Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 141 Interrogation

Zhao Jiaowu was eventually taken back to the Western Region Taoist House and interrogated severely.

Naturally, Master Cihang would not be responsible for this matter personally, but Qi Xuansu still personally participated in the matter as the master in charge. Because there were many insiders involved, the people who participated in the inquiry were all high-level people, and there were no ordinary Taoist priests.

In the end, Qi Xuansu was responsible for asking questions, Lu Yujue was responsible for recording, and Li Zhuyu was present.

"Zhao Jiaowu, male, is fifty-five years old. He graduated from Wuxu Palace. He first worked in Wanshou Chongyang Palace as a Zhike Taoist priest. Later he moved to Zhongzhou Taoist Palace as a deacon Taoist priest and worshiped Master Wanshou as his teacher. Three At the age of 12, he was promoted to the fourth rank Taoist Priest. After further training in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, he was transferred to the Western Region Taoist Palace as the chief Taoist priest. He later served as the assistant manager of the Fengxian Hall branch and the deputy master of the palace. Five years ago, he was promoted to the second rank Tai Tai. Taoist Yi, who became the second deputy palace master of the Western Region Taoist Palace in the same year, was promoted to the chief deputy palace master this year."

"To be fair, your journey has been basically step-by-step, and you are from an orthodox background. There are no restrictions. If you slowly gain qualifications, you may not be able to become a real person. Even if you can't become a real person, it won't be bad. Where to go. I don’t understand why you betrayed Daomen.”

"The files of Beichen Hall say that you have been very persistent in having a son over the years, and with the help of Buddhism, you had this illegitimate son. Is this true?"

Zhao Jiaowu was silent for a long time and said slowly: "That's what happened."

Qi Xuansu said: "Tell me more specifically."

Zhao Jiaowu said: "In fact, it's not complicated. I have always wanted a son, but I have never been able to do so. I have been looking for secret recipes and techniques over the years, but most of them have no results. After I was promoted to the Deputy Palace Master of the Tao Palace, , someone came to me and said he could help me realize this wish.”


"An old acquaintance, I have some business contacts."


"It can also be called power-for-money transactions. He gives me money and I help him solve some problems. Sometimes it's just a matter of drawing a circle with a pen. It's not troublesome. He knows the rules very well, is generous with his actions, knows how to get things done, and has a deep background. , so we became acquaintances. Once at a banquet, I mentioned this matter to him. "

"How did you mention it specifically?"

"It's probably because I have worked so hard to save so much property, but no one will inherit it. It's really meaningless. A hundred years later, when the loess is wiped out, there will be no one to visit the grave. I can't remember the exact words, but it's almost That's what I mean."

"What's this person's name?"

"My surname is Ma, and my name is Ma Er. Everyone calls him Ma Er."

"It turns out to be him. I have heard of this person. It is said that this person has some relationship with the former chief deputy palace master Yao Pei."

As soon as these words came out, both Li Zhuyu and Lu Yujue were a little surprised. The recording pen in Lu Yujue's hand stopped and almost turned into an ink dot.

They couldn't fail to hear the implication of Qi Xuansu's words.

Could it be that Qi Xuansu wants to attack Yao Pei?

Those are Qi Xuansu's senior sister and cousin.

Isn't this too harsh?

However, if you think about it carefully, it makes sense that Qi Xuansu and Yao Pei are essentially in a competitive relationship. When Donghua Master first accepted his disciples, they said that Qi Xuansu replaced Yao Pei. However, Qi Xuansu was too prominent, and Yao Pei was a bit aloof from the world. Competition, so this competitive relationship was gradually ignored. In addition, Zhang Yuelu suffered a defeat and gradually tended to assist Qi Xuansu. The main trend became the competition between Qi Xuansu and Li Changge.

Furthermore, it is difficult to tell the subtle relationship between Master Donghua and Earth Master.

Even Zhao Jiaowu couldn't help but look at Qi Xuansu, looking very surprised.

He seemed to be trying to figure out Qi Xuansu's intention, whether he wanted to use this matter to defeat Yao.

However, there was no expression change on Qi Xuansu's face, making it difficult to tell what was in his mind.

Zhao Jiaowu hesitated for a moment and said: "Ma Er does have some relationship with the Yao family, but I don't know what the specific relationship is. I just follow what others say. It is because of this relationship that I am familiar with him. Otherwise, I would be dignified." How could a high-quality Taoist priest be on equal terms with a dandy like him? As for Chief Yao, he didn’t know Ma Er very well. Ma Er wanted to meet Chief Yao, so I was the one who would make the connection, but this was reasonable, Yao. The Chief's temperament is truly unconventional. It is said that he is just a Ma Er, even a child of the Yao family cannot meet him just because he wants to. "

Qi Xuansu nodded slightly and did not dwell too much on this issue. He just said: "A little Ma Er, who doesn't even have the identity of a Taoist priest, can have so much energy. Going in and out of the Taoist mansion is like going in and out of his own private house, making good friends with the Taoist." The senior officials of the government are like chess pieces, commanding ordinary Taoist priests, and they are like controlling cattle and horses. They are like real people with lotus crowns on their heads. Why is this? It is said that he has a background in the Yao family and may also control some people in the Taoist government. But if everyone in the Taoist government can act with a public heart and not seek personal gain, what big trouble can people like Ma Er make? "

Li Zhuyu and Lu Yujue both had serious faces: "What the Master said is absolutely true."

Lu Yujue even said: "The words of Master Zhangfu are profound."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "How did Ma Er help you realize your wish?"

"Ma Er is just a matchmaker. He introduced me to a Buddhist man."

"You have been in the Western Region Taoist Mansion for a long time, and the war in the Western Region has just passed. You should know the stakes, so you just agreed?"

"At first, I rejected it and scolded Ma Er severely. After all, doing business is one thing, and being truly related to Buddhism is another. I can still distinguish the importance of these two things. But..."

"But what?"

"But although I scolded Ma Er, I was still somewhat tempted. However, I had many concerns. If I took the biggest risk and ended up with nothing, wouldn't it be a loss of both the wife and the army? Ma Er seemed to see this, so he came to me several times and assured me that this method would work. So after hesitating for a while, I agreed."

"What method?"

"Although Taiwei Zhenren is young, he has traveled a lot and has a wide range of knowledge. He should know Ming Fei."

"I know."

"Ma Er introduced me I found a Buddhist double cultivation partner. Buddhism has a secret method that can give birth to children. With Ma Er's introduction, I met this Mingfei in Loulan City. The Bodhisattva wore white clothes and had three thousand black hair. She was really beautiful. Even if she couldn't give birth to a son, it was not in vain..."

"Beauty trap."

"I guess so. Anyway, I agreed. We met in an abandoned temple on the edge of the Sea of ​​Death. Behind the stone Buddha, the Bodhisattva had long hair and accomplished a good thing. As a result, she really got pregnant with my child. I was ecstatic. Later, she really gave birth to a son for me. I was afraid that there was a fraud, so I specially dropped blood to test the relationship and confirmed it. Not long after, I was promoted to the second deputy palace lord. It was a double happiness. At that time, I felt that there was no one in the world as proud as me. "

"Since you are so proud, why did you betray Chen Zhenren? He can It was the one who promoted you."

"I'm sorry to Master Chen, but I had no choice."

"Why did you have no choice?"

"After the Buddhist woman gave birth to my son, it was fine at first, but later she wouldn't let me see my son. She returned to Nalanda Temple, which was not the territory of the Taoist sect. I had no choice but to beg them. So the Buddhist sect put forward a condition that as long as I revealed some secrets about the Taoist government, they would return my son to me."

"Did you agree?"

"Yes, the secrets they wanted at the beginning were not very important. Even if they were leaked, it would not have much impact. In addition, my mind was full of my son at the time, so I agreed."

"Whether the secret is important or not, the nature of the matter has changed when you did this."

"Of course I understand that if you take a step into the air, you will never recover. There is no turning back. "

"What's next?"

"Buddhism's demands began to escalate, from some insignificant secrets to the core secrets of the Dao Mansion. I also thought about stopping, but Buddhism threatened to tell Daoism about my affairs. Although I am the second deputy palace master, I have to be suspended and investigated for such things. Many things cannot withstand investigation. Although the former head of the palace, Chen Zhenren, is protective of his shortcomings, he is hot-tempered and can't tolerate such things. At that time, he will be the first one who will not let me go. I have no choice but to be manipulated by Buddhism and sell the core secrets of the Dao Mansion to Buddhism. Buddhism still kept its promise and sent my son back. "

"Even if we don't talk about fairness, we must have some conscience. You know how Chen Zhenren treats you. How can you bear to sell him out? Let him end up like this. "

"I don't want to do this either. It was Buddhism that forced me to do this. They threatened me with the past, and promised me that they could help me leave the Western Regions, go to Nalanda Temple, or even settle in the Western world. And my son, they also promised to protect him. "

"Do you know about the matter of Jiashen Lingguan?"

"I don't know. We are two lines. After Chen Zhenren got into trouble, Jinque must be highly alert and suspect that there was a traitor inside. I can't commit a crime at this time. Of course, I won't betray Zhang Zhenren's whereabouts. It was Jiashen Lingguan who took the initiative to make this matter and was eventually exposed. It has nothing to do with me."

"How did you escape from prison?"

"Xiao Bodhisattva sent someone to send a letter in, agreed on a time, asked me to prepare, and she would handle other things. I didn't know Xiao Bodhisattva before. She should be on the line of Jiashen Lingguan."

"What did Xiao Bodhisattva say to you after she rescued you?"

"Xiao Bodhisattva asked me to hide in that temple for a while. After she finished dealing with the things at hand, she would come to pick me up. She also said that she had sent someone to pick up my son, but the Taoist sect took the initiative and killed my son."

"Do you know Xiao Bodhisattva's plan?"

"I know a little. Xiao Bodhisattva seems to care about the Daxue Mountain Palace. ”

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