are not stupid either. They keep pulling, even to the extreme.

A male Taoist priest was constantly looking at the prices of the jade articles. His face became more solemn as he looked at it, and there were thin beads of sweat on his forehead.

In the end, the male Taoist set his sights on a pendant with a price in the middle to lower range, while his partner focused on a pendant that was 30% more expensive.

The male Taoist priest thought about it for a long time, trying to persuade the female Taoist priest, but as soon as he started, the female Taoist priest's face turned from sunny to cloudy, and the male Taoist priest did not dare to say any more. He sighed, gritted his teeth, and pointed to the pendant that was 30% more expensive. The female Taoist priest smiled like a flower again.

Another male Taoist priest came with his Taoist companion, and his Taoist companion had directly taken the jade ornaments to compare with his body. Although the male Taoist priest had a look of pain on his face, he still suppressed the Taoist monk's questioning about whether it looked good or not. Feeling helpless, angry and other emotions, I managed to squeeze out a smile that looked like crying, saying something against my will that was so beautiful.

This man obviously understood that he had to do this. He had to kneel down and take out the peace money with a smile, because once he expressed his objection, he didn’t even have to object, but he was just hesitant or displeased, the female Taoist priest would throw away her hand and leave. The two would have a big argument afterwards, and then buy a more expensive one to calm the situation.

There was also a male Taoist priest who had a deeper Qi-cultivating skill than the previous two brothers. He smiled and looked very happy throughout the whole process. However, Qi Xuansu still keenly noticed that when asked about the specific price, this person's face would always twitch unnaturally, and then his eyes would look elsewhere to cover up his unwillingness.

Others make money on their knees, but he spends money on his knees.

Of course you have to be unwilling to do so.

Of course, the female Taoist priests can see the reluctance of the male Taoist priests and know that they do not want to buy jade for themselves, but they will pretend not to know.

Female Taoist priests also said that no one is forcing these male Taoist priests to marry. One is willing to be beaten and the other is willing to suffer.

Of course Qi Xuansu is not comparable to these three brothers. He did it voluntarily.

The shopkeeper could tell at a glance that Qi Xuansu and Qi Xuansu were well-dressed and elegant, and they must be potential big customers, so he took the initiative to welcome them.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand angrily: "Don't take out anything less than five hundred."

Anyway, he spent Xiao Yin's money and bought things for Zhang Yuelu, so he didn't feel bad at all.

As for repaying the money, why should I pay back the money I borrowed based on my ability?

If Xiao Yin is not convinced, he can use violence to collect debts! Let her understand clearly that truth is only within the range of cannons, and force is the basis of power.

Of course, this is a joke. Qi Xuansu would not be so mean and would definitely return the favor, because after he was promoted to Shenzhi Zhenren, his salary has been improved. In addition to hidden benefits such as travel, housing, divine power, and creation, there are also Direct peace money income.

Master Donghua probably couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly returned this part of the treatment to Qi Xuansu instead of handing it over to Qiniang. However, the previous income will still be transferred to Qiniang's account as usual to pay off the debt.

Calculating this, Qi Xuansu can make an income of 3,600 yuan of peace money a year. For a Taoist priest of Qi Xuansu's level, it is just enough to maintain daily expenses, but it is enough to pay back the money.

The shopkeeper's eyes shone brightly, and he immediately asked people to take out the exquisite products in the store, put them all in boxes, and arrange them one by one.

In fact, any piece of jewelry in the dowry prepared by the Zhang family for Zhang Yuelu is much better, and it has its own origin and explanation. If Qi Xuansu wanted to carefully prepare gifts, he could have found some top-quality materials from Nanyang and then asked top craftsmen to customize them, but that would be uninteresting. Because Taiqing City is the place where they met and it was their old place to revisit, it was "interesting".

When they reach the status of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, material things are secondary, and "meaning" is very important.

Qi Xuansu finally picked out a deer-shaped jade pendant, held it in his hand and compared it with Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu was also very considerate and actively cooperated.

The shopkeeper reported a number: "Seven hundred peace coins."

Qi Xuansu was in a good mood and paid happily without counter-offering.

In this way, Qi Xuansu became a "role model". Several female Taoist priests used Qi Xuansu to criticize her - look at others, how happy they are to buy things for Taoists, and look at you, grinding and scratching.

Several male Taoist priests hated Qi Xuansu with all their teeth. They regarded him as a traitor and a scum, but they did not dare to refute, so they only obeyed.

Qi Xuansu suddenly had an understanding. For people like Li Minghuang, it must be a twisted pleasure to conquer those female Taoist priests who are bossy to their Taoist companions, and make them treat themselves wholeheartedly and even serve them in all kinds of ways. This contrast must be a twisted pleasure, right? This kind of pleasurable feeling even surpasses physical happiness, so he never tires of it.

Moreover, Li Minghuang also had double standards. He was allowed to seduce other people's women, but his own women had to erect a chastity memorial. Anyone who dared to touch her would fight her to the death, and even if they were separated, they would still be unhappy.

This kind of person may not be able to do the job of uniting female Taoist priests. If he finds an opportunity, he will have to continue to adjust. It would be best to retire early.

Although the official position of the Taoist sect has many rules and restrictions, and it is subject to moral judgment at every turn, and it is easy to be caught in the pigtails, it is also a great talisman. What would happen to Zhou Mengyao without this amulet? That can be fatal.

Qi Xuansu didn't want to kill Li Minghuang, but he understood one thing. If he did this to Li Minghuang, Li Minghuang would not give in. He would definitely look for opportunities to take revenge. As long as Li Minghuang refused to admit defeat, sooner or later he would reach the point of fighting to the death.

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