Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 130 Personnel

However, the possibility of some kind of connection between the two cannot be completely ruled out. Since it is not clear for the time being, we can only collect more clues and use the resources of the Taoist sect to investigate. The Taoist sect is known as the master of the world, and it is not for nothing. If you really want to find out something, you will definitely find relevant clues.

Qi Xuansu decided to copy these murals, compile them into information, and report them to Jinque. Then he took Xiao Yin and Jiayin Lingguan away from here, but did not take the tunnel, but flew back directly, and also observed the terrain along the way to see if there were any discoveries.

It was just because of the long time, Qi Xuansu did not gain much, but saw that the Beichen Hall Branch and the Tiangang Hall Branch had jointly sent Lingguan to start a dragnet search along the line of the tunnel.

Qi Xuansu wanted to stop it, thinking it was futile, because Xiao Bodhisattva had already fled far away with Zhao Jiaowu. However, Qi Xuansu thought about it and thought that if Bodhisattva Xiao was playing a trick on him and deliberately misled him, he should search for him. So Qi Xuansu did not stop and whizzed over the heads of the spiritual officials.

The spiritual officials also recognized the real person in charge of the palace, and they all stopped their tasks and paid a brief salute.

After returning to the palace of Daxue Mountain, Qi Xuansu did not continue the previous meeting of the palace master, but directly issued several orders as the real person in charge of the palace.

First, the Tiangang Hall branch will carry out a comprehensive backfilling project, and the murals in the tunnel will be copied and preserved.

Second, the Beichen Hall branch will continue to conduct in-depth investigations and further dig out the internal ghosts who caused the leak. If there are dereliction of duty and other behaviors, those who should be held accountable should be held accountable.

Third, the Huasheng Hall branch will organize the treatment of the wounded and the aftermath.

Fourth, the butler Ma Bo will personally lead people to clean up the past files, especially the files during the period of the three generations of the great masters. All those related to shamanism and the one-eyed stone Buddha must be reported to him.

The fifth is that the Ziwei Hall branch will draft a list of candidates. After all, Beichen Hall has "helped" so many people and caused so many vacancies, so Ziwei Hall must "care" for some people to fill the gaps.

Some people always think that Ziwei Hall is the head of the nine halls in name, but the real power is not that good. When it comes to Ziwei Hall, they say that the power to appoint important positions is not in the hands of Ziwei Hall, and they say it very logically. For example, at the level of Zhenren, the power of appointment is in Jinque. At the level of Daofu, the decision is made by the head of the house, mainly based on the opinion of the Zhenren in charge of the house, so the personnel power is in the hands of the Zhenren in charge of the house. Ziwei Hall only has the power to recommend nominations, and has no say at all. It is just a runner responsible for the process.

This is a big mistake.

Take the Daofu level as an example. Except for the special cases of Qizhou Daofu and Wuzhou Daofu, most of the Zhenren in charge of the house are in other places. Qi Xuansu made his fortune in Nanyang. He wants to go to Nanyang to be the Zhenren in charge of the house. Do you think Jinque will agree? More than one person told Qi Xuansu that it is impossible.

Since he is serving in a different place, how many people can the head of the house know when he first arrives?

The specific list of personnel must not be drawn up by the people of the Ziwei Hall branch?

Isn't the evaluation of the good or bad of Taoist priests all decided by the Ziwei Hall branch?

The Ziwei Hall branch dares not deny the people decided by the head of the house, but how many people can the head of the house decide personally? If a person has a bad reputation and the head of the house has no relatives or friends with him, will he promote him under pressure? Is he kidding his own reputation?

Does the head of the house have to examine and decide on thousands of people in such a big Taoist palace?

Then the head of the house doesn't have to do anything. He just looks at personnel files all day long. If he studies one person a day, it will take three years to study, and one term will be completed. Do you still want to work during these three years? That will be a big problem.

All these powers are in the hands of Ziwei Hall. It's a bit like voting and approving. Whether to approve or not is up to the head of the house, but how to draft is up to the Ziwei Hall branch.

Without the nomination and recommendation of the Ziwei Hall branch, who does the head of the house know you?

Without the list of the Ziwei Hall branch, the head of the house knows who is who.

More importantly, if you want to push someone to the top, it may take the joint efforts of several parties, and Ziwei Hall is just one of them, but if you want to do something bad, Ziwei Hall alone is enough, it is just a matter of a word.

Personnel is politics, and those who hold the highest power must hold personnel power.

Ziwei Hall, which is responsible for personnel, is naturally the head of the nine halls.

The assistant of the Ziwei Hall branch of the Western Region Daofu is concurrently served by a deputy house master. This deputy house master is named Hu Jiaochong. Although he is below the iron triangle, he is very old and has a lot of experience. He is already at the level of a real person. In terms of age, he belongs to the earlier seventh-generation disciples, and is not much different from the later sixth-generation disciples.

It is worth mentioning that, except for the chief deputy palace master and the second deputy palace master, the other deputy palace masters have no clear ranking. Borneo Daofu is a special case. Because the territory is too vast and the importance of each country is different, a specific ranking is given according to the region where the deputy palace master is located. For example, the deputy palace master of Dayu Kingdom ranks third, only after the chief and the second, and the deputy palace master of Lion City ranks fourth, and so on.

But some Daofu cannot be ranked in this way, such as Luosuozhou Daofu, which is famous for its barrenness. Only a small area in the southeast can be lived in, and the rest are wastelands and deserts. The deputy palace masters cannot be ranked according to the region, so they are ranked according to seniority by default.

The Western Region Daofu is similar. Below the second place, they are ranked according to seniority.

So the ranking of the entire Daofu is probably Wu Niang first, Qi Xuansu second, the chief third, the second place Lu Yujue fourth, and Hu Jiaochong fifth. In addition, he is in charge of the Ziwei Hall branch, so he is a very important figure in the Daofu.

Qi Xuansu had just returned to the signing room when Hu Jiaochong followed him, holding the personnel file he had prepared in his hand.

This old man sees things very accurately. Zhao Jiaowu has just been isolated for investigation, and before the case has been formally filed, he has already sensed that Zhao Jiaowu's downfall is imminent. However, he and Zhao Jiaowu are not the same person, even during the Chen Zhengxian era. , the two had conflicts over personnel issues and were considered enemies, so Hu Jiachong was not worried that Zhao Jiaowu's affairs would affect him, and began to prepare personnel-related plans early to deal with the consequences of Zhao Jiaowu's downfall. "earthquake".

Now it seems that his preparations have really paid off. Zhao Jiaowu defected and was basically convicted of betraying the Taoist sect. He even betrayed Chen Zhengxian, the real person in charge of the sect. His nature was extremely bad. Those who came through his door were basically There is no way to escape, everyone will fall with them. Just being dismissed from office is considered good, but I'm afraid he could also face jail time.

Qi Xuansu was very polite to Hu Jiachong. He did not put on the airs of a real person in charge and asked him to sit down and talk.

Hu Jiaochong had a good sense of proportion and handed the plan to Qi Xuansu with a very respectful tone: "Regarding the issue of Zhao Jiaowu, I have to say that the real person in charge is indeed a keen eye and a far-sighted person. He has pointed out the direction for us early. Yes A guiding light on our way forward..."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand to interrupt Hu Jiachong's compliment: "Well, there is no need to say these kind words. If I were really discerning, I would not let Zhao Jiaowu defect under my nose."

Hu Jiaochong was embarrassed for a moment, but he immediately followed Qi Xuansu's words and said: "In the final analysis, the real person in charge still has the intention of curing diseases and saving people. He hopes that Zhao Jiaowu can rein in his horse and repent, and gave him a chance. Who would have thought that Zhao Jiaowu is actually so heartbroken. Instead of being able to understand the Master’s hard work, he openly defected and failed the Master. This is a heinous crime!”

Qi Xuansu finally understood the "happiness" of the ruling party. Listening to these flattery words, he was not wrong at all. He must be wise, mighty, glorious and upright. He didn't even need to make up for it himself. The people below him had already helped him. He had thought up various excuses. I almost want to lift him to the sky, to the moon.

When you first hear this kind of words, you can still feel a little alert, warning yourself to stick to your true heart and not get lost in it. But after listening to it for a long time, and listening to it too much, can you not get absorbed in it? It is said that a drop of water can penetrate a stone, but a drop of water can penetrate a stone. This kind of hard work will sooner or later wear away all that vigilance. How can we not be arrogant? Can you not be stubborn?

This is just the real person in charge, not the great leader! I really don’t know what it will be like after sitting on the high position of the Grand Master. Could it be that the whole world is praising him?

Qi Xuansu cleared his throat and signaled Hu Jiaochong to get to the point.

Hu Jiachong was also a very discerning person. He immediately stopped praising Qi Xuansu and said instead: "As early as when the real person in charge conducted an isolation review on Zhao Jiaowu for the first time, we considered that something happened to Zhao Jiaowu. It is a possibility, so I have made some plans in advance to deal with this possibility, and now I have just brought them out for the real person in charge to take a look at. "

Qi Xuansu took the file and browsed it quickly. Qi Xuansu did not recognize or understand most of the names on it, but Ziweitang attached corresponding brief information, which could give Qi Xuansu a general impression.

After reading it, Qi Xuansu said: "It is up to you to specifically check the candidates below the chief. I don't know the situation, and there are many things going on in the Taoist government recently. It's really not possible to take care of them all, so I won't interfere too much."

Hu Jiao said seriously: "Yes."

Qi Xuansu added: "As for the candidates above the principal level, including some assistant directors, it is of great importance. Ability is on the one hand, but loyalty is also very important. After all, Zhao Jiaowu's defection has taught us a lesson that we must pay attention to. My My advice is to ask fellow Taoists from Beichen Hall to review it in advance and make sure there are no problems before making arrangements.”

Hu Jiaochong said: "The Master's concerns are very serious. I have to say that the words of the Master have touched my heart. I very much agree with the Master's opinion. After I return, I will immediately study the arrangement. Cooperate with fellow Taoists from Beichen Hall to implement the opinions of the Master to ensure nothing goes wrong.”

Qi Xuansu said: "That's it for now. If there are any problems, we can communicate again."

Hu Jiaochong stood up and said, "Okay, I'll take my leave first."

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