Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 21 Taking office in Wanxiang Taoist Palace

Chapter 21 The appointment of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace The Wanxiang Taoist Palace has received the news, and with the order from Master Shi Da, preparations have been made to welcome the new leader of the camp.

This is undoubtedly to build momentum for Qi Xuansu. The whole palace must know the importance of the new master, and Xiaoliang must not be underestimated.

This is also the treatment that one's own talents only receive. Who told Qi Xuansu to be from Fang Xiang Taoist Palace? After so many years, it is not easy for the Wanxiang Taoist Palace to produce a talent who is expected to compete for the great master.

In fact, it is not to create momentum. After the last incident, all the senior officials of Fang Xiang Dao Palace also know how powerful Qi Xuansu is. No one dares to quarrel with the famous new master of the palace, let alone oppose the new master. Master, unless he doesn’t want the Taoist crown on his head. Looking at the resume of this new master, he has many military exploits outside the Taoist sect, such as Fenglinzhou and New World, and also has many military exploits within the Taoist sect. Those who fell into his hands There are quite a few people there. Now Shi Yu has been promoted to teach at Zhi, and has been transferred to the upper camp of Fang Xiang Dao Camp. It is said that the superiors are still studying and deciding to promote her to teach at Yinqing.

From beginning to end, Qi Xuansu never mentioned this matter.

To put it harshly, he was too busy and didn't think about this at all. At most, he would ask if there were any difficulties when they met. Shi Yu was living so comfortably now, so of course there were no difficulties. Qi Xuansu was relieved, no. Will ask more in detail.

After all, Qi Xuansu was not close to Mo Qingdi and Shi Yu, so he could not talk about things in detail and cover everything.

As Qi Xuansu was about to arrive, everyone in Fang Xiangdao Palace started to move.

At this time, Ning Yuqing was walking in front, and Shi Yu was following behind, holding a pile of documents in his hands. After Shi Yu arrived at Wanxiang Dao Palace, he mainly followed Ning Yuqing to watch her work.

Ning Yuqing knew the relationship between Shi Yu and Qi Xuansu, so she was very polite to her and asked: "Shitou, I heard that you went to Qi Zhenren's wedding." Shi Yu was a little embarrassed: "It's rare that Qi Zhenren still remembers us."

Ning Yuqing sighed: "I don't know how many people are so impressed that they are dying."

Shi Yu said: "I didn't dare to think about it before. It was Zi Mansion or Chiming Palace. Without Secretary Yan to lead the way, let alone go in, Lian Da didn't know where to go.

After entering, my God, everything I saw was filled with lotus crowns, yellow, white, and purple. I also saw our Grand Master and Chief Sun.

I took a quick look and found that the lowest person present was a Taoist priest of the fourth grade, and there was also a child. He was already a Taoist priest of the third grade Youyi at a young age. Lao Mo and I were not even Taoist priests of the fourth grade, and we couldn’t even hold our heads up. ," Ning Yuqing asked, "No one is giving you a hard time, right? "

Shi Yu said: "That's not true. Although I am low in rank, everyone is very polite. There is even a real person saying hello to us."

Ning Yuqing smiled and said: "This is also reasonable. When things go wrong, there must be monsters. You can participate in the wedding ceremony of Master Qi and Master Zhang at this level. There must be something to say. Either Master Qi's past, or Zhang's. Although Zhenren’s mother-in-law is of low rank, the water behind her is deep, so no one dares to offend her.”

Shi Yu said: "It's just that Master Qi and Master Zhang are too busy and don't see each other much."

Ning Yuqing said: "Can you not be busy for such a big occasion? By the way, Master Qi will be the new boss soon. What do you think?"

Shi Yu said: "This...should be better?"

Ning Yuqing said: "Of course it will be better.

Just what is a good method? Based on your understanding of Qi Zhenren, do you have any ideas? "

Shi Yu thought carefully and said, "By the way, I met Mr. Zhang once when I was in Yujing."

Ning Yuqing was a little surprised: "Shitou, are you still friends with Master Zhang? Master Zhang is not easy to deal with."

Shi Yu said: "Back then, when Master Qi had not yet made his fortune, or in other words, when he had just started to make a fortune, he once brought Master Zhang to attend a class reunion, and we met him at that time.

In fact, in private, Mr. Zhang is quite easy to talk to. When my old man, Mo, happened at Qingping Bookstore, Mr. Qi was not in the Central Plains at the time, so it was Mr. Zhang who came forward to solve the problem. "

Ning Yuqing nodded and asked, "What did Master Zhang say?"

Shi Yudao: "We mainly talked about some family matters. Master Zhang accidentally mentioned that Master Qi has to write materials when he has nothing to do recently. It seems that it is for the purpose of fulfilling his new duties."

Ning Yuqing said thoughtfully: "If it is an ordinary inaugural speech, then just leave it to the secretary. There is no need to do it yourself... I am here to make some articles in the new palace."

While they were talking, the two of them had arrived at Sun Hewu's room where he was being held in custody, and Ning Yu pushed away! , walk into it.

Sun Hewu was standing in front of the window, overlooking the lower palace outside. When he heard the movement, he said, "Just put it on the table."

Shi Yu put the documents on the table as he said, and Ning Yuqing said: "Mr. Sun, this year's palace training is about to begin. According to the new training system for young talents, the candidates and preparatory wine sacrifices will also be considered. Including it, this is the specific list and information file this time.”

Sun Hewu turned around and said: "There is an unexpected situation. This year, we will temporarily add a student named... Qi Xiaoyin."

Xiao Yin can be called Yin Fangmiao, Yin Dabai, or of course Qi Xiaoyin.

It is common to change names and even surnames in Taoism. Li Minghuang changed his surname and generational character. Donghua Zhenren, Qingwei Zhenren, Pei Shenfu and others changed their names. Qi Xuansu and Yu Jian changed both their surnames and first names. Strictly speaking, he used to be a person without a surname, only a Taoist seniority, and later he changed his name to Qi Xuansu.

So Qi Xuansu finally changed Xiao Yin's file and asked her to follow his surname Qi. This can be regarded as a mistake.

I also thought about the nickname, so I called him Fang Miao. Qi Wanmiao and Wanmiao Zhenren Qi Jiao had the same name.

Although Qi Xuansu has strong opinions on Zhou Mengyao, he has no objections to the surname Qi. Moreover, Qi Xuansu has now become a golden brand. With such a great reputation, not to mention that everyone in the world does not know him, he can be regarded as powerful in Nanyang. , and he can't change his name anymore.

Ning Yuqing was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted: "Is she the adopted daughter of Master Qi?"

Sun Hewu said: "Yes, it's that little guy. Last time he caused a big disturbance in the lower palace, he came back again this time."

Ning Yuqing hesitated and said: "Does this comply with the regulations?" Sun He said: "There is nothing against the regulations. Don't underestimate this little guy. She has performed well in the Fenglinzhou War and the Southeast Asian Tiger Hunt. She is already tired." She is a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. She is not within the scope of the Young Talents Program and belongs to an individual Taoist priest who is re-training. "

Ning Yuqing asked: "Is this what Master Qi means?"

Sun Hewu laughed: "This really has nothing to do with Qi Tianyuan, at least not directly, it is what Qi Dazhen meant.

Jinque wanted to arrange a secretary for Master Qi Dazhen and asked him for his opinion. Master Qi Dazhen chose this little guy, according to the Tao! According to the rules, before taking up the post of Zhi Shi, she must undergo training in the Tao Palace, so she had to return to the Tao Palace for training.

In other words, even if there is no Master Qi, Master Qi has never served as my master in charge of the Fang Xiang Dao Palace. She should continue to study. "

Ning Yuqing said: "I understand, I will make arrangements right away."

Sun Hewu explained: "It's best to arrange this matter before Qi Dayuan arrives."

Ning Yuqing said: "Yes."

Sun Hewu both said: "That's all, let's go."

Ning Yuqing and Shi Yu retreated again.

Shi Yu said: "I have also seen this little Yin girl, she is very quirky."

Ning Yuqing sighed: "She has already been here once and caused such a big disturbance that Master Qi had to come in person to ask for an explanation. Who would have thought?"

Having said this, Ning Yuqing stopped and looked out. A group of Taoist palace students were rehearsing the ceremony to welcome the master in charge of the palace, making it look like a military formation.

"What are you doing this for?

"Shi Yu also stood beside Ning Yuqing, "Based on my understanding of Qi Zhenren, he definitely doesn't like it. "

Ning Yuqing smiled bitterly: "Of course Master Qi doesn't like it, but

It's not a mistake if you do it, you can only criticize it with a few words, but the real person above knows that your heart is still good, and you are still connected with the real person.

But if you don't do it, the real people above will inevitably think too much. Do you have any opinions on the real people? That is eccentricity. "

Shi Yu said: "Master Qi definitely doesn't think so."

Ning Yuqing said: "That's true, but hasn't it always been like this for so many years? We are just following the old rules and following the rules."

Shi Yu was naturally speechless.

On the other side, Xiao Yin was having trouble, not wanting to go to school or be a secretary.

But how could Xiao Yin have the final say in this kind of thing? The whole family worked together, taking turns doing ideological work, using both soft and hard tactics. Finally, Xiao Yin reluctantly agreed to go to Fang Xiang Taoist Camp for further study.

In addition, although Donghua Zhenren joked that he would not send anyone to send Qi Xuansu to his appointment, he still had to send someone in the end.

Because the relevant appointments of Qi Xuansu had to be read out in front of the senior officials of Fangxiang Taoist Palace, including Master Shi Dazhen.

Qi Xuansu cannot be allowed to read out his appointment by himself, that would be too inappropriate.

Therefore, Ziweitang had to send someone to announce the appointment.

Of course, Master Donghua would not go there in person, but considering that Qi Xuansu was already dead, Master Ziwei Hall sent Yao Pei, the new chief deputy hall master, to show its importance.

Speaking of which, when Qi Xuansu went to Fang Xiang Dao Palace for the first time, he was a classmate of Yao Pei. This time, Yao Pei sent him to take up his post, and it was a rare event that they came to Fang Xiang Dao Palace together. It's fate.

Qi Xuansu had no objection to this. In any case, he had no prejudice against Yao Pei and even missed the friendship he had as classmates.

In this way, Qi Xuansu took Xiao Yin, Yan Yongzhen, Lu Yujue and others, and together with Yao Pei, officially went to Wanxiang Taoist Palace.

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