Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 125 Progress

When the flying boat landed in Yaochi, a group of high-ranking officials of the Daofu, led by the second deputy palace master Lu Yujue, came to pick up the boat.

Now Lu Yujue is in high spirits. He has just been promoted to the second deputy palace master. The master of the palace is his old boss. However, after working for a few days, the chief deputy palace master Zhao Jiaowu got into trouble. He was said to be temporarily isolated for investigation, but in his opinion, it was more likely to be bad than good.

In this way, the master of the palace was not there and went to Huqian County, and the master of the palace was not there either and went to Yujing. Lu Yujue became the most important person in the Daxueshan Palace.

The master of the palace is not there, I am here.

The deputy palace master means that if the palace master is not there, I am the palace master.

It is certainly contemptible to flatter the powerful and trample on the weak, but if you are the one being flattered, it is a different feeling.

Everyone in the Daofu knew that Lu Yujue was Qi Xuansu's confidant. Now that Chen Zhengxian died and Zhao Jiaowu was out, Qi Xuansu not only gained a firm foothold in the Western Region Daofu, but also inevitably took control of the Western Region Daofu. The Western Region Daofu had entered the Qi Xuansu era, and Lu Yujue's status naturally rose with the tide, and many people came to curry favor with Lu Yujue.

On the other hand, Zhou Xiaosong's life was difficult. Even if Lu Yujue didn't do anything to her, there were still well-informed people who didn't want to reveal their names who exposed the two people's affairs. After all, it was still a hot topic at the time. It was regarded as a confrontation between the two camps, involving the dispute between Qi Xuansu and Li Changge, and the dispute between Zhang Yuelu and Li Minghuang. In the end, the Li family failed. Li Minghuang was demoted to Qingshui Yamen, and Lu Yujue defected. The Li family lost both the wife and the army.

As the person involved, Zhou Xiaosong was inevitably criticized. Some people said she was morally corrupt, and some people said she was short-sighted, and she ended up in this situation. I am not afraid of bad people or stupid people, but I am afraid of bad and stupid people.

Qi Xuansu was the first to walk down the gangway, and Lu Yujue was the first to greet him, saying: "I hope the real person who is in charge of the house is back. Congratulations to the real person who is in charge of the house for making new achievements and reaching a higher level."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand: "After all, you are the second deputy house owner. It is too grand to come and pick me up in person."

Lu Yujue said: "It is different, and the meaning is different. Strictly speaking, this is the first time that the real person has come to the Western Region Dao Mansion as the real person who is in charge of the house."

What Lu Yujue said was that Qi Xuansu removed the word "acting". He used to be the acting head of the house, but now he is the real head of the house.

Having said that, Qi Xuansu didn't say anything more and made way. Behind him were Zhang Yuelu and Xiao Yin.

Lu Yujue greeted the two again. Regardless of Zhang Yuelu's position, the identity of "superior Taoist partner" must be treated seriously, not to mention that Zhang Yuelu is the future candidate for the Heavenly Master.

Perhaps there is still some doubt about who will inherit the position of Heavenly Master between Cihang Zhenren and Zhang Jucheng, but there is no doubt about Zhang Yuelu. Whether it is counted from Cihang Zhenren or Zhang Jucheng, it must be passed on to Zhang Yuelu, not Zhang Yuyue.

Finally, it was Xiao Yin. Lu Yujue had already received the news and directly changed his name to Xiao Qi Zhenren, which was a bit like "Little Elder".

After the greetings, the group returned to the Daxueshan Palace from Yaochi.

On the way, Lu Yujue took the initiative to say: "I heard that many things happened during the visit of the Master of the Palace to Yujing, which also involved our Western Region Dao Palace. It's not peaceful."

Qi Xuansu did not avoid it: "You are well-informed. I did communicate with Jinque before I left, and Jinque agreed with my opinion. You are the second deputy palace master, and I need your cooperation. It's a good time to say hello to you in advance."

Lu Yujue said seriously: "Yes."

Qi Xuansu asked: "How have you investigated during my absence?"

Lu Yu Jue said: "Now this is a private occasion, let me say something not quite right, how many people can withstand the investigation? Chief Zhao has been in the Western Regions for many years, with deep roots and complicated connections. He has nothing in his own name, but he has countless properties and lands registered in the names of others. He has three large manors with hundreds of acres of land. On the surface, the Taoist sect has only three service Taoists, but he has hundreds of servants and retainers in private. He has only one Taoist partner, but he has more than a dozen mistresses without a name. I have to say, I really didn't expect it. Alas, lesson, a painful lesson."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "It will rain, my mother will marry, and he wants to cut himself off from the Taoist sect. No one can do anything about it."

Lu Yujue continued: "It is said that if the top beam is not straight, the bottom beam will be crooked. He has been the second for several years, and now he is the first. The influence is extremely bad and has corrupted a group of people. It can be said that a rat shit spoils the whole pot of porridge. From him, it is a series of people, and there is almost a tendency of collapse."

Qi Xuansu frowned and asked: "Is it so serious?"

Lu Yujue said: "Of course, his Taiping money is Where did it come from? It was exchanged for the Taoist cap. "

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "Selling official positions and titles."

Lu Yujue said: "Chief Zhang is right. Although the personnel power is in the hands of Chen Zhenren, the Taoist master, Chen Zhenren has to listen to other people's opinions when promoting Taoist priests. Zhao Jiaowu used to be the second in command and a junior of Chen Zhenren. He can influence Chen Zhenren's decision to a great extent. He used his influence to influence the personnel appointments of the Taoist office to make money. "

In today's Taoist sect, it depends on how you say it to exchange Taoist caps for money.

Someone was originally going to be promoted. He gave his boss a little "heartfelt gift" and the boss accepted it. Does it count as exchanging Taoist caps for money?

Even if it is not given beforehand, it must be given afterwards. It does not look like exchanging Taoist caps for money, but rather a favor.

But in fact, if you don't have a bunch of Taoist crowns in your hand, who has a relationship with you? Who is willing to associate with you?

If this one doesn't take that one, someone will take it. If you don't take it, and I don't take it, how can the real people above take it?

Every major personnel change is actually the sharing of benefits by the top management.

To put it nicely, they are all rare talents and meet the promotion standards. The problem is that there are only a few positions, but there are many people who meet the promotion standards. Too many monks and too little porridge is always the norm in Taoism.

Many people want to fight for the extremely limited quota, what should they do? Naturally, they have to exchange benefits.

The difference is just a matter of whether the eating appearance is good or not. There is no need to pay attention to these. There are probably only two types of situations.

One is that the performance is excellent, enough to shut everyone up. If you don't promote this person, you will be said to be blind. And the subordinates have achieved results, they already have their own share, and they also need people who really work.

The other is that the background is deep and there are people above.

Qi Xuansu is both of these. He has a strong background, even a great influence, and his achievements are beyond words. He can always perfectly complete the various tasks assigned by his superiors, so he is naturally promoted very quickly and goes straight to the position of the Grand Master.

Maybe some people say that there is no interest exchange between Lu Yujue and Qi Xuansu. This is true, mainly for two reasons: First, Qi Xuansu is not interested in this, he does not care about a little money and interest, he is more concerned about his reputation. Second, Lu Yujue belongs to the second situation, with a strong background and someone above him. Qi Xuansu helped Lu Yujue, and he was also showing his goodwill to the Lu family? This is also a consideration of human feelings.

Now that Zhao Jiaowu's building is about to collapse, those who have risen to the top through his connections will naturally not be able to keep their positions. This is a line, one rises and all rises, one falls and all fall. If there is a problem with the people below, they can still cut off the tail of the gecko and cut it off from the middle, but if there is a problem with the top thread, that is the end of the whole army being annihilated. Anyway, there is no shortage of people. If you don't do it, there are plenty of people who will do it.

Lu Yujue can arrange his own people to fill the vacant position on behalf of Qi Xuansu.

Lu Yujue certainly did not do it for money. Coming from a big family like him, he was not short of money. Even if he was short of money, he would not be greedy. He mainly wanted power.

Power is from top to bottom and from bottom to top. It requires both endorsement from above and being sidelined in order to gain real power.

Without confidants and people of one's own, what will be the result? The little emperors in history books have already given the answer.

Qi Xuansu didn't care much about this, and asked, "What else?"

Lu Yujue replied, "There are also some unjust, false and wrong cases, which are also related to Zhao Jiaowu. I have arranged people to clean them up. Corrections should be made, responsibilities should be pursued, and compensation should be paid."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand and said, "These have their own rules and regulations. You can just follow them. Including personnel issues, you can leave them to the palace master's meeting for discussion. What I'm asking is whether the leak of Chen Zhenren's itinerary is related to Zhao Jiaowu? Do you have any solid evidence? You are the second deputy palace master, The Beichen Hall branch is also under your leadership, so you need to make a clear statement. "

Lu Yujue was originally from the Beichen Hall, and now he is the second deputy palace master. It is natural for him to handle this matter easily. There is no problem of being unskilled in the business. He hurriedly replied: "There are already some clues. The reason why Zhao Jiaowu has taken in many mistresses is that he is the only son of the Zhao family for five generations. He has always wanted a son, but he has been childless for many years. This is not surprising. This is destiny. How many gods and Buddhas have sons? Daozu and Buddha don't have sons either. But Zhao Jiaowu is particularly unwilling to accept it. , always looking for the so-called secret method and secret recipe, and he really did it. We found out that Zhao Jiaowu seemed to have an illegitimate child. "Qi Xuansu was a smart man, and immediately understood the hidden meaning of Lu Yujue's words, and said thoughtfully: "The beauty trap of the Thirty-Six Stratagems? What are you going to do?" Lu Yujue said softly: "In an extraordinary period, I'm afraid we can't follow the routine. These days, I have been thinking about this matter, and I have some ideas, but they are not necessarily mature." Qi Xuansu said: "Immature ideas are also ideas. You speak out your ideas and we will perfect them together. To make it mature, what are your immature ideas? "

Lu Yujue seemed a little hesitant, but finally said: "Since the master asked, I will say it, just to stimulate discussion. If there are any mistakes, please criticize me."

Qi Xuansu said: "Old Lu, don't beat around the bush. I am not the emperor, and you are not a minister. There are no so many etiquettes. Just say it directly."

Lu Yujue then said: "Should we control this illegitimate child and let Zhao Jiaowu know about this to put pressure on him, but it will not sound good in terms of reputation."

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