Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 154 Heart Tribulation

An alien demon comes to the world?


Today's human world has entered the Tai Chi period. In the early years, there were only extraterrestrial demons who entered the human world. Later, it was difficult for extraterrestrial demons to enter the human world.

It cannot simply be explained as an illusion, but more like a projection.

Compared with the projections of gods, this kind of projection is shorter because it has no container, but it is more powerful. It definitely exceeds the level of pseudo-immortals and should not be underestimated.

Under the gaze of the "Eternal Life Sky", endless darkness overflowed, thickened, and flowed everywhere, turning the entire Yunshen Cave into void.

Everyone felt their eyes go dark. Except for the immortal Cihang and the two pseudo-immortals Su Yuanzai and Qi Xuansu, everyone else suddenly fell into an isolated predicament. They were surrounded by darkness, as if they were in a void, feeling Without the breath of close companions, the feeling of loneliness comes out of nowhere. Looking around, I saw endless darkness, an abyss-like void, in which unspeakable weirdness and terror seemed to be hidden.

At the same time, countless negative emotions quickly breed in the dark corners of the heart, and various emotions that were buried deep in the heart come to mind again, take root and grow, continue to grow, and then affect the mind, making people crazy.

These methods are not magic and evil methods, but disasters that comply with the laws of heaven.

Master Cihang's face changed drastically: "Heart calamity!"

The so-called "heart calamity" can be understood as the calamity for those who cultivate their minds.

As we all know, there were people in the world who cultivated their minds and sought truth, and asked their minds in everything. The imperial court secretly refined the "Heart Monkey" in the Five Elements Mountain, which was essentially to use human power to create people who cultivated their minds.

However, these people who cultivated their minds were destroyed before those who cultivated their strength.

Those with magical powers are transformed between heaven and earth, and the inheritance is eventually cut off.

This is God's will.

This is because people who cultivate their minds only have an empty mind, and if they are empty, they are false.

The development of the world is from virtual to real, from false to real, from Taixu to Taiyi, then to Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, and finally to today's Taiji period. The truth is so real that it can no longer tolerate falsehood. People who cultivate their minds. Nature is dying, and the real world cannot accommodate them.

Of course, as the world moves towards the final ultimate reality and the end of the law comes, those who practice power will also have to die. It is only a matter of sooner or later.

With the demise of people who cultivate their minds, those special catastrophes caused by internal and external induction will naturally disappear. This is the same as the gradual demise of the ancient wild beasts. They are all the result of changes in the world and cannot be changed by human power. . Now only the catastrophe on the material level is left, directly destroying the body.

The demons outside the territory have the rudiments of the rules of heaven, which are still in a state of chaos. They are far from real. Instead, they have many characteristics of the early versions, including these special heavenly tribulations, which are what Cihang Zhenren calls "heart tribulations."

Therefore, this is a great supernatural power at the level of heaven, not some evil and heretical method. However, the biggest problem is that it does not adapt to the current version of the human world, and it is suspected of being retrograde. To put it more seriously, it is going against heaven.

Compared with today's heavenly tribulations, one of the major features of the heart tribulation is that it is at a lower level. It may occur in the heavenly and human stage, rather than waiting for the immortal stage. Secondly, the power of the heart tribulation varies from person to person. The so-called internal and external induction, to put it bluntly, The only thing is that I have been dealing with it for a long time.

This is just the simplest mental calamity, which is nothing more than digging into the pain and fear deep in the heart, similar to the experience of a mortal who is about to die, and his life is like a horse.

A light appears in front of one's eyes, and one experiences the past that one dares not face, wants to escape, and is unable to resist. With the accumulation of layers upon layers, it finally breaks through the psychological defense line and makes one go crazy. Or immersed in it,

If you are a person with a rock-solid will, or a person who is open-minded, you can naturally deal with it calmly, but if you are an ordinary person, especially a person who has not cultivated his mind, he will face the dilemma of being crushed.

There are some exceptions, such as Xiao Yin. Although she didn't feel any pain or fear, she fell asleep, stretched out, and didn't show any intention of waking up for a while. I don't know what the situation was.

As for why Cihang Zhenren, Su Yuanzai, and Qi Xuansu were not affected, the key lies in internal and external interactions. These so-called pains and fears are only internal causes, and there must be external factors to trigger internal causes.

In the past, it was triggered by the rules of heaven, and naturally no one was immune.

Now it is caused by the external cause of the demon outside the territory. However, the person who is subject to the calamity must resist it in his heart, so he needs to forcibly dig out the internal cause. The cow does not drink water and is forced to have his head pressed. In addition, the demon outside the territory is really separated by a world and is surrounded by human beings. Weakened, the pseudo-immortal is a watershed, so the three of them are not affected. It is not that the three of them have any superiority in their minds.

Of course, mental tribulations are ever-changing, and in addition to pain and fear, there are also temptations.

That is a higher level of "wandering calamity". When the cultivation level is high enough, you will enter the predicament that the sage of mind science said is that it is easy to break the thief in the broken mountain, but it is difficult to break the thief in the heart. At this time, internal causes are more important than external causes, and there is no need to even force Dig, with just a slight push, the internal factors will move on their own, and all kinds of desires will surge into your heart.


Some people like to recall fear and pain. If the stimulation is too great, the human body will even temporarily seal these memories in the form of amnesia, so it needs to be excavated.

However, many desires are different. No one likes to suppress desires. This is anti-human. Everyone likes to obey desires without the need to stir them up. Desires will come out on their own and eventually turn into delusions.

For example: What would I do if I were the emperor? What would I do if a great hero married me? What would I do if I was invincible? What would I do if I was as rich as the country?

Many novels take this point in mind, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the protagonists of the novels, indulge their imaginations, and use their delusions to satisfy their unattainable desires and desires.

This doesn't require too many external factors, even if the extraterrestrial demon is a world away, it can trigger this calamity.

When the delusional calamity occurs, the person who is subject to the calamity constructs an inner world that is confused with the real. This is an illusion. In this delusional state, the person who is subject to the calamity, as the master of the world and the creator, is naturally omnipotent and can satisfy The various desires of those who are subject to the disaster are finally completely immersed in them and it is difficult to extricate themselves.

Some people even think that this is attaining enlightenment and becoming an immortal, and there is no turning back.

No matter how long you are immersed in your own inner delusion, your life span will be consumed and will not stagnate. Therefore, in the eyes of the outside world, some people never wake up after entering samadhi until their life span is over.

For mortals, this is of course a very "wonderful" way to die, but for those who aim to live forever, it is a huge trap.

Since the two Sus are not affected at the same time, then the catastrophe will follow.

How about Cihang Zhenren and Su Yuanzai? Qi Xuansu is not

I know, but Qi Xuansu was only slightly affected.

Nothing but habit.

As the saying goes, habits become natural. This is not the first time that Qi Xuansu has entered the state of delusion. In the past, every time he used the pages of the "Xirui Sutra", he would enter the state of delusion. He has experienced the self-centeredness and the earth chickens and dogs more than once. , he has developed the ability to escape from delusion and how to stay awake in it.

Qi Xuansu quickly broke away from this delusion and went to see Master Cihang and Su Yuanzai.

Su Yuanzai was deeply involved, and the expression on his face was unpredictable. It was not like marrying a new wife. After all, at his age and experience, he would not be too interested in women. After all, he was from a wealthy family, and there would be no shortage of women from childhood to adulthood. So, It's probably about power. I wonder if he's sitting on the throne of the Grand Master.

Looking at Master Cihang again, his face remained calm for the most part, and he occasionally frowned. It seemed that Master Cihang must have sensed something was wrong and was not too immersed in it. If nothing unexpected happened, Master Cihang should be able to get out of his delusion on his own.

This kind of delusion is difficult to awaken from the outside, so Qi Xuansu did not try in vain and looked at Xiao Bodhisattva.

From the moment the "Immortal Heaven" appeared in this world, Xiao Bodhisattva covered his face with his hands and cried with joy. He remained in this position for a long time without moving.

Qi Xuansu even doubted whether Xiao Bodhisattva was going to die.

At this moment, Xiao Bodhisattva suddenly raised her head, and her hair fell down, just covering her left eye that had been gouged out. She stared at Qi Xuansu with her only remaining eye, and behind her was the "Eternal Life Sky" that occupied the entire sky.

Qi Xuansu had a feeling that after Xiao Bodhisattva dug out his left eye to summon the "Eternal Life Heaven", he became much weaker, let alone

To maintain the cultivation level of the three great masters, even the cultivation level of ordinary immortals is somewhat shaky.

It seems that breaking through the limitations of Yunshen Cave, and even breaking through the limitations of the human world, still cost Xiao Bodhisattva a huge price.

As the saying goes, I will kill you while you are sick, and as the saying goes, you must be bold when things are about to happen.

Qi Xuansu jumped out directly.

Qi Xuansu is not a pure martial artist, and is not confident in his fists. He does not think that he can break Xiao Bodhisattva's body with one punch. However, he has experience in using the "Three Treasures of Ruyi", so he simply uses the "Chuan Guo Xi" that Xiao Yin gave him. , used the jade seal as a brick, and slapped Xiao Bodhisattva in the face with a "brick".

Xiao Bodhisattva did not escape, but just watched helplessly.

The cracking sound is subtle and clear.

In a sense, this is also a seal.

So Xiao Bodhisattva had eight big characters on his face.

Those who receive orders from heaven will live long and prosperous lives.

I have to say that Xiao Yin's insulting attitude must have been influenced by Qi Xuansu.

Many dark cracks appeared around these eight characters, which spread rapidly, making Xiao Bodhisattva's face look like a broken porcelain.

Qi Xuansu finally understood why Xiao Bodhisattva gave him a false feeling. She did not look like a living person. Judging from various performances, she could not even be described as flesh and blood.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu suddenly had an idea. Maybe Su Yuanzai was right. The people in the court did not tell the truth. God knows what the Northern Protector and the Western Protector encountered in the Golden Tent.

Not long after the war in the Western Regions ended, the people in the imperial court officially launched the plan to refine the "Heart Monkey" in Wuxing Mountain.

Is there any connection between the two?

Hard to say.

Maybe "Heart Monkey" was influenced by Xiao Bo

Sa's inspiration.

"I fell asleep while writing..."

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