Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 799: Fulfilling the Promise

Chapter 799: Fulfilling the Promise Did you see it? This is the head of the household, Lu Yu, whom you fear! ! "

Lin Tanying's voice was cold and without any emotion: "I have severely injured him before. If it weren't for my Lord Raponi's instruction, how could I get rid of useless things like yours?"

Hearing the girl's words, the generals looked ugly, but their eyes still shone with greed. It seemed that the situation was exactly as Lin Tanying said.

Lu Yu was at the end of his strength.

It is so difficult to even deal with a small phase level, which shows how far the combat power has declined! If we attack him in groups, we will surely kill him! The generals in the household were about to move, and their thoughts were conveyed, and people from all walks of life were approaching.

But at this moment, a strange smile appeared on Lu Yu's face.

All the households were shocked and couldn't help but stop moving forward at the same time.

Is the situation really as Lin Tanying said? If Lu Yu really didn't have the strength to fight, then why did Raponi mobilize so many troops and mobilize all the undead from around Yalu Mountain? And it's not just that.

Not one of Raponi's direct troops, the Shadow Bugs, showed up.

Is it because you feel that you are bound to win and there is no need to increase your combat power? If you were really 100% sure of killing Lu Yu, why not add another bargaining chip? The more the generals thought about it, the more they felt something was wrong, and they all cast suspicious glances at Lin Tanying.

This general, who always looks like a junior high school student, is not a firm person.

She once slaughtered the undead in order to improve her strength! Although he is not full of bad records, he has a lot of criminal records.

Is it true that we were ordered to carry out an encirclement and suppression campaign this time? ? Once the seeds of doubt are sorted out, they quickly take root and sprout in the hearts of everyone.

General-level bereaved households are inherently different from ordinary mutated bereaved households.

Their intelligence has already exceeded that of ordinary humans.

While high IQ brings high survival rates, it also brings the side effect of "high suspicion."

The slightest disturbance will cause them to stop moving forward.

"Lin Tanying, since you are so sure of your words, why don't you fire the first shot of this encirclement and suppression? How about that?"

"I'll help you raid the formation on the side, and I won't take your lead!"

Lin Tanying curled her lips, showing disdain.

How could she not know what these generals were thinking and immediately shouted in a sharp voice: "Chen Youguo!! Come out!!"

As soon as these words fell, a figure wearing a burqa walked out of the crowd.

Although he is also a general-level mourner, he does not stand in line with others of his kind.

Instead, he was mixed among the retinues.

It looks weird and timid.

Chen Youguo came under Lin Tanying with a trembling voice, bowed his head and said in a low voice, "I have seen the leader of the generals in the Eastern District."

Lin Tanying had no intention of talking nonsense to the other party. She raised her hand and pointed at Lu Yu in the distance, "Go and get rid of him."

"Ah?" Chen Youguo trembled and almost fell to the ground.

"This, this, I'm afraid this is inappropriate, isn't it? My strength is so low that I'm about to fall out of the top ten in the Eastern District... Before Chen Youguo could finish speaking, Lin Tanying swung at him: "What, you are questioning my judgment? , Worried that you are not strong enough to take down that cripple? "

"Or do you mean that you simply don't take me as the leader of the generals seriously and are unwilling to obey my orders?"

Chen Youguo waved his hands to deny it, but cursed secretly in his heart.

"Nonsense, if Lu Yu is so easy to deal with, why don't you do it yourself?"

"I came out just before the battle. Don't you think I'm weak and easy to bully?!"

At the same time, he tried his best to explain on the surface: "The head of the household is very powerful. Who among the households doesn't know about it, and who doesn't know about it?"

"Even if he is seriously injured, it is not something that a weak and powerful person like me can deal with."

"For the sake of safety, please think twice and personally... I still haven't finished speaking.

Faguo's right hand was still swinging one second, and the next second, it was nailed to the ground by the mental power of the forest shadow! The burqa covering the face was lifted up, revealing the frightened old face inside. "Don't ask me to repeat it again."

The girl said coldly, her purple eyes filled with murderous intent.

Now that things have happened, Chen Youguo can no longer hide.

He would still make the simple choice of dying immediately or possibly dying later.

After moving his wrist and looking at the slowly healing wound on his palm, Chen Youguo grimaced and prepared to summon his followers and launch an attack.

But the spiritual link that had always worked well in the past had lost its effect at this moment.

The rich servants were all dumbfounded and did not respond at all to the attack instructions.

"Sure enough, it is impossible for a fully prepared household head to kill with his slave..." Chen Youguo sighed, took out a dagger from his burqa, and stepped forward slowly.

He is only at the seventh level, which is worthy of being ranked first among the top ten generals. He is unable to condense the spiritual blade as freely as Lin Tanying.

Only the most primitive hand-to-hand methods can be used.

Dragging such an old body is no different than sending someone to death.

However, when Lu Yu saw Chen Youguo approaching, he didn't react at all.

He just looked at him with those golden eyes, half-smiling.

After the two were close enough, Lu Yu spoke softly: "It's time to fulfill the original promise."


Fa Guo was stunned, and the man who had already been held by his ear lowered his head a little.

Among the surrounding guards, many horse-level mourners turned their heads under the instructions of other generals and eavesdropped on the conversation between the two.

"what are you saying?"

Chen Youguo's eyes trembled, obviously trying his best to restrain his inner excitement.

"Haw, have you forgotten? Even after becoming a general, the memory of the elderly is still so bad..." Lu Yu sighed.

"I didn't forget, of course I didn't forget! I thought you forgot... No! I thought you lied to me!"

Chen Youguo tried his best to lower his voice, and the words came out of his throat one by one.

"How can you think of me like that? I have a good reputation and am the most trustworthy person."

Lu Yu pretended to be aggrieved, but the look in his eyes was full of drama: "Come, come closer, let me tell you how to become the main level."

Chen Youguo leaned forward and listened subconsciously.

But before he got too close, he immediately retracted like an electric shock.

"You're lying to me!"

The friend raised his head again, his eyes full of suspicion. "If you wanted to tell me, why didn't you tell me earlier! Did you have to wait until now?!"

Lu Yu chuckled: "What's the point of lying to you? If I really wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago."

"Believe it or not, you can kill me with one knife."

"But I need to remind you that after passing this village, there is no such store."

Chen Youguo hesitated for a moment.

Although he felt that Lu Yu must be scheming in his heart, he still slowly leaned forward. However, at this moment, Lu Yu stretched out his right hand like lightning and suddenly grabbed his wrist. Chen Youguo was horrified and wanted to break free. , but the huge force coming from the wrist is irresistible! "Pfft."

The blade penetrated the flesh and penetrated Lu Yu's chest! moon

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