Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 18 Returning

Although it was a family dinner, Qi Xuansu was very happy and toasted frequently.

In fact, everyone could see that Qi Xuansu was looking for something to make up for. The more he lacked something, the more he needed to make up for it.

Qi Xuansu doesn't care about beauty and property, but he cares about his family very much, because the former is easily available, while the latter is exactly what he can't get.

A family is not complete just by marrying a wife and having children, but also by having an elderly person.

It was as if he had created a fantasy for himself. Anyone who wanted to expose his fantasy, such as Zhou Mengyao, would have to fight tooth and nail.

It is worth mentioning that Qi Xuansu did not inflict "drunk life and dream of death" on Zhang Yuelu, but gave him a burning knife. This was Zhang Yuelu's request when they attended other people's wedding banquets together. At that time, Zhang Yuelu asked if he had burned the knife, but many people's jaws dropped.

"I didn't expect you to still remember." Zhang Yuelu was very grateful and a little surprised.

Xiao Yin was curious about everything, thinking it was something good, and wanted to drink it.

Qi Xuansu poured her a glass.

Xiao Yin drank it all in one gulp, and then immediately spat it out: "Bah, bah, bah, it's bitter and spicy, it tastes terrible!"

Everyone laughed.

After a banquet, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

After the banquet, Wu Niang had something to do. After all, she, the great master of Pingzhang, couldn't just idle around all day, so she had to go to Zixiao Palace today.

For Pingzhang Daren, he basically said goodbye to sleep, so there is no need to talk about things day and night, it can be done at any time. Master Jiang Da was waiting for her in Zixiao Palace.

Qiniang was fine, but Xiao Yin wanted to visit Taiqing City, so Qiniang would not refuse Xiao Yin. Qi Xuansu asked Zhang Yuelu to take him to Liuhu Lake so that the four of them could go shopping together.

He stopped following.

Firstly, a group of women must visit some stores that the male Taoist priest is not interested in. Secondly, he has no money, so Qiniang will foot the bill tonight.

However, Qi Xuansu couldn't say that on the surface. Instead, he gave a high-sounding reason - he wanted to go back and write materials that would be used when he officially took office as the real person in charge of the Wanxiang Dao Palace.

When it comes to official matters, Zhang Yuelu always fully supports Qi Xuansu, so he doesn't force it and gives Yan Yongzhen a day off. The four women go shopping in Taiqing City.

Qi Xuansu walked back alone.

But halfway, Qi Xuansu met an uninvited guest.

Zhou Mengyao.

This is somewhat unexpected.

But it makes sense.

Zhou Mengyao has a historical problem and cannot be a real person in Pingzhang, but he is still a Taoist priest of the fourth grade offering wine, and is not a wanted criminal in the Taoist sect. Like Qiniang, he can enter and exit Yujing freely.

Qi Xuansu is not afraid either. This is Yujing. Who dares to commit murder in the street?

Zhou Mengyao didn't dare, and neither did Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu walked towards a deserted alley, followed closely by Zhou Mengyao.

Today, Zhou Mengyao was wearing a big cloak and a hood. When she took off her hood, she was still quite stunning.

However, Qi Xuansu was destined to be indifferent and concealed his hostility and asked casually: "How is your injury?"

At first glance, I thought the two were old friends meeting again.

Only those involved know the dangers involved.

Zhou Mengyao replied: "I'm worried about you, it's nothing serious."

Qi Xuansu twitched his lips: "That's good."

Zhou Mengyao looked at Qi Xuansu: "Pseudo-immortal stage."

Qi Xuansu said: "You shouldn't be surprised."

"Of course it's not surprising. After all, this is the 'Heart of the Immortality Stone', and it is the 'Heart of the Immortality Stone' that Yao Zu paid the most attention to." Zhou Mengyao said, "It will be very difficult for me to kill you again. Wait. If you reach the immortal stage, you may be able to kill me."

Qi Xuansu asked: "You came to see me today, are you resenting me as my disciple for not inviting you as my master?"

"No." Zhou Mengyao said calmly.

Qi Xuansu was a little surprised that Zhou Mengyao was calm, no longer condescending, and naturally not angry. Could it be that Jiang Daren's sword cut her awake?

Does losing your head still have this effect?

If Zhou Mengyao is really beaten awake, it will be difficult to deal with.

Qi Xuansu said: "That's good. If you have any questions, just speak up. After all, I have been a master and apprentice, so you know me."

Zhou Mengyao smiled: "I said I just came to see you, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." Qi Xuansu said frankly, "You picked this time, when I was holding a family banquet, and you came to see me, it was more like threatening me. Knowing that I value my family, you wanted to take advantage of the people close to me. Threatening me? Then you can give it a try, are you not the only one in the Zhou family? "

Qi Xuansu did not hide his threatening intentions at all.

Most of the time, Qi Xuansu is willing to act within the rules, but in some special circumstances, Qi Xuansu does not mind using extraordinary or even extreme means.

Zhou Mengyao said calmly: "I have heard about what happened to you in Nanyang. Pei Shenfu and Li Tianqing fell into your hands. Of course I believe you have such strength."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Then what do you want to do?"

Zhou Mengyao spoke softly: "I just want to advise you to stop in moderation."

Qi Xuansu's mind was sharp and he immediately asked: "Did you say this, or did the Earth Master say this?"

Zhou Mengyao asked, "What if it's me? What if it's an Earth Master?"

Qi Xuansu said: "There is indeed no difference. In Taoism, after reaching a certain position, whether a person falls or not has nothing to do with being public or low-key. The key is to follow the right person. If you stand in the right team, no matter how domineering you are, you can You are free and easy, but if you are on the wrong team, no matter how low-key you are, you will inevitably end up in jail.”

"Is it enough for me to stop today? Can we still shake hands and make peace? I am not a three-foot-tall child. It is better not to say such words to deceive children."

"You go back and tell the Earth Master that I, Qi Xuansu, want to control my own destiny and not be her puppet. As for who wins and who loses, we'll just have to wait and see."

Zhou Mengyao was surprised by Qi Xuansu's resolute attitude and Qi Xuansu's clear understanding. He took a deep look at Qi Xuansu and turned around to leave.

Qi Xuansu returned home alone and did not mention the incident to anyone else.

Qiniang stayed in Yujing for a few days and then left.

For her, Yu Jing was too restrictive and she felt uncomfortable.

Qi Xuansu did not force him to stay.

Wuniang seemed to be making relevant appointments soon, so she didn't show up much in the past few days.

Half of Zhang Yuelu's wedding leave had been used, and Qi Xuansu's appointment was about to come down, so the two decided to return home.

According to folk rules, it should be the third day after the wedding, which is the day to return home, and the Zhang family will send someone to pick her up.

However, considering the distance between Yujing and Yunjin Mountain, and the special circumstances of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, the Zhang family did not force it, but allowed them to make arrangements freely, as long as they came back.

So after Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu sent Qiniang away, they decided to go back to the Da Zhenren Mansion in Yunjin Mountain.

For Qi Xuansu, it somewhat means returning home from wealth.

When I went there for the first time, you looked down upon me. What about now?

The representative figure of the Zhang family was Zhang Yueyue, his brother-in-law, who symbolically took Zhang Yuelu back and invited Qi Xuansu, his brother-in-law, to have a drink.

In the end, Zhang Wuyue took Qi Xuansu's flying boat, and Qi Xuansu joked a few words, "Are you here to pick someone up?" Or are you here to catch a ride?

Zhang Wuyue was thick-skinned and didn't care. He just said "the same" and was fooled.

Speaking of which, after Zhang Wumeng's catastrophe, he became much calmer and no longer as impetuous as before. Everyone, including Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, had a greatly improved impression of him. Even the Zhang family, Zhang Jucheng, praised him face to face and asked him to follow Qi Xuansu and do a good job. The implication of his words was that he wanted to reuse Zhang Wuyue. of.

Zhang Wuyue can be regarded as a reborn person. He used to be favored by Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, but many people still look down on him and don't really take him seriously. Everything is done for the sake of his sister and brother-in-law.

This time he was able to withstand the Li family's methods. Not to mention outsiders, everyone in the Zhang family would look at him with admiration. When mentioning Zhang Wuyue, they would all praise him. He is worthy of being a descendant of our Zhang family. Even without the halo of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, he is still considered a figure now.

As the Taoist sect has developed to this day, talent has a great influence, but it is not as great as in the past. After all, Qi Xuansu can lead Zhang Yuelu, which already speaks volumes. Therefore, there are many times when the character and ability have to be tested. Zhang Wuyue's character is undoubtedly recognized, at least by Zhang Jucheng. Even without the care of Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu, the future will be bright.

This means that it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.

The trip went smoothly, without encountering Wu Luo blocking the way, and we arrived at Yunjin Mountain smoothly.

The newlyweds Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu went directly to Dazhen Mansion.

This is not the first time Qi Xuansu has come to Dazhen Mansion. There are Xuantan Hall, Zhenwu Hall, Lifting Office, Law and Seal Bureau, Zanjiao Hall, Wanfa Zongtan, lobby, family temple, private residence, Sansheng Hall, Weifu Bookstore, Imperial Book Pavilion, Star Observation Tower, Cooling House, Ganoderma Garden, Demon-Suppressing Platform and other places.

Qi Xuansu knew that Zhu Guo was in the Ganoderma Garden, the Demon Suppressing Platform was where the Demon Suppressing Well Cave was, the Wanfa Zongtan Altar was where the entire Yunjin Mountain formation cardinal was located, the Weifu Bookstore was the Heavenly Master's study, and the Imperial Book Pavilion was the library. Major festivals like the Lantern Festival that involve a large number of people are usually arranged in the lobby.

He didn't know what the family temple was for in the past, but now he knows.

He and Zhang Yuelu first came to the family temple and worshiped three generations of heavenly masters, namely the ancestor heavenly master, the successor heavenly master and the lineage heavenly master. They were also the main founders of the foundation of the Zhengdaozhenren mansion. Then he went to the private residence to meet with the Heavenly Master and a group of elders of the Zhang family who were born with the word "无".

There were too many people of the "Ju" generation, and only Zhang Juqi and Zhang Jucheng were present as representatives. The former was Zhang Yuelu's biological father, and the latter was the eldest son of the Zhang family.

The elders of the Zhang family did not let the young couple pay their respects in vain. Everyone prepared gifts in advance, which were of great value. There were many good things such as elixirs, talismans and classics that money could not buy.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu declined, but they still accepted the offer on the grounds that "it is an indispensable gift from the elders".

Of course, courtesy reciprocates, and there were many juniors from the Zhang family who came over to salute the two of them.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu had to give gifts to these children and nephews.

Qi Xuansu had no money, so Zhang Yuelu and Qiniang arranged and prepared everything in advance.

Finally, a banquet was held to entertain the son-in-law Qi Xuansu.

After the banquet, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu settled their accounts. Although there were many juniors and many "red envelopes" were given out, the elders of the Zhang family were really generous. They made a small profit of 20,000 yuan each time they went in and out.

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